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Dan Wiest Direct Marketing Updates - vDeck - WebMail System - Msg
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You are receiving this email from Wiest & Associates Inc. The Customer Acquisition and Retention Company(TM)
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The Customer Acquisition and Retention Company(TM)
Wiest & Associates Inc. eNewsletter
Dear Daniel,
in this issue
I'd like to offer a special welcome to all the new readers
from my appearances at Magazines University; The
Canadian Magazine Annual Conference & Trade Show, and
The Canadian Marketing Association's Annual Convention &
Trade Show - it's great to have you all on board.
Targeting via your web site: from
the IN-side out
New Search Engine Marketing
Free Direct Marketing News
This issue's feature story resulted from discussions with
many marketers across Canada over the past few months.
It's a reminder of the need to be vigilant about integrating
your offline and online marketing efforts.
Upcoming Appearances
Introduction to Direct Marketing
- applying the basics to your
As always, your feedback and suggestions are most
Targeting via your web site: from
the IN-side out (Part II)
Regards, Dan
P.S. Feel free to share this quarterly newsletter with a
colleague. Please use the forwarding link at the bottom of
this issue, so they can personalize their own edition.
What's keeping you up at night?
Targeting via your
web site: from the
IN-side out
July 2005
New Search Engine Marketing Primer
Since our last Newsletter, the Canadian Marketing
Association has published The Search Engine Marketing Primer. It's
the first in a series of tutorials for CMA members on the
basics of how search engines work, from a marketer's
I co-authored the primer with Parth Shukla of, and
it's meant to be a plain-English, no-hype tutorial. If you're
looking for a 10 minute read that will help you start to
focus on what makes a difference in search, then pick yours
up now.
Since our last newsletter,
I've had the privilege of
meeting hundreds of
Free Direct Marketing News Subscription
There's a publication that you should also be subscribing
to if your business even remotely involves direct
marketing: Direct Marketing News. 10/07/2005
Dan Wiest Direct Marketing Updates - vDeck - WebMail System - Msg
marketers across Canada
during my various
appearances. We're
making great strides in
direct marketing targeting
and analysis, but I'm still a
bit disheartened by the
disconnect that lingers
between many traditional
executions (direct mail &
print) and online efforts.
This is a monthly print publication that covers new
developments in our discipline, in addition to reinforcing
many of the concepts that have been proven in market
over the years. Best of all, the publication is free to
qualified industry folks. Sign up for your free subscription now at
Direct Marketing News.
But many still do not
understand how critical
that targeting intelligence
is in the construction of
their web site - especially
with the dominance of
search engines as an
overwhelming force in
driving web site traffic.
Let's examine how
"natural" search results
work for the moment, and
save "paid" search options
for another time.
Why should you be
concerned about how your
web site is constructed?
Upcoming Appearances
I'll be a closing keynote speaker at this October's
Canadian Printing Industries Association Annual
Convention in Montreal. The topic is particularly relevant
to those of you who rely heavily on traditional print media:
"Surviving the Digital Revolution - The Future of Print." Get your conference
brochure here.
One striking example:
targeting as an overlooked
consideration in the
construction of your web
When creating a direct mail
or email campaign, direct
marketers are diligent
about identifying their
target market, and using
that knowledge to help
them find the best venues
to reach it. After all, when
it comes to list, offer and
creative, list is the element
with the greatest leverage.
Most astute direct
marketers can rattle off
slick descriptions of their
target audiences, including
important psychographic
Page 2 of 4
You can always check out my schedule of other public appearances
Introduction to Direct Marketing - applying the
basics to your business
This is a full day seminar to help you understand how
direct marketing can be integrated into your business. We
start with the elements of a winning direct marketing plan,
and then teach you how to use database marketing to help
build more profitable relationships with your customers.
The next full-day session is being held on September 15th in
Toronto, and you can get full details here.
Targeting via your web site: from the IN-side out
(Part II)
What makes a difference in determining your search
engine ranking? A variety of things must be taken into
consideration before you put words or that first design
idea to paper. Why? Because these are precisely the
elements that search engine "spiders" are out looking for.
Things that can dramatically improve your search engine
results include:
Key words - the placement and appearance of search
terms that your prime targets will be looking for is critical
to the design of your site. Search engines assume that if a
term is at the top of a page, it's more important. Ditto for
bold type and bulleted items. But don't go overboard on
repetition of terms, since search engines are now savvy
enough to penalize you for those over-zealous antics.
Carefully consider what terms your target audience will be
looking for, and then ensure that they are accounted for in
the development of your site. 10/07/2005
Dan Wiest Direct Marketing Updates - vDeck - WebMail System - Msg
Because that has a
significant impact on how
easily those qualified
prospects will be able to
find you. And your goal is
to always have those
prospects see you in the
first page of search results
- the higher up, the better.
Links - because of the cat-and-mouse game that's
developed between the nerds who develop those search
engine algorithms and marketers like us who attempt to
influence their own rankings, there is a much greater
emphasis now placed on links. Links to your site from
other relevant, highly-ranked sites will dramatically boost
your own search rankings. Search engines assume that if
a reputable source has decided your content is worthwhile
to link to, they do as well. So you need to make linking a
part of your marketing strategy. Consider linking with
partners, suppliers and industry acquaintances who have
sites relevant to your target audience.
Over 50% of online
purchases are now
preceded by multiple
product-specific searches.
If more than half of that
traffic is being driven by
searches, you need to
make it your business to
understand precisely how
search engines are ranking
your site relative to your
competitors' sites.
Content - just keep it rich, relevant and updated regularly.
How's that for simple? I know, I know, easier said than
done. But you do need to come up with ways to keep fresh
content in front of your targets - and in front of the search
engines. You can develop the content yourself, or make
use of a number of syndicators and writers who are more
than happy to contribute - in the interest of boosting their
own rankings.
Meta Tags - this is code that is written into the guts of the
web site. It "guides" the search engines in areas such as
the keywords you consider most important, what is the
description of the page that should appear in results, right
on down to which pages it should NOT spider. Common
belief is that Google no longer uses Meta Keywords, due to
the vast manipulation that's gone on. But others still do,
and they are still part of the overall consideration.
Continued in this issue: see
"Targeting via your web
site: from the IN-side out
(Part II)"
There are many more elements that go into the mix, and
different engines analyze sites differently. That's one of
the reasons you'll find vastly different search results
between Google, Yahoo & MSN.
Bottom line: you're already a smart direct marketer. So
make it your business to be just as smart about the
construction & ongoing care of your web site. Don't leave
it to your tech people - they don't know what you know
about the subtleties of your target audience, and what's
important to them. With a little intervention on your part,
you can make a big difference in how easily your
prospects will be able to find you.
z Free Search Engine
Marketing Primer
z DM News Direct &
Personal reprint (last
issue's most popular
z Free Direct Marketing
News Subscription
Get the Canadian Marketing Association's Search Engine Marketing
Primer here.
z Canadian Printing
Industries Association
Convention - Montreal
z Introduction to Direct
Marketing - applying the
basics to your business
z Upcoming Appearances for
Dan Wiest
z Phishing and Online
Threats: Keeping Your
Page 3 of 4
What's keeping you up at night?
We're always happy to speak with you about how direct
marketing can help your business:
* acquire more customers * make the customers you have
more profitable * set up a database * get more out of 10/07/2005
Dan Wiest Direct Marketing Updates - vDeck - WebMail System - Msg
Customers Secure
Page 4 of 4
your existing database * search engine advertising *
integrated campaigns.
Email me at [email protected], visit our website at
or give me a call at 905-873-6000 to find out how we can
help you.
Have a safe and profitable summer.
Regards, Dan
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 905-873-6000
Daniel G. Wiest, President, Wiest & Associates Inc.
The Customer Acquisition and Retention Company(TM)
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Wiest & Associates Inc. | The Customer Acquisition and Retention Company(TM) | 12413 Heritage Road | Caledon |
Ontario | L7G 4S7 | Canada 10/07/2005