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Tech Workshop 21 May 2015 BRIEF OVERVIEW OF ONLINEOFFLINE EXAMPLES & APPROACHES! Digital Marketing & Communication Consultant Elvis Plaku ISIS Social Media challenge • Over 46,000 Twitter accounts being used • Scotland Yard detectives say some 1,000 blog posts, videos, sermons, tweets (per week) • About 1/5 of all content is in English (no sources for Albanian content) • Most content being produced in the North of Syria (then redistributed/translated worldwide) • Widely used channels: Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; Scribd, Ask.fm; Vimeo; etc. • Professional level content/presentation (video, text, campaign management, etc.) • Arab spring (revolution) vs. ISIS propaganda & recruitment machine (a tool) ISIS Social Media challenge General uses • Social media distribution machine (hashtags) • Production of manuals and guides on how to join • Publication of videos, manuals, articles (YouTube, Scribd, Tweeter, Facebook, Ask.fm, • Potential recruits are interviewed using encryption software and proxy servers, locally referenced • Professionally produced videos and materials • Translated into other languages What now? • The same tools & distribution methods can be used to offer a counternarrative • Targeting of groups & individuals with content both online & offline (ex. Facebook targeting capabilities) • Content topics: Their narrative says ex. "join or die", "join the Caliphate", what is a positive alternative, a counternarrative? What now? • Jordanian pilot (contemporary hero) • Activists reaction content, hashtags, public protests against terrorism • Empowering Muslim leaders (muftis) countering IS (using Social Media) • Raising awareness & community/family involvement albKristian. com Online & Offline examples • Largest Albanian Christian website (1998-2007) • albKristian.com vs albIslam.com • A Christian response to the Islamic alternative (a counter-narrative) • General religious articles • Specific articles about Islam • Translated and published literature • Offered a discussion forum • Email correspondence and dialogue • Chat / Video – communication • Face-to-face meetings • Established relations with other centers (churches) in the Balkans and the wider European region • Shared the burden of replying but also find supporting communities Why a website • Provides a point of reference, online origin, branding, etc. • Repository for all material being shared and used throughout other channels • Build credibility for visitors, volunteers, supporters, collaborators, etc. Thank you Digital Marketing & Communication Consultant Elvis Plaku