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Super Lipo-Lean Injection (also
important amino acids that increase
known as Lipo-B12 or Lipotropic) is
energy and lean muscle mass. Stud-
an injection of vitamins, minerals and
ies also show it is able to strengthen
amino acids that are essential for
the hair and nails.
your health, especially the health of
your liver. Your liver is responsible
for removing fat and toxins from your
body, so the healthier it is, the better
it will work for you. Lipo-B injections
deliver nutrients to the body essential
in keeping your energy at its best.
Many of these nutrients can not be
absorbed by mouth and need to
taken by injection. Injections are a
safe, effective way to keep your body
well-balanced. Vitamin B12 Lipotropic Injections help increase your
energy as well as contribute success
of your weight loss plan.
The injections include the following
naturally occurring vitamins, amino
acids and minerals.
Methionine – An antioxidant amino
acid that neutralizes free radicals. It
aids in breaking down fat, removing
heavy metals from the body, and
helps with digestion. It is one of the
Inositol – A vitamin that is vital for
the metabolism of fat and cholesterol. It prevents hardening of the
arteries; it has also been shown to
help in the treatment of depression
and anxiety.
Vitamin B2—Boosts immune system; slows aging process; and helps
with the delivery of B6. It also helps
with migraine headaches.
Vitamin B6—Because it makes
hormones serotonin and norepinephrine which regulates moods, it is
needed in weight loss process
The vitamin B12 Lipotropic injections
are a tool to aid your dieting efforts.
The injections alone will not cause
weight loss.
It is with a healthy diet and exercise
program that you will see and feel the
benefits of the injection.
For on-site clinics, KMM will administer twice a month at the most. If an
individual has extreme weight issues,
contact KMM to be scheduled with a
physician for an exam to justify more
diovascular health, in addition to
minimizing excess fat in the liver
through its fat and cholesterol metabolic properties. It also
aids in hormone production. Athletes
Who shouldn’t take a Lipo-B12
use it for bodybuilding and delaying
fatigue in endurance sports.
Vitamin B1—Is the key player in the
production of energy from dietary
carbs and fats.
How much weight will I lose when
receiving the B12 Lipotropic injections?
How often is it recommended to
get the shot?
Choline – Plays a major role in car-
Vitamin B12 – Regulates the formation of red blood cells and helps in
the utilization of iron, preventing
anemia. It is an important component
of the body system because it is
required for proper digestion, absorption and synthesis of foods, protein
synthesis, and the metabolism of
carbohydrates and fats. Vitamin B12
is also necessary for a healthy nervous system.
Q and A
Pregnant or a woman that thinks she
may be pregnant should not take a
Great results have been reported
from adding Lipo-B12 shots to
your weight loss plan.
Levocarnitine—Is an amino acid
derivative and is needed to maintain
a healthy metabolism
Chromium Picolinate—mineral that
helps process carbs and fats; studies
show it being beneficial to diabetics
because it regulates insulin spikes.
Does shot interfere with any other