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Organo Gold Coffee
A Health Choice Coffee
Why health choice coffee?
Nowadays we look carefully at all factors that
affect our health. In order to lead the active life
we now expect we have to look to supplement
our diets in the way that anyone pursuing outdoor
activity does. Eg athletes, footballers, skiers, etc.
The population is aging and expecting to be
healthier. We believe that the most popular
Western drink, coffee, should be a healthy choice.
Not only does coffee contain Vitamins B5,
Riboflavin, Niacin, Potassium and Manganese,
but it’s also the biggest source of antioxidants
in the western diet, outranking both fruits and
vegetables combined. It’s the number one source
of antioxidants – vital for your health.
Coffee can prevent cancer
Coffee helps prevent strokes
Breast Cancer
Researchers reported in a 24-year study of female
health care workers, women who drank two or more
A 2008 study at Sweden’s Lund University showed
cups of coffee each day had a 20% lower risk of stroke
that drinking coffee lowers the risk of breast cancer
than coffee abstainers.
for women who have a relatively common variant
of the gene CYP1A2, which helps to metabolize both
Coffee helps prevent diabetes
estrogen and coffee.
Inst J. Cancer 2006 Jan 1;118(1):13-7.
Prior global epidemiological studies have shown that
those who drink four or more cups of coffee a day have
Prostate Cancer
a 50 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes,
Harvard School of Public Health reported that in a
22-year study of nearly 48,000 men, those drinking
six or more cups daily were about 60 percent less
likely to die from prostate cancer.
J National Cancer Inst. 2011 May 17.
the most prevalent type of diabetes accounting for 95
percent of all cases. Every additional cup reduces the
risk by an additional 7 percent.
Coffee can burn fat and enhance
athletic performance
Caffeine raises metabolism and increases the oxidation
of fatty acids. Caffeine pushes you to be more active
throughout the day and increases your metabolic rate
so you will burn more calories in all activities.
What is Ganoderma?
It is a mushroom that has been recognised in China
for over 4000 years for its health benefits.
There are over 80 varieties used extensively in
traditional Asian medicines.
Being one of the most alkaline foods in the world,
it is also one of the most powerful natural
antioxidants which is why it can benefit a wide range
of health conditions.
Antioxidants are well established as helping to enhance
the immune system by preserving the mitochondria in
cells, which affect 94% of human energy
Over the years in China, Ganoderma has been referred
to as the Mushroom of Immortality and
as the Food for the Emperor
and is universally treasured
for its health benefits.
Here Are Some
of the Recognised
Health Benefits
Ganoderma is associated
with the following
therapeutic benefits:
Anticancer effects
Immunoregulatory effects
Antioxidant activities
Liver-protecting effects
Hypoglycemic effects
Antibacterial effects
Antiviral effects
Antifungal effects
Reducing blood cholesterol
These are some of the
key benefits
anti-diabetic benefit. People who drink the most
Ganoderma fights cancer
signaling, increases fat burning, and decreases the
coffee have the lowest incident of Type 2 diabetes.
Once you add in the Ganoderma, it enhances insulin
whole body serum glucose level.
In a 2003 study of 34 people with advanced-stage
cancer, for instance, taking Ganoderma in supplement
Ganoderma also prevents death of the pancreatic
form three times daily for 12 weeks led to a significant
beta cells, the cells that make insulin, and actually
increase in T-cells (known to play a central role in
enhances beta cell regeneration in a natural way.
immune defense). It’s estimated that by the time a
Ganoderma also restricts the liver’s production
cancer tumor has been detected, it’s been there for
of sugar, therefore creating less substance to be
7 years. The National Journal of Oncology found that
converted into fat.
when Ganoderma was used with cancer – it resulted
Ganoderma Strengthens
your Immune System
in suppression of cell migration of highly invasive
human breast and prostate cancer cells. A study
in Nutrition and Cancer 2011 found it’s an effective
Mushrooms need antiviral compounds to survive in
anti-inflammatory breast cancer therapy.
their environment, which is why antiviral compounds
Ganoderma promotes weight loss
can be found in many of these mushrooms.
Ganoderma has an anti-viral and anti-cancer effect.
One of the side benefits that a lot of people report
It is used as an immune stimulant by people with
is weight loss. You simply cannot store fat without
cancer (as well as HIV), and has been shown to boost
insulin. If you look at coffee by itself, it has an
immunity as well as combat cancer-cell proliferation.
A Natural Anti-Oxidant
Aging occurs as our body is damaged by the free-radicals.
Are there any side effects of
drinking too much of this?
The better we keep our antioxidant status, the more we
There is no data of the toxicity of coffee, but it’s fair to
preserve the cells of our body. Mitochondria makes
say everything is a toxin, it’s just a matter of dose. It’s
94.4% of human energy. Mitochondria are more subject
highly improbable that anybody would have a negative
to the damage of free-radicals. Studies show that
reaction, but if you feel something unusual, you need
Ganoderma helps preserve the mitochondria, especially
to address that. One thing that can happen as it relates
in the heart and brain.
to liver function, the body starts to detoxify more
Anti-aging properties
effectively. The symptoms of detoxification reaction
might include fatigue, sleep disturbance, intestinal
Aging of skin is an oxidation process. There are four
distress, allergy symptoms, headaches, confusion
processes that are documented with aging include
and anxiety. It could be possible that someone going
inflammation, oxidation, methylation, and protein
through the detoxification process could experience
glycation. Every one of these aging factors is addressed
some of these things. However, it’s just a sign the body
by components of Ganoderma and components in coffee.
is cleaning out faster than it’s comfortable and you
Improves Heart and Sexual health
If the blood vessels dilate like they’re supposed to it’s
nitric oxide is working as it should. Ganoderma also
dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure which
can aid sexual function in both men and women.
might just want to slow down the intake of the product.
Adding natural Ganoderma to our Organo Gold range gives you greater
benefits with a Health Choice Coffee as well as great taste!
Organic Green Tea*
Gourmet Cafe Mocha
Gourmet Hot Chocolate
The exceptionally soothing and
Our aromatic coffee combined with the
A unique blend of smooth rich chocolate
flavourful character of Green Tea
finest cocoa brings about our guilt-free
taste and authentic Ganoderma warms
combined with the healthy benefits of
“Dessert in a Cup”. OG’s Gourmet Mocha
your body during cold days. Highly
Organic Ganoderma* provides a drink
combines a sweet rich coffee taste and
requested, OG is proud to present a great
rich with anti-oxidants.
authentic Ganoderma Lucidum for the
tasting drink that everyone can enjoy.
Black Coffee
perfect energizing after-dinner drink.
Organo Gold’s Gourmet Black Coffee is
Gourmet Latte
sure to attract and awaken your senses.
A House Favourite, OG Gourmet Latte
Its dark smooth taste and deep aroma
blends high quality aromatic Arabica
infused with authentic Ganoderma
coffee beans with authentic Ganoderma.
introduces coffee lovers to a new and
Perfect for breakfast or as a relaxing
delicious alternative. With OG’s Black
drink, the coffee’s light, sweet and
Coffee, instantly enjoy the taste of
creamy taste makes it the ideal start
freshly brewed coffee.
for any morning.
Order today from your local Organo Gold distributor