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Tara Essock-Burns
Duke University Marine Laboratory
135 Duke Marine Lab Rd.
Beaufort, NC 28516
O: 252-504-7626
[email protected]
Ph.D. Duke University, Marine Science and Conservation
Nicholas School of the Environment, Durham, North Carolina
Certificate in College Teaching
Emory University, Biology, Environmental Studies
Atlanta, Georgia
Expected 2015
Research Interests
Ecosystem Ecology, Marine Biology, Symbioses, Chemical Ecology
Conference Presentations
Oral presentations
Tara Essock-Burns, Ariel Tarrell, Prince Mathai, Neeraj V. Gohad, Andrew S. Mount,
James S. Maki, and Daniel Rittschof. Interactions between biofilm bacteria and barnacles
Balanus amphitrite. World Aquaculture Society Meeting. 2013, February 23-25;
Nashville, TN.
Tara Essock-Burns, Ariel Tarrell, Prince Mathai, Neeraj V. Gohad, Andrew S. Mount,
James S. Maki, and Daniel Rittschof. Interactions between biofilm bacteria and barnacles
Balanus amphitrite. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. 2013 Jan 3-7; San
Francisco, CA.
Tara Essock-Burns, Ariel Tarrell, Prince Mathai, Neeraj V. Gohad, Andrew S. Mount,
James S. Maki, and Daniel Rittschof. Biofilms and Barnacles. Benthic Ecology Meeting.
2011 Mar 21-24; Norfolk, VA.
Poster presentations
Tara Essock-Burns, James S. Maki, and Daniel Rittschof. Biofilms and Barnacles.
Office of Naval Research and SEACOAT International Workshop. 2011 Dec 4-6; Las
Vegas NV.
Academic Awards and Honors
Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP) summer research award,
Office of Naval Research (ONR) and SEACOAT International Workshop,
Group Presentation Winner, 2011
Duke University Marine Lab: Melanie Elizabeth Lynn Memorial Scholarship,
Duke University Marine Lab: Wade Family Scholarship:
Summer Program in Conservation, Biology, and Policy, 2009
National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates
(REU) Fellow, Emory University, 2008
Duke University
• Seminar Series Coordinator, Spring 2013
• Liaison for new graduate students, 2012
• Undergraduate Ambassador, 2009
Teaching Experience
Duke University
• Guest Lecturer in “Physiology of Marine Organisms” 2012, October 22.
Instructor: Dr. Dan Rittschof.
I lectured on symbiosis in marine organisms and related known symbiotic
relationships to the unknowns in my work of biofilms and barnacles.
Teaching Assistant for “Physiology of Marine Organisms” 2011, Fall Semester.
Instructor: Dr. Michaelangelo Von Dassow.
I lectured on the use of enzymes in the curing of barnacle glue and exoenzymes
involvement in other systems (blue crabs, fiddler crabs, bacteria).
Teaching Assistant for “Coastal Ecology” 2009
Instructor: Mr. Phil Cox.
Course was a part of the Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP) for
gifted high school students. In addition to assisting daily in the classroom and on
field trips, I taught evening sessions on special topics, collaborated with the
instructor with hands-on field activities, and assisted in the development, conduct
and presentation of student research projects.
Carteret Community College
• Guest Lecturer in “Environmental Science” 2012, April 12.
Instructor: Dr. Amy Freitag.
I lectured on water pollution including access and quality of drinking water in the
United States and worldwide, types and sources of pollution to freshwater and
saltwater, the current epidemic of plastic in the ocean, and antifouling paints and
intended and unintended environmental effects of them.
Research Experience
Duke University
• The ecological implications of biofilm – barnacle glue interactions.
Lead Researcher (2010 – present), Dr. Dan Rittschof, Marine Science and
• Migratory behavior of ovigerous blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, in foraging and
non-foraging habitat.
Research Assistant (2009), Dr. Dan Rittschof, Marine Science and Conservation
Emory University
• Environmental modulation of reproductive function in songbirds.
REU fellow and Lab Assistant (2008), with Dr. Donna Maney, Department of
Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology
University of Louisville
• Analysis of Electroretinogram (ERG) measures of early visual response in a
mouse model of retinal disease (retinitis pigmentosa).
Lab Technician (2007), Dr. Maureen McCall, Department of Ophthalmology and
Visual Science
• The impact of early hormonal exposure on neural development in white leghorn
chickens (Gallus domesticus).
Research Assistant (2004 – 2006), Dr. Eric Wong, Department of Biology
• The Winner-Loser Effect on the Mating Behavior of an African Cichlid Fish.
Research Assistant (2003 – 2004), Dr. Perri Eason, Department of Biology