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Java Buzzwords
Java is a language characterized by buzzwords
– buzzword: A trendy word or phrase that is used more
to impress than explain
From Sun Microsystems, the developers of Java:
“Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed,
interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral,
portable, high performance, multi-threaded, and
dynamic language.”
What do all of those terms mean?
“Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed,
interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral,
portable, high performance, multi-threaded, and
dynamic language.”
A programming language
– a vocabulary and set of syntactical (grammatical)
rules for instructing a computer to perform specific
– you can do most anything in any programming
– a particular language encourages one to do things
in a certain way
Question: Is this a fair characterization?
“Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed,
interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral,
portable, high performance, multi-threaded, and
dynamic language.”
Based on popular languages called C and C++
 C: old, pretty bare bones language
 C++: newer, more complicated language
 Start from C and add some of C++’s more useful
“Java omits many rarely used, poorly understood,
confusing features of C++ that in our experience
bring more grief than benefits” (Gosling)
 Question: Is Java really all that simple?
“Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed,
interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral,
portable, high performance, multi-threaded, and
dynamic language.”
The object-oriented paradigm
– problems and their solutions are packaged in
terms of classes
– the information in a class is the data
– the functionality in a class is the method
– a class provides the framework for building objects
 Object-oriented programming (OOP) allows pieces of
programs to be used in other contexts more easily
“Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed,
interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral,
portable, high performance, multi-threaded, and
dynamic language.”
A distributed system is one where multiple separate
computer systems are involved
– the Internet is a very large distributed system
• interconnected collection of computer networks
• heterogeneous components
• large number of services: WWW, file services,
audio/video channels
Java was designed for the web
“Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed,
interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral,
portable, high performance, multi-threaded, and
dynamic language.”
Java a high-level language
High-level languages must be translated to a
computer’s native tongue, machine language
Interpreted high-level languages are translated to an
intermediate form and then converted to machine
language and run
– Java bytecodes
– bytecode (class) file is executed by a Java
bytecode interpreter
“Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed,
interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral,
portable, high performance, multi-threaded, and
dynamic language.”
Programs will have errors, but a good program
degrades reasonably
A robust program may not do exactly what it is
supposed to do, but it should not bring down other
unrelated programs down with it
– early (compile time) checking
– dynamic (runtime) checking
– eliminating situations that are error prone.
“Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed,
interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral,
portable, high performance, multi-threaded, and
dynamic language.”
– techniques that ensure that data stored on a
computer cannot be read or compromised
Java is intended for use in networked/distributed
– a program is running on your computer … what is
to stop it from erasing all of your data, accidentally
or otherwise?
Java enables the construction of virus-free, tamperfree systems
– authentication based on public-key encryption
“Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed,
interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral,
portable, high performance, multi-threaded, and
dynamic language.”
A language is architecture-neutral if it does not prefer
a particular type of computer architectures
 Example:
– not too hard to construct a program that will run
faster on a Macintosh than on a PC, and vice-versa
– each have their own respective strengths and
 A particular program is never entirely architecture
neutral though
 Question: When is being architecturally neutral a bad
“Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed,
interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral,
portable, high performance, multi-threaded, and
dynamic language.”
Program once, run anywhere
 A program is portable if it will work the same (more
or less) on many different computer systems
– platform-independent
 Much effort is currently spent porting non-portable
 Java has no "implementation dependent" aspects
 HTML is also portable or platform-independent
“Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed,
interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral,
portable, high performance, multi-threaded, and
dynamic language.”
Performance: speed in completing some task
– performance is everything to most computer and
software manufacturers!
Think about this …
– if the transportation industry kept up with the
computer industry, one would be able to now buy
a Rolls Royce that could drive across country in 5
minutes for $35
However …
– it would crash once a week, killing everyone on
“Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed,
interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral,
portable, high performance, multi-threaded, and
dynamic language.”
A thread is a part of the program that can operate
independently of its other parts
 Multi-threaded programs can do multiple things at
– example:
• download a file from the web while still looking
at other web pages
 Question: What is the problem with multiple agents
working at the same time?
– synchronization
“Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed,
interpreted, robust, secure, architecture-neutral,
portable, high performance, multi-threaded, and
dynamic language.”
Dynamic: actions that take place at the moment they
are needed rather than in advance
– antonym: static
A dynamic program can
– ask for more or less resources as it runs
– use the most recent version of some code that is
Question: Why is being dynamic a good thing?
– upgrades
Decision Trees
Hierarchical data structure
 Set of elements or nodes
– one node as root
– every other node has a single predecessor (parent)
and zero or more successors (children)
– nodes without successors are called leaf nodes
 Nodes are connected by edges
 The level or depth of a node is the number of edges on
the path to the root
 The depth of the tree is the number of edges on the
longest path from root to any leaf
 A complete tree has all leaves at same level, all other
nodes have the same number of children
Example tree structure
root 
depth of tree = 3
 edge
 leaf
 leaf
 leaf
 leaf
 leaf
 leaf
Decision trees
A decision tree begins with a decision you need to
– start with an initial decision node
– ask a question
Structure for investigating options and the possible
outcomes of choosing those options
– result of a decision can be another decision
– outcome is a terminal node
Tree should have unique paths from the decision node
to each of the terminal nodes.
– help you to choose between several courses of
Real life decision trees
– which route to take to class?
– which {cell phone, computer, camera} is
best for me?
– what to wear?
– where to go on vacation?
A Decision Tree
He received the
Physics Prize in 1921.
Would you like to
read about Einstein?
Try the Medicine
Prize in 1962.
Would you like to
read about a scientist?
Look up the Peace
Prize in 1991.
Would you prefer
a humanitarian?
Try A. Solzhenitsyn,
Literature 1970.
A decision tree for sorting
a  b?
b  c?
a  c?
a  c?
b  c?
Binary trees
Nodes have at most two children
In a complete binary tree of depth 3,
– how many nodes are in the tree?
– how many leaves are in the tree?
In a complete binary tree of depth 4,
– how many nodes are in the tree?
– how many leaves are in the tree?
How many nodes in a depth d tree?
How many leaves in a depth d tree?