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Digestive Systems
2 types of digestion systems
 Ruminants
 Have a four chamber stomach
 Nonruminants (monogastric)
 Single chamber stomach
 Rumen – “The Fermentation Vat”
A. Largest compartment
B. 80% of the stomachs capacity
C. Contains millions of bacteria and microorganisms
D. This bacteria and microorganisms transform food into
essential amino acids
E. Food is regurgitated from the rumen, rechewed in the
form of cud, and reswallowed for further digestion
 “The honey comb”
A. Inner walls are lined with membranes that are divided into
honeycomb-like compartments
B. Foreign matter like nails and wire is filtered by the reticulum
C. Acts as a collection site for metal objects
 “Manyplies”
A. Contains many folds of tissue that line the interior
B. Absorbs water and decreases the size of food particles
 “True Stomach”
A. Secretes digestive enzymes
B. Acts like a non-ruminant stomach
Functions as digestive unit in calves until several months old
when rumination begins
 On the sheet provided label the parts of the
ruminant digestive system.You will need to make
you picture more three dimensional by using any
kinds of items to enhance the ruminant digestive
 (eg: straws for colon, string for intestine,
different color paper to match the parts like a
 Be creative!!!!
 Food is passed from mouth to the esophagus to a single
compartment stomach
 The stomach breaks down food through muscular movement
and digestive juices
 Digestive juices break down proteins and fats
Little more…
 The primary site for digestion and absorption of
carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins is the small intestine
 Undigested food passes from the small intestine to the large
intestine where water is absorbed and lubricating mucus is
added to aid the passage of material through the large
Cecal fermenters
 Horses, guinea pigs and rabbits are examples of cecal
 They all have a large cecum allowing them to consume
moderate levels of roughages
 Bacteria is present in the cecum to digest roughages
Types of digestive systems
 Digestion
 The process where food particles are broken down into
 There are five processes of digestion
 Digestion begins in the mouth where the food is chewed and
broken down into smaller pieces.
 Poultry have no teeth, but use a gizzard to grind and break
down food. The gizzard is a muscular structure in the esophagus
that contains grit.
 Muscular contraction of the digestive system that causes food
to move through the digestive tract
 Involves enzymes and acids to reduce food particle size and
change food particles into forms that the animal can use.
 This can take place in the mouth with saliva
 Most takes place in the stomach and small intestines
 Nutrients from the digestive tract into the bloodstream.
 This takes place mainly in the small intestine through villi
(microscopic structures that lien the walls of the SI)
 In ruminants this can take place in the rumen
 Process that removes nutrients from the
bloodstream and allows different organs of
the body to use nutrients.
 This is responsible for growth of bone,
muscle, fat, skin and hair. It also help to
maintain body temperature and proper
functioning of organs.
 It also aids in repair of body tissue,
production of milk and young, and