Download Scouring-rush Horsetail Scientific Name

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Common Name:
Scouring-rush Horsetail
Scientific Name: Equisetum hyemale
Order: Equisetales
Family: Equisetaceae
Wetland Plant Status: Facultative
Ecology & Description
Scouring-rush horsetail is an
evergreen, perennial plant that
completes a growing season in two years. At maturity, scouring-rush horsetail usually averages 3
feet in height but can be range anywhere from 2 to 5 feet. It can survive in a variety of
environments. One single plant can spread 6 feet in diameter. It has cylindrical stems that
averages a third of an inch in diameter. Noticeably spotted are the jointed unions that are located
down the plant. The stems are hollow and don’t branch off into additional stems. Also, scouringrush horsetail has rough ridges that run longitudinal along the stem. Although not covered in
leaves, tiny leaves are joined together around the stem which then forms a black or green band,
or sheath at each individual joint on the stem. This plant has an enormous root system that can
reach 6 feet deep and propagates in two ways: rhizomes and spores. Incredibly, due to the fact
that this plant is not full of leaves, it is forced to photosynthesize through the stem rather than
Scouring-rush horsetail is highly tolerant of tough conditions. It can survive and thrive in full
sun or part shade and can successfully grow in a variety of soil types. It can also grow in
moderate to wet soils, and can survive in up to 4 inches of water.
Scouring-rush horsetail can be found throughout the United States, Eurasia, and Canada.
Native/Invasive Status
Scouring-rush horsetail is native to the United States, Eurasia, and Canada. In regards to the
United States, it is native to the lower 48 states. It is also invasive to all areas where it is found
naturally because of its aggressive growth.
Wildlife Uses
Scouring-rush horsetail has no known nutritional value for animals. However, if ingested,
scouring-rush horsetail is poisonous. The sharp silica crystals are very painful when ingested and
is also life threatening.
Management & Control Techniques
It is very difficult to kill and control the plant in part to the fact that is has evolved so much for
the past million years and has adapted to various climates across the globe. In an attempt to
control or kill scouring-rush horsetail, one can follow a series of steps. By first cutting the plant
as soon as it emerges removes the cone tips and may have to do so for as many as four growing
seasons. Next, one can dig up the plants occasionally during the growing season to prevent resprouting. After this step, one can put black plastic over the dug up plants which put an end to
the growth. Lastly, as a last resort, herbicides can be applied to kill the scouring-rush horsetail.
Dave’s Garden. 2015. Rough Horsetail, Scouring Rush, Winter Scouring Rush, Common
Scouring Rush, Dutch Rush. Online. < >
Accessed 01 April 2015.
Floridata Plant Encyclopedia. 205. Equisetum hyemale. Online.
<> Accessed 14
April 2015.
Illinois Wildflowers. 2015. Scouring Rush (Equisetum hyemale affinis). Online.
<> Accessed 01 April
Missouri Botanical Garden. 2015. Equisetum hyemale. Online.
c670> Accessed 01 April 2015.
Reynolds, L. 2015. How to Kill Scouring Rush Horsetail. SF Gate Home Guides. Online.
<> Accessed 01 April
This document was authored by Morgan Mayeux, Department of Agricultural Sciences,
Louisiana Tech University, April 2015.