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Is there a 'second Earth' 41
light years away?
planetary system that may contain life
has been found in orbit around a Sunlike star 41 light years from Earth - or
240,906,832,298,136 miles.
Nasa announced that for the first time five planets, all
of them huge, have been found in orbit around a star
known as 55 Cancri.
55 Cancri, in the constellation Cancer, has been under study
for nearly two decades but only now has positive evidence
of the planets been determined.
55 Cancri, in the constellation Cancer, has been under study for nearly two decades but only now has positive evidence of the planets been determined.
What the solar system is like?
• The innermost planet is about the size of Neptune and
circles the parent star in less than three days at a distance
of about 3.5million miles.
• The farthest-out planet is four times as massive as Jupiter
and takes 14 Earth years to orbit at a distance of about
539million miles - a little further out than our solar
system's Jupiter. Planets in between are in the range of
Jupiter and Saturn.
• The fourth one out, about 72.5million miles from the
parent star, is in an orbit similar to Venus's. But 55
Cancri is slightly fainter and less hot than our own sun,
putting the star in a habitable zone that will allow water
to remain liquid on a rocky surface.
We are not alone!
• "There are likely to be billions more such
systems waiting to be found. There could be
20billion planetary systems in the Milky
Way alone."
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