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Muscle Loss Can Be Slowed
With Myostatin Inhibitor
(NU) - As we age, it’s natural
to lose both muscle mass and bone
density. In fact, according to research, muscle loss starts as early
as 30 years old.
The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way.
To understand how to prevent
muscle loss over time, you have
to understand the science behind
muscle growth.
One key regulator of muscle
growth is a protein called myostatin. Myostatin exerts an effect
on both muscle hypertrophy and
hyperplasia, increasing both the
number of muscle fibers and fiber
sizes. Hypertrophy refers to the increase in the size of muscle cells.
In contrast, hyperplasia refers to an
increase in the number of cells.
In layman’s terms, myostatin
regulates how large muscles
can get.
It follows that by inhibiting this
naturally occurring protein, it
would be easier to build muscle.
“So when you get rid of the
myostatin gene entirely, you see
more muscle fibers, and then you
get bigger muscle fibers,” Se-Jin
Lee, a professor at Johns Hopkins, told NPR in an interview.
One bionutritional supplement
that is getting a lot of attention is
MYOS Corporation’s Fortetropin,
a myostatin inhibitor that has been
clinically shown to demonstrate
positive effects on both muscle
thickness and lean body mass.
Fortetropin is the active ingredient in MYOS’ Re Muscle Health
nutritional products. The “Re” in
“Re Muscle Health” stands for
Rebuild, Rejuvenate, Results.
“The data from the study con-
Don’t give in to muscle loss
without a fight.
ducted in our human performance
laboratory clearly demonstrates
that Fortetropin resulted in significant muscle gains in recreationally trained individuals,” said
Jacob Wilson, an assistant professor at the University of Tampa,
where the study was conducted.
MYOS Chief Medical Officer
Robert Ashton said the daily use of
Fortetropin combined with exercise “could be beneficial in improving lean muscle mass, which
has significant therapeutic effects
for overall health, including regulating insulin and glucose levels
and combating osteoporosis.”
Adding nutritional supplements, like those found at Re
Muscle Health, may help slow the
effects of muscle loss. The products, which can be used daily to
supplement a sensible workout
routine, include bars, powders and
meal-replacement shakes, and are
formulated to help protect and
preserve lean, healthy muscle tissue. The products contain a full
day’s serving of Fortetropin, and
20 grams of protein.
For more information on
these products, please visit