Download Lipotropic Injection: Fat Burning Injection

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August, 2011
Happy summer! This Newsletter is going to break down a few products that we offer here at HCG Gold
Wellness Center. I find that clients ask a lot about these certain items, please give us a call anytime to
discuss further. I hope this answers all of your questions!
Lipotropic Injection: Fat Burning Injection
What is Lipotropic Injection:
Lipotropic injections are a treatment for burning fat in the body by injecting
substances into the body that are designed to help the body handle the fats that
you eat more effectively. Lipotropic injections differ from liposuction because
while liposuction is invasive and physically removes fat from the body, lipotropic
injections don’t remove fat; they just help fat dissolve by aiding the rate and
efficiency of metabolism. Fat is reduced in a generalized fashion, unlike in the
lipo dissolve method, in which fat is dissolved with multiple injections directly
into the fat in specific treated areas.
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Benefits of Lipotropic Injection:
Aside from weight loss, there can be many benefits from the use of lipotropic
injections. Lipotropics are formulated to enhance liver function, which helps
detoxify the body, increase metabolism, and store glycogen, the principal storage
form of glucose. A healthy liver also secretes bile more effectively, which in turn
aids in digestion and the breakdown of fats. Many weight-loss experts believe
lipotropic injections boost the immune system by stimulating the growth of
antibodies, which detect and destroy foreign and abnormal tissue. Lipotropic
injections also suppress appetite and lower cholesterol. Lastly, lipotropics are
known to increase energy levels, which may enhance mood, vitality and overall
Effects of Lipotropic Injection:
The amino acids that are injected into the body stimulate the liver to optimize
the process of metabolism. These injections boost the metabolic power of the
body. The injections are only effective temporarily. As soon as the effect of these
drugs wears out, the body starts returning to normal gradually. Most patients
undergo the initial series of injection once or twice a week for two to six months
depending on the goal weight.
Procedure of Lipotropic Injection:
A lipotropic injection is most effective intramuscularly, meaning injected into the
muscle under the skin and fatty tissue in specific areas of the body. These
injections are designed to cause overall weight loss by boosting metabolism and
energy levels. After several injections, the person feels more active and burns
more calories when moving or performing basic bodily functions. In addition, the
active ingredients break down fat cells into smaller particles and are carried
through the blood to muscles to be used for fuel, particularly during exercise. As
a result, the increased calories burned combined with more efficient fat
elimination leads to weight loss, if calorie intake does not increase.
Why injections and not a pill? Many important supplements are broken down by
the hydrochloric acid in your stomach before they can make it to the intestines to
be absorbed. For example, up to 98% of oral Vitamin B12 is destroyed in the
stomach, so that if you take a 1000 mcg pill, only 20 mcg may make it into your
bloodstream. Injections, with very thin painless needles, are the most effective
way to deliver a consistent amount of medicine into your bloodstream
The Importance of Vitamin D
What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is one of the four fat soluble vitamins and one vitamin that can be obtained
through exposure to the sun. Vitamin D is also nick named the sunshine vitamin for obvious
reasons. There are 5 forms of vitamin D, but only two are physiologically relevant to us.
Forms D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3(cholecalciferol) are the two we use, and D3 is produced
from our skin. Vitamin D is carried in the blood to the liver where it is then converted to
calcidiol, which can then be converted in the kidneys to the biologically active form of
vitamin D called calcitriol. Vitamin D inefficiency is most popularly linked to osteoporosis
and rickets.
Vitamin D and Bone Strength
Vitamin D plays a major role in building and maintaining strong bones. Vitamin D increases
bone strength by increasing the calcium that is absorbed through your intestines, increasing
osteoclast (bone building) numbers, maintaining phosphate and calcium levels, and helping
the parathyroid hormone to maintain calcium levels. Those that are deficient in vitamin D are
at a high risk for lower bone density, osteoporosis, and therefore are at a higher risk for bone
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Immune System and Vitamin D
A study done at University of Copenhagen has come to the conclusion that vitamin D aids T
cells in our bodies. Without vitamin D these cells will not be able to react to a foreign
substance and won’t be able to protect us. If someone is lacking vitamin D their T cells will
not be activated to attack a virus or bacteria. If the T cells just lay dormant, than you will
have no line of defense to ward off an illness. Professor Carsten Geisler from the Department
of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology, was quoted: “When a T cell is
exposed to a foreign pathogen, it extends a signaling device or ‘antenna’ known as a vitamin
D receptor, with which it searches for vitamin D. This means that the T cell must have
vitamin D or activation of the cell will cease. If the T cells cannot find enough vitamin D in
the blood, they won’t even begin to mobilize. ” Be sure to be getting your vitamin D BEFORE
you get ill.
Multiple Sclerosis and Vitamin D
Multiple Sclerosis or MS is a disease that results from the body’s failure to recognize itself.
The immune system will then attack and destroy the sheath that protects nerves. The body
cannot distinguish between itself and a foreign substance or infection. This turns the body’s
normally effective defense system against itself. Since vitamin D is an immune system
regulator people who spend more time outside have less occurrence of MS. People living in
regions where they can spend time outside year round have a much less potential to get MS.
Vitamin D pills are now being used as a treatment for MS
Vitamin D and Asthma Control
According to a study, published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care
Medicine, done with 600 Costa Rican children serum vitamin D levels were linked to asthma
severity. The study found that children who lad lower serum vitamin D levels were more
likely to have been hospitalized from asthma, and use more inhaled medicine. There still
needs to be more research on this topic as the study was a simple epidemiological study.
Other Benefits
Vitamin D has been casually linked to other benefits such as healthy brain aging, helping
maintain a healthy body weight, protection against low levels of radiation, and some studies
have shown that people with appropriate levels of vitamin D are at lower risk to develop