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Digestion Foldable
• Tab 1 Mouth:
– List the parts of the mouth
– Describe the mechanical and chemical breakdown
of food that occurs in the mouth.
• Be sure to include any enzymes or structures important
in these processes and their functions.
• Define Bolus
• Define and describe the different salivary glands and
their function.
• Tab 2 Esophagus:
– Describe the structures of the esophagus and the
roll it plays with digestion.
– How does food move through the esophagus
• Tab 3 Stomach:
– Describe the structures of the stomach and how they
aid in digestion
• Include the cardioesophageal sphincter and pyloric sphincter
• Microvilli, villi, rugae
• Chief, parietal and enteroendocrine cells
– Describe the process of digestion within the stomach.
• Enzymes involved
• Hormones
• Where are the enzymes and hormones made and when are
they released.
– Define Chyme
– What process moves food when leaving the stomach?
• Tab 4 Small Intestines:
– Describe the structures of the small intestines
• Name and describe the 3 parts.
• Describe the ileocecal valve.
• Microvilli, villi and brush border
– Describe the process of food breakdown and
absorption within the small intestine
• Include enzymes and hormones and describe their
• What molecules are absorbed here?
– How does food move throughout the small
• Tab 5 Large intestine, Rectum and Anus:
– Describe the structure and function of the large
• What is absorbed here?
– What are the subdivisions of the large intestines
– Describe the external and internal anal sphincters
and how they play a role in defecation.
• Define defecation
• Tab 6: Accessory Organs
• Describe the function of the following organs
and their role in digestion:
– Pancreas
– Liver
– Gallbladder
• Tab 7: Nutrition
– Define nutrition and metabolism
– List the major and minor nutrients
– What are vitamins and how do they function?
– On p. 499 briefly describe the breakdown of the
major nutrients and what the end products are
what the end products are used for.
– Define: glycogenesis, glycogenolysis,
– Compare and contrast LDLs and HDLs
• Tab 8: Metabolism
– How is food intake regulated?
– Define and describe the basal metabolic rate and
the role thyroxine plays in this.
– Define total metabolic rate
– Describe body temperature regulation in regards
to metabolism
• What are heat-promoting mechanisms?
• What are heat-loss mechanisms?