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HABIT-CHANGE Action 4.3.4 Methane emission in various wetland habitats in the Biebrza Valley: The current state and prospective dynamics influenced by the climate change 05/2011 This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF Output Number: Title: Author: Project: Programme: Start date: Lead Partner: Project Partner: Contact: Further information [2] Action 4.3.4 05/2011 Date: Methane emission in various wetland habitats in the Biebrza Valley: The current state and prospective dynamics influenced by the climate change Mateusz Grygoruk (BNP) HABIT-CHANGE – Adaptive management of climate-induced changes of habitat diversity in protected areas CENTRAL EUROPE 2CE168P3 Project Number: 3/2010 2/2013 End date: Leibniz Institute of Ecological and Regional Development (IOER), Germany University of Vienna, Austria National Academy of Sciences, Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth, Ukraine Thuringian State Institute for Forestry, Game and Fishery, Germany Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Balaton Uplands National Park Directorate, Hungary Szent Istvan University, Hungary Biebrza National Park, Poland Environmental Protection Institute, Poland Triglav National Park, Slovenia University of Bucharest, Romania Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Austria Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development, Romania SOLINE Pridelava soli d.o.o., Slovenia University of Maribor, Slovenia European Academy Bolzano, Italy Marco Neubert, [email protected], +49 351 4679-274 Sven Rannow, [email protected], +49 351 463-42359 www.habit-change.eu Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Monitoring 5 2.1 Sampling locations – peatland habitats 5 2.2 Methodology – sampling, laboratory analysis and calculations 6 2.3 Hydrological and meteorological conditions 8 3. Results 10 4. Possible ethane emmission variation due to climate change 12 5. References 14 This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF [3] 1. Introduction Peatlands become carbon sinks (Mitsch and Gosselink, 2000). Due to anaerobic conditions and high saturation of properly developing, natural peatlands, slow decomposition of organic matter induces organic carbon accumulation. In result, the methane (CH4) and the carbon dioxide (CO2), that become a side-product of anaerobic decomposition of organic matter, are being emitted to the atmosphere. CH4 and CO2 emission from natural and created wetlands becomes an important issue in analysis of climate change impact on ecosystems due to the feedback relation. The greenhouse potential of methane is much stronger than the carbon dioxide. Hence, any observed increasing or decreasing trend in CH4 emission in the global scale can become a driving force of the climate alteration. On the other hand – climate change induced alterations of the environment (ecosystem evolution) can induce modification of CH4 and CO2 emission. In this regard, areas of organic soils occurrence (including peatlands) become the interface of the carbon storage and methane emission processes which, due to their broad scale must not be neglected in the climate change – environment feedback research (Chapman and Thurlow, 1996). Bartlett and Harriss admitted in their review study (1993), that northern wetlands (north of 45° N) were calculated to release a total of 38 Tg of methane per year, which become approximately 34% of total hemisphere flux. Moreover they indicated, that approximately 30% of the total hemisphere methane flux comes in general from wet soils. Direct research of the methane emission from wetlands provided by Cao et al. (1998) indicated, that almost 64% of wetland’s CH4 emission come from natural wetlands. Therefore, analysis of methane emission from wetlands becomes an important aspect in the worldwide discussion about the total greenhouse gasses emissions and the needs of proper application of conservation strategies, especially in regard with valuable peatland ecosystems. Within the Valley of Biebrza (Biebrza National Park, NE Poland), initial steps in methane emission analysis in various types of wetland habitats were undertaken in 2007, in the framework of the project Biodiversity protection of Red Bog (Czerwone Bagno) - relic of raised bogs in Central Europe1, herein referred to as the PL-0082 Project. Samples of the air were analyzed in regard with the methane content. In the following years of 2008 and 2009, air sampling in various wetland habitats was continued. In 2010, in the framework of the HABIT-CHANGE project, laboratory analysis of air samples was performed with the same methodology as within the former years, to keep the sampling process continuous. Following report presents the overview of obtained results of the methane emission from various types of wetland habitats and its possible feedbacks with observed potential consequences of climate change and the habitat evolution. Air samples were collected in four measurement locations situated on the near-natural peatland, where hydrological and ecological processes do not stay under the direct impact of drainage neither the any other human activity. As already suspected by Boon et al. (1997) and Cao et al. (1998) and confirmed in later studies (Altor and Mitsch, 2008; Gronlund et 1 Project PL-0082 was supported by grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. [4] al., 2011), the methane emission is strongly dependent on soil saturation and the groundwater level or flooding phenomena, as well as the temporal distribution of precipitation (Bubier et al., 2005). In the paper of Cao et al (1998) it was even roughly remarked, that the climate change and global warming may result in increased methane emission from wetlands. Therefore, results of the methane emission measurements were referred do hydrological conditions of particular wetland habitats. In this regard, the climate-change impact on the CH4 emission within the Biebrza Valley was analyzed, as some general remarks on climate-induced dynamics of hydrological status of local wetlands were already studied (Grygoruk et al., 2011). Direct results of methane emission research presented herein are referred to the research of Gronlund et al. (2011) and therefore – if needed – should be cited so. 2. Monitoring 2.1 Sampling locations – peatland habitats Air samples were collected in 4 measurement points located within “Czerwone Bagno” – one of the largest coherent near natural mire ecosystems of Central Europe, locate in the Middle Basin of the Biebrza Valley (Fig. 2.1.1). Figure 2.1.1 Methane emission monitoring points in the Biebrza National Park Ecosystems of the area of research developed with no major human impact for almost the last 2 centuries (Kotowski et al., 2010). Therefore, ecological dependencies observed within the Czerwone Bagno can be found as natural and induced by natural processes only. Measurement locations were selected in the PL-0082 Project to be representative for four different valuable wetland habitats: This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF [5] spruce forest on peatland (G1), bog pine forest (G2), Betula pubescens forest (G3) and alder forest (G4). Within the study sites, peat cover reach from approximately 2 up to 4 meters. Peatland is in general groundwater fed, although in certain locations, especially within the core area of the “Czerwone Bagno”, accumulated rainfall waters have driven the habitat into ombrotrophic conditions. 2.2 Methodology – sampling, laboratory analysis and calculations In each monitoring point three aluminium frames were installed in the peat. During the research period 21 sampling campaigns were undertaken. Campaigns were held in vegetation period (spring to autumn) in approximately 1-month interval (from July 2007 to October 2010). The methodology of sample collection was provided by Bioforsk (Norway), for the demand of PL-0082 project (Gronlund et al., 2011). A B Figure 2.2.1 Aluminium monitoring frame (A), and a plastic chamber covered with metal reflecting film (B) (Source: Gronlund et al., 2011) Air samples were collected from plastic chambers (Fig. 2.2.1 B), which were being placed by their edges into the aluminium frame, after 10 and 30 minutes counted from the moment, when the chamber was placed at the frame. Beforehand, the frame was filled with water to avoid gas exchange between the chamber and the air around (Fig. 2.2.2 A). Chambers were covered with reflecting metal film (Fig. 2.2.1 B, and 2.2.2. B), to avoid the warming of the soil and air captured inside of the frame and the chamber. Such a warming could induce bias in measurements. Air samples were collected to vacuum bottles with rubber cap (Fig. 2.2.2 D) with a double-blade canula (Fig. 2.2.2 C). In the bottom of plastic chamber a rubber membrane was installed, so one of the canula blades could have been easily placed inside the chamber, while the second blade could be placed in the rubber cap of the vacuum bottle. To obtain a background values of methane content in the surrounding air, additional three samples of air were collected outside of the measurement chambers during each measurement in each spots. Therefore, 9 samples of the air from each measurement location were collected during one measurement campaign. Hence, during one campaign 36 samples were collected altogether. The chambers were removed from the frames after the end of each sampling campaign. The vegetation could therefore develop normally between the sampling campaigns. Types of vegetation, typical for analyzed habitats, where sampling frames were located, are presented on Fig. 2.2.3. [6] A B C D Figure 2.2.2 Procedure of the air sample collection: filling the frame with water to avoid gas exchange between the chamber and the surrounding (A), frame covered with plastic chamber (B), a double-blade canula (C) was used to fill the vacuum bottle with the air from chamber and collection of the air sample (D) after 10 and 30 minutes counted from the moment of chamber placement on the frame. G1 G2 G3 G4 Figure 2.2.3 Vegetation within installed aluminium frames (Source: Gronlund et al., 2011) This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF [7] As proposed and described by Gronlund et al., 2011, the methane concentrations in ppm by volume were analyzed by gas chromatography. The density of methane was calculated as mol weight/mol volume, where mol weight=16 and mol volume was calculated as 22.4 litre*(273+T)/273, according to Avogadro’s law, where T is the air temperature. The gas flux (F) was calculated by the equation: F = V/A * (∆C/∆t), where V is the chamber volume, A is the chamber area, ∆C is the concentration change and ∆t is the time after placing the chamber on the frame. 2.3 Hydrological and meteorological conditions Hydrological and meteorological conditions of Biebrza National Park and the “Czerwone Bagno” in particular, were studied in details, especially in regard with groundwater dynamics on peatlands (Chormanski et al., 2011). Emission of methane on natural peatlands, being strongly dependent on soil saturation and groundwater level dynamics is seasonal (Kim et al., 1999). Therefore, it can also be vulnerable for hydrological changes caused by the climate change (temperature, precipitation, evapotranspiration). A B C D Figure 2.3.1 Hydrological characteristics of the Czerwone Bagno: groundwater level magnitude (A), maximum thickness of unsaturated zone (B), mean thickness of unsaturated zone (C) and percentage of time of year, when the inundation occurs (D) (Source: Chormanski et al., 2011). [8] During the sampling process in 2007-2010, parallel hydrological measurements of groundwater level were done and some statistics of groundwater level were calculated and spatially interpolated within the study area (Fig. 2.3.1). Mean groundwater levels within the Czerwone Bagno in selected months, when methane sampling was done are presented on Fig. 2.3.2. Groundwater level dynamics within the Czerwone Bagno becomes o function of balanced groundwater and the rainfall feeding of wetlands (Grygoruk et al., 2011). Therefore, to analyze the relations between groundwater level, climate and methane emission interactions comprehensively, also the monthly sums of precipitation were taken into account in the analysis (Fig. 2.3.3). Figure 2.3.2 Mean groundwater elevation within the Czerwone Bagno in selected months, when the methane emission was measured. Station Laskowiec. (Source: Warsaw University of Life Sciences). Figure 2.3.3 Monthly sums of precipitation in the Biebrza Valley in months, when the methane emission was measured. Station Laskowiec. (Source: BNP). This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF [9] 3. Results Results of methane emission in particular habitats, where the research was carried, are presented on Fig. 3.1. The highest emission of approx. 26 mg CH4m-2h-1 occurred in the bog pine forest (G2), situated in the habitat evolving into the raised bog, where the peat cover is the thickest. Almost equally the lowest values were recorded in locations G1 and G4. Such a spatial distribution of methane emission becomes, with any possibility, the result of spatial distribution of peat cover thickness and groundwater level dynamics (thickness of unsaturated zone, groundwater level magnitude, time of inundation; see figure 2.3.1). mg CH4m-2h-1 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Figure 3.1 Mean values of methane emission in particular locations (Source: Gronlund et al., 2011) The mean highest emissions of methane measured within the Czerwone Bagno reached approximately 36 mg CH4m-2h-1 and occurred in July 2009. At that time also the groundwater levels were the highest among the whole analyzed periods (ref. fig. 2.3.2). The lowest emissions were measured in summer and autumn 2008. At that time also the groundwater levels and the precipitation were the littlest during the sampling period. 40 mg CH4m-2h-135 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Figure 3.2 Mean values of methane emission in 2007-2009 for all the locations (Source: Gronlund et al., 2011) [10] Mean value of methane emission from Czerwone Bagno peatlands in vegetation periods (April – October) in 2007-2010 equaled approximately 14 mg CH4m-2h-1. The value is comparable to the one given by Sha et al. (2011) for created marshes (range from 0,02 to 20,5 mg CH4m-2h-1), however it stays high in the presented range. Such a fact can occur due to the fact, that the Czerwone Bagno is a near natural mire ecosystem, which have been developing for the last few thousands of years, so the primary productivity of the ecosystem is – with any possibility – much higher than the one of artificially created wetlands. Mean value of methane emission from Czerwone Bagno peatlands also corresponds to the ones measured in Skjonhaug wetland (Norway), where the emission varied in the range of -0,05 up to approximately 80 mg CH4m-2h-1 (Sovik and Klove, 2007). The highest emissions of methane observed in Czerwone Bagno, in locations G2 and G4 in July 2009 reach over a 100 mg CH4m-2h-1 and exceeds maximum values provided by Sovik and Klove (2007). Such a phenomenon could have appeared in result of higher air temperature observed in July in Poland than in Norway. Together with the high saturation of soil, it could lead to very high emission of methane. Negative values of methane emission indicate, that in certain conditions wetlands can become a sink for the methane. Such a phenomenon occurs, when the top layer of organic soil becomes less saturated (relatively deep groundwater level occurrence). In such a conditions, methanotrophic bacteria can utilize emitted methane as a source of energy and oxygenate the methane to the carbon dioxide (Gronlund et al., 2011). Therefore, in periods of the most decent drought, when groundwater levels within the Czerwone Bagno were the lowest (August – November 2008; ref. fig. 2.3.2), the negative emission of the methane was observed (Fig. 3.3). 100 100 80 A 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 B -20 Rep 1 100 80 Rep 2 Rep 1 Rep 3 100 C 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 Rep 2 Rep 3 D -20 -20 Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Figure 3.3 Methane emission in particular locations – all 3 replicates per each sampling campaign A – location G1, B – location G2, C – location G3, D – location G4; values given on Y axis in mg CH4m-2h-1 (Source: Gronlund et al., 2011); This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF [11] 4. Possible methane emission variation due to climate change Emission of methane from wetlands is driven by a set of factors, of which the most important are soil saturation (groundwater level dynamics), vegetation composition and physical parameters of soils. Preliminary results of the research carried in Czerwone Bagno in the Biebrza Valley indicated, that the methane emission varies in time in space. Both of the types of variation can be affected in result of climate-induced ecosystem alterations. Spatial distribution of methane emission is dependent on the type of organic soil and type of vegetation. Highest values of methane emission were observed in the location G2, where the peat cover is the thickest along the whole Czerwone Bagno. Moreover, this area is found as an initial stage of ombrotrophic mire that develops in result of hydrological system alteration caused by construction of canals (Kotowski et al., 2010). Therefore, if the observed trend of reduction of the share of summer-time precipitation in the total balance of precipitation around the year continued (Grygoruk et al., 2011), saturation of the peat soil in ombrotrophic habitats can decrease. In result – emission of methane can decrease as well. On the other hand, in the other parts of the Biebrza Valley, where the methane sampling has not been done, observed consecutive increase of summer flooding frequency (ibidem) can lead to increase of the emission of methane. However, without the direct research, this conclusion can be found only as a prospective forecast. Emission of methane from peatlands of Czerwone Bagno in the Biebrza Valley measured in vegetation period in 2007-2010, in various hydrological conditions and soil saturation presents a weak correlation with monthly sums of precipitation (correlation coefficient R = 0,34; Fig. 4.1). Figure 4.1 Correlation of methane emission and monthly sums of precipitation recorded in Laskowiec rain gauge (ref. Fig. 2.3.2). As observed, methane emission is much stronger correlated to groundwater level observed in months, when the methane sampling was done. Straight linear correlation gives R = 0,69 (Fig. 4.2). Exponent linear correlation is even stronger (R = 0,76) (Fig. 4.3). However, the methane emission process on peatlands becomes a function of many other variables than the soil hydrology only. Never the less, it can be assumed, that any of direct consequences of the climate change in the Biebrza [12] Valley, which resulted in modification of hydrological conditions of wetland habitats, will induce emission of the methane from wetlands. Figure 4.2 Correlation of methane emission and the mean groundwater level within the “Czerwone Bagno” in sampling months of 2008 and 2009; straight linear trend and correlation coefficient (R) Figure 4.3 Correlation of methane emission and the mean groundwater level within the “Czerwone Bagno” in sampling months of 2008 and 2009; exponent linear trend and correlation coefficient (R) As analyzed, groundwater level among the Biebrza Valley in recent years does not present any significant increasing nor the decreasing trend (Grygoruk et al., 2011). In particular habitats however, where groundwater level depends strongly on actual precipitation, it can be expected, that the methane emission in the future can vary. Higher saturation of soils in summer due to intensive storm rainfalls can significantly increase the methane production, especially within the areas of nearnatural peatlands (Upper Basin, partly Middle and the Lower Basin of Biebrza). Long-term forecast of the methane emission in the Biebrza Valley in regard with climate change impact will also include ecosystem modification and human impact: drainage and the peat soil decomposition can lead to drastic momentary increase of methane emission. In any scenario, methane emission should not be This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF [13] neglected in the analysis of climate change impact on physical processes of wetlands in the Biebrza Valley. As indicated by Neuman and Belcher (2011), methane emission can play a significant role in the future of wetland conservation policy and setting up wetland conservation strategies. 5. References Altor A. E. And W. J. Mitsch (2008) Pulsing hydrology, methane emissions and carbon dioxide fluxes in created marshes: a 2-year ecosystem study, Wetlands 28, 423-438. Bartlett K. B and R. C. Harriss (1993) Review and assessment of methane emissions from wetlands, Chemosphere 26, 261-320. Boon P., A. Mitchell and K. Lee (1997) Effects of wetting and drying on methane emissions from ephemeral floodplain wetlands in south-eastern Australia, Hydrobiologia 357, 73-87. Bubier J., T. Moore, K. Savage and P. Crill (2005) A comparison of methane flux in a boreal landscape between a dry and a wet year, Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29, GB1023. Cao M., K. Gregson and S. Marshall (1998) Global methane emission from wetlands and its sensitivity to climate change, Atmospheric Environment 32, 3293-3299. Chapman S. J. and M. Thurlow (1996) The influence of climate on CO2 and CH4 emissions from organic soils, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 79, 205-217. Chormanski J., M. Grygoruk, M. Stelmaszczyk, T. Okruszko, T. Falkowski and H. Zlotoszewska-Niedzialek (2011) Hydrology and Hydrogeology (in:) Final Report of the PL0082 Project: Project Biodiversity protection of Red Bog (Czerwone Bagno) - relic of raised bogs in Central Europe, supported by grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. Gronlund A., D. P. Rasse, T. Rozbicki and J. Chormanski (2011) Meteorology and greenhouse gas emission (in:) Final Report of the PL0082 Project: Project Biodiversity protection of Red Bog (Czerwone Bagno) - relic of raised bogs in Central Europe, supported by grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. Grygoruk M., D. Miroslaw-Swiatek, I. Kardel, T. Okruszko, R. Michalowski and G. Kwiatkowski (2011) Analysis of past-present hydrological phenomena of the Biebrza River, 2CE168P3 HABIT-CHANGE Project Report 4.4.2. Grygoruk M., O. Batelaan., T. Okruszko, D. Mirosław-Świątek, J. Chormaoski and M. Rycharski (2011) Groundwater modelling and flow system analysis of wetlands in the Middle Biebrza Basin, GeoPlanet – Earth and Planetary Sciences: Modelling of Hydrological Processes in the Narew Catchment, Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-19058-2 Kim J., S. B. Verma and D. P. Billesbach (1999) Seasonal variation in methane emission from a temperate Phragmites-dominated marsh: effect of growth stage and plant-mediated transport, Global Change Biology 5, 433-440. Kotowski W., H. Bartoszuk, M. Grygoruk, B. Jaroszewicz, H. Piórkowski, M. Rycharski and M. Szewczyk (2010), Ecological interpretation of current vegetation patterns and vegetation dynamics during the last 200 years in the Red Bog (the Biebrza Valley), Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 79. Mitsch W. J and J. G. Gosselink (2000) Wetlands, 3rd Edition, Wiley. Neuman A. D and K. W. Belcher (2011) The contribution of carbon-based payments to wetland conservation compensation agricultural landscapes, Agricultural Systems 104, 75-81. [14] Sha C., W. J. Mitsch, U. Mander, J. Lu, J. Batson, Li Zhang and W. He (2011) Methane emissions from freshwater riverine wetlands, Ecological Engineering 37, 16-24. Sovik A. K. and B. Klove (2007) Emission of N2O and CH4 from a constructed wetland in southeastern Norway, Science of The Total Environment 380 (1-3), 28-37. This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF [15]