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Page 1
Carriage Charges
Our processing and packing charges are
calculated on weight, where you are in the
country and when you would like your order
Dazzle, amaze and inspire with any
orders (fits an A5 envelope)
of the ornamental plants within this
small parcels (up to 2kg)
parcels courier service,
Well planned gardens can provide
on a standard
a succession of interest and colour
this area
spanning most of the year as well
our website
as providing an all important food
source for bees and other beneficial
Next day delivery options are available.
Ordering Methods
Plants listed in italics are suitable for
pond-side planting too!
By telephone on 01233 740529
Please note that not all plants are
to:Victoriana Nursery Gardens,
available all year round - we will only
Ashford, Kent. TN25 4DG
dispatch the plants when it is a good
Mastercard, Delta, Switch and
time to plant them! For availability
and postal orders should be
either check our website or ring.
made payable to Victoriana Nursery Gardens.
Pretty Compost Block Grown Plants
You can mix and match within this group (in multiples of 5)
5 plants of one type £6.00, 10 plants £9.90, 25 plants £22.25, 50 plants £41.00, 100 plants £75.00
Adriatic Bellflower
Sometimes known as Fairy’s Thimble. A
pretty little rockery perennial that slowly
spreads to form a delicate looking ground
cover; Fully hardy. throws a
succession of small blue bell shaped flowers.
Thrives in a moist but well-drained soil.
Prefers sun or partial shade. For ground
cover purposes plant 10” apart.
Aubrieta Mixed
Soil hugging perennial thrives in
impoverished and hungry shallow soils (eg
rockery) has gorgeous profusion of bloom
early Spring. Mix of colours including
crimson, violet, purple, lavender blue, pink.
Grows to approx 6” high. Thrives in an
open sunny position and a well drained soil.
Birdbill Dayflower, Electric Blue
Grows to 12 -18” tall with thin almost grass
like leaves terminate in a pretty blue flower.
Each flower lasts, at best, a day, each stem
has multiple flowering bracts so overall its
flowering season is very long. Thrives in
a moist but well-drained soil. Prefers sun
or partial shade. For ground cover purposes
plant 10” apart.
Bloody Cranesbill
Hardy or Victorian Everlasting Geranium
Semi-evergreen perennial. Thrives in full
sun/dappled shade. Rosy-purple-pink
flowers all Summer long; often referred to as
Cranes Bill. Flowers June-August. Grows
to approx 18” high. Thrives in sun/partial
shade/most soil types. Plant 18” apart.
Calypso Magic
Deep crimson red, sunburnt yellow,
tangerine, pink, white and intermediate
colour shades give the most colourful effect
of any garden flower. Please note this plant
is annual in habit. Ready for planting early
June onwards. Grows to approx 8” high.
Thrive in full sun and a well drained soil.
Plant 12” apart.
01233 740529
Cardinal Flower ‘Compliment’ Mix
Lobelia Compliment. A perennial that
grows approx 2-3ft tall. Modern hybrid of
German origin, makes an excellent border
plant, cut flowers can last 3 weeks. July &
August tall spikes of bloom arise in rich
& pastel colours from pale pink to rose,
crimson, lilac & purple. Thrives in sunny
position & rich moist soil. Plant 2ft apart.
Cardinal Flower ‘Queen Victoria’
Blood Red Dragons Tongues. Plant in open
borders, bog garden or as pond marginals.
Improves every year. Perennial, produces
crimson red foliage. July/August has spikes
of flowers standing 2-3ft tall with brilliant
crimson red flowers, long lasting excellent
cut flower. Thrives in sunny position & rich
moist soil. Plant 2ft apart.
Columbine McKenna Hybrids
Grandmas Bonnets. Possibly one of the
prettiest and most striking perennial border
plants. We supply these in a fine selection
of mixed colours to brighten up any
herbaceous border. Flowers June to August.
Grows to approx 2’6” tall. Thrives in full
sun and rich soil. Plant 9” apart.
Coneflower ‘Primadonna Deep Rose
Pink’ An elegant daisy like flower, in a
shade of rose pink from mid Summer until
first frosts. Grows to approx 3ft tall, perfect
for a summer border, once established will
prove drought tolerant. Their stiff stems
make them excellent for cut flowers, and
they dry well too. Thrives in well-drained
soil. Prefers sun or partial shade.
Coral Bells ‘Bessingham Hybrids’
Beautiful evergreen. Forms a mound of
puckered green leaves topped with small
bell-shaped flowers in shades of red, pink
and white borne in late Spring to early
Summer on dainty stems 16”tall. Thrives in
moist but well-drained soil. Prefers sun or
partial shade. For ground cover plant 10”
Victoriana Nursery Gardens
Coral Bells ‘Purple Palace’
A beautiful evergreen that forms a mound
of puckered purple leaves topped with
small bell-shaped white flowers in late
Spring to early Summer on dainty stems
18” - 24 tall. Thrives in a moist but welldrained soil. Prefers sun or partial shade.
For ground cover purposes plant 10” apart.
Corkscrew Rush
This little rush really is an oddity with its
contorted and twisted form. Perfect for
pond-side planting, as a low groundcover
or even as a single specimen in a pot perhaps as a Winter houseplant?
Thrives in moist conditions and even
shallow water. Prefers sun or partial shade.
Cottage Garden Carnation
Traditional hardy border carnations are
richly perfumed. Colour selection includes
shades of pink, crimson-red, yellow,
white, purple and intermediate shades
and tints, and the traditional striped types.
Flowers June to September. Grows to
approximately 18” high. Thrives in full sun
and a well drained soil. Plant 10” apart.
Cottage Garden Chrysanthemum
Easy to grow and do not require disbudding
as they have ‘spray flowers’ with subtle
perfume all of their own. Colour selection
includes bright yellow, pink, tangerine,
cream, white, crimson & pastel shades,
from July til Dec. Grows to approx 2ft
high. Plant any time except when ground
is frozen. Thrives in a open position and a
deep rich soil. Plant 18” apart.
Cottage Garden Pink
Tough, wiry, hardy perennials can be found
any garden and ‘come’ year after year.
Beautifully perfumed. Colour are shades of
pink & white with a crimson red inner ring
to be found on some flowers. Lovely as cut
flowers, can be dried too. Flowers June to
Sept. Grows to approx 10” high. Thrives in
full sun and a well drained soil.
Pretty Compost Block Grown Plants
Page 2
You can mix and match within this group (in multiples of 5)
5 plants of one type £6.00, 10 plants £9.90, 25 plants £22.25, 50 plants £41.00, 100 plants £75.00
Delphinium Magic Fountains Series
Monkey Flower
Lupin ‘Russel’ Hybrids, Band of Noble
Mixed Exhibition Blue Crown
Easily grown herbaceous that comes every Moisture loving perennials will add
Perennial habit. Majestic spikes of bloom
character and interest to the garden. Mixed
year. A mix of The Governor (blue &
5-6ft tall in all shades of blue to deep
colours including scarlet red, bright pink,
white), Chatelaine (pink & white), Noble
purple blue. Plant 18” apart. Flowers
creamy yellow and orange with a splotch of
Maiden (white & yellow), My Castle
June-August. Grows to approx 3 ft high.
contrast colour.
(crimson & deep red shades), Chandelier
Thrives in a wind sheltered, but full sun
Pasque Flower - Helier Hybrid
(shades of yellow). Flowers June-July.
position and a rich soil SW situation is
Grows to approx 3-5ft high. Thrives in sun/ Perennial great for rockery garden, or front
ideal. Plant 2’6” apart.
of a border. Mixed colours, easy to grow.
part shade and a poor well drained soil.
Evening Primrose
Reaches 6 - 12” (15 - 30 cm) tall.
Maiden Pink Brillancy
Shorter growing variety reaching barely
Natures Red Diamond. Splendid,
12” in height providing a profusion of
evergreen, soil hugging, perennial ground Colourful perennial. Spikes of flowers that
large yellow scented flowers from June to
resemble Snap Dragons (Antirrhinums)
cover becomes surmounted by thousands
September. Perennial in habit. Flowers
of shirt button sized crimson scarlet flowers from deep purple, crimson red, bright
June to September. Grows to approx 12”
pink and a host of intermediate shades and
during Summer. Flowers June to late
high. Thrives in full sun.
August. Grows to approx 5” high. Thrives bi-colours. Flowers June to September.
Flanders Poppy
Grows to approx 2½ ft tall. Thrives in full
in an open sunny position. Suitable for
Bright scarlet flowers with dark centres.
sun or partial shade and most soil types.
ground cover. Plant 10” apart.
Perfect for planting on banks or margins of
Plant 15” apart.
your margins of the garden. Will self seed. Mexican Cigar Plant
Red Hot Poker
Has orange red tubular flowers with their
Foxglove Camelot (F1 Hybrid)
Reliable herbaceous perennial. Flames of
ashen end looks like tiny lit cigars. Whilst nature leaping upwards from your borders
Produces a multitude of 2 - 3 feet (60 - 75
perennial, it is frost tender. In a garden
cm) tall flower spikes in shades of cream,
about 3-5ft tall. Flowers Summer. Grows
lavender, rose and white. Compact in habit border it can easily produce a shrubby plant to approx 4ft tall. Thrives in full sun and a
up to 3ft tall within a couple of months. In rich soil. Plant 2ft apart.
and profuse in flowering.
a container or pot it can be kept to 8” tall or Rock Rose ‘Mutabile’ Mixed
Foxglove Old English (Excelsior)
more. Prefers a well drained soil. Thrives Also known as the Sunrose or Rushrose.
For open border or partial shade beneath
in full sun.
trees where dappled sunlight can filter
Once established they will prove tolerant
Milly’s Honey Bee Flower Plant Mixture to even the longest droughts. Wiry foliage,
through. Easy to grow. Has towering
Blended for nectar production as well as
spikes of bloom. Lovely colour selection
with a beautiful display of flower in colours
pretty flowers. Mix of plants (Borage,
with spotted & marked trumpet flowers.
from the vivid to the pastel. Perfect for
Flowers June to August. Grows to approx Candytuft, Clarkia, Godetia, Mixed
rockeries or border planting, grows up to
Cornflowers, Hyssop, Nigella, Mignonette, around 18” tall, can be kept smaller. Thrive
5ft high. Thrives in full sun or partial
Wallflowers, Goldenrod, Phacelia. Poppies, in full sun/well drained soil. Plant 9” apart.
shade & a deep rich soil. Plant 14” apart.
White Clover & Cosmos), will flower from Sweet Williams Messenger Mixed
Geum ‘Mrs J Bradshaw’
approx June-first frosts. Carefully tease the Mix of colours. Early flowering variety
Reliable, herbaceous plant that is both
plugs apart & plant out 4” x 4” apart.
compact and neat in habit. Has large
produces long stems making them ideal
strawberry like flowers which are scarlet
for bouquets or as cut flowers. Second year
Molly’s Cottage Garden Flower Plant
red. Flowers May to Sept. Grows to approx Mixture
plants so will flower this year. Reaches
2 feet high. Thrives in most aspects and soil Each plug contains multiple mixed plants approx 24” (60 cm) tall.
conditions. Plant 15” apart.
(approx 8) Simply plant out 9” x 9” apart Tree Lupin
Hollyhock Chater’s Double Mixed
Perennial that reaches approx 5 ft tall. Semi
- to fill your borders with Summer and
Perennial favourite. Produces a glorious
Autumn cheer - and give you a succession evergreen. Soft lilac, cream and lavender
selection of colours, fully double varieties of flowers for cutting for the house.
flowers that have the most delightful
Flower from July to September. Grow to
perfume. Flowers mid Summer. Thrives
approx 8ft high. Thrive in a well drained,
in full sun and prefer a neutral to acid soil
sheltered from strong winds, sunny
which is not too rich. Plant 2 feet apart.
situation. Plant 18” apart.
Premium Pretty Compost Block Grown Plants!
You can mix and match within this group (in multiples of 5)
5 plants of one type £7.00, 10 plants £13.00, 25 plants £27.50, 50 plants £49.50 100 plants £85.00
Confederate Violet Sorority Sisters
Helleborous Cottage Mixed
Wax like foliage. Flowers have an outer
Perennial ground cover. Flowers in shades
Flower colours include whites, yellows
ring strongly contrasting colour, almost
of light blue, dark blue, red, white and even to purples - and even spotted and mottled
black, purple, plum red, blue, or yellow
speckled appear mid Spring. Rich green,
forms late Winter into Spring..
with a contrasting white or gold centre for heart-shaped foliage. Likes shade. Plant 10” Thrive in partial shade but will perform
March to May. Winter hardy. Grows to
(25cm) apart, reaches 6” (10cm) tall.
well in either deeper shade or sun. Prefer
approx 9” high. Thrives in partial shade,
a moist but well drained soil and are
rich soil, or full sun. Plant 15” apart.
Perennial. Pretty bell like yellow flowers. particularly good on alkaline soils.
Chinese Pagoda Primrose
Flowers from February to April. Grows
Grow to 1- 2 feet (30 - 60 cm).
Completely disappears in Winter. In Spring, to approx 10” high. Thrives in an open
Lentern Rose ‘Helen Ballard’s’ Hybrid
low growing clump of pinnate leaves are
position or part shade. Plant 10” apart.
Helleborus orientalis
produced from which the red / mauve
Drumstick Primula
Thrive in partial shade but will perform
flower spikes rise up about 12” above.
Bog Primula. Pretty drumstick flowers
well in either deeper shade or sun. Prefer
Thrives in a moist soil - so suitable for
in a multitude of colours that appear as
a moist but well drained soil. Particularly
pond-side planting. Grows well in both sun lavender, white, magenta crimson, lilac and good on alkaline soils. Waxy flowers can be
or partial shade.
rich purple blue. Completely hardy but
3” (7.5 cm) dia in a variety of colours from
Confederate Violet Emperor Magenta Red dies back until February, fresh green shoots dark purple to white Flower from FebMounds of rich green, heart-shaped leaves. appear and then a lovely display of colour. April. Grow to approx. 18” (45 cm)
Masses of wine coloured flowers mid-late Hardy and improving year on year.
Spring. Lovely ground cover plant. Reach
6” (10cm) high, plant 10” (25cm) apart.
Tolerates shade well.
01233 740529
Victoriana Nursery Gardens
Premium Pretty Compost Block Plants Cont... Page 3
You can mix and match within this group (in multiples of 5)
5 plants of one type £7.00, 10 plants £13.00, 25 plants £27.50, 50 plants £49.50 100 plants £85.00
Mexicana Gazania
This half hardy perennial will give an
outstanding display. Stunning coloured
Daisy like flowers, some even have a rich
green zone or band leading to their other
name ‘Fire Emeralds’. Plant out late May/
June/July. Flowers Summer. Grows to
approx 12” tall. Thrives in full sun and a
rich soil. Plant 12” apart.
Miniature Rose
Kentish Maiden Miniature Roses. A mini,
multi-flowered polyantha rose. Winter
hardy. They thrive in clay/poor soil. Semi,
fully double and single blooms in profusion
of pink, crimson, rose, white from JuneDecember. Dead head to prolong flowering.
Grow to approx 1ft tall. Thrive in full sun/
most soil types. Plant 12” apart.
Opium Poppy
A beautiful flowering plant. Perennial in
habit, though are often grown as an annual
as they can be a little tender, especially
in wet Winters. If left they will self seed.
Please Note: Cultivation is legal in the
UK, harvesting and processing of it for the
production of drugs, legal or otherwise, is
Polyanthus Pacific Giant Mixed
Pretty flowers in a profusion of colours
very early in the spring. Flowers can
be up to 3” (7.5 cm) in diameter and
are delicately scented. Perfect for low
maintenance spring flower borders.
Potentilla Golden Starlitt
Also known as Golden Himalayan
Cinquefoil. Perennial. Deciduous. Great
for a rockery. Have large, brilliant yellow
flower June - August. Reach approx 12”
(30 cm) tall. Will take a full sun or partial
shade location.
Potentilla Scarlett Starlitt
Also known as Himalayan Cinquefoil.
Dense, compact growing habit and
reach about 12” (30 cm) tall have a large
deep scarlett red to purple flower June August.. Good for rockerys or flower beds.
Perennial. Plant 12” (30 cm) apart. Like a
full sun or part shade position.
Poppy - Black Beauty
Almost-black, fully double Poppy is stunning. Grows to 2ft-3ft tall. Perennial in
habit, but often grown as an annual, can be
a little tender, especially in wet Winters. If
left they will self seed.
Poppy ‘Ladybird’
Crimson red flowers with distinctive
black blotches at base. Grows to 2ft-3ft
tall. Perennial in habit, often grown as an
annual, can be a little tender in wet Winters.
Will self seed.
Poppy ‘Opium’
Flowers in shades of pinks and purple
which are large and ‘open’ with a papery
appearance. Flower June - August. Reach
2-3 feet (60-90 cm) tall. Thrive in full sun.
Prefer well drained soils/poorer soils.
Hardy annual Self seed.
Poppy ‘Orange Feather’
Produces masses of double flowers on
multiple stems, frilly orange flowers almost
endless succession. Reach 18”-2ft tall.
Primrose Finella
Large flowers in a mix of colours with a
pretty delicate lace edge January to March.
Hardy. Perennial. Prefer a moist, shady
position but will tolerate full sun. Main
season variety. Prefer a rich moist soil.
Plant 9” (23 cm) apart. Will self seed.
Primrose Husky
Large flowering mix colour selection
February to April. Can be grown in pots
or in the ground. Hardy. Perennial. Last
season variety. Reaches 8” (20 cm) tall.
Like full sun or partial shade. Prefer a rich
moist soil. Plant 9” (23 cm) apart.
Primrose Primlet Mixed
Attractive flower with the appearance of a
bouquet of Rosebuds in blue, red, purple
and yellow from just after Christmas until
May. Normally the first few flowers are
singles with the rest as full double. Thrive
in full sun or partial shade and great for
planting under trees and hedges. Prefer a
rich moist soil. Plant 9” apart.
Rockery Primrose ‘Cottage Cream’
Hardy. Hybridised from wild primrose.
Uniformity in both habit and flower colour.
More compact in habit, cream flowers
with delicate gold centres reach around 8”
tall from just after Christmas until May.
Thrive in full sun or partial shade and great
for planting under trees and hedges. Prefer
a rich moist soil. Plant 9” apart.
Rockery Primrose ‘Wanda Hybrids’
Hardy. Flower colours are blue to red to
purple to yellow - all with a delicate golden
yellow centre with a lovely bronze colour
to the foliage. Flowering can start soon
after Christmas until May. Thrive in full
sun or partial shade and great for planting
under trees and hedges. Prefer a rich moist
soil. Plant 9” apart.
Scabiosa Caucasica House Hybrids
Hardy Perennial. Blue, violet and white
flowers. Very good for cut flower. Deadhead to encourage continuing flower. Will
self seed. Prefers a sunny position, well
drained soil. Reach approx 2 feet (60 cm)
tall. Flower June to September. Plant 8” 12” (20 - 30cm) apart.
Victorian Polyanthus
Tough and hardy plants that produce one of
the first flowers of the season, they like a
shady or sunny spot in the garden. Reaches
12” / 30cm high. Plant 10”/25cm apart.
Wild Primrose
Old Fashioned Garden Primroses
Hardy these produce pretty yellow flowers
with an orange yellow centre, mostly
single from just after Christmas until May.
Thrive in full sun or partial shade and great
for planting under trees and hedges. Prefer
a rich moist soil. Plant 9” apart and divide
every three years or so.
Please Note: Cultivation is legal in the UK,
harvesting/processing of poppies for drugs,
legal or otherwise, is not!
Poppy ‘Allegro’
Oriental Scarlet Red Poppies
A dwarf, tough and hardy. For rich colour
these cannot be beaten. Flowers May-early
July. Grows to approx 12-15” tall. Thrives
in a sunny position and a well drained soil.
Mind Your Own Business
The plant with so many common names - Irish Moss, Paddy’s Wig, Corsican Creeper, Friendship Plant, Bread & Cheese, Baby’s
Tears, Paddy’s Tears, The Pollyana Vine - the list is endless!
Extremely versatile. Prefers shade to full sun. Grows to approx 4” tall. Thrives in part of full shade. Plant 12” apart.
You can mix and match within this group. 1 plant £2.50, 3 plants £6.75, 10 plants £21.00, 25 plants or more £2.00 each.
A neat bright green leaf.
01233 740529
A glaucous green leaf.
Victoriana Nursery Gardens
Pale Green
A neat pale green leaf.
Page 4
Ground Cover You can mix and match within this group (in multiples of 5)
5 plants of one type £7.00, 10 plants £13.50, 25 plants £30.00, 50 plants £50.00, 100 plants £90.00
Chamomile Lawn
Periwinkle (lesser)
Heath Pearlworth Lawn
A very dwarf compact spreading form. Will Emerald Angel Hair. Ground hugging and Blue Star Trailer / Vinca. Pointed bright
require a light trim 4-5 times a year. Once mossy like. Produces pretty pearl like seed deep green ‘polished’ leaves. Grows really
established, thrives in hot sunny positions. pods after the dainty white flowers of the
tight and thick to the ground. Intermittent
Plant from April to early September. Plant late Spring/Summer. Never needs cutting. very pretty blue star like flowers appear
9” x 9” apart (20 plants per square metre)
in Winter, Spring and Summer. Grow to
Plant April to Sept. Plant 9” x 9” apart .
Thrives in a nutritious, well drained, soil.
Thrives in a nutritious, well drained, soil. approx 12” high. Suitable for all aspects
Never plant in waterlogged situations (not Never plant in waterlogged situations (not and most soil types and will grow in deep
suitable for areas where dogs may fowl).
shade. Plant 12” apart.
suitable for areas where dogs may fowl).
Creeping Thyme Lawn
Sweet Scented Violets
Makes a lovely aromatic lush green ‘carpet’ Semi evergreen with bright blue flowers
Pretty violet coloured flowers from March
which surmount this soil hugging ground
surmounted in Summer with pretty pink
to June. Grows to approx 9” high.
flowers. Once established it needs very lit- cover with its extremely powerful scent
Thrives in shade and a rich soil.
tle attention - a trim perhaps once or twice of peppermint - but not suitable for
Plant 10” apart.
a year - you can use those trimmings in the peppermint tea. Flowers intermittently
through the Summer. Grows to approx 2”
tall. Thrives in a rich soil and full sun or
partial shade. Plant 9” apart.
Fuchsia Collections
We offer Hardy Garden Fuchsias, Half Hardy Garden Fuchsias, Hanging Basket Fuchsias or Bush Fuchsias.
You can purchase these at £3.25 each if you are not worried about the particular variety.
If you want to name the fuchsias you purchase the plants are £3.95 each, this in due to the increased labour time to gather your
specific order, please note that we cannot always guarantee the variety you want will be available and we may substitute - if you
would prefer for us not to do this please let us know at the time of ordering, the variety names for these should be added into the
special instructions box at the checkout on our website. Should you require full listings of all our varieties please enquire.
Sweet Peas
You can mix and match within this group (in multiples of 10)
10 plants of one type £2.40, 50 plants £10.00.
Spencer Mix
Old Spice Mix
Not a large flower but the perfume is better Renowned for their perfume and exhibition quality blooms. Our blend is from 40
than that of any modern sweet pea! Supplied distinct named varieties in a grand mixture including Air Warden, Andrea Robertson,
in a mix of ‘lost’ varieties to include King Blackcurrant Mousse, Blue Danube, Bristol, Brook Hall, Charlie’s Angel, Evening
EdwardV11, Matucana, Prima Donna and Glow, Firebrand, Flagship, Kelvedon Beauty, Mrs R Bolton, Nanette Newman, Noel
Sutton, Pluto, Red Ace, Red Arrow, R.A.F., Rosy Frills, Rouge Parfum, Shirley Pink,
The Eckfords.
Southbourne, Swan Lake, White Frills, Winston Churchill
All Non Grouped Plants!
African Blue Lily
Rich green strap like evergreen foliage
from whence arching spikes of rich blue (or
on rare occasions white) flowers arise. A
most attractive plant that needs protection
from severe frost. Flowers late Summer.
Grows to approx 3ft high. Thrives in full
sun. Plant 3ft apart. £4.35 each, 2 or more
£3.95 each.
Chameleon Plant. Rainbow Chameleon
Plant. A beautiful herb that produces
large ivy like leaves with a most pungent
scent when squeezed - a vague likeness
to tangerine and sandalwood. It spreads
by stolons. Bright green leaves become
overlaid with creamy-yellow then splashed
pinky-red and in Summer shades of
crimson red. £2.25 each, 5 or more £1.95.
Cider Gum Tree
Very fast growing, evergreen tree with a
lovely glaucous green foliage and silver
grey bark that peels to reveal paler bark
below. Plant min 18” (45 cm) apart.
Ultimate height 40 feet + (12 metres +).
Average annual growth rate 3 - 4 feet (90
- 120 cm). Grows well in most soil types
(including chalky and clay) Does not
perform well in dense shade. Suitable for
coastal areas, exposed / windy positions.
Glyceria maxima var variegata
An attractive aquatic grass. Narrow green
leaves are striped silver and white. Grows
to approximately 2ft tall. £3.95 each,
5 for £19.25, 10 or more £3.75 each
01233 740529
Herb of Jupiter
Sempervivum, House Leek. Great for
rockery gardens in a sunny position. Has
great health benefits. £3.30 each.
King Cups
True Marsh Marigold that reaches 30” /
80cm tall. A beautiful yellow flower that
loves to grow in wet, marshy ground.
7cm pot £3.95 each.
Lily Of The Valley
Likes semi-shade, deep rich soil. Semievergreen. Beautifully perfumed white bell
like flowers. Flowers May-June. Grows to
approx 15” high. Plant about 9” apart.
5 for £5.40, 10 for £9.90, 20 for £16.00
Marginal Bog Plants
Selection of un-named marginal and
bog plants (eg yellow water iris, golden
kingcup, water mint, bog bean, glyceria,
typha etc), great for pond side planting.
5 plants £27.50, 10 or more £5.25 each.
Mole Plant
Also known as Caper Spurge. Biennial
which can self seed. It is said the
roots exude a secretion making worms
unpleasant to taste - moles find the worms
unpalatable so move on elsewhere! Plant
at 10ft spacings for best effect. £2.60 each,
3 or more £2.30 each
Perennial with a beautiful small, scented
yellow flower that loves to grow in shallow
water, preferable up to 3 feet (60 cm) deep.
Very under-rated. 1ltr pot £8.95 each.
Victoriana Nursery Gardens
Perennial Sweet Pea
Flowers in shades of deep rose pink, white
and purple rose from June-Sept. Excellent
for cutting. Grows to approx 6-8 ft (needs
support). Thrives in full sun and a rich soil.
Plant 18” apart. £1.35 each, 5 for £5.75, 10
for £9.50, 25 or more 85p each.
Likes to grow in water up to 3 feet (1
metre) deep. Can be used to cleanse water,
thatch a roof or make flour! Reaches 11ft /
3mtrs tall.
£3.95 each, 3 or more £3.85 each.
Scented Geraniums
Highly scented foliage when squeezed
between finger and thumb. Perfume of
citron, peppermint, sandalwood, orange,
and apple and more. Flowers intermittently
throughout the year. Grows to approx 3-4ft
high or can be kept smaller. Thrives in full
sun. Plant 2’6” apart. Frost tender.
£2.25 each, 5 or more £1.95 each.
Reed Canary Grass
Pretty striped grass that can improve
ground. Prefers a moist location. Reaches 6
½ft/2mtrs tall. Potted £3.95 each,
5 for £19.25, 10 for £37.50.
Rose-Mallow. South Pacific Sunglory.
Semi hardy perennial. Individual flowers
grow up to 10-12” dia August-Sept. Mixed
colours from deep crimson-red to snow
white with crimson centre. Grows to
approx 4 ft tall, plant 2ft apart. Thrives in a
sheltered full sun position with a rich soil.
£3.25 each.
Celebration Roses
£14.95 each
Page 5
Roses always make a wonderful gift, but why just give a bunch of cut flowers which at best will last a couple of weeks when you can
send a rose bush that will provide pleasure for many years to come? What better way to make that special day really special?
Supplied as a well established pot grown plant carefully gift wrapped accompanied by a handwritten card ; subject to the time of year
we will always attempt to dispatch a plant in flower – though this is not always possible.
Birthday Girl
Our Jubilee
Silver Wedding
Vivid cascades of cream, yellow and
Rich orange flowers mellow to a salmon- White flowers with the most subtle of pink
carmine pink flowers.
Pearl Anniversary
Thinking Of You
Rich pink flowers fade with age.
Patio rose. Pearly pink flowers. Repeat
Velvety rich crimson flowers.
Golden Wedding
flowering. Compact bush habit. Reaches
Rich golden yellow flowers
18” (45 cm) high.
Rich red flowers.
Loving Memory
Ruby Anniversary
Wedding Day
Crimson scarlet flowers.
Hardy patio rose. Beautiful vibrant redClimbing Rose. Highly scented repeat
Many Happy Returns
orange rose flower.
flowering variety with creamy yellow
Soft pink flowers.
Ruby Wedding
flowers that fade to pure white.
Mother’s Day
Patio rose. Rich red flowers.
Crimson red waxy flowers.
Silver Anniversary
Clusters of pure white flowers.
Flower Seeds Please see individual prices
Anemones De Caen & St Brigid Selection Millys Honey Bee Flower Seed Mix
Sweet Pea - Old Spice Mix
A blend of varieties to give a colour mix
Blended for nectar production & pretty
Includes Edward VII, Matucana, Prima
including scarlet, violet blue, violet rose,
flowers! Approx 500 seeds covers 15sq
Donna and Eckford varieties. Smaller
white and rich blue – in both double and
mtrs. Flowers June-first frosts. Grows 8” to flowers than ‘Spencers’ and a reduced
single flowers growing to approx 12”.
3ft. Sow March-June, half fill a bucket with colour range but have extremely strong
Plant the hardy corm 3” deep 8” apart.
just moist fine soil/sand/peat. Empty whole perfume that attracts Summer Butterflies.
Plant April - June. 25 corms £5.50, 50 for
packet into bucket & thoroughly stir then Approx 35 seeds £2.85.
£9.50, 100 - £16.00
fill bucket to top & stir again. Broadcast by Sweet Pea - Spencer Mix
Bluebell Seed (English)
hand. £3.95 per packet.
Old variety with outstanding perfume.
Hand collected and dried from our own
Miniature Rose Seed
A blend of 40 distinct varieties including
woodlands. The plants will start to flower Nicely scented. Semi double and single
R.A.F., Air Warden and Winston Churchill.
in their second year and from then on
flowers in shades of pink, crimson, apricot Long stemmed excellent show quality
should self seed. They will tolerate most
and some white. Dainty red hips are
blooms can be produced from late April
soils and prefer a partial shade position,
produced in Autumn. A very pretty subject; under cold glass or a polytunnel. Approx
however will tolerate deep shade. Approx
Approx 25 seeds £3.95, 50 seeds £6.90, 4 60 seeds £2.50.
100 seeds £3.90.
packets or more £2.80 per packet.
Victorian Polyanthus Seed
Emerald Velvet Lawn
Mollys Cottage Garden Flower Seed Mix Hardy perennials of the original organic
A mix: Highland (Agrostis castellana),
Includes white Gypsophilla, Scarlet Flax, open pollinated strain seldom found these
Celianna (Festuca rubra rubra), Dorianna
old fashioned Cottage Garden Marigolds
days. Stems as thick as pencils - really
(Festuca rubra com) Count (Festuca rubra
and more. One packet will cover approx.
tough, hardy and everlasting. Tawny
litoralis), Fancy (Lolium penne).
15 sq mtrs. Approx 250 seeds per packet
crimson, gold, purple, red, white and bright
Sow at a rate of 70g per square metre (2oz £3.25, 2 or more packets £2.75 each
yellow are the predominant colours and
per square yard) in the Autumn or Spring.
Nanny’s Bird Seed
very nicely scented in Spring too.Approx
Sow onto damp soil. 250g (for an area of
Perfect for sowing around your bird table. 25 seeds £2.90.
approx 11½ squ ft (3½ squ mtrs) £3.50.
17 different annual flower seed varieties.
Wild White Clover Seed
Fuchsia Seed
After flowering leave to seed for the birds Provides excellent pollen for honey bees.
Sown from Feb-Aug. Produces a plants
to harvest themselves. One packet covers This plant will attract a host of beneficial
with the same quality and strength of
an area approx 13 square feet (4 square
insects including quite harmless Bumble
constitution as from cuttings. Even sowings metres). £3.95 per packet
Bees and Butterflies. Approx 3000 seeds in early May will produce large flowering
Poppy - Mixed Selection
for an area of 50 square metres £2.50.
plants late Summer. Name your very own
Our own selection of random varieties
Wildflower Meadow Seed Mix
variety. Approx 18 seeds £4.90.
grown here to flower May - July. Will self A special mix of English grown wildflower
Gourd, Speckled Swan
seed. Simply mix the seed with a little
seeds and grasses to attract butterflies and
A highly attractive ornamental gourd,
sand and sprinkle over the ground. Likes a pollinating insects. It contains Bird’s Foot
the long neck of which curves elegantly
full sun position. Prefers well drained soil. Trefoil, Campion, Clover, Daisy, Oxeye,
downward resembling a Swan’s head, can
£1.95 per 500 seeds.
Scabious, Devils-Bit, Mignonette, Vipersreach 8” / 20cm long. Dark green flesh is
Pond Side Plant Seed
Buglos low maintenance grasses and
speckled white. 5 seeds £2.25.
Includes Marsh Marigolds, Reeds, Water
Scarlet Poppies. 500 seeds cover approx
Forget Me Not, Water Mint, Musk, Tufted 25 sq mtrs £3.95.
Vetch, Bulrush, Bird’s Foot Trefoil, Trifid,
Figwort, Fleabane, Monkeyflower, Selfheal, Devil’s-bit, Sneezewort and lots more.
Supplied as a packet of seed to produce
over 500 plants. £5.60 per packet.
Flower Seeds
£1.95 per packet, 5 or more £1.85 each, 10 or more £1.75 each.
Bells Of Ireland Seed
Blanket Plant Seed ‘Arizona Sun’
Californian Poppy Seed Kelmscott
Long spikes of pale green shell like bracts Bright red flowers have a cheerful yellow
with white flowers. Reaches approx 2½ feet margin to their petals. Being low growing Beautiful mix of cheerful colours. Perfect
tall, ideal for bedding/borders. Half-hardy in habit . Hardy Perennial. Flowers June to for borders. Hardy Annual. Excellent For
annual. Flowers July to September. Sow
September. Reaches approx 10” – 12” tall. Cut Flowers. Flowers July to October.
in trays under protection in Spring, lightly Sow under protection March to April in
Grows to approx 15” tall. Broadcast sow
cover. Transplant into pots when large
seed trays and lightly cover. Transplant into March to May and just cover or sow in
enough. Harden off and plant out 8” apart. pots when large enough, harden off and
September for over-wintering to flower the
Approx 150 seeds.
plant out 10” apart. Approx 50 seeds.
following year. Approx 250 seeds.
01233 740529
Victoriana Nursery Gardens
Flower Seeds Continued...
Page 6
£1.95 per packet, 5 or more £1.85 each, 10 or more £1.75 each.
Giant Sun Flower Seeds
China Aster Seed ‘Matador’ Mixed
Pyrethrum Mix
Special blend of 5 shorter varieties approx Semi-double & single flowers in red, white
Double flowering half hardy annual
5ft–6ft tall with really large flowers of pale pink, rose and crimson scarlet. Hardy
reaching around 2½ ft tall. Exceptional
yellow, bright yellow, orange & red zoned Herbaceous Perennial. Flowers May–June.
range of bright colours. Flowers August
in July-Sept. Hardy Annual. Sow March to Grow to 18”–24” tall. Sow Feb–July in
to September. Sow outside August to
September in a cold frame, then transplant April, where they are to flower. Sow two
seed trays & just cover. Transplant into
seeds per station ½” deep 18” apart in rows individual pots. When rooted through and
the following April to their final position,
18” apart. Approx 30 seeds.
planting 6” apart. Approx 100 seeds.
more mature harden off and plant out after
China Aster Seed ‘Serenade Series’
frosts 12” by 12” apart. Approx 75 seeds.
‘Baby’s Breath’. Produces arching sprays Rudbeckia Seed Mix
Spray flowered variety. Semi-double
of numerous wiry stems of dainty pure
flowers on a single stem in colours from
Semi double flowers of rich golden yellow
white flowers. Hardy Annual. Excellent
blue to red to white, each with distinctive
with russet coloured centres. Long lasting
yellow centre from Aug - Sept. Half-hardy for Cut Flowers. Flowers June to
cut flower. Half-hardy Annual. Flowers
September. Grows to approx 18” tall. Sow July to first frost. Grows approx 24” tall.
Annual. Reaches approx 2½ feet (75 cm)
March to May where they are to flower.
tall. Sow outside Aug-Sept in a sheltered
Sow Feb–June in seed trays and cover.
nursery bed or cold frame, transplant April Sow thinly 1/8” deep in rows 12” apart.
Germinate under protection. Transplant into
to final position, 6” (15 cm) apart. Approx Thin to 12” apart. Approx 200 seeds.
individual pots. Plant out after the risk of
Icelandic & Oriental Poppy
150 seeds
frosts, 12”x12” apart. Approx 100 seeds.
Flowers from delicate lemon yellow with
Clarkia Crown Double Mixed
Statice Supreme Series Mixed
rosette hairy pale green foliage to salmon, A lovely colour mix including crimson red,
Seldom seen cut flower, a favourite with
orange, scarlet, white, pink, crimson &
flower arrangers. Perfect for borders as
pink, yellow, blue, white and purple blue.
mahogany ruffled flowers (Oriental). Hardy Half-hardy Annual. Flowers July–Sept.
well as the cutting garden. Hardy Annual.
Excellent For Cut Flowers. Flowers June to Biennial/Hardy. Herbaceous Perennial.
Grows to approx 24” tall. Sow Feb–March
Flower June–Sept. Sow May-June thinly
September. Grows to approx 5ft tall. Sow
in seed trays and just cover. When large
in seed beds ¼” drills 10” apart. Transplant enough to handle prick out into individual
in Spring where they are to flower; sow
when large enough. Approx 100 seeds.
thinly ¼” deep in rows 12” apart. Thin to
pots. When rooted through plant out after
12” apart. Approx 150 seeds.
risk of frosts, 12” by 12” apart. 75 seeds.
Rambling blend of rich bright colours for Sweet Scented Ten Week Stocks
Cornflower Seed ‘Crown Blue’
An excellent flower for borders, bedding or ground cover with trails upto 5–6ft long.
A grand mix of colours & gorgeous scent.
the cutting garden. Hardy Annual. Flowers Flowers and leaves can be eaten. Good
Tender Annual. Flowers June–Sept. Grows
June to September. Grows to approx 3ft – companion plant for your veggie garden.
to approx 15” tall. Sow Feb–April in seed
4ft tall. Sow March to April, or August to Sow March-May under protection in small trays & just cover. Germinate and grow on
September (if over wintering), where they pots and just cover. Grow on under cover
under protection. When large enough to
before hardening off and planting out after handle transplant into individual pots. Plant
are to flower. Sow thinly ¼” deep in rows
frosts. Plant out 2ft apart. Approx 45 seeds. out 12” by 15” apart after the risk of frosts.
12” apart. Thin to 12” apart. Approx 200
Love In The Mist
Approx 100 seeds.
Reaching around 16” high this is a lovely Sweet Williams Messenger Mixed
Cosmos Seed ‘Ladybird’ Mixed
cut flower producing pretty lacy flowers
A lovely half hardy annual that thrives in
Popular cut flower grows to approx
in a range of colours from pale blue, dark 24” long with bright & varied coloured
a hot dry sunny position, a really bright
blue, light pink and deep pink. Hardy
sharp yellow, red and orange colours of
blooms–many with contrasting eye. Hardy
semi double and single habit. Flowers June Annual. Flowers July–Sept. Grows to
Biennial. Flowers May–June year after
to October. Grows to approx 2ft tall. Sow approx 16” tall. Sow March to April thinly starting. Sow May–July thinly in ¼” deep
1/8” deep in rows 12” apart. Thin to 9”
mid Spring straight outside. Sow thinly
drills 12” apart. Thin to 6” apart when large
apart. Approx 100 seeds.
1/8” deep in rows 10” apart. Thin to 10”
enough & transplant to final positions in the
Old English Marigold Seed
apart. Approx 60 seeds.
Autumn, 12” apart. Approx 150 seeds.
A mix of three distinct varieties. On a
Dahlia ‘Dandy’ Mix
Walking Stick Cabbage Seed
Grown as an annual, these produce a tuber. culinary note, the petals can be used raw in Also known as Giant Jersey Kale. In time
salads to bring a dash of colour – or dried gone by this very tall variety of cabbage
Flowers in shades of red, yellow and
orange with a delicate row of matching or and used as a saffron substitute. Hardy
(produced on the top of a single stem
Annual. Sow mid Spring outside where
contrasting inner petals July to October.
around 4ft tall) was widely grown, it was
they are to flower. Sow thinly ½” deep in
Grows to approx 2 feet 6” (76 cm) tall.
cut, trimmed of leaves, dried and then made
rows 12” apart. Thin to 9” apart.
Sow under protection late Winter to early
into walking sticks. Approx 30 seeds.
Approx 200 seeds.
Spring in seed trays and lightly cover.
Zinnias Oklahoma Mixed
Old English Pinks
Transplant into pots when large enough
Double & semi double large flowers in
Sweetly perfumed, well suited for bedding shades of scarlet, pink, yellow & white.
to handle and grow on Harden off and
plant out after the risk of any further frosts, and cut flowers producing shades of pink, Reach around 2’ 6” tall, repeat flowering.
white and almost crimson July - August.
planting 12” (12 cm) by 2 feet (24 cm)
Half-hardy Annual.Flowers July–October.
Hardy Herbaceous Perennial. Grows
apart. Approx 50 seeds.
Grows to approx 2½’ tall. Sow March–May
to approx 12” (30 cm) tall. Sow Feb Delphinium Giant Imperial Strain
individually in pots and just cover. Plant
late June, in seed trays and just cover.
Produces fully double flowers in a quite
out after the risk of frosts 12” by 12” apart.
When large enough to handle prick out
exquisite range of colours July - Sept.
Approx 75 seeds.
(transplant) into individual pots or module
Hardy Annual. Grows to approx 4 feet
trays. When rooted through/more mature
(1.2 metres) tall. Sow March to April, or
harden off and plant out after the risk of
August to September (over wintering),
any further frosts, planting 12” (30 cm) by
where they are to flower. Sow thinly 1/8”
12” (30 cm) apart.
(0.3 cm) deep in rows 12” (30 cm) apart.
Thin to 12” (30 cm) apart. 75 seeds.
Flanders Poppy
Scarlett red flower May - July. Likes a full
sun position, well drained soil. Mix fine
seeds in a bucket of dry sand or compost
and simply broadcast to the soil when rain
is expected. Will self seed. 200 seeds.
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Victoriana Nursery Gardens
Page 7
Ballerina Fuchsia
Fuchsia magellanica
One of the most hardy fuchsias around and
not usually eaten by rabbits! Can grow
up to 6-10 feet tall and are very vigorous.
Deep green foliage becomes smothered in
crimson purple medium to small flowers.
Plant 18” apart. Can be trimmed to any
height above 2 feet. Ultimate width 3-4
feet. Average growth per year is approx.
12”-18”. Grows well in most soil types
except those prone to laying wet. Suitable
for most aspects from full sun to partial
shade. Does not perform well in dense
shade or in exposed areas but excellent in
windy positions. Suitable for coastal areas.
Plant Spring / Summer. Compost block
grown plants approx 8” tall.
5-9 plants £2.05 each. 10-24 £1.99 each,
25-49 £1.85 each, 50-99 £1.75 each, 100249 £1.65 each, 250 or more £1.50 each.
Box Leaved
Ilex crenata ‘dark green’. New to the
UK. An alternative to traditional Box
Hedging that does not suffer from the
disease problems, not prone to leaf scorch.
Evergreen reaches 12 feet (3.5 metres)
high, can be kept trimmed to about 8”
(20cm). Perfect for topiary. Winter hardy
if grown in the ground - container grown
plants would benefit from some Winter
root protection. Plant 7” - 12” (17.5cm -30
cm) apart. Ultimate height 8 - 12 feet (2.5
- 3.5 meters). Average annual growth rate
8 - 12” (20 - 30 cm). Ultimate width 6 feet
plus - but can be trimmed to any width in
excess of 6” (15 cm). Grows well in most
soil types except those prone to laying
very wet. Likes a humus rich, well drained
soil. Suitable full sun to partial shade.
Plant all year round. Berries are poisonous.
This plant is protected by the Plant Variety
Rights. Illegal propagation without a
licence will lead to prosecution. 9cm pot
grown plants 6”-8” (15-20 cm) tall. £2.85
each, 5-9 £2.75 each, 10-24 £2.60 each, 2549 £2.50 each, 50-99 £2.25 each, 100-249
£2.10 each, 250 or more £1.95 each.
2ltr plants £9.95 each, 5 for £48.75,
10 or more £9.50 each.
Cluster Colourama
Rosa rugosa ‘Alba’ and ‘Rubra’.
True Proven Shrub Rose, Protect your
home & garden with barbed wire security
...without ugly barbed wire. Select stock of
Rosa rugosa that grows thicker and better
each year. Early Spring has green foliage
which encourages further root growth
(comes true to the parent plant). Large
pink, cerise, crimson & white flowers with
sun gold centre followed by large red hips.
Plant 12” apart. Can be trimmed to any
height above 3 feet. Ultimate width 4 feet.
Can be trimmed to any width over 2ft.
Grows well in most soil types except those
prone to laying very wet. Suitable for most
aspects from full sun to partial shade. Does
not perform well in dense shade. Suitable
for coastal areas. Performs well in exposed
/ windy positions. Plant Autumn / Winter.
Bare root plants approx 12”-18” tall.
Average growth per year is approx 2ft.
5 plants £1.40 each, 10-24 £1.30 each,
25-49 £1.20, 50-99 £1.05 each,
100-249 £0.90 each,
250 or more £0.80 each.
Kentish Cob, Princess Royal or Webbs
Prize. You can combine the three varieties
or have a hedge all of the same! Each
produce amazing nuts. Plant 3ft apart.
Bare-rooted plants 2-3ft tall. £8.95 each,
3 or more £7.25.
Coral Pearls
Cotoneaster franchetii
Evergreen hedge can rapidly attain it
maximum height of 9ft. In early Summer
huge clusters of pearly white blossom
are produced - followed in the autumn by
masses of scarlet orange pearl sized berries.
Foliage is dense in habit and an attractive
silver green colour. Plant 2ft apart. Can
be trimmed to any height above 3 feet.
Ultimate width 6 feet (can be kept ot 2ft).
Grows well in most soil types, except
those prone to laying very wet. Suitable for
most aspects from full sun to dense shade.
Suitable for coastal areas. Performs well in
exposed / windy positions. Plant Autumn /
Winter. Average growth per year is approx
1-2ft. Bare root plants approx 18”–2ft tall.
Cherry Plum
5 plants £2.25 each, 10-24 £1.80 each,
Prunus cerasifera. Also known as
Myrobalan Plum. Bears tasty red or yellow 25-49 £1.70 each, 50-99 £1.50 each,
100-249 £1.35 each,
fruits the size of cherries but the shape of
plums. White flowers. Forms a dense hedge 250 or more £1.25 each
of thorny twigs. Plant 18” apart. Reaches Dwarf Lavender
25 feet or keep to any height above 4 feet. Plant 10” (25 cm) apart. Ultimate height
Ultimate width 12 feet. Can be kept to 2ft. 2 - 3 feet (60 - 90 cm). Can be trimmed
Grows well in most soil types, except those to any height above 8” (20 cm). Average
prone to laying wet. Suitable for most
annual growth rate 12” (30 cm). Grows
aspects from full sun to partial shade. Does well in most soil types (including chalky
not perform well in dense shade. Suitable and clay) except those prone to laying wet.
for coastal areas. Performs well in exposed Suitable for most aspects from full sun to
/ windy positions. Stones in the fruits,
partial shade. Does not perform well in
eaten in large quantities can be poisonous. dense shade. Suitable for coastal areas. Not
Plant Autumn / Winter. Average growth of suitable for particularly exposed / windy
1-1.5 ft per year. Bare root plants approx
positions. Plant Spring / Summer.
18”–2ft tall. 5 plants £1.95 each,
5 plants £8.75, 10 plants £15.00,
10-24 £1.50 each, 25-49 £1.40 each,
25 plants £35.00, 50 plants £65.00,
50-99 £1.30 each, 100-249 £1.20 each,
100 plants £120, 250 or more £1.05 each
250 or more £1.10 each
01233 740529
Victoriana Nursery Gardens
Fuchsia Wall Fuchsia magellanica var
gracilis ‘Variegata’
Reaches up to 5 feet tall, can be kept
trimmed to 2 feet. Foliage is shimmering
green and silver with tints of pink and
crimson, in Autumn is crimson to deep red
tints. Flowers are small to medium size of
vivid scarlet crimson and purple. Plant 18”
apart. Ultimate width 3-4 feet. Grows well
in most soil types except those prone to
laying wet. Suitable for most aspects from
full sun to partial shade. Does not perform
well in dense shade. Suitable for coastal
areas. Not suitable for particularly exposed
areas but excellent in windy positions.
Plant Spring / Summer. Average growth
per year is approx 12”-18”. Compost block
grown grown plants approx 8” tall.
5-9 £2.05 each, 10-24 £1.99 each,
25-49 more £1.85 each, 50 or more £1.75
each, 100 or more £1.65 each,
250 or more £1.50 each
Goji Berry
Lycium barbarum These berries may help
you to live longer, it’s an amazing super
fruit! Has white or lavender flowers. Eat the
fruits fresh (shake them from the plant to
prevent oxidising them and making them go
black) or dry them. Self fertile and hardy,
drought tolerant. Plant 6ft apart. Ultimate
height 10ft, can be trimmed. Plant outside
Spring/Summer, these plants like warmth
and free draining soil. Potted plants £4.95
each. Compost block grown plants,
3-4 £3.95 each, 5-9 £3.75 each, 10-49 £3.50
each, 50 or more £3.00 each.
An amazing herb plant with beautiful blue
flowers on it that the bees love! Reaches
2ft high and wide but can be kept smaller.
Prefers light, free-draining, alkaline soil.
Will grow in most soils. Prefers full sun or
part shade. Plant 12”/30cm apart. Will grow
8-12” per year. Supplied in 7cm pots. £2.25
each, 10 or more £1.95 each
Mammoth Miscanthus Miscanthus
gigantus Magnificent screening plant,
similar to Bamboo in appearance, (although
not invasive) forms a thick impenetrable
barrier and an excellent wind break that
filters or breaks up the wind. Rich green
Summer foliage is topped with sprays of
silky russet pink flowers. In Winter the
foliage takes on a russet gold colour. Plant
2ft apart from mid May-Sept. Ultimate
height 15 ft and 4ft width Can be kept to
4 ft by 2ft. Grows well in most soil types
except those prone to laying very wet.
Suitable for most aspects from full sun to
partial shade. Does not perform well in
dense shade. Suitable for coastal areas.
Performs well in windy positions. Plant
Spring/Summer. The reduced growing season
in Scotland and Northern England means it will
not achieve its full height. An average growth
per year is approx. 5-6ft in first year,
thereafter 10ft in 3mths. Chunky pot grown
plant. 5-9 £3.95 each, 10-24 £3.50 each,
25-49 £3.40 each, 50-99 £3.25 each,
100-249 £3.10 each,
250 or more £2.95 each.
Hedging Continued
Whispering Willows
Rosa rugosa ‘Rubra’
Description as Colourama (only it’s just red
5-9 £1.50 each, 10-24 £1.35 each,
25-49 more £1.25 each, 50 or more £1.15
each, 100 or more £0.98 each,
250 or more £0.90 each
Victorian Conservation
Traditional/native mix. Consists of Field
Maple, Hazel, Dogwood, Guelder Rose and
Wayfaring Trees. Plant 18” (45 cm) apart.
Ultimate height 18 feet (5.5 metres) plus.
Grows well in most soil types (including
chalky and clay) except those prone to
laying wet. Suitable for most aspects from
full sun to partial shade. Suitable for most
coastal areas. Plant Autumn / Winter /
Spring. 5-9 £2.75 each, 10-24 £2.30 each,
25-49 £2.15 each, 50-99 £1.85, 100-249
£1.65, 250 or more £1.35 each.
01233 740529
Page 8
Salix viminalis
Also known as Osier Willow. Splendid
quality well rooted plants to ensure a really
glorious breathtaking screen that filters out
wind, grime and noise. Plant 18” (45 cm)
apart. Ultimate height 30 feet (9 metres).
Can be trimmed to any height above 3
feet (90 cm). Average annual growth rate
4 - 5 feet (1.2 - 1.5 metres). Grows well in
most soil types (including chalky and clay)
including those prone to laying wet.
Prefers a moist situation. Suitable for most
aspects from full sun to partial shade.
Suitable for coastal areas. Suitable for
exposed / windy positions. Plant Autumn /
Winter / Spring / Summer.
5-9 £2.85 each, 10-24 £2.75 each, 25-49
£2.35 each, 50-99 £1.95 each, 100-249
£1.85 each, 250 or more £1.75 each.
Victoriana Nursery Gardens