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Page 1 of 4
Living things, like Earth itself, change
over time.
Earth has been home to living
things for about 3.8 billion years.
fossil p. 789
unicellular organism
p. 792
multicellular organism
p. 793
mass extinction p. 794
Fossil records inform humans about
the development of life on Earth.
Information from fossils can help
scientists reconstruct
Earth’s history.
Species change over time.
evolution p. 797
natural selection
p. 801
adaptation p. 802
speciation p. 804
Darwin’s theory of natural selection explains evolution.
Four principles of
natural selection
• overproduction
• variation
• adaptation
• selection
The beak of this cactus finch provides
an example of an adaptation.
Many types of evidence support evolution.
Three different types of evidence provide a bigger picture of evolution
ancestor p. 809
vestigial organ p. 810
gene p. 813
816 Unit 6: Life Over Time
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Reviewing Vocabulary
Draw a triangle for each of the terms below.
On the wide bottom of the triangle, write the
term and your own definition of it. Above
that, write a sentence in which you use the
term correctly. At the top of the triangle,
draw a small picture to show what the term
looks like.
Fossils of shells
can be preserved
in rock.
A fossil is the imprint
or remains of
a once-living organism.
1. unicellular organism
2. multicellular organism
3. adaptation
4. vestigial structure
Reviewing Key Concepts
Multiple Choice Choose the letter of the best
8. Which is a possible explanation for mass
a. Earth had no water.
b. A meteorite collided with Earth.
c. The continents separated.
d. Woolly mammoths left no offspring.
9. Darwin’s theory that species develop new traits
and change over time is known as
a. natural selection c. speciation
b. evolution
d. adaptation
10. Which describes Lamarck’s explanation for
changes in the fossil record?
a. Species best suited to their environments
survive better than others.
b. Variation within a species can be passed on
to offspring.
c. Acquired traits are passed on from one generation to another.
d. Giraffes adapted to their environment.
11. A slight change in a rabbit’s ability to hear its
predators better and help it survive is
a. an adaptation
b. a vestigial structure
c. an aquired trait
d. an isolation
5. Which is not part of the fossil record?
a. fossil bones
b. preserved remains
c. living unicellular organisms
d. imprints
12. Which is necessary for speciation to occur?
a. adaptation
6. Whether a fossil formed before or after
another fossil is described by its
a. relative age
b. absolute age
c. fossil record
d. radioactive age
13. Which of the following statements explain why
the theory of evolution is widely accepted by
the scientific community?
a. It has been proven by experiments.
b. The fossil record is complete.
c. It is supported by genetic evidence.
d. Lamarck’s theory was correct.
7. The earliest multicellular organisms were
a. jellyfish
b. simple plants
c. fungi
d. tiny seaweeds
b. mass extinction
c. isolation
d. acquired traits
14. Genetic evidence is based on the study of
a. embryonic development
b. mutations
c. common ancestors
d. DNA sequences
Chapter 23: History of Life 817
Page 3 of 4
15. Genetic information that cells use to control
the production of new cells is located in
a. embryos
b. genes
c. the environment
d. vestigial structures
Short Answer Write a short answer to each
16. Describe how the relative age of a fossil is
determined by studying layers of rock.
25. ANALYZE How is geographic isolation related
to the formation of a new species?
26. EVALUATE Pandas were once considered to be
closely related to raccoons and red pandas
because of their physical similarities. Today,
scientists have learned that pandas are more
closely related to bears than to raccoons and
red pandas. What evidence might scientists
have used to draw this conclusion? Explain.
27. INFER What does the presence of similar structures in two organisms—such as a dolphin’s
flipper and a lizard’s forelimb—indicate?
17. Explain the difference between artificial
selection and natural selection.
18. How does common ancestry between two
species support evolution?
Thinking Critically
19. COMMUNICATE What have scientists learned
about past life on Earth from the fossil record?
20. PROVIDE EXAMPLES Explain the principle of
overproduction. Give an example.
21. SYNTHESIZE How might the mass extinction of
dinosaurs enable many new species of mammals to develop?
28. INFER Look again at the picture on pages
786–787. Now that you have finished the chapter, how would you change or add details to
your answer to the question on the photograph?
29. SYNTHESIZE The beaks of hummingbirds are
adapted to fit into long, thin flowers.
Hummingbirds can feed on the nectar inside
the flower. Write an explanation for this
adaptation that Lamarck might have
proposed. Then write an explanation for this
adaptation based on Darwin’s ideas. Use the
terms acquired traits and natural selection in
your answer.
22. EVALUATE How would natural selection have
led to the development of giraffes with long
necks as opposed to giraffes with short necks?
23. PROVIDE EXAMPLES How are variation and
adaptations related to natural selection? Give
an example.
24. PREDICT In Africa’s Lake Tanganyika different
populations of cichlids became isolated from
each other. Based on what you already learned,
predict how the changing water level helped
the cichlid population to change. How do you
think the development of new cichlid species
affected other living things in the lake?
818 Unit 6: Life Over Time
If you are doing a unit project, make a folder for
your project. Include in your folder a list of the
resources you will need, the date on which the
project is due, and a schedule to track your
progress. Begin gathering data.
Page 4 of 4
Standardized Test Practice
For practice on your
state test, go to . . .
Interpreting Diagrams
Choose the letter of the best answer.
Sea lions, fur seals
Walruses, earless seals
Raccoons, kinkajous
Weasels, otters, ferrets
Bears, giant pandas
Dogs, wolves, coyotes
Mongooses, meerkats
This diagram shows how groups of carnivores are
related to one another. Each Y in the diagram
indicates a common ancestor.
1. Hyenas are most closely related to which group?
a. cats
b. civets
c. mongooses and meerkats
d. raccoons and kinkajous
2. Weasels, otters, and ferrets are most closely
related to
a. bears and giant pandas
b. sea lions and fur seals
c. raccoons and kinkajous
d. mongooses and meerkats
Extended Response
6. A scientist has discovered a new type of animal in
the tundra area near the North Pole. Write a paragraph describing the type of evidence the scientist
might use to classify the animal by its evolutionary
history in the chart shown. Use these terms in your
paragraph. Underline each term in your answer.
3. Sea lions and fur seals share their closest common
ancestor with
a. walruses and earless seals
b. raccoons and kinkajous
c. mongoose and muskrats
d. civets
4. Which statement is true based on the information
in the diagram?
a. Dogs, wolves, and coyotes do not share a common ancestor with any of the groups.
b. Raccoons are more closely related to weasels
than they are to giant pandas.
c. None of the groups shown in the diagram share
a common ancestor.
d. Mongooses and meerkats are the same as
5. The branches on the diagram indicate where
a. mass extinctions might have occurred
b. speciation took place
c. groups acquired traits and passed them onto
their offspring
d. there are gaps in the line of evolution
vestigial structures
DNA sequences
common ancestor
7. Write a paragraph in which you describe the traits
of one of the animals named in the diagram.
Choose several traits and describe how these traits
might help the animal survive. Then describe how
these might have been the result of adaptations
and natural selection.
Chapter 23: History of Life 819