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Download American Arborvitae is a dense, pyramidal evergreen tree that is
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American Arborvitae is a dense, pyramidal evergreen tree. Main trunk often divides into several leaders. The branches with scale-like foliage are displayed in horizontal sprays. Fruit is a small (3/8") light brown cone. Needs a moist rich soil, somewhat tolerant to wet soils. Colorado Spruce is a stiffly pyramidal evergreen conifer. Horizontal branches reach to the ground, but form may become more open with age. Foliage occurs in a wide range of colors from green to silver blue. Prefers a moist, well drained soil but will tolerate drier soil. Adaptable to a wide range of conditions. Full sun, especially for blue foliage types which will lose "blueness" in shade. Austrian Pine is very hardy and a rapid grower. Rugged horizontal branches. Grows well in a variety of soils, endures heat and cold and is tolerant of dust and smoke. Good for windbreaks and erosion control. Norway Spruce is a large conifer that is well adapted to much of the upper Midwest. It is faster growing than many of the other spruces. Foliage color is dark green. Norway spruce produces pendulous cones up to 6" long. Prefers soil with ample moisture. Transplants well. Best in full sun, since foliage becomes sparse in shade. Red Cedar hardy, attracts birds. Widely adaptable. Small to medium-sized aromatic evergreen tree. Typically, the trunk is straight and the tree has a pointed, dense, conical crown that may be varied or irregular, depending on ecotype or competing vegetation. Mature height is 30’. Dawn Redwood Likes full sun, is easily transplanted. Deciduous. Prefers moist, deep, well-drained soils. Fast growing. Grows to 70' to 100', 25' spread. It is relatively care-free and is a tough and beautiful specimen tree in any large landscape. Sycamore prefers deep, moist, rich soils of variable pH that are either welldrained or moderately drained, as it is often found naturally along the edges of bodies of water, and in wet areas of fields or woodlands. Easily reaches heights of 80 feet tall and 60 feet wide, but can grow much larger. Swamp White Oak has a broad oval to round crown. Is found in the wild in moist lowland sites. It also does well in upland sites in the landscape. Leaves are medium green above and silvery green beneath. Fall color is yellowish tan to orange brown. Tolerant of heavy soils. Good tolerance to poor drainage. Drought tolerant. Requires a somewhat acid soil. Sugar maple has a mature height 50 to 60 feet. A long lived stately shade tree having an upright spreading growth habit. Deep green leaves turn fiery hues of orange and gold in fall. A popular uniform growing cultivar. Leaves have a waxy coating that protects them from summer scorching. Bass Wood prefers moist, well-drained, deep, rich soils of variable pH, but adapts to average soils that are seasonally dry. It thrives in full sun to partial sun, it may reach 80 feet tall by 40 feet wide, Butternut Hickory is an attractive, high-branching tree. Large brown sweet nuts. Likes moist soil. Grows 60' to 80', 40' spread. Arrowwood Viburnum much-branched shrub with many shoots from base, or sometimes a small tree, with showy clusters of white flowers and blue-black fruit. Grows 3-10 feet in height. Black Chokeberry very adaptable shrub, 1 ½’ to 3’ tall producing red to purple fruit in fall. Shade tolerant, preferring wet bog or swampy soils. Valuable source of wildlife food for fall and winter. Spice Bush found throughout Ohio; can grow to 12 feet tall and 15 feet wide, when found under optimum conditions. Strongly prefers permanently moist to wet soils that are rich and of variable pH, especially under shaded conditions. However, it adapts reasonably well to dry, average soils in sunny locations, where its growth will be more dense and less vigorous, but with better flowering and fruiting performance, Butterfly Bush is a deciduous shrub with arching branches that can reach a height of 15 feet. The showy flower spikes are often purple, and the leaves and stems are typically hairy. Ninebark Easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Tolerates wide range of soil conditions. Prune as needed immediately after bloom. Plants may be cut to the ground in winter to rejuvenate. Member of the rose family. Pawpaw is capable of fruiting in the shade; it performs best on sites with full-sun exposure, but with some protection from wind. Pawpaws grow best in slightly acid deep, fertile and well-drained soils. Pawpaw will grow in heavy soils but will not survive water logged conditions. Ohio Buckeye prefers moist, welldrained soils of variable pH that are rich and deep, in partially sunny to partially shaded conditions. It adapts to average soils that are occasionally dry, but moderate to heavy leaf scorch will develop by mid summer, especially when sited in full sun. Ohio Buckeye prefers shady conditions in its youth, but grows in full sun to full shade from youth through maturity. www.arborday.org www.odnr.state.oh.us www.plants.usda.gov/plantguide