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1 Looking
1 Looking Ahead
3 10 Minute Play Festival #4
3 10 Minute Play Festival #4
5 Festival Favorites • Kids Camp
5 Festival Favorites • 6 TST Glee!
5 Virtual High Tea • 6 TST Glee!
7-9 Pics • 10 Pay It Forward • AB News
7-9 Camp Images • 10 AB News
12 2011 Logos • 13 NAACP
10-11 Pay It Forward • 12 2011 Logos
14 Virtual High Tea • Website News
13 NAACP • 15 New Members
15 New Members • 16 Staff • 17 Links
16 Staff • 17 Links
Looking Ahead
By Nancy Cheryll Davis
2011 was another busy
year for TST...
We presented several exciting,
well-received events that you will
read about in this newsletter,
including the always popular and
successful 4th Annual 10 Minute
Play Festival, a reading of Felton
Perry's play – The Good Wife, the
13th Annual Musical Theater
Camp for Kids Production of TST
Glee! along with our first
ever Virtual Tea.
PassingSOLO was presented both
at LACES middle school and in
Detroit at a fundraiser for Breast
Cancer; obviously two very
different audiences, but both were
quite taken with the piece and
impacted by it, proving again that
the power of theatre can touch
anyone, regardless of age or
It was also a year of new
beginnings, as we partnered with
Market America ... a unique
online shopping service that helps
raise dollars for the theatre while
you shop through our online portal
at your favorite places like Target,
Walmart and Dell, among many
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cont’d on page 2
Looking Ahead
New Company Member auditions
were held in the fall (See page 15)
and we are very happy to have
increased our family by 14! They
all bring their unique talents that
expand upon our mission of
presenting quality theatre in Los
Angeles and beyond.
As we close out this year and
look forward to 2012, we hope
you will continue with us on our
theatrical journey. It begins in
February with the 5th Annual 10
Minute Play Festival, continuing
the theme of “The Black
Experience; Part 2 - LOVE,” the
Reading Series of exciting
plays and screenplays, the 14th
Annual Musical Theater Camp for
Kids in the summer and a
mainstage production in the fall
(omitted from our 2011 lineup).
PassingSOLO, now part of the
Solo/Black/Woman Performance
Series at Northwestern University,
and perfect for Black History
Month and Women's Month, is
available for bookings at colleges
and universities, high schools,
fundraisers and special events.
There will be a few surprises and
additions along the way in 2012,
so be sure to stay in touch with us
online and on Facebook.
You can still get in your year end
tax donation. Just CLICK HERE
and know that your contribution is
needed and will be put to good
use to help continue our
As always, new company
members, volunteers and board
members are welcome to become
part of the Towne Street Theatre
mission of providing theater as a
service to the community ... since
Thank you for your support and
we all wish you a wondrous
Holiday Season and a Healthy,
Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Nancy Cheryll Davis
Founding Artistic/Producing Director
Funding Provided By
10 min Play
Festival #4
by Ashley Walden
companies, Towne Street is a
nomadic company without a
permanent venue, office space or
paid core staff. All of the company
members volunteer their services
I had the opportunity to be a guest
producer with Towne Street
Theatre for their Fourth Annual
Ten- Minute Play festival. My role
as an Associate Producer fulfilled
my Masters in Fine Arts thesis
requirement in the Theater
Producing Program at California
Institute of the Arts.
As an emerging producer, I've
enjoyed the luxuries of producing
university-funded theater
productions, as well as interning
and working at fully staffed
institutions such as Cornerstone
Theater and Arena Stage, all of
which have many more resources
than smaller arts organizations.
the internet and e-mail, while
while meetings are held at various
locations. In the first few weeks of
my 6 month period of being a part
of the production team, I asked
myself, “Why would you work like
this? With limited funding and
more being reduced during the
“I’ve enjoyed the luxuries of
producing university-funded
theater productions...
to the company while working
normal other full-time jobs. And,
I don’t know if you know this,
but running a theater company
IS a full-time job. Working for
Cornerstone Theater is my fulltime job and we have a core staff
of 11 paid employees and
approximately 15 ensemble
Working with Towne Street was
members and 19 Board of
an eye opening experience for me.
Directors. It takes us 40 hours
Towne Street is a company of
every week in a space together
actors, playwrights, directors and
to pull off the work.
designers that are lead by the
producing team of Nancy Cheryll At Towne Street, much of the
Davis-Bellamy and Nancy Renée. work is done remotely, thanks to
Like many Los Angeles theater
Working with
Towne Street Theatre was an
eye opening experience...”
cont’d on page 4
1 Looking
1 Looking Ahead
3 10 Minute Play Festival #4
3 10 Minute Play Festival #4
5 Festival Favorites • Kids Camp
5 Festival Favorites • 6 TST Glee!
5 Virtual High Tea • 6 TST Glee!
7-9 Pics • 10 Pay It Forward • AB News
7-9 Camp Images • 10 AB News
12 2011 Logos • 13 NAACP
10-11 Pay It Forward • 12 2011 Logos
14 Virtual High Tea • Website News
13 NAACP • 15 New Members
15 New Members • 16 Staff • 17 Links
16 Staff • 17 Links
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10 min Play Festival #4
As the tireless hours set in through the play
submissions and selections and casting process, I set
this question aside because there was too much work
to be done. But as the rehearsal process began,
I started to meet the faces of the artists
working on the project and saw their
enthusiasm and gratefulness for an
opportunity to do work with people
of color.
Moreover, after the show opened, I
begin to meet the long-time followers
of Towne Street, the Board of Advisors
and new audience members, and my answer came.
Towne Street has a true following of people who
love their work and look forward to the arts being
presented to their community – by their community.
The people were ecstatic to be represented on stage
and have their stories told and new audiences were
happy that “this” particular company exists to do
this work in Los Angeles, and continues to do it,
after 18 years.
So why the tireless work? Balancing limited
resources and never giving up on the goal of
creating your artistic work? The answer is,
"The people." There IS an audience that
wants to see this work, and feel and be heard
and considered.
The answer to why does Towne Street Theatre keep
fighting the good fight for quality African American
Theater? It's Easy, It's You!
Festival Plays
Director: Nancy Cheryll Davis
Babble Rousers by Barbara White Morgan
If the young people texting nearby didn't steal an
old man’s language, then who did?
The Conversation Café by Nicole L. Hill
When girlfriends reconnect, pleasantries soon
disappear as each woman can't help but gossip each
time one of them steps away.
Follow by Michael Patrick Spillers
Angry protesters gather outside a restaurant that
supported Prop 8. Inside, an interracial couple
argues about marriage, civil rights, and their future
Surprised by Stan Sellers
After 40 years of marriage, a couple discover it’s
never too late to learn something about each other.
Secret Sisters by Veronica Thompson
Two sisters of different ethnicities finally confront
the resentment and jealousy that has kept them
Director: Nancy Renée
I Dream of Emmett Till by David Lindsey
In 1955 Mississippi, Emmett Till’s brutal murder
shocked the world. Now in 2011, can the nation
finally explore the crime details with open eyes?
Director: Tony Robinson
Still Growing Up by Vonna Bowen
After 25 years of marriage, 60-year-old widow
Marie Winters braves 21st century dating.
Number 1 Recruit by Melvin Johnson
A Georgetown University basketball team recruit is
mistaken for a terrorist.
cont’d on page 5
Festival Plays
Director: Tony Robinson
Social Science by Bob Barnett
An African-American academic delivers a
presentation only to discover his representative
Black Man is really white, and his counterpart
White Woman is really black.
Director: Veronica Thompson
Boo's Flowers by Kay Poiro
William has a black girlfriend. And he wants
everybody to know it.
Intervention by Harriet Dickey
A well-meaning couple, just embarking on
retirement, try tough love on their spoiled twentysomething daughter.
Director: Mark V. Jones
Souls to Take by Mark V. Jones
One mentally challenged youth and his adored older
brother endeavor a path to healing.
Festival Favorites
1st Bob Barnett • Social Science
2nd Harriet Dickey • Intervention
3rd David Lindsey • I Dream Of Emmett Till
Congratulations to all
our brilliant playwrights!
See Bob Barnet’s
Top Prize Winner’s
Web Page!
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Social Science
I Dream of Emmett Till
1 Looking
1 Looking Ahead
3 10 Minute Play Festival #4
3 10 Minute Play Festival #4
5 Festival Favorites • Kids Camp
5 Festival Favorites • 6 TST Glee!
5 Virtual High Tea • 6 TST Glee!
7-9 Pics • 10 Pay It Forward • AB News
7-9 Camp Images • 10 AB News
12 2011 Logos • 13 NAACP
10-11 Pay It Forward • 12 2011 Logos
14 Virtual High Tea • Website News
13 NAACP • 15 New Members
15 New Members • 16 Staff • 17 Links
16 Staff • 17 Links
TST Kids Camp
In 2011, we found our inner
by Nancy Renée
The 13th Annual Towne Street Theatre Musical Theatre
Camp Intensive presented two sold-­‐out performances of "TST Glee!," on Saturday, August 13 and Sunday, August 14, 2011. This year, Towne Street's musical theatre camp was a one-­‐week intensive, from August 8 through August 12, at the Stella Adler Theatre. With only one short week to learn and rehearse, our fiHeen talented students performed an original, singing / dancing musical extravaganza, which even included its own "show choir" finale. Show choirs were once known glee clubs and their focus was mainly on just singing. Now the singing has evolved into performances of song and dance producOon numbers, many Omes with elaborate special effects. In the real world, schools send their show choirs to compete for trophies at na@onal compe@@ons, and in "TST Glee!" our Towne Street Kids are also trying to get to NaOonals. They're helped by their always supporOve music teacher, Ms. Chef and hindered by their dastardly, devious Principal RaV, but their biggest problems are themselves. By the end of our play, the TST Kids realize their only hope of geXng there and winning, is by working together. In the past, our theatre camp producOons have been big musicals like "The Wiz" and "Beauty and the Beast," or smaller musical revues like "The Best of TST Kids," both with Broadway show tunes. However, this year, "TST Glee!" – an original play, wriEen by Towne Street's own Tony Robinson – was accompanied by pop music. It was a first for TST and a treat for both performers and audience, alike. Many of the (20 plus) songs in the show are sOll on our minds – "Friday," "Dynamite," "California Girls" (although our TST California Girls were "sipping Coke & Sprite" under their palm trees!). The Musical Director was Forrest Gardner, who arranged the songs and taught the various solos, duets, and group numbers. Forrest was also the 6
producOon's Sound Designer. ........................... Brian Evaret Chandler returned as Choreographer and his producOon numbers featured hip-­‐hop, lyrical ballet and Broadway dance choreography. He also choreographed the finale – a fabulous show choir performance. The video special effects for the finale were designed by our Set Designer, Nathaniel Bellamy. He also designed the ligh@ng with Sarah A. Bauer. Sarah was also our Stage Manager. "TST Glee!" was directed by Nancy Renée and Nancy Cheryll Davis.
“Our students here at Towne Street's Musical Theatre Camp always put on such a wonderful show because they, like their counterparts in the play, are truly an ensemble. Bravo to each and every one of our Towne Street Kids!”
NR Our phenomenal TST Kids were (in alphabeOcal order) Romann Anderson, Angelica Chew, Mahalia Chew, ChrisOne Crosby, Adisa Douglas, Sanaa Douglas, Darius Dudley II, MaVhew Dudley, Esther Gardea, Reggie Harris, Juliet Parker, Kaelynn Patrick, Faith Petrie, Joshua Williams, and Kamile WyaV. In another first this year, we added a couple of professional actors to round out the cast – the fantasOc Darius L. Dudley as Principal RaV, and the fabulous Shelli Boone as Ms. Chef. We were also helped immensely by our interns this summer, who doubled as dance captains, stand-­‐ins, prop masters and wardrobe mistresses – Brigit Bailey, Taylor Fance, Ashley Mitchel, and Victoria Parker.
Thank you to everyone who made this produc@on a success. If you would like to see this wonderful youth producOon on DVD, just CLICK HERE... Or, contact Towne Street Theatre for your own copy of "TST Glee!"
Nancy Renee
Photos by Nathaniel Bellamy
Photos by
Nathaniel Bellamy
Pay It Forward
Johan acted
deborah charles
as an
In May, a few members of the
TST family gathered at the
and cleverly
home of TST friend and former
nudged the
advisory board member,
Johan Beckles, to shoot a
video. The video was created
to submit to ABC Channel 7
television in competition for a
$7,000 Pay It Forward grant
designed to give financial
assistance to non-profit
Kaelynn and Romann were as
skillful camera of Forrest
Gardner as they are on stage
under the watchful eye of
Nancy Cheryll Davis Bellamy.
You can help us continue to
relevant impact on a SoCal
pay it forward by investing in
our children through your
to receive a grant, the video
Please visit our website and
project was a wonderful
make your contribution of any
opportunity for two of our kids,
Kaelynn Patrick and Romann
Anderson, to express how their
Click Image to see Video!
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TST experience has impacted
their lives.
Breaking News
TST Advisory Board
By Cheryl Finley
Cheryl Finley
Towne Street Theatre
Advisory Board Member
deborah charles
comfortable in front of the
organizations making a
Although TST was not selected
“... the video project was
a wonderful opportunity
for 2 of our kids,
Kaelynn & Romann, to
express how TST has
impacted their lives.” Williams, Marsha Smith and George Williams. The board’s primary goals are fund raising and audience The Towne Street Advisory Board development. This year we have narrowed our focus and plan to is now in its 4th year and is chaired by deborah charles, Vice primarily fundraise for the TST Kids Musical Theatre Camp. Plans Chair, Rosalind Goddard, are in the works for a Poetry Slam Recording Secretary, Cheryl Finley in April 2012 for which we are and Treasurer, Sandra Burns along seeking the perfect locaOon... with board members, Cora Foracell, Kathryn Shirley, Carolyn cont’d on page 11
News from the AB
Our preference would be Galerie LaKaye, an in9mate residen9al se=ng, which would be perfect for an evening of poetry. If you are a poet and would like to par3cipate please let us know of your interest by contac3ng Towne Street Theatre at 213.712.6944, or become our friend on Face Book and send us a message. Over the years TST has been introduced to many wonderful men who have woven a net of support around the organiza9on. The 10 Minute Play Festival #5
Kids Camp Production
Main Stage Production
Reading Series
Special Programming
...with more throughout the Season
Advisory Board would like to recognize them with a special a=ernoon tenta>vely scheduled for Father’s Day 2012. We’ll keep you informed about this exci>ng event as plans develop. This year we hope to work with a produc9on company to offer a season 9cket package which would include 9ckets to all the 2012 TST shows. Produc>on company members and friends of TST would be able to purchase this package in advance for themselves or to use as gi=s throughout the year. Everything the Advisory Board wants to do requires manpower to accomplish and although we are big on ideas and enthusiasm we are short on manpower. Community
Support theatre in the produce aisles? With CPP TST earns $$ when you shop at Ralphs. Simple as that! Sign up HERE It’s easy and free!
If you know anyone with a commitment to the theatre who might like to work with us to advance Towne Street Theatre and our mission to bring quality theatre to the community and the world, please contact deborah charles at 213.712.6944. Cheryl Finley
AB Member
1 Looking
1 Looking Ahead
3 10 Minute Play Festival #4
3 10 Minute Play Festival #4
5 Festival Favorites • Kids Camp
5 Festival Favorites • 6 TST Glee!
5 Virtual High Tea • 6 TST Glee!
7-9 Pics • 10 Pay It Forward • AB News
7-9 Camp Images • 10 AB News
12 2011 Logos • 13 NAACP
10-11 Pay It Forward • 12 2011 Logos
14 Virtual High Tea • Website News
13 NAACP • 15 New Members
15 New Members • 16 Staff • 17 Links
16 Staff • 17 Links
The year in pictures
Reading Series
High Tea
“This Sunday click the cup”
3pm Sunday J une 12, 2011
Towne Street Theatre Congratulates
21st annual
Theatre Awards
and Festival Weekend
Nancy Renée
Best Costumes - Local
(Langston & Nicolás)
Breast Cancer
The 13th Annual Towne Street Theatre
Musical Theatre Camp Intensive presents...
Center. Hosted by comedian Niecy Nash, the event recognizes Camp Parent Report
pres:gious thespians of color. A two-­‐day fes:val included By Susan Crosby
valuable seminars and entertaining 10-­‐minute performance pieces. Our own Nancy Renée sat on the panel, A Conversa@on Chris&ne and I – along with Angelica, Mahalia, Shelia and Kaelyn – a#ended the with the Past, Present & Future of Black Theatre in L.A., while NAACP Youth Pursuing Careers In The Arts Nancy Cheryll Davis gave insight on the panels, Business of the Business: Producing for the Stage, and Careers in Arts seminar, in August. The informa:on that Management: Leadership for the 21st Century.
they gave the girls was very good. The panel included James Avery (Fresh Prince of Bel-­‐Air) who is a seasoned veteran in the entertainment field, Rhyon Nicole Brown (Lincoln Heights) and Terrell Tilford (Soul Food, All my Children). YES! It was worth it! Those who expressed their interest but weren’t able to a#end truly missed out. We didn't get out un:l 9:30pm! The actors stayed aRer to talk, which was even more valuable beyond words. Kaeyln’s Grandfather brought her, and I thought it was touching to see family suppor:ng family across 3 genera:ons.
Awards Events
The Beverly Hills/Hollywood NAACP Theatre Fes&val 2011 took place August 25-­‐28, 2011 at the Los Angeles Theatre Our 10-­‐Minute Fes:val Favorites Winning play, “Social Science,” wri#en by Robert Barne#, was performed, reuni:ng our fes:val director and cast.
Undeniably for our family, the coup de grâce was the announcement of Nancy Renée garnering the award for Best Costumes / Local. The untold hours of research and coordina:ng required to dress 17 Langston & Nicolás actors in authen:c period costumes represen:ng Cuba, France, Spain and the U.S. from 1930 to 1967 was an astounding feat. Nancy was in a#endance to receive her industry acknowledgment, and graciously thanked her backing TST produc:on team. Nancy holds a BFA in Performing Arts: Theatre & Dance from American University in Washington, D.C. She has received NACCP Theatre Award nomina:ons for costumes and choreography. Congratula*ons NR!
August 29, 2011
Our critically acclaimed production of Langston and Nicolás
received 5 NAACP nominations:
• Best Choreography: Nancy Renée
• Best Lighting: Nathaniel Bellamy
• Best Costumes: Nancy Renée
• Best Supporting Actress: Ana Maria Lagasca
(for Young Rosa & Elsie Roxborough)
• Best Supporting Actor: Justin Alston
(for Young Langston)
Towne Street Theatre Congratulates
21st annual
Theatre Awards
and Festival Weekend
Nancy Renée
Best Costumes - Local
(Langston & Nicolás)
Virtual High Tea
An Online
FUNdraiser Event
By deborah charles
High tea has never tasted so good and been so much fun! TST Advisory Board hosted its first annual Virtual High Tea fundraiser on June 12, 2011 on a beau:ful Sunday aRernoon.
High Tea
“This Sunday click the cup”
who shared avenues for extending the company's reach.
A great &me was had by all who par&cipated and we raised money for our TST kids too! 3pm Sunday J une 12, 2011
Thank you to our Donors: Ms. Teri Aranguren, Ms. Bridget Bailey, an ONLINE
draiser EXPERIENCE Ms. Barbara Bruner, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Burns, Mrs. Jeanne Clark, Ms. Rosalind Diane discussed her career and love for Goddard, Ms. Maryann Greene, Ms. the theatre; chat room par:cipants The Virtual High Tea was an online Beverly Hester, Mr. Chuck Johnson, Ms. fundraiser experience. The idea to mail asked her ques:ons about ac:ng. Dorothy Laidley, Ms. Cynthia Roye, Ms. envelopes including tea bags with Camp The next ac:vity we shared was reading Dolores Stuart, Ms. Ann Weldon, Ms. Dona&ons Requests was conceived by haiku poetry from the book “Haiku in My Elizabeth White and Ms. Beverly TST Advisory Board member Cora Neighborhood “ – wri#en by Dee Dee Williams.
Foracell. McNeil, author and singer-­‐songwriter The sugges&on to create a "Virtual Chat and photography art by Roland Charles. Room /Online FUNdraiser Experience" came from Forrest Gardner, who spent numerous hours designing graphics and text, providing mailer inserts, building a PayPal web page, crea:ng a Facebook/
iContact campaign, tes:ng /co-­‐hos:ng the chat room, shaping discussion topics – and otherwise implemen:ng this extended vision through its comple:on. Friends of TST from all over the country joined us in a private online video chat room, where we donned our proper hats and steeped our tea. We enjoyed 90 minutes of tea room chat with our special guest Miss Diane Sellers, TST company member and prolific actor of stage and television. • FUN
“Friends of TST from all
over the country joined us
in a private online video
chat room ..”
deborah charles
Haiku is ancient Japanese style poetry; we created our own haiku poems under the tutelage of deborah charles, the co-­‐
publisher of the book.
Our final sip of tea for the a_ernoon concluded with a brainstorming session lead by Nancy Cheryll Davis Bellamy, TST Ar&s&c/Producing Director, TST SITE REDESIGNED
“TST Is Trending”
In mid-­‐April, our website received a complete make-­‐over – coupled with an intense Facebook campaign: “It All Ends Sunday.” The ruse elicited worried emails messages and concerned FB posts, like these:
Ellen De La Cruz-Sandor what??
April 16 at 1:12am
April 16, 2011
TST Webmaster: Forrest Gardner
3AMSOUND Multimedia
Joe Owens Why, and is there
anything that fans of TST can do to
help keep the site up?
April 15 at 8:04am
Click the Cup to see
VHT Donors Salute
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Ah, sweet mystery. Yes, we were quite mischievous, but we didn’t let up. Finally on Saturday April 16th, our old website ominously disappeared offline ... more inquiries con:nued ... and then ... Tadaaa! Our NEW site emerged spor:ng a redesigned layout, reworked graphics, innova:ve media elements, and more.
What do you think? Let us know!
CLICK HERE to visit Towne Street’s new website ... Use your Back Bu#on to Return to this Newsle#er.
Email [email protected]
A. Aries Simone
B. Barika A. Croom
C. Emmanuel King
D. Joahn Webb
E. John R. Davidson
F. Memory Willis
G. Nina Womack
H. Porcha Evans
I. Raf Mauro
J. Raquel Rosser
K. Shirl Cook
L. Steven Henderson
M. Tenere Williams
N. Timothy Bell
the best
than all
the rest”
Tina Turner
W e l c o m e To T h e F a m i l y !
Our 2011 Company Membership Program...
has assembled an exciting roster of both new and
returning faces, from backgrounds across the board.
We look forward to their contributions, creativity,
and to embrace the opportunity to continue our 18-year
tradition of providing artists with a challenging, nurturing
real-world theatrical environment in which to hone their craft.
Underlined Names Link to TST Profile Pages
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Adolphus Ambrose Ward • Actor Execu-ve Board of Directors
Aries Simone • Actor
Barbara White-­‐Morgan • Writer Veronica Thompson • President
Nancy Reneé • Vice President
Nancy Cheryll Davis • Secretary
Susan R. McClelland • Treasurer
Harriet Dickey
Sy Richardson
Teressa Taylor
Barika A. Croom • Actor
Brian Evaret Chandler • Actor Dan Mar:n • Actor / Director David Lindsey • Writer Diane Sellers • Actor Emmanuel King • Actor
Erica Hubbard • Actor Haile Ford • Actor / Writer Legal Consultant
Edward H. Smith, Esq.
Harriet A. Dickey • Writer Joahn Webb • Actor
Advisory Board
deborah charles, Chair
Sandra Burns Cheryl Finley
Cora Foracell Rosalind K. Goddard Kathy Shirley Marsha Smith
Carolyn Williams George Williams
John Roderick Davidson • Actor
Leslie La’Raine • Actor Lira Angel • Actor Mack Miles • Actor Mark V. Jones • Actor / Writer/ Director Memory Willis • Actor
Nancy Cheryll Davis • Director / Actor / Producer Nancy Renée • Actor / Director / Producer Nina Womack • Actor
Porcha Evans • Actor / Writer
Raf Mauro • Actor / Director Raquel Rosser • Actor
RCB • Actor Shelli Boone • Actor Shirl Cook • Actor / Model
Stan Sellers • Writer / Actor
Steven Henderson • Actor / Director
Sy Richardson • Writer / Actor / Director Tenere Williams • Actor
Teressa Taylor • Actor Tim Bell • Actor
Tony Robinson • Comedian / Director / Writer Veronica Thompson • Actor / Writer / Producer
Vonna Bowen • Actor William L. Johnson • Actor Zoe Co#on • Actor TST STAFF
Nancy Cheryll Davis
Execu&ve Producer / Ar&s&c Director / Co-­‐Founder
Nancy Renée
Co-­‐Producing Director / Co-­‐Founder
Nathaniel Bellamy
Producing Technical Director / Co-­‐Founder
Veronica Thompson
Company Manager / Associate Producer
Tony Robinson
Associate Technical Director / Producer
Leslie LaR'aine
Associate Producer
Forrest Gardner 3AMSOUND Mul:media TST Theme / Web Master / Sound Designer /Graphics Designer
Jonathan Winn TST Logo Designer / Graphics Designer
Veronica McClelland
Administra&ve Assistant
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Donate Now
Official Website
Towne Street Theatre
4101 Budlong Avenue #4
LA CA 90037
p (213) 712-6944
e [email protected]