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Welcome to The
Pancreatic Protocol
The “Weigh” to Health
pH Balancing:
The Missing Link Between Weight and Health
A Society in Trouble!
Any two of these four challenges:
Blood Sugar
Blood Pressure
= Metabolic Syndrome X, Leading to
Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer
Now, imagine a short term solution to a long term problem!
Top weight loss myths
I only need to eat less
to lose weight!
I only need to exercise
more to lose weight!
Typical Approaches to Weight Loss
Balanced Diet
30% Protein
30% Fat
40% Carbohydrate
Low glycemic diets
Protein drinks and bars
(Please read label)
Ineffective at loss,
but helpful for
Herbs & Supplements
Decrease appetite:
Increase metabolism:
Decrease cholesterol:
(Red Yeast Rice)
Balance blood sugar:
(Cinnamon, Gymnema,
Fenugreek, Bitter Melon)
What Fuels the Body?
The body gets its energy
from 3 macronutrient sources:
• Carbohydrate
(4 calories energy/gm)
• Proteins
(4 calories energy/gm)
• Fats
(9 calories “turbo” energy/gm)
How your body gets energy…
Eaten food first, then stored reserves
Glycogenolysis in 3 days
4-5 pounds of water loss
(4 cal energy/g)
Avoid gluconeogenesis
(4 cal energy/g)
Ketosis the safe way!
Turbo energy • Reduce cravings
(9 cal energy/g)
 Carbohydrate energy reserves are used up first
 3 Days on the Pancreatic Protocol,
carbohydrate reserves are depleted (glycogenolysis)
 Water loss of 4-5 lbs
 Possible sugar withdrawals
 After carbohydrate energy reserves are depleted,
body burns protein
 Gluconeogenesis causes body to favor burning muscle
over fat
 Transforms amino acids from muscle to glucose for the
Important — Prevent the loss of
muscle mass with easily digested protein
90 to 120 grams/day
 Body will burn eaten fat before stored fat
 Limit fat
 Burning stored fat is called Ketosis
 Force the body to live on Fat Reserves (starts
around Day 4 of The Pancreatic Protocol)
 Last source of energy
 Fat burns visibly (hips, stomach)
 Fat burns internally (arteries, cells)
What Stores Fat?
Lipogenesis: Insulin is the key to unlocking fat cells
Ingested Carbohydrates and Fats
Become sugar and fat in the body • Prevent the pancreas from resting
Are not what satiates or “fills us up” • Always burn before stored fat
Why Do Some People
Gain Weight
While Others
The answer…
The Standard American Diet (SAD)
Can Lead to Pancreas Abuse
and Excess Insulin
High Levels of Insulin Can Cause
Major Damage to the Body
 Diabetes
 Hypertension
 Obesity
 High Cholesterol
 High Triglycerides
 Inflammation
“Donut Sniffing” pounds
 Cell Membrane Damage
Insulin Resistance
 Carbs metabolize to glucose (blood sugar)
 Insulin is secreted in response to rise in blood sugar
 Cell membranes become impaired/resistant
 The pancreas secretes MORE insulin (Hypoglycemia)
 Pancreas eventually burns out (Diabetes)
Chubby Babies are Cute and Cuddly
There is a new theory that increased insulin
(not necessarily high glucose) in the maternal circulation
predisposes the baby to be born with insulin resistance.
Keys to Combating
Metabolic Syndrome X:
• Increasing Awareness
• Resting and re-training the Pancreas
• Addressing toxicity, inflammation
and pH balance
• Nourishing muscle while shedding
toxic-laden fat
Understand, Commit, Execute
The Pancreatic Protocol
The 4-Stage “Weigh” to Health
Alkalize, Detoxify, Oxygenate
Burn, Baby, Burn!
So, what should
I eat?
Lean Meat and Seafood
Quality Protein Isolates
to Feed Muscle and Vitality
(80% Weight Loss Goal)
Supplement with double tonic, plentiful pink sea salt,
8 glasses water (minimum) per day, never skip meal,
limited dressings, follow list strictly.
“Repair” Snack
(Remaining 20% Weight Loss Goal)
“Repair” Snack
Reset, Part 1: Waking up the
Rested Pancreas in the Morning
— Fruits and Grains Back
“Repair” Snack
Reset, Part 2: Strict Two-week
Minimum, Waking Pancreas,
Breakfast and Dinner, then
Eating Guidelines for Life
(1 week splurge, then stage 1 for 24 hours to avoid storing fat)
Guidelines For Life
Healthy Eating From Now On
A Healthy Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Choose “Good” complex carbs and “Good” Fats
OK to eat together in the A.M, will burn off!
Separate fat at lunch, good carbs at dinner (veggies & lean protein both meals)
Don’t forget Univera “repair” snack before bedtime
Weekly “splurge” followed by 24 hours of Stage 1
3 Types of Food
Foods that if eaten in
excess can make us
gain weight!
Foods that if eaten in
excess will not make
us gain weight!
Foods that can prevent
us from losing weight!
(e.g. pizza, donuts,
chips, beer, fast food,
ice cream, sweets)
(e.g. cucumbers, celery,
greens, lots of veggies)
(e.g. organic apple, pasta – can
prevent pancreas from resting
and will burn first before fat)
Will Gain
Gain Weight
Weight loss
Doctor Recommended
 Bio-Impedance Analysis Tests
 Blood Sugar
 Acupuncture View
 Inflammation Control
 Chiropractic View
 Bladder Control
 Ketosis, the Safe Way
 Healthy Cell Environment
A Society Empowered!
Blood Sugar
Blood Pressure
= Metabolic Syndrome X, Leading to
Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer
The Pancreatic Protocol
The short term solution to a long term problem!
to Supplement!
Plus the extra cleansing and digestion
boost of enzymes and probiotics!
VibrantU Plus Pack includes 12 boxes of food (84 meals),
all above supplements and an extra bottle of Tonic
– a proven, synergistic package.
What’s worth doing, is worth doing right!
Bringing the Best of Nature
to Humankind
Blending Science with Holistic
Stephen Cherniske, M.S, CSO
Best Selling Author: The Metabolic Plan, The DHEA
Breakthrough, Caffeine Blues
60+ Full-time Scientists (20 PhDs), Clinical Studies, Pharmaceutical Grade Labs, 250,000
Plant Fractions in Largest Functional Library, 160 Patents, 15,000 Farmed Acres,
100,000 Acre Botanical Preserve, 250,000 sq ft Manufacturing Facility
The Pancreatic Protocol
Push DOWN on
pancreas overload & insulin resistance
Push UP on
Pancreas, muscle, cell renewal
Awareness (to nourish/balance/cleanse
Toxicity, inflammation, pH imbalance, fat
Ageless Xtra
Lead Product – High Impact Anti-Aging
Pushing up on repair and down on damage
Super High ORAC Antioxidant Rating
Ingredients: B vitamins, Serenix corn extract, green tea extract, rhodiola crenulata extract, OKG, Protectin proprietary blend,
cordyceps sinesis extract, fruit concentrate blend (grape, cranberry, blueberry, cherry), aloe vera, ginkgo biloba extract,
alphalipoic acid, MaxCell proprietary absorption blend (jujube extract, jujube extract, Black pepper extract, aloe vera,
Chinese licorice root)
Compatible with stages 1-2 of pancreatic protocol.
1 oz with breakfast protein isolate food.
Compatible with Stages 1-2 of The Pancreatic Protocol
The Ultimate Jetson’s Meal
(Say goodbye to Ensure!)
All-in-One Superfood – all natural! • Good fats, protein, complex carbs • Vitamins,
minerals, omega fats, fiber • High antioxidant level • Concord
grape/strawberry/elderberry concentrates, whey protein isolates, aloe vera,
Aloe Gold
Aloe Vera, pine needle extract, Fructo-Oligosaccharides and green tea
extract for intestinal flora and digestion • Univera sells 35-42% of all Aloe
Vera in the world! • Concentrate or one-ounce packets
Super phytonutrient, cold pressed juicing and vacuum-assisted dehydration
Five servings of vegetables in one heaping teaspoonful
Spirulina, wheat grass, barley grass, oat straw, dulse, alfalfa, cruciferous
vegetables, organic Aloe Vera, stevia, etc.
DHEA decline is linked to fatigue, less muscle mass and strength, fat accumulation,
weakened immune system • DHEA (most comprehensive repair signal in the body),
DIM, chrysin, vitamins B6/B12, Alpha Lipoic acid, N-Acetyl Cystine, Acetyl L-Carnitine,
and goji (wolfberry) concentrate
All Our Losers
are Winners!