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Skeletal System Notes
Cranium = top portion of the skull which protects the brain
Vertebral column = vertebrae that collectively form the flexible spine
Scapula = flat, triangular bone at the back of the shoulder, also called shoulder blade
Sternum = long flat bone in the middle of the upper chest; chest bone
Clavicle = long slender bone that extends from the shoulder to the sternum
Ribcage = structure formed by the thoracic vertebrae, ribs, and sternum that protects
the chest cavity
Humerus = long bone in upper bone in front leg that extends from the shoulder to the
Radius = long bone in lower front leg that is on the medial side
Ulna = long bone in lower front leg on the lateral side; forms the elbow
Carpals = series of small bones that are located below the radius/ulna in the front legs
Metacarpals = bones that extend from the carpals to the phalanges in the front foot
Pelvis = 3 bones that are fused together to form the hip and pubic bone
Femur = long bone in upper hind leg that extends from pelvis to patella
Tibia = long bone in lower hind leg that forms the shin; wider and thicker
Fibula = long bone in lower hind leg; narrow and thin; fused with tibia in some animals
Tarsals = series of small bones that are located below the tibia/fibula in hind legs
Metatarsals = bones that extend from the tarsals to the phalanges in the hind foot
Phalanges = bones that form the toes
Caudal vertebrae = bones that form the tail
Patella = small bone on the lower portion of the femur; kneecap in humans