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СЕМ®-ТЕСН Apparatus – An Effective Supplement to Traditional Therapies:
• When there is a risk of polypharmacy in a patient with several conditions.
• For patients with chronic conditions.
• When a patient is experiencing complications and side effects from pharmacological
• When traditional treatment methods do not yield effective results.
• For patients with drug resistance or intolerance.
• When there are contraindications against other treatment methods.
Advantages of using the СЕМ®-ТЕСН Apparatus:
1. Several methods for treating a wide range of diseases:
• EHF therapy — extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation in single-frequency mode or using selected noise-like mode;
• IR therapy — infrared radiation;
• BRR therapy — using background resonance radiation.
2. Compact, with independent power supply.
3. Corresponding to physiotherapeutic methods which are connected with use low intensive sources of electromagnetic radiation.
4. Complements other treatment methods.
СЕМ®-therapy — therapy with the СЕМ®-ТЕСН apparatus uses EHF therapy
followed by treatment in BRR mode. СЕМ®-therapy:
Reduces any type of pain, reduces inflammation at pathological sites.
Cuts the duration of standard treatment for a wide array of diseases.
Expands options for out-patient and at-home rehabilitation.
Offers tools for primary and secondary prevention.
Increase the effectiveness of pharmacological therapy while reducing and in some cases
even eliminating dosages.
Clinical researches confirm good shipping EHF-therapies, absence of complications and
by-effects, including at long supervision over the treated patients up to two years after treatment.
Extremely high frequencies (EHF) are in the range of 30—300 GHz (with wavelengths of 10-1 mm). EHF causes frequency resonance in biological organisms, and
therapeutic efficacy is observed at radiation levels much lower than those found in other ranges. This can be explained by a lack of adaptation to this specific type of cosmic
radiation, which is trapped by the atmosphere, as well as by the signal’s close resemblance
to the body’s own electromagnetic waves.
What sets the СЕМ®-ТЕСН apparatus apart from other EHF therapies is its option of using BRR mode, which operates according to the homeopathic principle of like curing like.
And like homeopathy, BRR mode is non-intensive.
Background resonance radiation therapy (BRR) is based on the use of memory materials that
create a spectral copy of the radiation emitted by the cells of living organisms in the EHF range
and cause its automatic retransmission (Gunn diode). By influencing the frequency resonances
of cell structures, pathological processes can be weakened or blocked entirely, at the same time
amplifying physiological oscillations and restoring dynamic equilibrium in the patient’s body.
When applied to human skin, EHF radiation penetrates to a depth of 300—500 microns,
meaning that it is almost entirely absorbed by the epidermis and upper layers of the dermis.
СЕМ® — Controlled Energy Material Technology
With its direct effects targeted at nerve receptors, the capillary bed, skin depositories of leukocytes and cells of the diffuse neuro-endocrine system, the therapeutic action of EHF therapy
is directed at:
• the nervous system;
• the immune system and phagocytes;
• blood aggregate state regulators (coagulatory and anti-coagulatory mechanisms);
• humoral regulation.
So EHF therapy is effective in treating a wide array of diseases.
Methods for using the СЕМ®-ТЕСН apparatus:
1) EHF and IR radiation can be applied to a pathological site, reflexogenic zones
and/or bioactive points on the body using interchangeable emitters with various modulating frequencies and radiation spectrum (the apparatus is programmed to work on each zone
or point for 10 minutes);
2) BRR mode: When the emitter is applied to the pathological site, its dipole-active mode
is adjusted over the course of one minute, after which it switches to automatic retransmission
at the same zone (at this point the emitter is fixed to the patient). The number of times this processes is repeated depends on the acuteness of the disease process, from hourly applications
for acute cases to once-daily applications for chronic conditions.
A round of therapy usually involves daily procedures performed for 5 to 10 days.
Key indications for using EHF therapy:
Initial presentation of acute viral respiratory infections.
Pain syndrome at any location.
Joint and spine conditions.
Wounds, hematomas, burns.
Allergies and skin conditions.
Cardiovascular disease.
Disease of reproduction system.
These methods for using the СЕМ®-ТЕСН apparatus have been approved by the Russian Ministry
of Health. The quality assurance system under
which the apparatus is manufactured is certified
for conformance to European Union standards.
EHF therapy should NOT be used in the following instances:
For patients without a positive diagnosis.
For patients with individual intolerance to the therapy.
For pregnant patients.
For patients with implant devices with independent power supply, such as artificial
EHF therapy has a mild sedative effect that may cause drowsiness and reduced attention
in patients with heightened sensitivity to EHF radiation. In such cases, it is advisable to avoid
performing work that requires concentration, including driving a vehicle, immediately after
the procedure. For safety purposes, the procedure may be carried out before bedtime.
The СЕМ®-ТЕСН apparatus has been successfully demonstrated at trade shows in Russia and around the world. The device has received a number of awards, including: Gold Medal
at EWEI, Sofia, Bulgaria; Silver Medal at Eureka, Brussels, Belgium, 2001; Silver Medal at
INPEX, Pittsburgh, PA, 2001; Gold Medal at VDNKh, Moscow, Russia, 2003.
You must to have the consultation of the doctor before the treatment.
СЕМ®-ТЕСН Patents:
1. RF Patent of Invention 2281129 “Portable pulse apparatus for electrotherapy,”
date of priority October 15, 2004.
2. U.S. patent 6122550 “Device for therapeutic action on human organism,” date of priority September 19, 2000.
3. Certificate of Trademark 306040 for “СЕМ ТЕСН СЕМ ТЕХ,” date of priority February 07, 2005.
4. Certificate of Trademark 351257 for “СЕМ ТЕСН СЕМ ТЕХ,” date of priority May
15, 2006.
5. Certificate of Trademark 348805 for “СЕМ ТЕСН СЕМ ТЕХ,” date of priority March
20, 2007.
6. Certificate of European Trademark 989300 for “СЕМ ТЕСН СЕМ ТЕХ”.
7. Certificate of Trademark 344494 for “BRR Therapy,” date of priority August 10, 2006.
8. International application for patent of invention “Device for regulating physiological
processes in a biological object” РСТ/RU2008/000282, Patent 2341851.
9. Useful model “Connecting and fastening mechanism,” Patent 76786, date of priority
May 07, 2008.
10.Design Application 2008500403 “Apparatus for physical therapy”.
11.International Trademark Application for “СЕМ ТЕСН СЕМ ТЕХ”.
12.Application for Patent 2008127927 “Method for increasing resistivity of biological objects”.
13. Application for Patent 2008138337 “Method of protection from the negative effects of
radiation from cell phone and wireless phone”.
14. Useful Model Application 2008138260 “Wireless telephone”.
CJSC CEM Technology and LLC Spinor are performing the following joint research projects
with support from the Foundation for Supporting Small Businesses in the Field of Science and
• START-2004 “Design for a new method of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases using controlled energy material technology”.
• START-2005 “Design for a new method of rehabilitation for psychological and emotional disorders and a portable physiopuncture apparatus for individual use with the
rehabilitation method”.
• START-2006 “Design for a new method of prevention and treatment of infectious and
inflammatory diseases of oral organs and tissues”.
• START-2008 “Group of devices for protecting industrial materials from microbiological damage”.
List of Studied Results of the Application of EHF and BRR Therapy:
Clinical Condition
Result of EHF Therapy
Cerebral atherosclerosis
Normalized cerebral circulation and lipid exchange
Significant reduction in pain intensity and duration
of episodes
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency
Elimination or significant reduction in head pain and
Neurological symptoms of degenera- Significant pain reduction, increased pain threshold
tive spine disease, including disk syn- in local algogenic zones
Thermographic picture of degenerative
disease of the cervicothoracic vertebrae
Normalized thermographic picture
after EHF therapy
Pediatric scoliosis
Significant pain reduction, increased tolerance of phy­
sical exertion, increased amplitude of spine motion
Exogenic-organic brain damage (of a Elimination of asthenic symptoms, mood swings, hytraumatic, vascular, infectious/to­xic peresthesia, headaches, dizziness, arterial blood presand combined nature)
sure fluctuations, nighttime sleep restoration
Mono- and polyneuropathy
Pain reduction, increased speed of nerve impulse conduction
Vegetative disorders, including vege­ Normalized vegetative condition, reduction or elimitative crises (panic attacks)
nation of headaches, improved hemodynamics based
on rheography
Clinical Condition
Result of EHF Therapy
Post-traumatic and stress disorders – Reduction or elimination of irritability, mood swings
treatment and prevention
and sleep disorders; improved mood and work capacity
Infantile cerebral palsy
Reduced muscle tone, increased mobility level
Epilepsy, including drug-resistant
Reduction in the number of seizures and positive dynamic in EEG picture
Thermographic picture of left-side pneumonia
Normalized thermographic
picture after EHF therapy
Chronic nonobstructive bronchitis
Increased effectiveness of treatment, reduced duration
of treatment, prevention of lingering illness
Anti-inflammatory effect
Chronic obstructive bronchitis
Relief of broncho-obstructive syndrome
Sarcoidosis of the lungs and intratho- Normalized x-ray and immunogram picture, norma­
racic lymph nodes
lized respiratory function, reduced frequency of aggravation and recurrence
Bronchial asthma
Reduced coughing and shortness of breath, reduced
need for inhaled bronchial spasmolytic, improved mucus discharge, normalized respiratory function, immunomodulatory effect
Vascular Diseases
Obliterative atherosclerosis of the ar- Elimination of pain syndrome, reduction of intermitteries of the lower limb
tent lameness
Obliterative endarteritis
Elimination of pain syndrome, reduction of intermittent lameness
Raynaud’s disease
Improved peripheral circulation and microcirculation
Post-thrombotic syndrome
Elimination of pain syndrome, faster healing of trophic ulcers
Increased duration of the luteal phase of the menstrual
cycle, increased levels of estradiol and progesterone,
elimination of the need for hormone therapy
Clinical Condition
Result of EHF Therapy
Postabortal complications
Immunomodulatory effect, reduction of inflammatory
Chronic inflammation of the fallo- Pain-relieving effect, softening of adhesive structures,
pian tubes, including impaired repro- restored reproductive function
ductive function
Degenerative and dystrophic ar- Anti-inflammatory effect, increased muscle strength,
thropathy (deformative osteoarthri- range of motion in affected joint and tolerance of
tis, psoriatic osteoarthropathy)
physical exertion
Thermographic picture of right knee
Improved thermographic picture with
EHF therapy
Hemarthrosis and hemophilic joints Pain-relieving effect, normalized hemostasis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Significant reduction of pain and morning joint stiffness, immunomodulatory effect
Surgical Pathology
Clinical Condition
Result of EHF Therapy
Traumatic and post-operative damage to skin, soft tissue and bone tissue, including complications due to
infection and slow healing
Shortening of all phases of the wound process, antiinflammatory effect, promotion of regeneration,
including of bone tissue, prevention of infection, significant pain-relieving effect, reduced dosages of painrelieving medications
Pain-relieving effect, fast generation of granulation tissue and epithelialization
Reduced duration of the exudative phase of inflammation and stimulation of regenerative processes
Pain-relieving effect, normalization of microcirculation and trophic disturbances, restoration of normal
range of motion
Anti-inflammatory effect
Post-traumatic osteomyelitis
Post-traumatic stiffness
Acute choleocystitis
Acute pancreatitis
Reduced duration of treatment, positive effect on immune system condition
Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum,
including bleeding complications,
perforation or penetration
Functional incompetence of bile passages
Reduced duration of epithelialization of ulcer area, reduced frequency of recurrence
Faster and more effective relief of pain and dyspepsia,
reduced symptoms of bile inspissations and crystallization, normalized gallbladder contraction
Chronic gastroduodenitis, including Faster and more effective relief of pain and dyspepsia
infection by Helicobacter pilori
Chronic pancreatitis
Effective pain relief, restored pancreas function
Clinical Condition
Result of EHF Therapy
Atypical dermatitis
Anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect, resorption
of infiltration, reduced duration of treatment, reduced
frequency of recurrence
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerative effect,
reduced duration of treatment, faster epithelialization
of ulcer area
Anti-allergic effect, elimination of itching
Microbial eczema
Faster healing
Faster healing
Reduced skin itching
Restored pigmentation
Significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects
Immunomodulatory effect, faster return of negative
serological responses
Trophic ulcers
Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
Chronic opisthorchiasis Improved gallbladder contraction, disappearance
of Opisthorchis eggs in bile
Tuberculosis of the lungs, including Stabilization over the course of tuberculosis of the
with Chlamydia or mycoplasmal in- lungs, reduced frequency of post-operative complicafections
tions, faster resorption of infiltration, abacillation and
closing of decay cavities
Tick-borne encephalitis and tick- Increased mobility, reduced intensity of headaches and
borne borreliosis
arthralgia, normalized sleep, reduced duration of fever
and asthenia, increased antibody titer
Viral hepatitis
Faster healing
Clinical Condition
Thermographic picture
of acute rhinitis
Result of EHF Therapy
Normalized thermographic
picture after EHF therapy
Acute respiratory viral infections — Rates of infection cut in half, milder symptoms during
prevention and treatment
illness, reduced duration of illness, absence of complications
Coronary heart disease: exertational Significant antianginal effect, reduced number of anangina, unstable angina, myocardial gina attacks, episodes of painless myocardial ischemia
infarction, arrythmia
and arrythmia, improved diastolic function of the left
ventricle, reduced dosage of nitroglycerine, norma­
lized antithrombin III activity and erythrocyte deformation
Arterial hypertension, including hy­ Hypotensive effect, reduced peripheral resistance,
pertonic crises
improved cerebral circulation, normalized catecholamine excretion
Non-coronary myocardial damage Reduced frequency of cardialgia, normalized hemo(mitral valve prolapse, cardiomyopa- stasis indicators, improved quality of life
thy, myocarditis)
Eye Conditions
Diabetic retinopathy
Inflammatory eye diseases
Improved electro-oculogram indicators, elimination
of unpleasant sensations in the eye
Elimination of itching, antiallergic effect
Clinical Condition
Result of EHF Therapy
Degenerative diseases of the retina Improved vision sharpness, improved field of vision,
and optic nerve
improved microcirculation
Oral Medicine
Adentia and use of prosthodontics
Significant anti-inflammatory effect
Significant anti-inflammatory effect
Periodontal disease
Significant anti-inflammatory effect, stimulated regeneration, normalized local circulation in periodontal disease
Thermographic picture of submaxillary lymphadenopathy
Improved thermographic picture with EHF therapy
Submaxillary lymph node after tooth Significant anti-inflammatory effect
Andropause disturbances
Increased sex drive, improved sexual function
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Increased sex drive, improved sexual function
Chronic prostatitis
Relief of pain and dysuric symptoms, improved sexual
Secretory and toxic infertility
Stimulation of spermatogenesis
Grave’s disease
Reduced size of thyroid, change in its texture
Clinical Condition
Nodular goiter
Result of EHF Therapy
Elimination or reduction in the size of solitary nodes
Diabetes and its complications (mi- Regression of complications, stabilization of disease
cro- and macroangiopathy, hepato- course, reduced need for insulin
sis, cataracts, nephropathy)
Liver Disease
Normalized biochemical indicators and liver size and
Chronic hepatitis
Normalized biochemical indicators and liver size and
Normalized biochemical indicators and liver size and
Toxic liver damage
Normalized biochemical indicators and liver size and
Chemical Dependency
Chronic alcoholism
Reduced psychological strain, anxiety, desire for alcohol
Substance abuse
Positive effect on psychological, emotional and soma­
tic aspects
Malignant neoplasms (including co- Reduction of the number and degree of polychemolon and rectal cancer, skin melanoma, therapy complications, reducing the frequency of restomach cancer, mammary tumors, currence and metastasis, pain-relieving effect
lung cancer, ovarian cancer, cancer
of the ENT organs)
Bening ovarian tumors
Normalization of sex hormone secretion and immune
Uterine fibroids
Reduction of fibroid size
Lymphomas (lymphogranulomatosis Activation of body’s antioxidant defenses, suppression
and non-Hodgkin lymphomas)
of free radical oxidation and normalization of proinflammatory cytokine levels
Benign mammary tumors
Prevention of malignant change
*Data taken from guidelines approved by the Russian Ministry of Health and clinical studies performed and analyzed during the process of certifying the СЕМ®-ТЕСН
apparatus in countries of the European Union. The studies describe completed prospective controlled studies of EHF therapy for various conditions performed according
to the criteria of evidence based medicine. Control groups were given standard treatment.
Treatment of the primary groups of patients included EHF therapy.
Complete information on clinical studies carried out using the СЕМ®-ТЕСН apparatus
can be found at
EHF Therapy Offers the Following Solutions in Oncology:
1. Prepare cancer patients with the most common localizations for the stages of combined therapy (preparing organs and systems for surgical intervention, radiation damage and aggressive drug regimens).
Treat associated conditions and prevent complications.
Prevent and treat complications following specialized treatment methods.
Treat paraneoplastic syndrome.
Improve results of other treatment methods.
Palliative care for terminal patients.
Systemic correction of environmental and pre-cancerous pathology.
Prevent progress of neoplastic process after combined therapy.
Proven Mechanisms of Action for EHF and BRR therapy:
• Normalization of lipid exchange (reduced concentration of atherogenic fractions and
increased high-density lipoprotein content) (Kuz’menko, 1998).
• Normalization of the balance of coagulant and anti-coagulant factors (normalization
of antithrombin III levels, fibrinolytic potential and thrombocytic hemostasis) (Lopatina N.A. et al., 2003; Bukatko, V.N. 2003).
• Normalization of the balance of pro- and anti-oxidant systems (Tumanyants Ye. I.,
Temuryants N.A., 1997).
• Promotion of cell regeneration (enhanced proliferation of fibroblasts) (Polyakova A. G.
et al., 1999).
• Promotion of hemogenesis in red bone marrow (Lebedeva N. N., Kotrovskaya T. I., 2002).
• Normalization of blood flow properties (reduction of blood viscosity, increased erythrocyte elasticity) (Parshina S. S., et al., 2003).
• Normalization of immune system functioning (normalization of the number of Т and
В-lymphocytes and A, G and M immunoglobulins, normalization of the functioning
of neutrophils, restoration of the functioning of В-lymphocytes and leukocyte phagocytic activity) (Shliapak et al., 1996; Bakaliuk et al., 1998; Kuz’menko, 1998; Jin Z.,
Lin M., Xia J., Zhuang J., Yang R., Li X., et al., 2001; Briskin B. C. and et al, 2003;
Bukatko B. N., 2003).
• Restoration of the ability of mononuclear phagocytes to secrete interferon gamma,
which can reduce incidences of cancer in risk group patients (Sitko S. P. et al., 1993).
• Anti-inflammatory effect based partly on stimulation of the functioning
of phagocytes and regulation of the degranulation of mast cells (Gapeyev A. B.,
Chemeris N. K., 2007).
• Normalization of the secretion of catecholamines and sex hormones (Tsa­
rev А. А., Kudinova М. А., 1997; Zaporozhan V. N. et al., 1997).
• Impact on the endogenous opioid system (Radzievsky et al., 2001), activation of the antinociceptive system (Kirova B. V., 2000).
• Normalization of brain electrical activity (stabilized alpha-rhythm, restoration of initially disrupted interzonal and interhemispheric relations of the key EEG rhythms)
(Tyshkevich et al., 1998; Gubarec M.Y., 1989; Stolbikov A. E. and et al, 1991).
• Normalization of vegetative regulation, stabilization of the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the vegetative nervous system (Dikke G. B., 1999).
Thermographic picture
of secondary thymic-dependent
Normalized thermographic picture after EHF therapy
• Antistressor activity — inhibition of excess activity in the sympathoadrenal system and
activation of the stress-limiting systems (Chuyan Ye. N., Temuryants N. А., 2005).
• Inhibition of flu virus replication in cells, anti-viral effect (Podchernyaeva R. Ya. et al.,
• Cytoprotective effect on red bone marrow and liver in patients receiving polychemotherapy (Kareva N. P. et al., 2006).
• Change to the structural and dynamic characteristics of cell membranes (Semina I. G.
et al., 2007).
• Slowing of aging processes for skin, liver and the central nervous system (Rodshtat I. V.,
• Normalization of vascular tone and promotion of microcirculation, normalization
of the responsiveness of vascular endothelium (normalized rheogram and rheoencephalogram indicators) (Parshina S. S. et al., 2003; Dikke G. B., 1999; Afanasyeva Т. N.,
Petrova V. D., 1995; Tsarev А. А., Kudinova М. А., 1997).
• Increased overall resistance (immunity) to many different negative factors (Tumanyants Ye. I., Temuryants N. А., 1997).