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Dynamic Worlds
Debora Fisher & Raven Laroux
El Camino College Science FEST1
Astrological volcanoes on Mars, Venus, Io, and the Moon will be introduced with correlations
made to Earth volcanoes, preceding an overview of the signif icance of plate tectonics and
volcano formation and a recounting of the eruption of Mt Vesuvius from source material.
Eruptive forces of volcanoes will be examined through the use of self-made mini models of a
shield and composite volcano.
6th Grade
Student will
-explain why volcanoes are not unique to the Earth
-describe the changes volcanoes cause to their surroundings
-be able to name other solar bodies known to have volcanoes
-describe the underlying causes of volcanoes here on Earth
-recognize differences between composite, cinder cone and shield volcanoes
-explain why volcanoes erupt differently
-be able to label the different parts of a volcano on a diagram
California Standards
Grade 6 focus on Earth Science: Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Structure
Student knows
a. evidence of plate tectonics is derived from the fit of the continents; the
location of earthquakes, volcanoes and mid-ocean ridges
b. Earth is composed of several layers
c. Lithospheric plates the size of continents and oceans move
d. that volcanoes and fissures are locations where magma reaches the surface
e. major geologic events, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain
Science FEST is funded by the National Science Foundation (DUE #02-01981)
building, result from plate motions
f. how to explain major features of California geology ( including mountains,
faults, volcanoes) in terms of plate tectonics
Grades 9-12 focus on Earth Science: Dynamic Earth Processes
Student knows
e. there are two kinds of volcanoes: one kind with violent eruptions producing
steep slopes and the other kind with voluminous lava flows producing gentle
f. the explanation for the locations and properties of volcanoes that are due to
National Standards
Grades 5-8 focus on Earth and Space Science
Structure of the Earth System
-The solid earth is layered with a lithosphere, hot, convecting mantle, and dense
metallic core.
-Lithospheric plates on the scale of continents and oceans constantly move at
rates of centimeters per year in response to movements in the mantle.
Major geological events, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and
mountain building, result from these plate motions.
-Land forms are the result of a combination of constructive and destructive
forces. Constructive forces include crust deformation, volcanic eruption, and
deposition of sediment, while destructive forces include weathering and
Students should be aware that the Earth is part of a system of planets, know the order of the
planets within proximity to the sun and that some planets have moons circling them.
crust- the upper most layer of the Earth, which has been fractured into rocky plates that float and
move on the free flowing mantle
mantle - located directly under the crust, it is the largest layer of the Earth, filled with very hot,
constantly moving molten rock
volcano- an opening in the Earth’s crust through which materials (lava, and gases) from the
mantle reach the surface
magma- the name given to the molten rock found in the mantle
lava- magma that flows from a volcano onto the Earth
magma chamber- large underground reservoir or pool of magma
vent- the central opening or pipe in a volcano, through which lava flows
cinder cone volcano- steep sided, cone-shaped volcano produced by numerous eruptions
containing ash and lava rocks
shield volcano - a gently sloped, broad-based volcano produced by very liquid (runny) lava
composite volcano- the tallest and most explosive type of volcano made from alternating
layers of ash and lava
basalt- very hard, volcanic rock
pyroclastic material- bits of lava, rock, cinders and ash expelled by an exploding
active volcano- volcano that erupts regularly or shows activity of erupting
dormant volcano- volcano which has erupted within modern times, although not
recently, but is expected to erupt again sometime in the future
extinct volcano- volcano which has not erupted within the last 1000 years and is not
expected to erupt
subduction- the pushing or sliding of the oceanic crust plate under a continental plate
Olympus Mons - largest known shield volcano in our solar system; it is located on Mars
Ring of Fire - area around the Pacific Ocean rim where most of the Earth’s active
volcanoes exist
lithosphere -layer of the Earth that contains the crust and upper most portion of the
convergent plate boundary- area where oceanic crust of a continental plate and the
continental crust of another plate move against one another causing subduction to occur
divergent plate boundary-area where the oceanic crusts of two plates move away from
each other (plate spreading) causing a rift to form in the ocean floor
transform plate boundary-area where two plates slide past one another
A Brief Summary
The surface of our Earth is a very dynamic or ever changing place. Through
natural and man- made forces, mountains have been created and worn away, rivers have
carved out valleys, meteors have dug out huge craters, the hole in the ozone layer has
gotten larger and global and oceanic warming have increased. However, one of the most
powerful of Earth’s changing entities is more a structure of forces than a force alone.
Creating and destroying immediate and distant environments, the mighty volcano is
unprecedented in its dynamism.
Since the earliest times of Earth’s history, volcanoes have existed. Their activity
have both created and destroyed land masses, vegetative and animal life, and influenced
atmospheric and climatic conditions. For eons, Earth’s surface has been reshaped and
sculptured by volcanic activity. But this world is not the only one that has seen change in
this manner. Volcanoes can be found on other worlds within our solar system, as well.
Although Mars is about half the size of Earth, it is home to some of the largest
volcanoes known in our solar system. In the Tharsis and Elysium of Mars, there are four
large volcanoes, Ascraeus Mons, Pavonis Mons, Arsia Mons, and, the largest volcano
known in our solar system, Olympus Mons. At approximately 16 miles high and 340
miles across, Olympus Mons far surpasses Earth’s largest volcano, Mauna Loa, which is
only 6 miles high and 75 miles across.
Through extensive review of data gathered from space probes, scientists have
discovered numerous volcanoes scattered over the surface of Venus. They have also
discovered large volcanic plains, which are large pool- like areas of solidified, basaltic
lava, and lava flows, some extending hundreds of miles over Venus’s surface. While
scientists believe that some volcanoes, such as Maat Mons, are active, so far there is no
conclusive data to support these beliefs. Proof does exist for other worlds, however.
On March 8, 1979, Voyager I, a NASA space probe, passed by Io, one of Jupiter’s
large moons, transmitting pictures back to Earth. Scientists viewing these transmissions
were wonderfully amazed when they recognized the gigantic ejecta plume of an
exploding volcano. Given that, outside of the Earth, nothing like this had ever been
photographed before, one other factor that made this so truly amazing was that scientists
never expected to find active volcanoes on a world so far from the sun with very little
atmosphere; factors which play significant roles in volcano formation on Earth.
Soon after, scientists learned other amazing facts about Io. Io’s surface is
speckled with volcanoes and vents and has the hottest volcanoes known to us. With
temperatures greater than 2780 degrees F, they are about as hot as the surface of the
sun. Io’s volcanic formations are due to gravitational tides created by the combined,
shifting gravitational fields of Jupiter and two other large moons, Europa and Ganymede.
Their gravitational pull on Io is so great that Io’s crust is uplifted about 300 feet into a
gigantic bulge that moves and shifts with the movement of the fields. This causes the
crust to ungulate and develop hot spots where friction from the stressed land has
produced intense heat. All of Io’s volcanic activity originates from these hot spots.
The Moon
While most people would not associate volcanoes with the moon, volcanoes
played a very significant role in producing this other world with its mottled surface of
bright white and black that we see in the night sky. Over the ages people have seen many
things when they have looked at the moon, rabbits, faces, oceans, the bane of
werewolves, a dragon’s pearl, even green cheese. Its presence has influenced many
earthly cultures. Today, however, scientists look at the moon quite differently. They
know that there are no rabbits, it is not made of green cheese, nor has any spacely dragon
ever materialized to claim his treasure. Even the great oceans, which the ancients
believed were the cause of the moon’s dark patches, are only myths. In fact, scientists
know there is no water at all. These great black spots are actually large areas of basaltic,
lava rock.
Through extensive testing and examination of soil and rock samples taken from
the moon and other data obtained, scientists have learned that heavy meteorite
bombardment caused thinning and cracking of the moon’s crust when the moon was very
young. This allowed molten basaltic rock to well up and pool on the surface of moon.
These great pools created the dark spots we still see today.
Volcanic activity was very short lived, as the moon’s interior cooled very soon
after its formation. While no further volcanic activity can be expected to take place, this
has made for a serendipitous occurrence for scientists. Because the land has not been
repeatedly melted, churned and remade, rocks as old as 4 billion years can still be found
there thereby making the moon a time capsule of lunar formation.
Our earth has many volcanoes and they can be found throughout the world. Most
are found along continental coastlines and are usually invo lved in island formation. Some
are active, releasing ash and gases or spewing lava, some are dormant, capable of
becoming active at some unknown time, and others are extinct, dead volcanoes incapable
of erupting again. There are 3 major types of volcanoes, cinder cone, shield, and strato or
composite volcanoes. Each of which has it own unique features.
Cinder cones are steep sided, narrow based, cone-shaped volcanoes. They are
very explosive, shooting out ash, rock and pyroclastic materials. With each eruption,
cinder cone volcanoes “grow” as volcanic debris collects on their slopes. Cinder cones
typically do not produce lava flows and can be found in most areas where there has been
volcanic activity. Besides Earth, cinder cones have also been found on Venus.
Shield volcanoes behave almost opposite that of cinder cones. They are very
broad based, low lying and have minimally sloped sides. Not highly explosive, they
produce voluminous amounts of very liquid, basaltic lava. Mauna Loa in Hawaii is a
shield volcano and the Hawaiian Islands were created by shield volcanoes which formed
over a hot spot on the ocean floor. Additionally, Olympus Mons on Mars is a gigantic
shield volcano and, with the mares of the moon being voluminous pools of basaltic lava
rock, it is not improbable that some shield volcanoes would have developed there had
volcanic activity continued.
Strato or composite volcanoes exhibit properties of both shield and cinder cone
volcanoes. They have sloping sides (not steep) and wide, but not excessively broad,
bases. They are explosive, shooting out rock, ash and pyroclastic material, and produce
viscous lava flows. Built up from successive layers of lava and volcanic debris and ash,
from which the names strato and composite are derived, during their inactive states they
often resemble up thrust mountains and can even become snow capped. Mt Saint Helens,
a strato volcano, had appeared this way for many years before it erupted in 1980.
A Brief Summary
What causes volcanoes? Why are most of them along the coasts of continents?
Why aren’t they active all of the time? Why are they so hot? These are but a few of the
questions that are often asked about volcanoes. By understanding the composition of the
earth and how it parts interact, comes understanding of how volcanoes form and erupt.
The earth is composed of layers, the outer, cold crust, the hot, liquid mantle, the
very hot rigid inner core and the very hot, solid core. Essentially the crust floats on the
hot molten rock (magma) that makes up the mantle. However, because the liquid mantle
layer moves, the crust has become broken up into large plates. These plates are
constantly being pushed in various directions by the convective forces of the moving
magma in the mantle. Some plates are pushed past each other, creating a transform plate
boundary, other plates pull away from each other, creating a divergent zone, and others
push against each other or converge.
Faults, such as the San Andres Fault, are formed by transforming plate movement.
Earthquakes usually originate along faults because the plates do not glide smoothly past
one another be often “stick” and then suddenly thrust past each other creating an earth
quake jolt.
Seafloor spreading takes place at divergent plate zones; the Pacific Ridge is one
such area. As the plates move apart, a fissure or large crack develops and lava wells up
through it forming new sea floor and eventually sealing the creak. This process is
constantly repeated over of the years as the plates continue to drift apart reopening the
Plates can be composed of continental crust, the thick part of the earth’s crust that
forms the earth’s large land masses, of thin but dense ocean crust, the land masses that
form the sea floor, or they can be composed of both. When the continental crust portions
of converging plates collide, mountains are formed as the land is pushed upward. When
oceanic crust and continental crust collide, the dense oceanic crust is thrust under the
continental crust. This is known as subduction and it is subduction that causes volcanoes
to be born.
When the oceanic crust is forced under the continental crust, it is pushed down
into the mantle. The crust is then melted into magma and tiny bubbles of various gases
are released in the process. As the gases accumulate, they begin to force their way
upward along with more magma. As the gases move upward they coalesce and gain
more upward force. Eventually, the gases have enough force to break free of the earth.
They and bits of magma explode out of the earth, creating a volcano. m
Volcanoes Beyond Our Earth
Ruler, pencil, scissors, string, tape, large-format paper (butcher block or gift wrap)
Key Question
How similar are Earth's volcanoes to those found elsewhere in the Universe?
Curriculum Links
Science, Measurement
Student-constructed cones approximating volcanoes on Earth, Mars and Venus will
show the relative sizes of these planetary features. The fact that volcanoes are a
feature of several planets points to their common origin, which is associated with the
origin of the Universe and our Milky Way galaxy.
To make cutout patterns for the cones, draw three separate semicircles on the paper,
each with a different radius as specified below. For drawing semicircles, you can
make a "protractor" of any size needed by tying string to a pencil, where the length of
the string is the desired radius. (You may want to leave an extra inch for holding the
string at the midpoint while you pull the string tight to draw a circle.)
The radii of the semicircles for making the volcano cones are as follows:
Mars volcano, Olympus Mons, 17 inches (actual height, 16.5 miles) (27
Earth volcano, Cotopaxi in Ecuador, 4 inches (3.7 miles) (5.911 km)
Venus volcano, Sapas Mons, 1 inch (0.9 miles) (1.5 km)
Cut out the cone patterns. If you want, have students label and decorate the
volcano patterns appropriately with crayons or markers. Then curl each pattern
into a cone, and tape along the edges that meet to finish the cones. Use the
scissors to snip off a little bit at the top to show the volcano's opening.
Discuss with students the fiery origins of the planets and their subsequent cooling,
resulting in a hardened outer crust that floats above a mantle of molten rock. The
crust is broken into tectonic plates that rub together sometimes causing both
earthquakes and volcanoes. Volcanoes are weak points on the crust's surface,
either cracks or holes, where the pressurized molten rock of the mantle breaks
through and spews out.
Compare the paper volcano models. Cotopaxi, in Ecuador, is the Earth's highest
active volcano, at 3.67 miles. This is dwarfed by Mars' Olympus Mons, which is
an extinct volcano. At 16.5 miles high, it is the largest known volcano in the solar
system and is larger across than the Hawaiian Islands strung together. Venus'
Sapas Mons is tiny by comparison, at 0.9 miles high, however this volcano covers
about 250 miles from edge to edge at the base (an aspect not represented by the
paper model). As an option, you might discuss shield volcanoes (these wide-base
ones) vs. stratovolcanoes (your more typical cone).
The most volcanic object in our solar system is a moon of the planet Jupiter,
called Io (eye-oh). Photographs of Io taken by the Galileo spacecraft suggest it
has about 300 volcanoes, with most of its surface covered by molten lava fields.
One such field spews forth more than 100 tons of very hot sulphurous lava every
second. Hawaii's Mauna Loa and Kilauea volcanoes have frequent lava flows, but
they are nothing compared to the humongous lava flows on Jupiter's moon Io.
Scientists are especially interested in an Io volcano called Prometheus, which
shoots up snow and small particles of dust. The unusual plume rises up about 60
miles above the surface, in what scientists call a "sprinkler-head effect." Images
snapped by the Galileo spacecraft help scientists understand the fiery volcanic
activity on Io, which then may help them better understand geologic processes on
Earth. Voyager 2 and Galileo spacecraft took pictures of Io.
Plate Puzzle
-Photocopy the map below or, for a larger map, go to
-Print out the Plate Tectonics map on heavy card stock..
-Cut along plate boundaries to create puzzle pieces.
-After assembling puzzle, have students identify various plates, noting their size and
location; specifically the Pacific Plate and the Ring of Fire.
Making Volcano Models
Approx. Time: 20- 30 min.
-Students may do this activity individually or in groups of 2-4
-Safety goggles should be worn throughout this activity.
Materials needed (amount are per person/ group)
2 film canisters (for cinder cone (composite) volcano, use canister with lid that pushes
down into the canister)
2 lbs. clay*
1 straw
1 tsp. baking soda*
3 c. vinegar*
1-2 drops red food color
1 denture tablet
2 shallow baking pans
paper towels
plastic wrap (optional)
sturdy paper plate (optional)
awl or finishing nail (NOT for student use)
Exacto knife(NOT for student use)
* amounts are approximate
Shield Volcano
1. Cover work area with newspaper.
2. Using awl or nail to punch 3 holes around 1 canister
approximately 3 inch from bottom. Putting tip of knife
into hole, cut 3 slits to form a “Y” shape into canister.
( Pre-cut canisters should be used by students to make
shield volcanoes.)
3. Cut straw into 3- 2 inch long pieces.
4. Push straw pieces into slits.
Straws should slant slightly upward.
5. Apply modeling clay around canister and
straws to form a wide broad based mountain
shape. Do not block straw openings with
clay or put clay inside canister.
6. Place volcano in baking pan. Put on safety goggles, if you have not already done so.
7. Put baking soda into canister.
8. Add 1-2 drops of red food coloring to canister.
9. Slowly pour a small amount of vinegar into the canister.
10. Observe eruption. More vinegar may be added to
cause another eruption. Take note of straw openings.
11. Complete “Bubble, Bubble, Boil and Bake” sheet.
Cinder Cone or Composite Volcano
Must use and wear goggles at all times when making and exploding this volcano.
1. Apply modeling clay around canister with push-in lid (white) to form a steep sided, mountain
shape. Do NOT put clay inside canister or over rim. Lid must be able to fit properly into
2. Place volcano into pan.
3. Break 1 denture tablet into 4 or 5 pieces
and drop into canister.
4. Fill canister 1 - H
full with water.
5. Put lid securely on canister.
6. Hold second baking pan above volcano. Do not
allow students to hold faces over erupting volcano.
7. Observe reaction. Take note of both pans.
8. Complete “Boom & Blow” sheet.
9. Clean up work area.
10. To take volcanoes home, pour out liquid, place on sturdy paper plate and cover with plastic
wrap or place in plastic grocery bag.
Student Instruction Packet (need 1 per student)
Staple together instruction sheets, “Bubble, Bubble, Boil and Bake” sheet, and “Boom & Blow”
sheet (4 sheets) to make packet.
1. Describe what happened when the vinegar was poured into the volcano.
2. What part of a volcano does the canister represent?
3. Describe what you noticed about the straws.
4. What part of the volcano do the straws represent?
5. What type of eruption was simulated? (violent or voluminous)
6. What type of volcano does this model simulate?
7. On what planet is there a very large volcano of this type and what is its name?
1. Describe what happened when the volcano erupted. ( Hint: Look at both baking pans.)
2. Where is there splattering? ( Circle all that apply)
a. on pan held over headb. on volcano
c. around base of volcano
3. Using a ruler, measure distance splattering spread around base of volcano. ( If there is no
splattering, write “none”.)
4. What type of volcano does this model simulate? Why are its sides steep? ( Hint: Look at
splattering pattern.)
5. What name is given to material that is blasted out of this type of volcano?
6. Describe what causes this type of volcano to erupt.
7. Look at your volcano. You should see a foam being to rise up out of the “vent”. What might
this foam represent in a real volcano?
8. Where else in our galaxy has this type of volcano been seen?
Making Volcano Models
Items you should have:
1 white canister with lid that fits into canister
1 black canister with “Y” shaped slits cut into its sides
1 sm. packet of baking soda
1 container of vinegar
1 denture tablet
2 aluminum pans
1 paper plate
1 or 2 straws
1 denture tablet
Making composite volcano
1. Put on safety goggles.
2. Using WHITE canister, apply clay around the canister to form a steep sided mountain
shape. Test that the lid can be inserted into canister and removed without difficulty. Do
NOT put clay inside canister or over rim.
3. Break denture tablet into small pieces and drop into canister.
4. Fill canister full with water. Do NOT completely fill canister with water. Put lid
securely on canister.
5. Put volcano into pan.
6. Hold second pan above volcano.
7. You may have to wait several seconds for eruption to occur. Do NOT hold face above
erupting volcano. Observe reaction. Take note of what happens to both pans.
8. Complete “Boom & Blow” sheet in this packet.
9. Place volcano on paper plate.
10. Proceed to next procedure or wait for further instruction.
Making shield volcano
1. Put on safety goggles.
2. Cut straw into 3 pieces approximately 2 inches long.
3. Push straw pieces into “Y” shaped slits of BLACK canister. If necessary, push open
slits with your thumb to insert straws. Straws will point upward.
4. Apply clay around canister and straws to form a wide broad based mountain shape.
Do NOT block straw openings with clay or put clay inside canister.
5. Place volcano in pan.
6. Put baking soda into canister.
7. Add 1-2 drops of red food coloring to canister.
8. Slowly pour a small amount of vinegar into canister. You should notice a reaction
almost immediately.
9. Observe “eruption”. More vinegar may be added to cause another eruption. Take
note of straw openings.
10. Complete “Bubble, Bubble, Boil and Bake” worksheet in this packet.
11. Wait for further instruction or dump liquid out of volcanoes and clean up work area.
Student answers will vary but should include the given facts for each question.
1. Describe what happened when the vinegar was poured into the volcano.
Red, foamy liquid or lava spewed out of the top or vent of the volcano.
(Students may also state that lava erupted from the straws or vents.)
2. What part of a volcano does the canister represent?
the vent
3. Describe what you noticed about the straws.
Red, foamy liquid or lava flowed out of them.
4. What part of the volcano do the straws represent?
the vents
5. What type of eruption was simulated? (violent or voluminous)
6. What type of volcano does this model simulate?
a shield volcano
7. On what planet is there a very large volcano of this type and what is this volcano called?
Mars, Olympus Mons
Students answers will vary but should include the given facts for each question.
1. Describe what happened when the volcano erupted. ( Hint: Look at both baking pans.)
Volcano exploded with a loud “pop” and the lid hit the pan held above it.
Blue liquid (denture solution) splattered onto volcano and pan held above volcano.
Some students may, also, report small amount of spattering around volcano.
2. Where is there splattering? ( Circle all that apply)
a. on pan held over head
b. on volcano
Most students should circle “a” and “b”
c. around base of volcano
3. Using a ruler, measure the distance splattering spread around base of volcano. ( If there is no
splattering around base of volcano, write “none”.)
Most students will have splattering only on the volcano and the overhead pan.
If a student has splattering around the base of their volcano, it should not extend more
than an inch nor be very excessive. Most of the splattering should be on the volcano and
overhead pan.
4. What type of volcano does this model simulate? Why are its sides steep? ( Hint: Look at
splattering pattern.)
Cinder cone or composite volcano
No lava flows out of this volcano. Volcanic material accumulates around the volcano a
“short” distance from the vent. Material builds upon itself following each eruption
creating a steep-sided cone shape.
5. What name is given to material that is blasted out of this type of volcano?
pyroclastic material
6. Describe what causes this type of volcano to erupt.
Trapped volcanic gases build up underground creating tremendous pressure. They
finally explode out of the earth along with bits of lava rock, ash and other pyroclastic
Students may also explain that the gases resulted from magma formation or the “melting”
of the oceanic plate in the mantle.
7. Look at your volcano. You should see a foam beginning to rise up out of the “vent”. What
might this foam represent in a real volcano?
Rising lava or gases and lava
Students may also explain that this lava will eventually solidify, forming a plug in the
volcano, under which gases may accumulate again which will cause another eruption.
8. Where else in our galaxy has this type of volcano been seen?
Venus and Io
Classroom Review and Discussion Questions
1. What causes volcanoes to form?
sea floor spreading (divergence)
hot spots
2. What causes a volcano to erupt?
Terrestrial- through the process of subduction, gasses form under the Earth’s
crust. Along with some magma, the gasses force their way upward until they
explode through the Earth’s surface.
Ionian- tidal forces of Jupiter and Ganymede cause hot spots to develop which
give rise to eruptions of inner lunar material and volcano formation
3. What approximate percentage of Earth’s surface is of volcanic origin?
over 80%
4. Accumulations of what are volcanoes composed?
layers of ash and pyroclastic material and/ or lava
5. Volcanic eruptions have occurred on what other solar bodies that we know of?
Mars, Venus, Titon, the Moon, Earth, Io, Jupiter
6. Olympic Mons is the largest volcano that we know of in the solar system. Is this
volcano active, dormant, or extinct?
7. Does Io have active volcanoes on its surface? Support your answer.
Yes, they have been photographed by the space probe Galileo.
8. What caused the Hawaiian islands to form?
A rising column of magma “burned” it way through a weak area in the oceanic
crust (hot spot), and began forming a huge shield volcano. When the volcano broke the
surface of the ocean, an island was born. As the oceanic plate drifted over this hot spot
more islands were born, until finally the Hawaiian islands were formed.
9. Volcanoes that are located where two oceanic plates collide create a string of islands
called what?
Island Arcs
10. From which type of volcano(es) do large amounts of pyroclastic material often
Cinder cone or composite (strato) volcanoes
11. A very gently sloped mountain, made up of successive layers of lava, form what
type of volcano?
shield volcano
12. Which southern most volcano in the Cascade Range do volcanologists believe will
erupt within our life time?
Mammoth Mountain
Classroom Review and Discussion Questions
1. What causes volcanoes to form?
2. What causes a volcano to erupt?
3. What approximate percentage of Earth’s surface is of volcanic origin?
4. Accumulations of what are volcanoes composed?
5. Volcanic eruptions have occurred on what other solar bodies that we know of?
6. Olympic Mons is the largest volcano that we know of in the solar system. Is this
volcano active, dormant, or extinct?
7. Does Io have active volcanoes on its surface? Support your answer.
8. What caused the Hawaiian islands to form?
9. Volcanoes that are located where two oceanic plates collide create a string of islands
called what?
10. From which type of volcano(es) do large amounts of pyroclastic material often
11. A very gently sloped mountain, made up of successive layers of lava, form what
type of volcano?
12. Which southern most volcano in the Cascade Range do volcanologists believe will
erupt within our life time?
Plate Tectonics of the Earth Science: Discovering the Secrets of the Earth (Grolier
Educational, 2001)
Earthquakes and Volcanoes of the Earth Science: Discovering the Secrets of the Earth
(Grolier Educational, 2001)
Landforms of the Earth Science: Discovering the Secrets of the Earth
(Grolier Educational, 2001)
Kerrod, Robin. Planet Earth (Lerner Publication Co, 2000)
Vogt, Gregory. Volcanoes (New York: Franklin Watts, 1993)
Tilling, Robert I. Born of Fire: Volcanoes and Igneous Rocks (Hillside, N.J.: Enslow
Publishers, 1991)
Field, Nancy and Machlis, Sally. Discovering Volcanoes (WI: Dog-Eared Publications,
Eyewitness: Volcano, Dorling Kindersly Vision, 1996. Videocassette.
Views of the Solar System
USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory
Eyewitness: History Through the Eyes of Those Who Lived It
The Destruction of Pompeii, 79 AD
The San Andreas Fault: Transform Plate Movement
Evolving Earth: Plate Tectonics
Everyday Spelling: Grade 6 Lesson 1 Science Cross Curricular Connection
New Science: Continents Collide
Volcanoes: Everything You Need to Know (Encarta online)
Enchanted Learning Teaching Tools