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in a Niche Marketplace: Part I
By Debra Pound
As an avid equestrian for over 35 years and a global sales
and marketing professional for over 20 years, I would like to
share both my personal and professional perspectives about the
marketing process to help promote the Paso Fino. In today’s highly
competitive equine industry, an effective marketing plan is critical
for the successful promotion and growth of our breed and our
equine businesses. In a series of upcoming marketing articles, I
will share information, tips and tools to help unveil the mysteries of
marketing that I feel hinders the effective marketing and branding
of the Paso Fino in today’s marketplace. The marketing process
can be achieved by both professionals and enthusiasts that share
a common passion for the Paso Fino horse. I am confident that
as a Paso Fino community, we can execute winning marketing
strategies through collaboration, support and action in 2012.
The Paso Fino horse is a unique and desired equine partner for the
many reasons we have a deep passion for our horses. People are
fascinated with the uniquely gaited and versatile Paso Fino horse.
Heads turn at every event and inquisitive spectators want to learn
about our horses. Do you remember that first time you rode a Paso
Fino horse and that adrenaline rush? To grow more successfully
as a gaited breed, we need to spark that adrenaline rush into our
marketing efforts to attract prospective new clients. The Paso Fino
horse has an exhilarating presence on the trails, in the show ring,
at exhibitions and has become one of the fastest growing breeds
in the American marketplace and is quickly gaining presence in
new international markets. The equine marketplace is dynamic.
As a Paso Fino community, we need to change our thinking and
marketing actions for the Paso Fino to become more than a niche
breed in this dynamic equine marketplace.
Why does it seem that are we keeping our Paso Fino horses a secret?
I have found there are many marketing opportunities available
locally, regionally, nationally and internationally to promote the
Paso Fino horses but I see minimal participation. The national
Paso Fino Horse Association, regional breed and non-breed
associations, USEF, 4 H Clubs and State Horse Councils all offer
cost effective marketing opportunities and support however most
people don’t take advantage of the available programs. I have
conducted marketing research among many avid equestrians
within our breed and across all breeds and riding disciplines
to learn about current marketing trends, opportunities and
challenges. The marketing process is a comprehensive package
of integrated activities to reach marketing and business goals. I
will break down each of the components of the marketing process
for a better understanding.
In 2005, The American Horse Council
conducted a study of the economic
impact of the horse industry in the
United States. The study contained
very interesting data. Did you know
over 4.6 million Americans own 9.2
million horses? The horse industry
contributed over $102 billion
annually in total economic impact.
over $12 billion total economic
impact. Nearly 4 million horses
are used for recreation and
approximately 3 million are
involved in showing. The Paso
Fino represented only 1 % of
the USEF membership in 2005.
Statistics clearly demonstrate
a viable equine marketplace for
growth opportunities and promotion of Paso Fino horses
beyond the current niche market of the gaited horse. As a
Paso Fino community, it is time to step out of the comfort
zone and to challenge status quo to make a difference in
In this competitive equine industry, effective marketing can
increase revenue, improve profitability and create sustainability
in a dynamic marketplace. Economists are optimistic about the
equine industry and performance indicators are validating the
improving conditions throughout many breed organizations.
Don’t use a volatile economy as an excuse to avoid
participation in marketing activities. An economic
recovery and the availability of disposable income
again can be a critical period to market our horses
beyond a niche marketplace with motivated new
prospects. Whether you operate a small family farm
or a premier equine facility, the goal remains the
same – to manage and grow the business profitably
through acquiring new clients and retaining existing
clients for your products and services.
The marketing plan will act as roadmap to successfully
achieve your business objectives by persuading
prospective clients to become new clients. Don’t forget
to focus on client retention when pursuing new business
opportunities. Client retention is more cost effective and
profitable and should not be overlooked. Investigate new
28• PASO FINO HORSE WORLD • february 2012
What is the first step? Every business needs a business plan before
tackling a marketing plan. Do you have a written business plan?
If not, this should be your first priority. The business plan is the
foundation of your business. There are many free resources and
business plan templates available online. Next, understanding
the marketing process will help your business stay on
track and help you spend your marketing dollars with
the best return on your investment.
Make the commitment and the time to
develop a written marketing plan. It is
important to define your business
and the purpose of your business.
This is a great opportunity
to conduct a constructive
self-assessment of your
Remember, the goal of a marketing plan is to grow your business
profitably by acquiring new clients and maintaining your existing
clients. A common mistake I’ve seen is that a business does not
actually know who constitutes a client. With over 9.2 million
Americans owning horses, an equine business can maintain
focus on profitability and sustainability by identifying the desired
demographics of existing and prospective clients. You need to
understand what clients want and their expectations and align
with your business objectives. Not every prospective client may be
a good match for your business. The demographics of a client can
include specific geographic locations, socio-economic indicators,
gender, age, skill level, discipline preference and other elements
that define your target audience. The target audience will include
existing clients and prospective clients.
The marketing plan will include marketing strategies directed to
the target audience to provide the highest return on your marketing
investments. If you offer a diverse scope of products and services,
a marketing concept known as market segmentation can break
your target audience into segments. You can then develop specific
market objectives for each segment. Market segmentation can be a
valuable tool for full service equine operations enabling marketing
objectives for each segment. Marketing
strategies may differ from each
segment and can include
activities, budgets and
Photo by Cheri Prill,
courtesy of Fantasy Paso Finos
Marketing the Paso Fino
opportunities with your current client base. Discuss the personal
and business objectives of your current client base. You could be
missing opportunities because you assume you know your client’s
objectives. Provide a platform to discuss the client’s short and long
term goals to identify an action plan and potentially overlooked
opportunities to help a client be more successful. Investing in your
current clients as you pursue prospective clients maintains client
loyalty and creates professional sustainability in the industry.
business by identifying strengths, weaknesses,
competition and opportunities. Consult with
trusted individuals to help you if needed
for professional and personal support. I
encourage you to engage your employees to
gain further insight and to potentially identify
new opportunities. The business analysis should
provide valuable information useful to define your
products and services. To conclude this business
assessment, you should be able to define the
purpose of your business. Through this exercise,
some business owners reveal the genuine purpose
of their business. This approach can empower a
business to embrace the marketing process with new
energy for success.
Next, define your marketing objectives. These objectives should
clearly define the intent of the marketing plan including target
growth and profitability and other applicable key performance
targets. In my professional career, I learned SMART methodology
to establish objectives. I now use SMART methodology on a
daily basis for both my personal and professional objectives.
Establishing objectives the SMART way can be a useful tool as
you navigate through the marketing process. SMART marketing
objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic
and time bound. SMART methodology enables me to create
focus, effective use of my resources and establishes credibility of
my personal and professional objectives.
Debra Pound is a North American Procurement Manager for a Global
Chemical Company with an extensive background in global sales and
marketing. Her professional career provides unique experiences in a
global marketplace. She combines her passion for marketing and her
horses to promote the Paso Fino breed. Her equestrian passion started
with Hunter/Jumpers until she discovered her passion for the Paso Fino
horses. She enjoys showing her horses on a regional and national level
with Startown Stables. She is a member of Piedmont Paso Fino Horse
Association and a member of the show management team for Asheville
ALIVE 2012 – The Piedmont Classic Show. Debra lives in Charlotte, NC
with her husband and three children – all actively involved in the breed.
In closing, I hope that you have found the basic information about
the marketing process helpful and thought provoking. Marketing
is essential to the profitability and sustainability of the Paso Fino
breed. Through traditional and innovative marketing activities,
I am confident if you take my challenge to execute a new
marketing plan in 2012, you will reach new goals. Despite
sounding cliché, our breed needs “to think outside the
box” and be more open-minded in creating and
supporting marketing activities that will provide
the best return on your marketing investment
as individuals and as part of the Paso Fino
You’re Invited...
Besilu Collection, breeder of Champions, is now offering our 2012
sales list of fine quality Paso Fino horses of all disciplines available
for your consideration.
Visit us on the web at for more information and complete sales list.
Look for more marketing tips and tools
in upcoming issues. I welcome your
comments. Email me at
[email protected].
When you buy a Besilu horse, it’s not just about the ribbons!
Cheri Prill Photo
Design & Photos by Cheri Prill
Own your very own Besilu Collection horse and have a chance
to compete and win money in the Best of Besilu Classes!
Besilu Collection
Marketing the Paso Fino
in a Niche Marketplace:
Part II
By Debra Pound
With many New Year’s Resolutions come and
gone by now, I’m hoping the resolution to create a new
marketing plan is right on track. Changes in economic, social
and technological conditions require evolving market strategies
for 2012. How does one survive in a complex and turbulent
marketplace? Start with creating a written marketing plan. Set
well defined marketing goals. The marketing plan can grow your
business profitably by acquiring new clients and maintaining your
existing clients by communicating information about your brand
to the marketplace. The Paso Fino community is recognizing
the importance of being flexible and adapting to the evolving
marketing demands in a dynamic equine marketplace. Now it’s
time to become a savvy marketer! But where does one start?
I will share marketing trends that you can incorporate into a
marketing plan that will help you flourish in today’s competitive
marketplace. A successful marketing plan should be a balance of
traditional, social and mobile marketing enabling you to reach
your target audience by creating an effective marketing mix.
Traditional marketing opportunities continue to bring value and
return on your marketing investment. Traditional media is eroding
with new advances in technology driving advancements in social
media and mobile marketing. Traditional marketing still does
have its place in a marketing plan as it effectively reaches specific
target markets.
Traditional media platforms include advertising in breed
magazines, equine publications, TV and radio, and will continue
to play an important role in a marketing plan. Creating a marketing
mix to include traditional marketing with social media and mobile
marketing will maximize the return on your marketing investments.
Think about your own consumer behaviors. Over 70% of
consumers GOOGLE a brand before making a purchase. A Paso
enthusiast may find a brand via traditional media in Paso Fino
Horse World magazine, listed in a show program, or on a farm
vehicle just driving down the interstate. Next, that person Googles
on their iPad and finds your website, your Facebook page, your
Twitter following, your blogs about training and services, and a
press release about a local Paso Fino event. Where and what will
one find in all the traditional, social media and mobile marketing
arenas about your brand?
First impressions are lasting impressions. Does your marketing
image intrigue, persuade and entice audiences? Is your marketing
image professional and current? Does your marketing image
reflect you and your brand? Or do you just look like everyone
else out there? Be sure to review all your marketing material
including print, visual, verbal and online. This includes brochures,
business cards, websites, apparel, farm booth displays, vehicle
identification, voice mail messages and everything that identifies
you and your brand. What message does your brand convey?
There are many resources available online to help you create
or update your marketing image and content. Hiring a Public
Relations Agency, a marketing team, and a social media expert
can help you in branding your message. You can solicit feedback
from employees, clients, friends and family about your image and
brand. You want your brand to stand out in this crowded and
competitive marketplace persuading new clients and creating
loyalty with existing clients.
Developing strategic marketing plans will not guarantee success.
I find a business can be caught up in the bells and whistles of
fancy marketing trends and forget a critical element - excellent
Customer Service. With a marketing mix of traditional, social
media and mobile marketing, the marketplace is now open 24/7
and is a global marketplace. Providing excellent customer service
is critical to success. The marketing shift is towards creating value
in the marketplace. Value creates loyalty. A savvy marketer is
genuine and passionate about their brand. A savvy marketer
is an excellent listener and communicator. The marketing mix
intensifies the choices a consumer has, and the marketer must
incorporate excellent customer service into the mission statement
of the business to be successful.
The savvy marketer will integrate cutting edge technology into a
marketing plan. Social media can be an intimidating platform for
managing marketing strategies and can be mastered with a little
patience. I have two teenagers and a seven year old that make
me feel like I was born in the stone-age because of my inept skills
to manage my Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media
platforms. Social media is changing at the speed of light. Get on
board and have fun!
The evolving social media marketplace requires evolving marketing
strategies that will include Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, blogs
and new venues created daily. A couple of years ago, we were
comfortable with having an email and maybe a MySpace. Today,
there are over 800 million active Facebook users – 50% log in
every day. Social media is not a fad nor only for the younger
generation. Users represent all demographics. Users represent
your target market. The savvy marketer will not ignore the power
and importance of social media in a marketing plan.
17 • PASO FINO HORSE WORLD • March / April 2012
Social media gets your message
out on the internet therefore
creating a global marketplace that
is open 24/7 and operates in real-time
to create endless opportunities for you and
our breed community.
The savvy marketer does not passively integrate cutting
technology into the marketing plan. One must engage
in social media. An inactive Facebook page or a Twitter not
maintained will not entice and intrigue new prospects. The savvy
marketer creates a buzz to attract followers on a frequent basis by
providing giveaways on Facebook and expert advice on blogs or
Twitter. The savvy marketer doesn’t just “show up” in social media.
They embrace and engage social media as an important venue
to create brand loyalty and trust. Imagine where Apple
would be today if its marketing plan didn’t incorporate
social media? Imagine where you could be if you
incorporate social media? The savvy marketer
has vision.
speed of light and now it’s mobile. Evolving marketing strategies
need to include Mobile Marketing. It’s not just the kids that know
how to use mobile devices. Mobile devices are everywhere and
everyone owns iPhones, iPads, Droids, and tomorrow will own
even more sophisticated mobile devices. The savvy marketer
will integrate mobile marketing into the marketing mix. All
demographics are using social media and mobile marketing. Your
target market is using mobile devices and is persuaded, enticed
and intrigued with mobile marketing. Mobile marketing is on the
move. Are you?
Consumers will be challenged with sorting through all the
information available in traditional, social media and mobile
marketing. The savvy marketer will navigate through all the
marketing opportunities available to create the best marketing
mix. Don’t forget the personal touch. Customer interaction plays
a significant role in delivering the best value in a competitive
marketplace. People remember 10% of what they hear, 20% of
what they read and 80% of what they see and do. The best value
is created through a personal experience with the Paso Fino horse.
Riding the Paso Fino is our best marketing tool!
Social media is changing at the
What can you
do today to incorporate
a marketing mix into your marketing plan
to become a savvy marketer? It’s easy! Many opportunities
currently exist through the marketing strategies of available
resources. The Paso Fino Horse World magazine is an excellent
example of providing traditional print marketing and offering
the savvy marketer opportunities to incorporate social media
and mobile marketing. The magazine offers a marketing mix
including E-newsletters, banner advertising, editorial submissions
and Facebook to incorporate into your marketing plans. Take
advantage of available marketing opportunities. There is
something for every budget.
an excellent return on their marketing investments.
As a member of the show management team of Asheville ALIVE
2012, hosting the 30th Anniversary of the Piedmont Classic
Show, we have a comprehensive marketing plan that incorporates
traditional, social media and mobile marketing. Our marketing
team works with Mayor Bellamy, the Chamber of Commerce,
the Chamber of Tourism, the Sports Commissioner, local media
and businesses to create value for the supporters of Asheville
ALIVE beyond traditional event marketing. Live Webcasts by
Galopando TV markets Asheville ALIVE and its sponsors to a
global marketplace. Spectators, exhibitors, sponsors and vendors
can connect on, Facebook and Twitter.
The marketing of Asheville ALIVE goes beyond the show arena
and invites a global audience to provide its supporters with the
ultimate marketing mix. The savvy marketer values the opportunities
available through events like Asheville ALIVE bringing supporters
Debra Pound is a North American Procurement Manager for a Global
Chemical Company with an extensive background in global sales and
marketing. Her professional career provides unique experiences in a
global marketplace. She combines her passion for marketing and her
horses to promote the Paso Fino breed. Her equestrian passion started
with Hunter/Jumpers until she discovered her passion for the Paso Fino
horses. She enjoys showing her horses on a regional and national level
with Startown Stables. She is a member of Piedmont Paso Fino Horse
Association and a member of the show management team for Asheville
ALIVE 2012 – The Piedmont Classic Show. Debra lives in Charlotte, NC
with her husband and three children – all actively involved in the breed.
I encourage each of you to take action to further promote the
Paso Fino horse by integrating traditional, social media and
mobile marketing into your marketing plans. I challenge you
to incorporate at least three actions this month to improve your
current marketing plan. For example, visit your website with a
friend or employee and constructively critique the brand, the
message, the content and take action for improvement. Sponsor
a Paso Fino event. Create a Facebook page. You can be a savvy
marketer in 2012!
Horsemanship for Amateurs Clinic
and Pro Training Challenge
The Master
Flex Saddle
March 24-25, 2012
Lone Hickory Arena
Yadkinville, NC
A new event in our breed!
Watch as Clay Cox, Helen Frost, and Rick Shaffer compete in
the training challenge, working 3 untrained Paso Fino geldings
using round pen techniques, with an obstacle challenge as a
finale on Sunday afternoon.
Many other sessions will be offered for hands-on experience.
Whether you show or trail ride, you will get plenty of knowledge from this clinic. Cary Hardiman, Javier Suarez, and many
other pros will teach you how to be successful with your horses.
mfort fo
erfect co rmance
rses perf
s to prov
a saddle aximizes the ho y Paso Finos
“I find th nd rider and m
of Fanta
both hors w ring.” Dadier
Variety of styles: English, Trail-riding, Western, & Endurance
Come visit us at
Call 407-301-2889 or email: [email protected]
18 • PASO FINO HORSE WORLD • March / April 2012
Silent auction, food drive, and a portion of the proceeds will benefit the
Greater Things Outreach Center in Welcome, NC, a food bank benefiting the
local community.
Open to all breeds.
Cost $50 per adult, $25 per youth (18 and under),
$75 per horse including stall & bedding
For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Milda
Minter 336-764-4785 or [email protected] or visit our
facebook page “Horsemanship for Amateurs”
19 • PASO FINO HORSE WORLD • March / April 2012
Cheri Prill Photo
promotion. In today’s mixed media global marketplace, traditional
advertising can be complimented with little expense throughout
social media like Facebook and Twitter. Many traditional media
programs recognize the importance of offering advertisers a venue
into social media and through mobile networking by managing
a mixed media platform. Paso Fino Horse World Magazine
provides traditional marketing opportunities and provides savvy
marketers the opportunity to advertise on website banners and in
the E-Newsletters. Have you thought of taking advantage of mixed
media marketing in non-breed and non-equine arenas? Consider
the demographics of your target audience. Equine enthusiasts
enjoy affluent and upwardly mobile lifestyles and the opportunity
to engage in any equine discipline requires disposable income of
these demographics. Advertising once and giving up is like giving
up on that young horse when you don’t get the desired results
after a few training sessions. Marketing is a process.
Marketing the Paso Fino
Thinking Beyond The Barns part iii
By Debra Pound
As I’ve written, marketing is more than teaching basic concepts
about advertising and promotion. My marketing series is meant
to inspire and to engage our Paso Fino horse community in a
highly competitive marketplace during challenging economic
conditions. A balance of mixed marketing activities including
traditional, social and mobile marketing will empower each of us
to reach new equine marketplaces and new enthusiasts where our
Paso Fino horses will achieve great successes. In the questions I
received, one common theme is, “Where do I begin?” I find this
best sums up my response: “Desire is the key to motivation, but
it’s the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of
your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to
attain the success you seek.” --Mario Andretti
I am encouraged by the inquisitive questions and comments, and
I recognize that tackling the marketing process is not familiar
territory for many. The desire to understand marketing is the
motivation to “think beyond the barns” to explore new marketing
activities. Motivation leads to attaining new marketing success.
Visualize yourself achieving success through executing successful
marketing activities. Once you have a vision of what you want
to achieve through a well-defined business plan, the marketing
plan will be your map to achieve your objectives. For example, a
promising foal demonstrates the temperament to become a great
trail horse or a winning show horse. Having vision enables you
to see the target you set out to achieve. Throughout the process
of developing the young horse to its fullest potential, you set
goals and a time frame to achieve these goals. You maintain
focus by reaching the goals you have envisioned. You start each
training phase with the ultimate goal always in mind. Marketing
is a similar process of envisioning the end result and establishing
a focused plan to achieve those goals. You would not simply
envision a promising horse being successful on the trails or in the
show ring without training. Marketing is a similar journey.
“Word of mouth is the only advertising I need” –
Positive feedback and personal recommendations are valuable
confirmations, but they significantly limit your marketplace. Can
you really only rely on personal recommendations? Many will
ask, “Why do I need a website?” If you rely strictly on “word of
mouth” referrals, you limit yourself to only a local marketplace, but
the equine marketplace is global! At a minimum, a website should
offer basic information about your business, mission, values, and
most importantly, how to contact you. As discussed in previous
articles, 70% of potential consumers will GOOGLE before further
engaging in business. It’s an inexpensive and low maintenance
“I don’t have time for internet marketing” – To remain
competitive in a dynamic equine marketplace, a presence on the
internet is an essential part of your marketing plan. It does take
your time and resources to market on the internet, but executing
effective marketing activities on the web will achieve a return on
your investment. Social media should become a critical component
of your marketing plan. Post relevant postings on Facebook and
Twitter. Engage your followers and offer responses to comments
and questions. Emphasize your mission and values to align with
those of your target audience. Be genuine! Don’t tell people what
you think they want to hear. Live what you love. Be committed. Be
honest. Your credibility is your best selling point through word
of mouth referrals and will be throughout the global marketplace
via social media and mobile marketing as well. Add the events
you will be attending or that you directly support. Invite your
followers as your guests. Engage and be personal. Utilize You
Tube to feature highlights of your farms, horses, training expertise,
services, products and topics that support your mission and
values. Don’t forget to include all media channels on your emails,
website, advertisements, blogs, social and mobile media venues.
Make it easy for your target audience and potential clients to find
you! Being “Social” is KEY in social media marketing. Consumers
today desire value in the relationships.
“I advertise therefore I market” – Marketing involves many
tools you will utilize to communicate your products and services
ddles over
“I prefer Kuda sa
cause it is
other brands be
me and for the
comfortable for
e and design of
horse. The shap
allows for best
the saddle also
performance of
movement and
show ring.”
the horse in the
Ruben Ibarra
d Paso Finos wi
and Champion
2011 Mundial Gr
Marketing means different things to different people. Many
misconceptions and myths are based upon personal experiences,
assumptions and beliefs that hinder marketing success. I’d like to
dispel some common marketing myths and perceptions.
“Advertising does not work for me – I tried it once
and got nothing!” – Marketing is a comprehensive process.
Advertising is only one component. Marketing is more than simple
option to have presence in the global marketplace.
The Master
Flex Saddle
Variety of styles: English, Trail-riding, Western, & Endurance
Come visit us at
Call 407-301-2889 or email: [email protected]
April 28-29, 2012
Two CompleTe ShowS
Saturday Conferring - one Decision - Double pointed.
Sunday Separate Decisions – Double pointed.
Southeastern livestock pavilion
2232 Ne Jacksonville Rd., ocala, Fl 34470
For more information visit:
Saturday: April 28, 2012
Hon. Dr. Rolando Colon-Nebot (PR)
Hon. Mr. Angel Uzategui
Sunday April 29, 2012
Hon. Magda I Reid
Hon. German Higueras
Show Chair:
Carmen Micheletti (352) 528-2678
John Ocasio (239) 810-1779
Steward: (PFHA/USEF) Llynn E Gallup
Announcer: Liz Cosme
Show Secretary: kathey Krzeszewski
(813) 685-5347
Safety Coordinator: Miguel DePierri
Veterinarian: Hiran Pomales (on call)
(352) 207-3412
Veterinary Hospital:
Peterson & Smith
4747 SW, 60th Avenue,
Ocala Fl 34474
Pre-entry: April 21, 2012
Class: $70.00/per class
Championship: $35.00/
per championship
Non-compete horses: $50.00
Post-entry: April 21, 2012
Class: $100.00/per class
Championship: $35.00/
per championship
Non-compete horses: $50.00
Office Fee: $10.00/horse
USEF Drugs/Medications Fee:
$16.00 ($8 D/M + $8 USEF)
Shevings: $8.50
Box Seats: $300.00
Food Vendors: 20% sales
(need to provide register tape)
or $300.00/day
Retail Vendors: $200.00
Tack Vendors: $300.00
Banners: $100.00
Photo & design by Cheri Prill
Pre-entry: April 21, 2012
Permanent: $85.00
Portable: $175.00
Post Entry: April 21, 2012
Permanent: $100.00
Portable: $175.00
Tack Stalls
Pre-entry: April 21, 2012
Permanent: $85.00
Portable: $175.00
Post Entry: April 21, 2012
Permanent: $100.00
Portable: $175.00
Stalls Reservations:
February 21, 2012
Fax Stall Reservations and Entries @
(866) 839-1457
Arena: 120’ x 180’,
footing clay and sand (60/40);
Stalls 10’ x 10’ with door.
THEREWITH.”Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles,
scooters, or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license. The
parent(s), legal guardian(s), or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorize vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation. Violation of
this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s). guardians(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s), and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the
remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individuals in accordance with Chapter 6. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule.
USEF Membership Statement:
Life, senior active and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level or above and Combined Driving Competitions at the Advanced Level, Dressage, Reining and Vaulting
Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions and Combined Driving Competitions
upon payment of a $30 nonmember registration fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted from the Requirements of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk trot and academy classes (academy classes
are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions. 8) Opportunity classes, 9) citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current
membership in good standing of their own National Federation, 10) USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes.
to the marketplace. Advertising is just one tool that will help
you deliver your message to your target audience. You have
many more resources or tools available to help you navigate the
marketing process. We have examined many available tools.
Conduct a little marketing research to understand the tools used
by your peers (and competitors). “Think outside the barn” and
conduct marketing research to identify new tools that are used
in non-equine businesses that maybe suitable for your equine
business. Gain that competitive advantage by identifying fresh
marketing resources.
The Paso Fino community excels at product management. Many
of our trainers incorporate generations of professional expertise.
Our breeding farms value the importance of breeding the best
qualities of our breed to provide the best horses to a global
marketplace. Our amateur owners are committed to excel in
diverse disciplines including showing, competitive endurance
trials, recreational trail rides, parades and other events. The
youth is the future of our breed representing the next generations
of trainers, breeders, amateur owners and recreational riders.
Marketing is more than great product management. Marketing
needs to create value, communication and delivery of intended
value to the marketplace. The key to marketing success is taking
great product management and delivering to the target market.
“It’s too expensive to market” – Every business owner
already conducts marketing activities every day and may not even
know it! If you’ve established a business, you have an idea of the
range of products and services you want to offer to customers.
You have conducted research to identify your target audience.
You know who your competition is in your market. You have
already established a foundation of a marketing plan for your
business with spending very little time and effort as you tapped
into your expertise and knowledge base. Now it’s time to add
“thinking outside your barn.” Marketing is finding the right use
of the tools and resources available in traditional, social media
and mobile networking that will increase traffic of potential
clients and help you to retain existing clients while making your
business more profitable. It is like working with a horse or raising
a child, you must have patience and understanding. You need
to be open-minded to assess what is working and what is not
working and be confident to make changes. Your commitment to
excellence will enable you to attain success.
I “practice what I preach” and have lots of room for
improvement myself! Marketing is a dynamic process that
changes, adapts and is flexible. As a part of the marketing team
for Asheville ALIVE 2010 & 2011, we assessed our marketing
strategies to develop new strategies for 2012. We kept the
good and revamped the strategies that didn’t provide anticipated
results. We are aligned stronger with the Asheville community
to make the 30th Anniversary of The Piedmont Classic show a
memorable experience for exhibitors, spectators, vendors and
sponsors “beyond our barns.”
As we “think outside the barns,” we are pleased to announce
Nashville’s Templeton Thompson “On The Horizon Tour” featuring
a Live Concert performance at the annual “Black Tie & Boots
Extravaganza” on Friday, June 22, 2012. Her love for horses
along with her passion for music has made Templeton a favorite
at major horse expos as well as National and International horse
events. In fact, her mare, Jane, is now a Breyer horse model. If
you asked her, Templeton would tell you she feels like that’s her
“Grammy” in the horse world.
Whether singing from the saddle or on-stage with her band,
singer/songwriter Templeton Thompson draws from a deep
well of influences that combine with her Texas roots to give her
style of country music a distinctive, soulful edge. With several
CDs to her credit, i remember you, i still feel, girls & horses and
her most recently released life on planet cowgirl cd & her first
of many digital albums, that’s just me, Templeton maintains a
busy touring and promotional schedule. Templeton is excited to
participate at our signature “Black Tie & Boots Extravaganza”
featuring the exhibition of our World Class Paso Fino Stallions.
This exhilarating entertainment event is open to the public and
tickets will go on sale soon through the Asheville ALIVE 2012
website ( and www.templetonthompson.
com. As a part of “On the Horizon Tour,” our Paso Fino horses will
be promoted to new potential target audiences!
Why “Be Seen” at Asheville ALIVE 2012? Showing Paso
Fino horses is a high profile sport full of fast-paced action that
makes it not only exciting, but highly entertaining and engaging.
The sport reaches an affluent, upwardly-mobile market segment
that is passionately loyal to products and services that support
their personal and equestrian interests. By taking advantage of
participating as a sponsor or vendor, you will seize a competitive
opportunity for effective marketing and sales. Come be associated
with the best the sport has to offer. This includes the prestige,
affluence, experience and rich tradition that make Paso Fino
horse shows unique and captivating. Paso Fino horse events are
where the world’s top riders, owners and horse experts, as well as
spectators gather for world-class competition and entertainment
in the heart of Asheville. We invite you to become a marketing
partner at Asheville ALIVE 2012 – The 30th Anniversary of the
Piedmont Paso Fino Horse Show offering traditional, social and
mobile marketing opportunities to best meet your marketing
objectives. Visit: