Download LCC2 EXAM TEXT 3 JUNE 2012 TCH: Fine, so I

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TCH: Fine, so I was telling you that there is three ways to say characteristics, for instance, the
characteristic eye color, the color of hair, the type of hair, curly or straight, ok, his is straight,
hers is curly, yours is straight, yours is...slightly curly and yours is quite straight, ok, so that
characteristics, can you see properly? They´re the same as traits and also say features. This is
English, ok, so the characteristics this just for the space, the features that you might find the
three words written on the board, study in English. So what features were we talking about?
What feature or trait were we talking about?
STU: Em, the type of hair.
TCH: Good, the type of hair. Whether the hair is curly or straight, right, so that´s another trait.
So we´re got, we´ve got color of hair, type of hair and then we´ve got %x...x% those are traits
that can be used to %x...x%, but can you think of any traits of us humans that might
differentiate us but that we cannot see in the outside?
TCH: DNA is not a trait, DNA is a molecule that contains the information to get opposite traits
STU: The Genes
TCH: Genes are pieces of DNA
(class laughs)
TCH: That can tell you information, each gene a particular, a particular piece of information or
a particular trait. I´m talking about traits, the different traits that you can see when, what
really differentiates us within our species because we all belong to what species?
STU: Human beings?
TCH: Yes, human beings but now the Latin word?
STU: Homo sapians
TCH: Good, Homo Sapians, Homo sapians in English, Homo sapians. Ok, good. But we are all in
the same species, but however, we can see a lot of differences in the outside. How about,
how about tallness? Tallness or height. Some are tall, taller than others, some are taller than
others, some are wider than others. Some are fatter and some are thinner, ok? So a lot of
traits that you can easily see. But how about the blood type? Do you know about blood type?
STU: Yes
TCH: %L1...Glucose anemio?...L1% Blood type. Ok, Do you know the blood types?
STU: Yes, zero plus.
TCH: Zero plus
STU: Zero negative
TCH: Zero minus or zero negative, zero positive or zero negative
STU: A positive
TCH: A positive, A negative
TCH: AB posistive, AB negative, and?
STU: Also B positive
TCH: And also a different ….different blood type. Can you see that? I mean, by looking at you,
can I know what your blood type is? Absolutely not. But that´s something that differentiates
What´s your blood type, do you know?
STU: Eh negative
TCH: Zero negative. I don´t know if it´s zero or ¨O¨ in English, in Spainish you say