Download Viruses and Monerans Section 2

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Name _____________________
Viruses and Monerans - Section 1 - Viruses
Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer.
1. ____ Monerans do not have
a) chlorophyll
b) a nucleus
c) a cell wall
2. ____ Chemical substances used to kill or slow the growth of bacteria are
a) vaccines
b) monerans
c) antibiotics
3. ____ A chemical that gives color to the tissue of living organisms is called a
a) pigment b) moneran c) bacterium
4. ____ Bacteria can cause disease by destroying cells or giving off
a) viruses
b) toxins
c) nucleic acids
5. ____ These are necessary for the decay of waste materials.
a) protists b) bacteria c) antibiotics
6. ____ Produced with the help of bacteria
a) cheeses b) algae c) pigments
7. ____ Bacteria cannot survive unless they have
a) a host
b) a cold environment
c) enough food
8. ____ All bacteria can
a) make their own food
b) reproduce quickly
9. ____ Cyanobacteria help to restore this to the soil
a) oxygen
b) carbon
c) nitrogen
True or False? Write out the complete word.
1. _______ Bacteria cause the common cold.
2. _______ Bacteria are much larger than viruses.
3. _______ Bacteria do not have a nucleus.
4. _______ Bacteria always give off toxins.
5. _______ Bacteria always have a cell wall.
6. _______ Bacteria are always killed by antibiotics.
c) cause illnesses