William Shakespeare`s Romeo and Juliet: A Discussion Guide
... traits in another character. For instance, in the film Chasing Amy, the character Silent Bob is a foil for his partner, [Jay], who is loquacious and foul-mouthed. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Laertes the man of action is a foil to the reluctant Hamlet. The angry hothead Hotspur in Henry IV, Part I, is t ...
... traits in another character. For instance, in the film Chasing Amy, the character Silent Bob is a foil for his partner, [Jay], who is loquacious and foul-mouthed. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Laertes the man of action is a foil to the reluctant Hamlet. The angry hothead Hotspur in Henry IV, Part I, is t ...
Romeo and Juliet
... Related Literary Works: As with many other of his plays, Shakespeare adapted his version of Romeo and Juliet from earlier sources. Shakespeare's most direct source was an English narrative poem published in 1562 by Arthur Brooke, which was itself a based on a French version of an Italian story. Shak ...
... Related Literary Works: As with many other of his plays, Shakespeare adapted his version of Romeo and Juliet from earlier sources. Shakespeare's most direct source was an English narrative poem published in 1562 by Arthur Brooke, which was itself a based on a French version of an Italian story. Shak ...
REVIEWS Interrogating Antigone in Postmodern Philosophy and
... to connect in imaginative space the image of figures coming up from the ground and the image of figures rising from the boards” (p. 231). Still, what stays doubling in the mind of the reader can be quite troubling when Appel’s approach is (re) taken into consideration within the context of the Roman ...
... to connect in imaginative space the image of figures coming up from the ground and the image of figures rising from the boards” (p. 231). Still, what stays doubling in the mind of the reader can be quite troubling when Appel’s approach is (re) taken into consideration within the context of the Roman ...
Macbeth - Puzzle Pack - Sampler PDF
... One thing drinking provokes (5) Queen of witches (6) Stars, hide your fires,/Let not light see my black and deep ________. (7) The ______ is free. (4) The night is long that never finds the _______. (3) The witches showed Macbeth a bloody ______. (5) The witches showed Macbeth an armed ______. (4) T ...
... One thing drinking provokes (5) Queen of witches (6) Stars, hide your fires,/Let not light see my black and deep ________. (7) The ______ is free. (4) The night is long that never finds the _______. (3) The witches showed Macbeth a bloody ______. (5) The witches showed Macbeth an armed ______. (4) T ...
Macbeth - unSocialized
... no curtains used to conceal the stage, only a curtain to separate the backstage area from the stage. Very few props were used. In the front center portion of the stage was a trap door used to enable a person to vanish (or to allow a ghost to appear.) ...
... no curtains used to conceal the stage, only a curtain to separate the backstage area from the stage. Very few props were used. In the front center portion of the stage was a trap door used to enable a person to vanish (or to allow a ghost to appear.) ...
Macbeth PP Slides
... plays until 1594. His earliest plays include 'Henry VI' and 'Titus Andronicus'. 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', 'The Merchant of Venice' and 'Richard II' which all date from the mid to late 1590s. Some of his most famous tragedies were written in the early 1600s including 'Hamlet', 'Othello', 'King Lea ...
... plays until 1594. His earliest plays include 'Henry VI' and 'Titus Andronicus'. 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', 'The Merchant of Venice' and 'Richard II' which all date from the mid to late 1590s. Some of his most famous tragedies were written in the early 1600s including 'Hamlet', 'Othello', 'King Lea ...
program page
... Program Notes take his cause to her. In a departure from Shakespeare’s play, Iago, left alone, states his “Credo,” his only aria, summing up his malevolence revealed in Shakespeare’s first act. He puts that malice to work, and suggests to Otello by various word-games that Desdemona is unfaithful, an ...
... Program Notes take his cause to her. In a departure from Shakespeare’s play, Iago, left alone, states his “Credo,” his only aria, summing up his malevolence revealed in Shakespeare’s first act. He puts that malice to work, and suggests to Otello by various word-games that Desdemona is unfaithful, an ...
The Tragedy of Macbeth
... of Thane of Cawdor. With the title would go land and castles. In other words, having been threatened by two great Lords of his own country, Duncan now makes Macbeth the greatest Lord of all. I, iii The witches meet again, and for a while, seem a little silly. One, annoyed by a big-bummed sailor's wi ...
... of Thane of Cawdor. With the title would go land and castles. In other words, having been threatened by two great Lords of his own country, Duncan now makes Macbeth the greatest Lord of all. I, iii The witches meet again, and for a while, seem a little silly. One, annoyed by a big-bummed sailor's wi ...
... father's death. This is too much for Hamlet to bear. He decides to pretend to be mad so people would think he has become unbalanced over the sorrow of his father's death. This would well hide his hatred of Claudius and would keep his plans a secret. Narrator: The change in Hamlet has been of great c ...
... father's death. This is too much for Hamlet to bear. He decides to pretend to be mad so people would think he has become unbalanced over the sorrow of his father's death. This would well hide his hatred of Claudius and would keep his plans a secret. Narrator: The change in Hamlet has been of great c ...
Representations of the Tragic Hero
... Othello’s character or behavior up until the temptation scene that would indicate that Othello is a jealous man or husband. He is very decisive as in the scene in which Cassio is removed from his position, but this is consistent with his experience as a soldier and his position as a general; this d ...
... Othello’s character or behavior up until the temptation scene that would indicate that Othello is a jealous man or husband. He is very decisive as in the scene in which Cassio is removed from his position, but this is consistent with his experience as a soldier and his position as a general; this d ...
... the hill towards his castle. Soldiers, disguised as trees and bushes, stealthily crept up Dunsinane Hill to make it appear as if the Great Birnam Wood was moving later in Act V. Macbeth even fits the definition of false courage as described by Aristotle: "ignorance of what [is] rightly to be feared" ...
... the hill towards his castle. Soldiers, disguised as trees and bushes, stealthily crept up Dunsinane Hill to make it appear as if the Great Birnam Wood was moving later in Act V. Macbeth even fits the definition of false courage as described by Aristotle: "ignorance of what [is] rightly to be feared" ...
A Discourse of Hoodwinking: Falcons and
... dictated cosmology. Once we recognize the depth of falconry’s absportion into the Elizabethan cosmology, we can more adequately understand how such a diverse amount of falconry terminology and metaphors made its way into Shakespeare’s work, as well as other early modern texts, without need of an exp ...
... dictated cosmology. Once we recognize the depth of falconry’s absportion into the Elizabethan cosmology, we can more adequately understand how such a diverse amount of falconry terminology and metaphors made its way into Shakespeare’s work, as well as other early modern texts, without need of an exp ...
Rivalry caused Romeo and Juliet`s deaths - jonswilliams
... they are destined not to be happy together. The two young lovers desperately want to be together more than anything in the world, but there is an undercurrent, an unseen force, which ensures that this is never going to happen; indeed, they could be described as ‘Fortune’s fool[s]!’ It is Fortune’s c ...
... they are destined not to be happy together. The two young lovers desperately want to be together more than anything in the world, but there is an undercurrent, an unseen force, which ensures that this is never going to happen; indeed, they could be described as ‘Fortune’s fool[s]!’ It is Fortune’s c ...
... Macbeth By the time that Verdi wrote Macbeth he was a prominent name in Italian musical circles. Macbeth was first performed at the Teatro Pergola in Florence in 1847. In 1864 he was asked to revise the opera by the impresario at the Théâtre-Lyrique Paris. Verdi actually made a complete overhaul of ...
... Macbeth By the time that Verdi wrote Macbeth he was a prominent name in Italian musical circles. Macbeth was first performed at the Teatro Pergola in Florence in 1847. In 1864 he was asked to revise the opera by the impresario at the Théâtre-Lyrique Paris. Verdi actually made a complete overhaul of ...
Romeo and Juliet - Puzzle Pack - Sampler PDF
... She refused Romeo's love and caused his depression. 22. ROSE That which we call a ____________ By any other name would smell as sweet. 23. SAMSON Servant of the Capulets 24. SCENE Act division 25. SHAKESPEARE Author William 26. SORROW Parting is such sweet ______. 27. TOMB Me thinks I see thee .... ...
... She refused Romeo's love and caused his depression. 22. ROSE That which we call a ____________ By any other name would smell as sweet. 23. SAMSON Servant of the Capulets 24. SCENE Act division 25. SHAKESPEARE Author William 26. SORROW Parting is such sweet ______. 27. TOMB Me thinks I see thee .... ...
Click www.ondix.com to visit our student-to
... supernatural influences, Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth himself. To begin, one of these factors is the supernatural influence that Macbeth experiences. The first supernatural factors are the witches and their prophecies. When the witches first speak to Macbeth they say, "All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, ...
... supernatural influences, Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth himself. To begin, one of these factors is the supernatural influence that Macbeth experiences. The first supernatural factors are the witches and their prophecies. When the witches first speak to Macbeth they say, "All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, ...
Is Macbeth a Good Tragedy
... virtuous, Banquo remains honest and incorruptible, and the witches always appear evil. They are also crucial to the plot of Macbeth -there are no characters without purpose in Macbeth- and idealized, like Macbeth is originally portrayed as a fearless warrior and Duncan and Malcolm appears faultless. ...
... virtuous, Banquo remains honest and incorruptible, and the witches always appear evil. They are also crucial to the plot of Macbeth -there are no characters without purpose in Macbeth- and idealized, like Macbeth is originally portrayed as a fearless warrior and Duncan and Malcolm appears faultless. ...
... witches, he will gain honour. Do you think Macbeth is implying anything here about his hopes/plans for the future? (ii) Briefly summarise Banquo's reply in your own words, showing what Banquo's main concern in this business is (ll 26-28) 2. This scene contains one of the most famous soliloquies of t ...
... witches, he will gain honour. Do you think Macbeth is implying anything here about his hopes/plans for the future? (ii) Briefly summarise Banquo's reply in your own words, showing what Banquo's main concern in this business is (ll 26-28) 2. This scene contains one of the most famous soliloquies of t ...
A Feminist, Costume Design Exploration
... Prince Hamlet, and Laertes. She lacks agency or characterization, and her sexuality is controlled or denied. For someone Hamlet claimed to love more than “40,000 brothers,” she’s never mentioned as the focus in any of his soliloquies and only appears in a quarter of the plays many scenes, and after ...
... Prince Hamlet, and Laertes. She lacks agency or characterization, and her sexuality is controlled or denied. For someone Hamlet claimed to love more than “40,000 brothers,” she’s never mentioned as the focus in any of his soliloquies and only appears in a quarter of the plays many scenes, and after ...
Romeo and Juliet
... 4. Foreboding is the dropping of hints about something bad that is going to occur. Find at least three examples of foreboding in this scene. Line #(s) ...
... 4. Foreboding is the dropping of hints about something bad that is going to occur. Find at least three examples of foreboding in this scene. Line #(s) ...
The Way I Upheld`Macbeth`.
... By ‘illness’ Lady Macbeth means ‘evil’; but her metaphor is appropriate: Macbeth catches evil, as one might catch a disease. The play shows how his symptoms develop, until there is no hope of a cure, and the man must die…! ...
... By ‘illness’ Lady Macbeth means ‘evil’; but her metaphor is appropriate: Macbeth catches evil, as one might catch a disease. The play shows how his symptoms develop, until there is no hope of a cure, and the man must die…! ...
Downloaden - Scholieren.com
... The main reason I chose Shakespeare is the amount of influence this man has had on the way we speak English and indirectly the way people speak in other countries as well (as many words are derived from the English language). William has shown us a new way of speaking and opens up a new way of think ...
... The main reason I chose Shakespeare is the amount of influence this man has had on the way we speak English and indirectly the way people speak in other countries as well (as many words are derived from the English language). William has shown us a new way of speaking and opens up a new way of think ...
Study Guide: Romeo and Juliet
... 9. In what ways does this scene join the twin ideas of love and hate that have been carried through this act? (Hint = it’s ironic! Ask yourself: who is doing the arguing in this scene, and who is doing the loving?) ...
... 9. In what ways does this scene join the twin ideas of love and hate that have been carried through this act? (Hint = it’s ironic! Ask yourself: who is doing the arguing in this scene, and who is doing the loving?) ...
MACBeTH - cloudfront.net
... 1. Shakespeare was stingy! Shakespeare signed off on his will a month before his death. He was not a particularly charitable man and left a measly 10 pounds to the people in his home town of Stratford. Shakespeare also gave some money to his fellow thespians such as Richard Burbidge who acted in man ...
... 1. Shakespeare was stingy! Shakespeare signed off on his will a month before his death. He was not a particularly charitable man and left a measly 10 pounds to the people in his home town of Stratford. Shakespeare also gave some money to his fellow thespians such as Richard Burbidge who acted in man ...
The “Macmillan Readers” Award of
... complicated. However, the characters in Macbeth have even more complicated and fragile relationships among themselves. William Shakespeare created this story using the theme of trust, violence and cruelty. There are three witches in the story and their prophecies are significant throughout the story ...
... complicated. However, the characters in Macbeth have even more complicated and fragile relationships among themselves. William Shakespeare created this story using the theme of trust, violence and cruelty. There are three witches in the story and their prophecies are significant throughout the story ...
Colorado Shakespeare Festival

The Colorado Shakespeare Festival is a professional acting company in association with the University of Colorado Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder. It was established in 1958, making it one of the oldest such festivals in the United States, and has roots going back to the early 1900s.Each summer, the festival draws about 25,000 patrons to see the works of Shakespeare, as well as classics and contemporary plays, in the Mary Rippon Outdoor Theatre and indoor University Theatre.The company is made up of professional actors, directors, designers and artisans from around the United States and the world, along with student interns from around the nation.Timothy Orr, the current producing artistic director, was hired in 2014 after serving as an actor in the company since 2007 and associate producing artistic director since 2011.