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A six week marathon
through the firmament
Week 3, May 10-12, 2009
Orsola De Marco
[email protected]
Office: E7A 316
Phone: 9850 4241
Overview of the course
Where and what are the stars. How we perceive them, how we
measure them.
(Almost) 8 things about stars: stellar structure equations.
The stellar furnace and stellar change.
Stars that lose themselves and stars that lose it:
stellar mass loss and explosions.
Stellar death: stellar remnants.
When it takes two to tango: binaries and binary interactions.
What powers a star?
• In the 1850s Helmholz thought
it might be conversion of
potential energy (i.e. the energy
of gravity) into photons.
GM 2
U Sun 
  0.5
t KH
U Sun
 50Myr
This is too short a
time! Why?
Eddington’s interpretation
• Sun powered by gravity?
Would last too short a time.
• 1896-1903: Discovery of
radioactivity: could the sun
be powered by radioactivity?
No: stars do not have many
radioactive elements, and
their energy is dependent on
• 1905: Special Relativity
• 1920: Aston measures mass
deficit. Eddington realizes!
Arthur Eddington 1882-1944 UK
Aston’s mass deficit
• Mass of 4 H nucleii = 6.6905 x 10-27 gr
• Mass of 1 He nucleus = 6.6447 x 10-27 gr
• Mass difference Dm = 0.0458 x 10-27 gr
DE = (Dm) c2 = 4.1 x 10-12 J
Is this a lot of energy?
NOTE: 4.1 x 10-12 J = 4.1 x 10-12 J / 1.60 x 10-19 J/eV = 26 MeV
There are a lot of H atoms
in the Sun….
NH = MSun/mp = 1.2 x 1057
Number of reactions are NH/4
Each yields DE = 4.1 x 10-12 J.
Total energy E: NH/4 DE = 1.2 x 1045 J
Lifetime of the sun = E/L = 100 Gyr
Why is this age about 10 times the total
lifetime of the Sun?
• We can now rewrite an equation for the
main sequence lifetimes of stars.
The main sequence lifetime
 M 
  10Gyr 
M 
Also known as the nuclear timescale
Stellar birth: the Virial Theorem
• The Virial Theorem: the complex n-body
problem has a surprisingly simply
property: for a bound system, the total,
time averaged, kinetic energy (K) is
related to the total potential energy (U):
2K + U = 0
Stellar birth: consequences of
the Virial theorem
• For collapsing stars, equilibrium is
reached when ½ of the gravitational
energy is stored as thermal energy and
the other ½ is radiated away. The
collapse timescale of a star is therefore
the time it takes to radiate the energy
away, which is easily computed by U/L
(L is the luminosity of a star). This is the
Kelvin-Helmoltz timescale!
Stellar birth
• A molecular cloud is unstable against
collapse if the time sound takes to reach
the centre from the surface is longer than
the free-fall time. This condition defines
the Jeans length, the maximum radius
that a cloud can have before it collapses
to form a star.
• In order for protons to come close enough
to react, their kinetic energies would have
too be 1000 times higher than they are.
• Fortunately, there is a finite probability that
a proton can gain that energy temporarily
by quantum uncertainty.
This means that there
is a low but finite
2 
2m p
probability of nuclear
E  
 2
4 0  h
Three fusion chains
for H and He “burning”
• H to He: The pp chain
• H to He at higher T: The CNO cycle
• He to C and O: The triple alpha reaction.
• Reaction rate is a function of probability of
a given reaction. Probability is a function of
• Equilibrium abundances depend on the
reaction speed of the various reactions.
pp or CNO?
Equilibrium abundances
• Start with the CNO cycle:
12C +1H -> 13N + g(106 years)
13N -> 13C + e+ + m(14 min)
13C +1H -> 14N + g (3x105 years)
14N +1H ->15O + g (3x 108 years)
15O -> 15N + e+ + m(82 sec)
15N + 1H -> 12C + 4He (104 years)
Equilibrium abundances
• Although the CNO cycle does not create new
C,N and O, their relative abundances are altered
by the process.
• But what are the equilibrium abundances? For,
e.g., 14N, one has to wait 3x108 years for its
equilibrium value to be established:
d14N/dt = 0 = 13C x reac. rate (13C + H) – 14N x reac. rate (14N + H)
/ 13C = 3 x 108 / 3 x 105 = 1000; 12C/13C = 3.3; 14N/12C = 300
• Equilibrium abundances are expected after the first
dredge up.
On to He fusion
• Bottleneck: there are no stable elements of
mass number 5 or 8, so He + p, or He + He,
likely to happen in an H and He-rich
environment, end up in products that vanish
• As the Tc rises 8Be, although unstable, can
be formed at a rate high enough to result in
a non zero abundance of this element which
can the react with another 4He.
The end of the line: Fe
• Massive stars keep fusing core elements till
the core is made of iron, which does not
liberate energy by fusion because it has the
energy per