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Question wise
Analysis & Examples
Model Paper
Preparation Tips
Subject Special
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English.. Success Tips
Prepared by:
P.V.Ch.Sastry, Head,
Department of English,
Indian Digital Schools,
The division of
Questions and Marks
PAPER-I (Carries 50 marks)
PART-A (Carries 20 marks)
1. Questions from 1-10: Questions will be
from the English Text Book Reading A
and Reading B. Only 5 questions are to be
5×2 = 10M
2. Question 11: Comprehension (a stanza or
a verse from a poem)
5×1 = 5M
3. Question 12: Comprehension (ProseReading A)
3×1 = 3M
4. Question 13: Comprehension (ProseReading B)
2×1 = 2M
PART-B (Carries 30 marks)
1. Question 14: Unseen/Unknown passage
(not from the prescribed text book) Will
be given with Cloze Test
5×½ = 2½ M
In paper-I part-A, there are questions for
descriptive answers and for comprehension
that should be written on a separate answer
book. It carries 20 marks. Questions from 1 to
10 are from the first two lessons (A&B) of the
prescribed reading text. Five out of ten are to
be answered for 10 marks. Question 11 may
be on comprehension of a seen verse from the
prescribed text for 5 marks. Question 12 and
13 are on comprehension from A&B readings
each carrying 3 and 2 marks respectively.
Part-B deals with grammar. Moreover, all
these questions are to be answered on the
question paper itself. Students should use capital letters while answering multiple choice
questions. Now let's look at the pattern of
questions. The 14th question in paper-I part-B
is on the topic known as 'Numbered Gaps'
because each blank is numbered and for each
blank four choices will be given as A, B, C,
and D. The students have to choose the correct
answer from the choices and write only the
letters A, B, C, or D. The passage is mostly
unseen (not from the text)
Complete the following passage as directed
A good friend of mine, a widely-known college educator..... 1..... home from Europe in
1965 ..... 2 ..... one arm. Despite his handicap,
John ..... 3 ..... always smiling, always helping
others. He's ..... 4 ..... as optimistic as anyone I
know. One day he and I ..... 5 ..... a long talk
about his handicap.
1) A) came
B) has come
C) had come D) would come
2) A) without
B) minus
C) lost
D) having
3) A) was
B) is
2. Question 15: Matching test on structures/
5×½ = 2½ M
3. Question 16 to 20: Grammatical
Awareness (any topic from functional
Grammar like Direct & Indirect speech,
voice, relative pronouns etc.,) 5×1 = 5M
4. Question 21: Questions on Prepositions
(multiple answers)
4×½ = 2M
5. Question 22: Vocabulary (Synonyms)
4×½ = 2M
6. Question 23: Vocabulary (Antonyms)
4×½ = 2M
7. Question 24: Vocabulary (Morphology/
Inflection of words)
4×½ = 2M
8. Question 25: Vocabulary (Classification
of words/Identifying suffixes/prefix
4×½ = 2M
9. Question 26: Spelling Test (under conventions of writing)
2×½ = 1M
10. Question 27: Spelling Test (under conventions of writing)
2×½ = 1M
11. Question 28: Spelling Test (wrongly spelt
words- identifying)
2×½ = 1M
12. Question 29: Pronunciation 2×½ = 1M
C) has been
D) had been
4) A) far
B) about
C) almost
D) nearly
5) A) have
B) have had
C) had
D) could have
Key: 1-A, 2-B, 3-A, 4-B, 5-C
After reading the whole passage once by
inserting a word of your choice at first, it obviously comes to your mind the exact answer for
it surely looks absurd if at all you inserted
wrong choices. Learn that the tense of the passage will solve most of your problems in such
passages as this.
Now let's have a look at one more passage:
Every human being wants success. Everybody
wants the ..... 1 ..... this life can deliver.
Nobody enjoys ..... 2 ..... , living in mediocrity.
No one likes feeling ..... 3 ..... and feeling
forced to that way. Some of the most ..... 4 .....
success building wisdom is found in that
Bhagavadgita quotation stating that ..... 5 .....
can move mountains.
1. A) the good
B) the better
C) the best
D) the needed
2. A) weeping
B) crawling
C) depression
D) adversity
3. A) mediocre
B) drooped
C) second-class
D) bad
4. A) real
B) rarest
C) practical
D) believable
5. A) strength
B) faith
C) belief
D) confidence
The key: 1-C, 2-B, 3-C, 4-C, 5-B
The 15th question is put on Matching. There
will be two columns 'A' and 'B'. Five full
meaningful sentences are broken into two
parts that are jumbled. Usually a sentence is
split into 'subject part and its predicative part'
or 'Main clause and subordinate or coordinate
clause'. Truly speaking, to match these sen-
13. Question 30: Arrangement of words in
Alphabetical Order (Dictionary skill)
4×½ = 2M
14. Question 31 to 34: Functional English
(wishes, advice, orders, commands etc. )
PAPER-II (Carries 50 marks)
PART- A (Carries 30 marks)
1. Q. NO - 1-10: SAQ from Reading -C
5×1 = 5M
2. Q. NO -11: Passage for Comprehension
(from Reading C)
5×1 = 5M
3. Q. NO - 12: Any two discourses from the
following compositional elements - Story,
Narrative, Conversation, Description
tences a sense of logical approach is more
needed and helpful than the perplexing rules
of grammar.
Now let's look at an exercise:
i) A thing of beauty
ii) The cackling of geese ( )
iii) His notes sometimes ( )
iv) What is everybody's ( )
v) As he is nepotistic
A) saved Rome.
B) seems to be a little complex.
C) is joy forever.
D) his state can't develop.
E) is nobody's business.
If we have a close look at the above, it is clear
that any mismatching seems quite absurd
when the student can imagine the basic meaning of the parts given. For example, you can't
say that 'His notes sometimes saved Rome'. It
is the cackling of geese that saved Rome. 'A
thing of beauty is joy forever' is an immortal
line of John Keats, the famous romantic poet.
The key to the above is:
i-C, ii-A, iii-B, iv-E, v-D
The questions from 16th to 21st are set on functional grammar ability of the student. The topics like Direct and Indirect Speech, Active and
Passive Voice, Relative Clauses that are
formed by using 'who, whose, whom, when
etc. prepositions' and 'contractions' are some
that he must be thorough with. There may be
internal choice among these questions which
should be taken from the text prescribed.
The 16th question may be on phrasal verbs
Examine the following:
That cottage industry is closed on Sunday.
This jute mill is closed down on Sunday.
Which will be open on Monday? The word
'close' has about 30 variants in meaning. Here
(Internal choice)
4. Q. NO - 13: Any two discourses from the
following Compositional elements Biographical sketch, Report/News Report,
Letter, Invitation (With internal choice)
PART-B (Carries 20 marks)
1. Q. NO - 14: Study skills or Interpretation
of Nonverbal Items like Pie charts, Bar
charts, Table formats, family trees with
questions for comprehension.
2. Q. NO - 15: Unseen passage for comprehension (Story mode)
(These 7 marks are for a) MCQ, b) Identifying true statements, c) filling in blanks)
3. Q. NO-16: Unseen passage for
Comprehension (Essay mode)
(These 8 marks are for a) comprehensive
questions for extracting answers from the
text or passage given, b) Vocabulary, c)
Completion of the given sentences picked
out from the text, d) Very Short Answer
Questions-answers just in a word or a
phrase only).
close means 'shut'. That cottage industry is
shut on Sunday and can be opened on
But 'close down' is a phrasal verb or verb
phrase which means 'to cease or cause to
cease operations'. So the second sentence has
the meaning that the mill has stopped functioning or operating permanently. All the
steelworks around here were closed down in
the 1990s.
Answer the following:
1. I left for Rajahmundry.
My brother left Rajahmundry.
Who is not in Rajahmundry?
2. We set off for London.
They set out on the last stage of their journey.
Who left the place to go on a journey?
3. They backed up my proposal
He backed out of the deal.
Which is supported, deal or proposal?
4. He turned down my application.
She turned my application.
Who went through my application?
5. They made out the lesson.
He made the lesson.
Who understood the lesson?
The verbs give different shades of meanings
when they are used with some adverbial par-
budget your
time realistically
allocate the study time
into several manageable study
sessions divide the course
material into small segments and assign
them to the study
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ticles like up, in, out, into, of, off, on
The key: 1-My brother, 2-They, 3-proposal,
4-she, 5-they
The 17th question may on direct and indirect speech
For example:
Direct and Indirect Speech:
Nick said to his mother, "I will kill myself"
(Attitude is Altitude)
Nick told his mother that he would kill himself.
In Direct speech, 'said' is called 'Reporting
verb' because it reports the actual words spoken by the speaker. The words in quotation
marks are said to be 'Reported speech'. The
reporting verb 'say to' becomes 'tell', 'says to'
becomes 'tells' and 'said to' becomes 'told' in
indirect speech.
When the reporting verb is in the past tense,
the tense of the verb of the reported speech is
changed to its corresponding past tense.
But the tense of the verb of the reported
speech doesn't change if the reporting verb is
in the present or future tense (present or future
means all the four sub tenses of each tense).
Similarly, things that are nearer in time and
place are said to be remote or farther in indirect speech. Thus there is a change of tense,
personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and
adverbs while transforming a direct sentence
into an indirect one.
Any sentence either a question, an exclamation or an imperative must be changed into a
statement in indirect speech ending in a full
The reporting verb is changed into ask, want
to know, enquire, shout, exclaim with joy, sorrow, pain or pleasure, wonder, pray, implore,
beg, beseech, advise, suggest, declare, question, interrogate, scream, or any other word or
phrase that describes the feelings of a speaker
or the spirit of his speech.
Report the following into indirect speech.
1. Nick said, "My dad put me in the water at
18 months and gave the courage to learn
how to swim"
2. Tom Watson Sr. said, "If you want to succeed, double your failure rate".
3. 'Well done my boy', his father said.
4. Henry said, "I'm wondering if they'll come
at all".
5. Mrs. Slater said to Victoria, "Don't talk so
silly. There's no one who can hurt you".
The key:
1. Nick said that his dad had put him in the
water at 18 months and given the courage
to learn how to swim.
2. Tom Watson Sr. said that if anybody wants
to succeed, they should double their failure rate. (Here the 2nd personal pronoun
'you' becomes 'anyone or anybody' since it
refers to all. Moreover, as it is always true,
there is simple present tense in the subordinate clause though the reporting verb is
in the simple past as in the sentences of
universal truths and scientific facts).
3. His father appreciated his son saying that
he had done well.
4. Henry was wondering if they would come
at all.
5. Mrs. Slater warned/asked Victoria irritatingly not to talk silly in that way as there
was none who could hurt her.
Subject Special
As there is choice here, the student can
answer the following question on phrasal
verbs instead of the question on direct and
indirect narration.
The 18th question may be on voice.
Active Voice and Passive Voice
They waved at him as the train slowly left the
platform-Active voice (From the lesson 'I Will
Do It')
He was waved at by them as the train slowly
left the platform-Passive voice.
Look at the following sentences:
Sunanda wrote a novel.
A novel was written by Sunanda.
In the first sentence the subject, Sunanda, performs the action and the verb wrote, is said to
be in the active voice. In the second sentence
the subject is a novel, and the verb, 'was written' is said to be in the passive voice.
A verb is in the active voice when it tells what
the subject does.
It is in the passive voice when it tells what the
subject suffers or undergoes.
We know that only a verb used transitively can
take an object; therefore, only a transitive verb
has two voices, the active and the passive. A
verb that has an object of its own is called
transitive verb and if it has two, it is then
known as ditransitive. So it is sometimes possible for two passive forms of a ditransitive
E.g. I sent her a message. (AV) A message was
sent (to) her by me or she was sent a message
by me (PV)
Active voice subject verb
The passive voice is less usual. In the passive
voice, the subject receives the action of the
subject verb
Fish are eaten by cats
The object of the active verb becomes the
subject of the passive verb:
Active Everybody drinks
is drunk by everybody
1) The passive voice is formed by putting
the verb 'to be' into the appropriate tense
and adding the past participle (V3 - the
third form of a finite verb)
This play was written by Shaw (P.V.)
The postman is collecting letters (A.V.)
Letters are being collected by the postman
We see that in the passive voice the agent,
when mentioned, is preceded, by the
preposition by'.
4) Let us look at the following:
People always admire this picture (A.V.)
This picture is always admired (P.V.)
Someone has stolen my books (A.V.)
My books have been stolen (P.V.)
People speak English all over the world
English is spoken all over the world (P.V.)
We notice that when the subject in the
active voice is vague or unknown, it
remains unexpressed in the passive voice.
5) Study the following sentences:
1) Krishna gave me a book (A.V.)
a) I was given a book by Krishna (P.V.)
b) A book was given (to) me by Krishna
2) Who taught you English? (A.V.)
a) By whom were you taught English?
b) By whom was English taught to you?
We notice that when a verb in the active
voice has an indirect as well as a direct
object, either of them can become the
subject of the passive voice. But it is more
usual in English to make the personal
(indirect) object the subject of the passive
6) When we wish to turn an imperative,
active into the passive, we have to make
use of a paraphrase, using the verb let:
Tell him to go. (A.V.)
Let him be told to go. (P.V.)
Active voice Passive Voice
Saddle the horse. (A.V.)
Simple present
I keep
I am kept
Let the horse be saddled. (P.V.)
Present continuous I am keeping I am being kept Dispatch the letter. (A.V.)
Let the letter be dispatched. (P.V.)
Simple Past
I kept
I was kept
The passive construction is used:
Past Continuous
I was keeping I was being kept
Present Perfect
I have kept
I have been kept 1) If the active subject is not known,
so that an active construction is imposPast Perfect
I had kept
I had been kept
Simple Future
I shall keep
I shall be kept
My purse has been stolen (I do not
know by whom).
2) Study the following sentences:
Farmers grow crops (A.V.)
She was tempted to buy.
The plane was lost somewhere in the
Crops are grown by farmers. (P.V.)
He explained the lesson (A.V.)
The lesson was explained by him. (P.V.)
2) When the subject in the active voice is
Cats kill rats (A.V.)
unmistakably clear from the context:
He was sent to prison for three years (by
Rats are killed by cats (P.V.)
the judge).
We notice that when a sentence is
She was dismissed (by her mistress).
changed from active to Passive, the
Mistakes are always committed. (by us)
object of the active voice becomes the
3) If we do not want to mention the active
subject of the passive.
subject, we then use the impersonal pas3) Let us examine the following sentences:
Shaw wrote this play (A.V.)
sive construction, with 'It' as the subject
of the passive verb.
It is said that there will be a great crowd
(somebody said so)
It is believed that the prisoner is not
guilty (believed by people in general).
It is rumored that the government proposes to introduce tax on agricultural
income (some people have spread the
It is feared that there are no survivors.
4) If we take a great interest in the sufferer
than in the doer of the action:
Santi was punished by her father. The
ship was wrecked in a storm.
Rewrite the following into sentence in passive form.
1. Ray produced many films of international
fame (AV)
Many films of international fame were
produced by Ray (PV)
2. I realized why God had made us like this.
Why God had made us like this was realized by me. (PV)
The 19th question in paper-I part-B may be
on different ways of joining or combining
sentences using various connectors or conjunctions like inspite of, as soon as, instead
of, neither …nor, either …or, so…that,
such.. that, unless, if…not enough, relative
pronouns like who, whose, whom, relative
adverbs like where, when, why etc.
Study the following:
1. Edison failed many times in life. He
invented 1000 inventions. Combine them
with 'who'.
Edison who invented 1000 inventions
failed many times in life. Or Edison who
failed many times in life invented 1000
2. There were freezing temperatures. They
continued their journey. Combine them
with 'inspite of'.
Inspite of freezing temperatures, they continued their journey.
Try to learn the other connectors to join in
sentences of your own and get them corrected by your teacher concerned with proper
The 20th question may be on 'contractions',
using appropriate verb forms, using the
right word etc.
Contracted auxiliaries
The following contractions of auxiliary verbs
(including forms of be, whether as a strict auxiliary or as a copular verb) are used:
'm for am, in I'm (for I am)
's for is, as in it's (for it is), the man's (for
the man is, although the same form is used
set clear and
specific goals for the
study sessions prioritize
to ensure that material weighted more heavily in the exam gets
sufficient study time take
into account your familiarity with the material and the difficulty level
Subject Special
for the possessive)
're for are, mostly in we're, you're and
've for auxiliary have, mostly in I've,
you've, we've and they've
's for auxiliary has (the examples given
above for is could also be intended as it has
and the man has)
'd for auxiliary had, mostly in I'd, you'd
etc. and who'd (including in the expression
had better), and similarly for would
'll for will (sometimes interpreted as shall)
In very informal English, 's' for does and 'd'
for did, as in what's (What does) he do
there? Who'd (Who did) you see there?
The contraction 's' (representing is, 'has or
does) is pronounced in the same way as the
regular plural ending -(e)s and possessive
ending 's, namely as /iz/ when following a
sibilant sound, as /s/ when following any other voiceless consonant, and as /z/ otherwise.
Negative contractions
Contractions of negated auxiliary verbs in
Standard English are formed by reducing the
negative grammatical particle not to n't, a
clitic or suffix which is fused to the root verb
form (which is modified in a few cases). The
n't may form a separate syllable, as in isn't and
wouldn't (which are two-syllable or disyllabic
words), or may become part of the preceding
syllable, as in the monosyllables don't, aren't
and weren't.
The standard contractions for negation of auxiliaries are as follows:
From forms of be: isn't, aren't, wasn't,
From forms of have: haven't, hasn't, hadn't. I've for I have, you've for you have,
he's for he has
From forms of do: don't, doesn't, didn't
From modal verbs:can't (the full form is the
single word cannot), couldn't, mayn't (rare),
mightn't, mustn't, shan't (for shall not),
shouldn't, won't (for will not), wouldn't,
daren't, needn't, oughtn't, usedn't (rare).
I'll for I will or shall, he/she/it'll for he will,
she will, it will
Contractions not involving auxiliaries
The following contractions used in English do
not involve either auxiliaries or their negations:
let's for let us when used to make first-person plural imperatives
in some nonstandard dialects, 's for as used
for the relative pronoun that
o' in o'clock (originally a contraction of the
words of (the))
't for it, archaic except in stock uses such as
'T was the night before Christmas.
'em for them (in fact from the old form
'im, 'er, 'is, etc. for him, her, his, etc.
Y'all, for you all, used as a plural secondperson pronoun, mainly in the Southern
United States
G'day, for good day, used as a greeting,
mainly in Australia.
Fill in the blanks with correct form of contraction.
I ........(have) done my work, ....... (have not I?)
Answer: I've done my work, haven't I?
Contract the following:
1. He is my friend. He cannot play chess.
2. You would have gone there, if you were
3. It is raining, is not it?
Answers: 1-He's my friend. He can't play
chess. 2-You'd have gone there, if you're
invited. 3-It's raining, isn't it?
The 21st question may be on prepositions.
The student has to choose the correct one
from the given ones in brackets.
There are over 100 prepositions in English.
This is a very small number when compared to
the vast number of nouns, adjectives, and
verbs which English has. Most sentences that
people produce contain at least one preposition; indeed, three out of ten most frequent
words of English are prepositions: of, to and
in. This means that the number of times you
need to use a particular preposition is much
higher than an ordinary word such as a noun,
adjective, or verb.
Prepositions are used as the first word in a
prepositional group, which provides information about place, or, time or in a more
abstract way, about relationship between people or things. Prepositions have a function in
language rather than a clear meaning of their
A Preposition is a word used or placed before
a noun or pronoun. It shows the relation
between the noun and something else. A
preposition is followed by a "noun". It is never
followed by a verb. Knowledge of prepositions is vital as it is a very important area from
which questions will be asked in almost all
competitive examinations. Prepositions can be
studied under three categories. 1. Simple
prepositions. 2. Compound prepositions and 3.
Phrase or phrasal prepositions.
Simple prepositions: Examples: of, in, to,
till, at, by, for, from, off, out, with, etc.
Compound prepositions: They are formed
by prefixing a (=on) before a noun, an
adjective or an adverb or by prefixing be
(=by) before a noun an adjective or an
adverb. Eg: before, behind, below,
beneath, beside, between, beyond etc
Double prepositions: In some contexts, a single preposition may not serve the purpose
where there is a need of more than one
preposition. Some such ones are: from
above, from within, within, from among,
from behind etc., Eg: She looked at me
from above her glasses. She replied from
behind the curtain. I heard a feeble voice
from within the well. Can anybody from
among you answer this?
Participial prepositions: Just like present
participles, these prepositions end in -ing
form such as barring, concerning, considering, during, notwithstanding, pending, regarding, respecting etc. These are
used absolutely without any noun or pronoun qualified by them because they are
no longer participles governing some
object which is a noun or pronoun. Eg:
Barring accidents, trains arrive on time.
Notwithstanding my efforts, the scheme
failed. Respecting your plans, we shall
discuss them at length. Concerning your
job, I will write to later.
Phrase or phrasal prepositions: Examples:
in course of, in favour of, in case of,
according to, by reason of, in the event of,
owing to, away from, in compliance with,
with reference to, instead of, with an eye
to, in comparison to, because of, etc
Prepositions Showing Time
1. At, in:
At is used with a definite point of time in
E.g. Jim goes to the office at eight. The
train will arrive at 10 am
In is generally used to denote a specific
time, period, month, and year.
E.g. I play in the evening.
2. On, by:
On is used with days and dates.
E.g. Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd
English class is on every Wednesday.
By refers to the latest time by which an
action will be over.
E.g. The meeting will be over by 3 p. m.
3. For, since:
For denotes a period of time and is used
with the perfect and perfect continuous
E.g. I have been working for the last ten
She has been waiting for two hours.
Since indicates point of time. It indicates
E.g. India has been independent since
4. From
From refers to the starting point of an
E.g. Raja is joining the firm from the 1st
of June.
Prepositions Showing Position
1. At, in:
At refers to an exact point.
E.g. He lives at Ameerpet.
In refers to a big area.
E.g. He lives in Hyderabad.
2. Between, among:
Between is used to distinguish two persons and things.
E.g. There was a quarrel between the two
Among is used for more than two persons
or things.
E.g. The food is distributed among the
boys in the class.
3. Amongst:
Amongst is also used with more than two
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persons or things but is always used before
a vowel or vowel sound
E.g. Divide the oranges amongst us.
4. Above, below:
Above is used to mean' higher than'.
E.g. The aeroplane is flying above the
Below is used to mean' lower than'.
E.g. His output is below ours.
5. Under, beneath:
Under is used for vertically below.
E.g. We sit under the tree when we have
no class.
Beneath shows in or to a lower position
than somebody/something
E.g. They found the body buried beneath a
pile of leaves.
Prepositions Showing Direction
1. To is used to indicate movement from one
place to another.
E.g. The children go to school every
2. towards points out particular direction.
E.g. the lion ran towards the hunter.
3. Into indicates a movement inside something.
E.g. The cat jumped into the big pit. A
frog jumped into the well.
4. At indicates aim.
E.g. The hunter aimed at the bird.
5. For denotes direction.
E.g. I shall start for Gwalior today.
6. Along shows the same line.
E.g. I walked along the shore.
7. across means from one side to the other
E.g. It is too wide. We can't swim across.
8. From refers to a point of departure.
E.g. We feel unhappy when we depart
from our parents.
9. Before denotes face- to-face.
E.g. He was standing before his wife.
10. Behind means at the back of someone or
E.g. My son stood behind me.
11. After refers to a sequence.
E.g. The boy came running after his mother.
12. Beside means' by the side of '.
E.g. John is the person standing beside the
13. besides means 'in addition to'.
E.g. Besides the administrators, the teachers were allowed to state their views.
Words Taking More than One Preposition
A large number of words are always followed
by a fixed preposition. Example: insist on;
instead of; prevent from; But certain words
take several prepositions according to the
don't make
the study sessions too
long; study sessions
should have enough variety
in terms of topics and activities to prevent boredom
and loss of effectiveness; avoid
cramming before
the exam
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change in meaning of the word like 'agree
with, agree to'. Some such important prepositions.
1. Accompany by/with:
A. By (for living being).
The Prime Minister was accompanied
by the members of his Cabinet.
B. With (subtle things).
His lecture was accompanied with subtle analysis of concepts.
2. Accountable to/for:
A. To (an authority or a person).
Should the police be more accountable
to the public?
B. For (action).
He is accountable for his deeds and
3. Angry at/with:
A. At (a thing). Angry demonstrators
jeered at the President.
B. With (a person). I am angry with him.
C. For (for a cause). He is angry with me
for keeping him waiting.
4. Annoyed with/at:
A. With (a person). I was annoyed with
him because he kept interrupting.
B. At (something). He is annoyed with his
friend at his laziness.
5. Answerable to/for:
A. To (a Person). I am answerable to the
government for any decision I make.
B. For (something). We are answerable to
our parents for our conduct.
6. Appeal to/for:
A. Appeal to (person). The police are
appealing to the public for any information about the murder victim.
B. For (thing). They are appealing for
funds to build a new Capital.
Fill in the blanks choosing the right words
from those given in brackets:
1. Don't argue ...... anybody. (at, with, on)
2. It is ten O' clock ...... my watch.(in, on, by)
3. Most of the students are suffering ......
(with, by, from)
4. ...... the heat, the front door was open.
(because of, for, away from)
Answers: 1-with, 2-by, 3-from, 4-because of
The 22nd question is on replacing the
underlined words in the given sentences
with the words that have the same meaning.
They may thus be called Synonyms.
Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with the words given in brackets.
(Transfixed; blinding; stunned; scintillating;
emotionally; malicious; reluctantly)
1. They became motionless with amazement.
2. Victoria goes out unwillingly.
3. Don't believe the minister; he is deceitful
and dishonest.
4. The lightning flashed with its very bright
Answers: 1-transfixed, 2-reluctantly, 3malicious, 4-blinding
The 23rd question is on filling in blanks
with the words opposite in meaning to those
underlined. They may thus be called
Fill in the blanks with the words opposite in
meaning to those underlined.
a) His distasteful attitude didn't appeal anybody because ....... attitude is always welcome.
b) Life is ephemeral but goodness is .......
c) Adversity is the root while ....... is its fruit.
d) China should know that war brings nothing because it is ....... that saves the whole
Answers: a-pleasant, b-eternal, c-prosperity, d-peace
of speech. A word may be used as a noun,
an adjective or an adverb depending on the
Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of
The 24th question may be on different parts
The 25th question may be on prefixes and
suffixes that are together known as affixes.
The given eight words are to be put under
the correct heading whether each is a prefix
or suffix.
Notes on affixes: English language spoken as
well as written continues to dominate all over
the world. In every field of activity, whether
social, cultural, official or political, it has
become almost a part of the everyday life of an
individual. So, the necessity of cultivating the
habit of speaking and writing this language
correctly is of prime importance for both a layman and a sophisticated worker, whoever
strives at making some progress in life. For
this, there is every need to increase one's fund
opposite to
bioof living
counter- against
disthe opposite
hyper- extreme
inter- between,
kiloa thousand
mega- a million
mini- small
misbad, wrong
mono- one
reagain, back
semi- half
super- more than
ultra- beyond
under- below
(second in
ex-Marxist, ex-student
kilobyte, kilowatt
megawatt, megastar
misconduct, mismatch
neo Marxist
subgroup, subset
tricycle, tri partism
ultra filter, ultrasound
Subject Special
of vocabulary.
Thousands and thousands of words have
among them many derived nouns. A study of
these words will be of greatest use. Derived
nouns are formed from other words by means
of affixation (prefixes and suffixes)
Derivational prefixes do not normally alter the
word class of the base words; that is, a prefix
is added to a noun to form a new noun with a
different meaning.
Patient outpatient (a patient who is not resident in a hospital)
Group subgroup (a group which is a part of
B) Noun Suffixes
Suffixes tend to have less specific meanings
than prefixes. Grammatically speaking, their
main role is to signal a change of word class,
so that (for example) if you meet a word ending in -ism, -ness, or -tion, you can recognize
-an, -ian
-ance, -ence
-ant, -ent
-er, -or
-ery, -ry
-ie, -y
main meaning(s)
(various meanings)
action or instance of
nationality, language, etc.
action or state of
State of being
a person who V-s,
something used for V-ing
state or quality of being
state of being
a person (various meanings)
a person/thing that V-s,
a connected with N
(various non-personal
nationality or language
a female N
a small N
amount that fills a N
state of being
person concerned with
a pet name for N
action/instance of V-ing.
Place or material
ideology, movement
follower of N/A-ism, specialist
citizen or follower of
state or quality of being
a small N
action or instance of V-ing
state or quality of being Adj
state or skill of being a N
action or instance of V-ing
action or instance of V-ing
the underlined words.
a) Kejriwal is a social activist. His ....... are
going to make him the CM of Delhi.
b) The BJP says that India is developing but
its ....... is a mirage.
c) The Government of the day should show
its capability and reliability by providing
good ....... to the people.
d) Obedient students will be identified teachers and their ....... will pay its dividends.
Answers: a-activities, b-development, cgovernance, d-obedience.
a larger group)
retrial (another trial of the same person for the same crime)
Derivational suffixes, on the other hand, usually change both the meaning and the word
class; that is, a suffix is often added to a verb
or adjective to form a new noun with a different meaning:
Adjective: dark
Noun: friend
A) Noun prefixes
The following list shows some of the more frequent prefixes, and indicates the typical meaning signaled by each prefix.
it as a noun. However, some suffixes are
ambiguous: E.g. -al and -ful can make an
adjective as well as noun. (Note that the
process of derivation can bring a change in the
pronunciation or spelling of the base word; for
example, when we add -cy to 'infant', the
whole word is spelt 'infancy not 'infantcy
wastage, postage, baggage, orphanage
arrival, burial, denial, proposal
American, historian, Korean, Victorian
assistance, resemblance, experience
dependence, difference, ignorance
assistant, consultant, student coolant,
intoxicant, lubricant
accuracy, adequacy, infancy, lunancy
boredom, freedom, stardom, wisdom
absentee, devotee, employee, trainee
actor, driver, filler, teacher, visitor
footballer , cottager, New Yorker
bakery, bravery, refinery, robbery
Chinese, Japanese, journalese
actress, baroness, tigress, waitress
cigarette, kitchenette, novelette
handful, mouthful, spoonful
childhood, falsehood, likelihood
clinician, physician, optician
auntie, daddy, doggie, johnny
Feeling, meeting, training, reading
building, crossing, landing, lining
atheism criticism capitalism, Marxism
atheist, racist, capitalist, physicist
Moabite, Muscovite, Thatcherite, Thatcherism
ability, activity, density, insanity
bomb let, booklet, piglet, and leaflet
argument, movement, statement, treatment
blindness, darkness, fairness, happiness
friendship, relationship, membership
communication, education, production
closure, departure, exposure, pressure.
Subject Special
The 25th question
Put the following words under the correct
Impossible; return; angrily; development;
Disinterest; unlivable; eradication; robbery
Answers: Prefixes: 1-im (possible), 2-re
(turn), 3-dis (interest), 4-un (livable)
Suffixes: 1-ly (angrily), 2-tion (eradication),
3-ment (development), 4-ery/ry (robbery)
The 26th question may be on 'missing letters' that are almost a test of correct
Complete the following words by using '-ei,
ie, -ae or -ea'
a) bel - - ve
b) st - - m
Answers: a-believe, b-steam.
Tenth English Model Paper (PAPER-1)
Class: X
Sub: English
Max marks: 50
Time: 21/2 hour
I. Answer any FIVE of the following questions in two or three sentences each.
1. What made Nick choose Bethany
Hamilton to learn surfing? (Attitude is
2. Why does Mrs. Slater decide to shift the
bureau from her father's room before the
arrival of the Jordans? How does Henry
react to the suggestion? (The Dear
3. Who created Micky Mouse? How was it
created? (Every Success Story is also a
Story of Great Failures)
4. What is the contribution of the movie
'Maya Bazaar' to the Telugu dictionary?
(Maya Bazaar)
5. How are trees important in providing
basic needs of people? (Environment)
6. What qualities are inherited by Kalam
from his parents? (My childhood)
7. If the writer had seen the second day's
game on the first day, what would he have
thought about it? (Jamaican Fragment)
8. Why did the author think that he was
physically useless? (The Journey)
The 27th question may also be on filling in
the blanks with correct letters for correct
spelling. Here two sets of letters are given in
the brackets.
Complete the following words with the letters
given in the brackets.
a) Confer ----- (ance/ence)
b) exist -----(ance/ence)
Answers: a-conference, b-existence
question may again be on test of
spelling. Here there will be two sets of
words with each set having a wrongly spelt
word. The student has to identify those two
wrongly spelt words from the two sets.
Identify the one word in each set which is
wrongly spelt. Rewrite it correctly in the
space provided.
a) Forceps, scissors, specktacles, shoes
b) president, proceed, ingredeant, luggage
Answers: a-spectacle, b-ingredient.
The 29th question may be on pronunciation.
The student has to identify the similar
sound in different words given.
Look at the two sets of words given below. In
9. How did Kondiba oppose Bayaji's idea of
building a storeyed house? In what way
did he warn Bayaji? How did Bayaji
change his plan? (The Storeyed House)
10. What is the tone of the poem "Once upon
a Time"? (Once upon a time)
11. Read the following stanza.
As the cat jumps in
With a screeching meow
The rats let loose
A clicking squeak
A bloody chaos ensues,
The only sin of the infantBeing born.
Now answer the following questions.
1. Whose condition is being described
2. What does the cat jump in for?
3. Why do you think the rats let loose?
4. Why is there 'a bloody chaos'?
5. What is the sin committed by the baby?
Who are the real sinners?
12. Read the following lines.
What are they coming for? They haven't
been here for ages. (The Dear Departed-I)
Answer the following questions. 3×1=3
1. Who is the speaker of these lines?
2. Who are 'they' referred to in this passage?
3. Why have they not been here for ages?
13. Read the following lines.
As a young cartoonist, Walt Disney faced
many rejections from newspaper editors,
who said he had no talent. One day a minister at a church hired him to draw some
cartoons. Disney was working out of a
small mouse infested shed near the
church. After seeing a small mouse, he
was inspired. That was the start of Mickey
Mouse. (Every Success Story is a Story of
Great Failures).
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each set, the letters underlined in the two
words are pronounced alike or in the same
way. Find the words and copy them out.
a) food good
b) pure sore
Answers: a-food and loom are pronounced
alike. There is a long vowel sound in the
word 'food' not a short vowel.
b-pure and tour are pronounced alike.
The 30th question may be on arrangement
of given words in an alphabetical order.
Constant consulting of the dictionary will
be of great use in such tests as this during
school study hours.
Arrange the following words in alphabetical
Sturdy, steam, stock, stroll
Answer: steam, stock, stroll, sturdy
The 31st, 32nd, 33rd and 34th questions may
be on communication and expressive skills
relating to common etiquettes and speech
manners like advice, order, permission,
request, invitation, introduction, prediction, wish, hope, fear, offer, possibility,
impossibility, probability, improbability,
Answer the following questions
1. Who is Walt Disney?
2. What inspired Walt Disney?
14. Complete the passage, choosing the
right words from those given below.
Each blank is numbered and for each
blank, four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
are given. Choose the correct answer
from these choices and write (A), (B),
(C) or (D) in the blanks.
5×1/2 = 21/2
Sue and Joanna were two friends who
shared an apartment …………. a colony
…………. poor artists. Once winter, many
people in the colony fell prey to pneumonia. Joanna …………. one of them. The
doctor …………. about her progress as
she seemed to have lost the will to live. He
felt she would recover only if she
…………. more cheerful.
1. A) in B) at
C) for D) on
2. A) of B) by
C) with D) for
3. A) is B)will be C) was D) has been
4. A) is worried
B)was worried
C) will be worried D)would be worried
5. A) became
B) has become
C) becomes
D) will become
15. Match the parts of sentences under 'A'
with those under 'B' Write the letter of
the sentences part in 'B' against the sentences part in 'A'.
5×1/2 = 21/2
1. My heart leaps
2. Everyone would predict
3. Though they worked hard
4. If he had had enough money
5. They would have reached
A) in time had they got the train
B) how the ship would have been saved
after it had sunk.
C) he would have bought it
D) they couldn't get the desired results
E) whenever I see a rainbow in the sky.
compulsion, obligation, agreement, disagreement etc.
31. The teacher has given imposition to your
friend. He thinks it difficult. Advise him
to try it.
Answer: Dear Ram, it is not as difficult
as you think it to be. You should do it
for your betterment.
32. What do the following sentences mean?
Put a tick mark against the right answer.
You can refer to my article in the daily for
more clarity.
a) Suggestion b) advice
c) giving permission
d) expressing possibility.
Answer: a
33. Change the following into a polite
You to a stranger: "Give me your pen
Answer: Could you give me your pen
once please?
34. Your cousin has her examination. What
do you say to her?
a) Congratulations!
b) Well done!
c) Good luck
d) that's alright.
Answer: c
16. a) Bhaskar is looking after the new house.
b) Shekhar is looking for a new house.
Q. Who needs a house?
Ans: ..........................................................
Report the following into Indirect
Ravi said, "I woke up feeling ill, so I didn't go to work. '
Ans: ..........................................................
17. I walked to the garden. I could see
many colourful birds. (Combine using
Ans: ..........................................................
18. His parents decided not to send him to a
special school. (Change into 'passive
Ans: ..........................................................
19. He woke up late. He missed the school
bus. (Combine using 'so …. that') 1/2M
Ans: ..........................................................
20. Rewrite the following sentences using
contractions where necessary.
I think he is adamant. He would punish
Ans: ..........................................................
21. Fill in the blanks, choosing the right
words from those given in the brackets.
4x1/2 = 2M
a. I looked ............... myself in the mirror.
b. His parents insisted ............... his
attending mainstream school. (due to /
on/ about)
c. I read a newspaper article ............... a
disabled man. (Due to/for/about)
d. ............... his faith as an Evangelical
Christian, Hick has chosen to remain a
virgin until marriage. (Due to/on/about)
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22. Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with the words from
the box that have the same meaning.
Nobility; tolerate; place sad; downcast;
appeared suddenly; disappointed; lonely
a. Kalam's father possessed great innate
wisdom and a true generosity of spirit.
Ans: ..........................................................
b. A sudden demand for tamarind seeds
erupted in the market.
Ans: ..........................................................
c. Our family arranged boats carrying
idols of the Lord from the temple to the
marriage site, situated in the middle of
the pond.
Ans: ..........................................................
d. The new teacher could not stomach a
Hindu priest's son sitting with a Muslim
Ans: ..........................................................
23. Fill in the blanks with the words opposite in meaning to those underlined.
4×1/2 = 2M
a. They loved us. But we ............... them.
b. I started drinking and ............... smoking.
c. I want to hide this book but my friend
made it ............... to other.
d. I don't know whether the boys are calm
or ...............
24. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate
forms of the underlined words.
a. The cow is a useful animal. Its milk has
many ...............
b. The doctor has examined the boy. The
............... is over.
c. He answered all the questions. One of
his ............... is wrong.
d. Read something daily. ............... is a
good habit.
25. Put the following word sunder the correct headings.
Intrepid; outgoing; finicky; solvency;
Malicious; enthusiastic; observant; haughty
Positive Qualities
1) ..............................................
2) ..............................................
3) ..............................................
4) ..............................................
Negative Qualities
1) ..............................................
2) ..............................................
3) ..............................................
4) ..............................................
26. Complete the following words by using
ea, ie, ai, ia or ae.
(a) sn- - ked (b) acqu - - nted
27. Complete the following words with the
letters given in the brackets.
(a) Cott……………… (age/ege)
(b) frag ……………… (ment/mant)
28. One word in each set is wrongly spelt.
Rewrite it correctly in the space provided.
(a) Experience died
stupefied peice
(b) Society
viewer greif
29. Look at the two sets of words given
Subject Special
below. In each set, the letters underlines
in the two words are pronounced in the
same way. Find the words and copy
them out.
a. Chemist
b. Permission
30. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.
Torso; conclude; contentment; convince
31. Your friend has been wasting time
watching cricket on TV. . Advise him
not to do that.
Ans: ..........................................................
32. What do the following sentences mean?
) mark against the right answer.
Put (
2 x 1 = 2M
i) He can sing for eight hours at a stretch.
a) Making on offer
b) asking question
c) Expressing ability
d) seeking permission
ii)Sir, May I take you to dinner?
a) Asking a question
b) giving suggestion
c) Starting possibility
d) making a request
33. Change the following into a polite
Director to Hero: You should finish the
shooting by tomorrow evening.
Ans: ..........................................................
34. A man who has just been introduced to
you says, "How do you do?" What
would you say in return? Put a (
mark against the right answer.
a) Iam fine.
b) How are you?
c) How do you do?
d) It's all right.
ENGLISH Model Paper
1. How did Murthy react when his father
refused to send him to IIT? (I will do it)
2. Why did the villagers thank the potter?
(The Brave Potter)
3. 'And the Piano? ........... And the furniture?
'Why did Aunt Jane ask these questions?
(The Never - Never Nest)
4. What are the things that left unforgettable
marks in the minds of the audience?
5. Why are the shrieks of the baby unheard?
6. "Then they built those monsters, ..........."
What are those monsters? (A Tale of Three
7. How do you tell "Hindi is now understood
and recognized as the national language of
(Unity in Diversity in India)
8. Mrs. Murthy forgets her name. Do you
think a woman can forget her name?
What is the intention of the author in this
line? (What is My name?)
9. What, according to Narayana Murthy, can
change the life of a person? (I will Do it)
10. What did the tiger think about the 'leak. '
Why? (The Brave Potter)
II. Read the passage and answer the following questions in a sentence.
5 x 1 = 5M
What was one supposed to do if there was
a need for a tiger in a film? We had to deal
with this problem, too, when we were
shooting Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne. The
story of the film goes somewhat like this.
Goopy and Bagha have been banished to
the forest by the king. As the two begin a
conversation, suddenly, they see a tiger
and freeze. But the tiger simply walks
about in the forest, without paying them
the slightest attention. Then, it goes back
in the same direction from which it came.
1. what does "Banish" mean?
2. What happend to Goopy and Bagha?
3. What did the tiger do?
4. What are the three degrees of comparison of the word "Slight"?
5. Write the adjective and adverb forms of
the word "attention"
12. a) Suppose you are Charan. You want
to apply for a loan to buy a two
wheeler. Write an imaginary dialogue between you and the Bank
Manager. You may start your dialogue like this:
1 x 10 = 10M
Charan : Good morning, Sir.
Bank Manager : Good morning, How can
I help you?
Charan : .....................................................
b) Suppose your are Nazeer/ Ramana
dha Sastry. You are upset about being made to sit away from best friend
in the class. Write a diary entry
expressing your feelings and reactions. In your diary entry you should.
describe the incident briefly.
say how you and your friend felt
about it.
decide what you are going to do about
13. a) You are Kiran from Zilla Parishad
High School. Recently you had the
honour of having participated as a
contingent leader of your school team
in the Independence day Parade in
Vijayawada in which your school was
adjudged the best participating team.
Write a report about this memorable
event for publication in your school
1 x 10 = 10M
b) Write a letter describing 'Your
College Annual day Celebrations' to
your friend.
PART - B (Marks: 20)
14. Study the following bar chart carefully and answer the questions given below:
5 x 1 = 5M
Tenth English Model Paper (Paper - II)
Class: 10
Sub: English
Time: 21/2 hour
Max. Marks: 50
Part - A
1. Answer all the questions under Part - A on
a separate answer book.
2. Write the answers to the questions under
Part - B on the question paper itself.
3. Start answering the questions as you read
(1 - 10) Answer ANY FIVE of the following
questions. Each answer should be in one or
two sentences.
5 x 1 =5M
a) How many countries produce more
than they consume?
b) The highest producer of rice is______ .
c) What is the place of India in highest
producers of rice?
d) Which two countries has the same consumption of rice?
e) Which country in the table is the lowest
15. Read the following passage and answer
the questions given below.
Rafi and Nuthan were very good friends.
Rafi could not see, he was blind. Nuthan
could not walk, he was lame. They lived in
a village near a forest. One day everyone
in the village was going to a rich man's
Subject Special
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ENGLISH Model Paper
house for dinner on the other side of the
forest. Rafi and Nuthan also wanted to go
for the dinner.
Blind Rafi thought of a plan. He would
carry Nuthan. The lame man could tell
him the way. Nuthan said that the plan was
a good one.
On the way through the forest, Nuthan
saw a tiger. He did not tell Rafi about it.
Instead, he quietly asked Rafi to carry him
to the nearest tree. Upon reaching a
branch, Nuthan quickly pulled himself up.
Then the tiger roared. Rafi at once knew a
tiger was near. He lay down quietly. The
tiger came to him and smelt his body. The
tiger's whiskers touched Rafi's nose. At
once Rafi sneexed, "Ah chooooo. !" The
tiger was frightened and ran away.
Then Nuthan came down from the tree. He
asked Rafi what the tiger had said to him.
Rafi said that the tiger told him him to be
careful in choosing friends.
A) Each of the following questions has
three choices. Tick the right answer.
4 x 1 = 4M
1. Rafi and Nuthan decided to go for dinner.
a) by Rafi leading Nuthan
b) by Rafi carrying Nuthan
c) by Nuthan carrying Rafi
2. Nuthan escaped from the tiger
a) by sitting quietly on Rafi's shoulders
b) by climbing on to a branch from
Rafi's shoulders
c) by running and climing a tree
3. Rafi laydown quietly when he heard the
tiger roar because.
a) he had become unconscious
b) he was a afraid to look at the tiger[ ]
c) he wanted to pretend that he was
4. Rafi said that the tiger had told him to
choose his friend wisely! By this he
meant that
a) Nuthan was not a good friend
b) Nuthan was a good friend
c) Nuthan and he should choose good
B) Given below are SIX statements. Three
of them are TRUE according to the passage. Find the TRUE or FALSE statements and write 'T' against them in
3 x 1 = 3M
1. Rafi was not lame.
2. Nuthan told Rafi about the tiger because he did not want to frighten him.[ ]
3. Rafi did not know the tiger was near.[ ]
4. The tiger was frightened when Rafi
5. The tiger advised Rafi.
6. Rafi learnt that Nuthan was not a good
16. Read the passage carefully.
Health is the basis of prosperity, success,
noble values, spiritual upliftment and
beauty of heart. With health, the world
became a graceful sea of joy. Without
health, even the most beautiful nature the
most delightful scenes and sights become
joyless and lack of attraction.
Health includes the healthy body and
mind. A healthy person has a strong will,
disciplined senses, obedient mind and a
healthy body free from diseases. Body,
mind and senses are instruments of the
When a person is truly healthy, his body
becomes as light as that of a deer jumping
joyously in a forest. His mind becomes
free from jealously, hatred, selfishness and
greed. His heart is filled with the feeling
of love and unity. It enjoys the experience
of beauty of peace. Health is your birth
right. Disease does not belong to your
essential nature. Fear, grief, greed and
pride are all negative qualities of the mind
and they must be cured if you would enjoy
the deeper sense of peace and happiness.
Now answer the following questions.
2 x 1 = 2M
A) Mention the qualities that we can find
in a truly healthy person.
i) .....................................................
ii) .....................................................
B) There are Five words in List - A. The
meanings of four of them are given in
List - B.
Choose the right word from List - A to
match the meanings in List - B and write it
in the space provided against each meaning.
4 x1/2 = 2M
List - A:
Sense, instrument, soul, desire, grief
List - B:
i) an object used to help in work:
ii) Great sorrow :
iii) Power to understand:
iv) A strong wish:
C) Complete the following sentences using
a word or a phrase each. 2 x1/2 =1M
i) With health the world becomes a
ii) Healthy person's heart is filled with the
D) i) Mention the negative qualities of
ii) What are the instruments of soul?
E) Answer in a word or a phrase each.
2 x 1/2 = 1 M
Health includes two things. What are
i) ___________________________
ii) _________________________
an entire repertoire to the Telugu dictionary. (Repertoire means 'the stock of songs,
plays, operas, readings, or other pieces
that a player or company is prepared to
perform). The word 'Talpam' is used for
denoting a cot or bed. The Telugus didn't
use the word 'Gilpam' as an antonym of it
till the advent of the film. The words of
Ghatothkacha (Son of Bhima) are immortal when he said that Evaru puttinchakunte
maatalela pudatayi (how words are born if
none should create?). Thus if friends are
called Asamadiyulu then foes could be
termed as Tasamadiyulu. Such creations
are plenty in the immortal film that contributed a lot for enriching The Telugu
Language and must be lexicographed.
5. How are trees important in providing
basic needs of people? (Environment)
People's basic needs are clean drinking
water, food, energy (which is mostly firewood), building material and fodder for
animals. All these come from trees. So it
should be known that people's basic needs
are connected with environment.
6. What qualities are inherited by Kalam
from his parents? (My childhood)
Kalam inherited honesty and self-discipline from his father and faith in goodness
and deep kindness from his mother and
three brothers and sister.
7. If the writer had seen the second day's
game on the first day, what would he have
thought about it? (Jamaican Fragment)
Even if he had seen the second day's game
on the first day, the writer would haven't
supported it because he is a firm believer
of equality and humanity. He strongly supports that all human beings are born free
and equal in dignity and rights. I personal-
ly feel that the writer would not have supported it since such games poison young
and tender minds.
Why did the author think that he was
physically useless? (The Journey)
The author's father would not like to see
his son carrying a trunk on his back and
would be very hurt if he did so. Father was
used to carrying luggage anyway. He was
stronger and more skilled than the writer,
his son. Moreover the writer had never got
used to physical labour having stayed in
hostels right from his childhood. So in
spite of his youth and strength, the author
thought that he was physically useless.
How did Kondiba oppose Bayaji's idea of
building a storeyed house? In what way
did he warn Bayaji? How did Bayaji
change his plan? (The Storeyed House)
KondibaPatil opposed Bayaji's idea of
building a storeyed house by saying not to
lose his head aspiring for an equal status
with them and thus wasting the some
money he saved. The poor should be content with their cottage. He advised him he
could have a small house with three
potions with varanda and living hall etc.
and not to spend unnecessarily by building
a storeyed house. He also warned him to
do so if he would go out of the village.
What is the tone of the poem 'Once Upon
A Time?' (Once Upon A Time)
The poem has a mixed tone of sadness and
great hope with all possible optimistic element.
1. The condition of an infant is described
2. The cat jumps in for its prey, the rats
that are nibbling the infant's dead body.
3. Because the taker of their lives has
4. Because the advent of cats make the
rats run helter- skelter chaotically.
5. The sin of the baby is its being born in
this world but the real sinners are its
unscrupulous parents.
1.Victoria; 2. Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle
Ben; 3. Because they are selfish money
1. Walt Disney is a famous cartoonist.
2. A small mouse.
1-A, 2-A, 3-C, 4-B, 5-A
1-E, 2-B, 3-D, 4-C, 5-A
Sekhar or Ravi said that he had woken up
feeling ill and so he had not gone to work.
I could watch many colourful birds as I
walked to the garden.
It was decided by his parents not to send
him to special school.
He woke up so late that he missed the
school bus.
I think he's adamant. He'd punish us.
a-at, b-on, c-about, d-due to
a-nobility, b-appeared, c-place, d-tolerate.
a-hate, b-stopped, c-open, d-noisy
a-uses,b-examination, c-answer, d-reading
Positive Qualities: intrepid, enthusiastic,
observant, outgoing; Negative Qualities:
slovenly, haughty, malicious, finicky
a-sneaked, b-acquainted
a-cottage, b-fragment
a-piece, b-grief
a-watch, kitchen; b. permission, tradition.
Conclude, contentment, convince, torso
Don't waste too much time watching TV
better study more.
i-c, ii-d
Could you please finish the shooting by
1. What made Nick choose Bethany
Hamilton to learn surfing?
Nick began travelling the world and in
2008 he went to Hawaii and met surfing
master Bethany Hamilton, who had her
arm bitten off by a shark when she was
twelve years old. But she didn't lose her
hope. She became a surfing master despite
her handicap only with her courage and
2. Why does Mrs. Slater decide to shift the
bureau from her father's room before the
arrival of the Jordans? How does Henry
react to the suggestion?
Mrs. Slater always wanted to have the
bureau after her father's death. So she
wanted to shift it from her father's room
well before the arrival of the Jordans as
she didn't like dividing the things between
them. Henry advises her not to do so but to
arrange with Elizabeth on the point of
dividing the things up.
3. Who created Mickey Mouse? How was it
created? (Every Success Story is also a
Story of Great Failures)
Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse. He
was the great cartoonist. Though he was
rejected by many newspaper editors being
said that he had no talent, he was one day
hired by a minister at a church to draw
some cartoons. While Disney was working out of a small mouse infested shed
near the church, he was inspired by a
small mouse which was the start of
Mickey Mouse.
4. What is the contribution of the movie
'Maya Bazaar' to the Telugu dictionary?
(Maya Bazaar)
The remarkable film 'Maya Bazar' added