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Rodrigo Dos Santos
Christian Demorizi
Horsetail is a plant that has ridged stems and silica for
support. The stems are green, allowing the plant to do
photosynthesize. The bottom of the stem has tiny hairs called rhizomes
which are roots that anchor the horsetail into the soil. The vascular
system transports the food and water that goes trough a hollow space
inside both the root and stem.
The life cycle starts out as a sporophyte phase that makes
spores by meiosis. The spore grows by mitosis into gametophyte. From
their the gametophyte makes gametes that are sperm and eggs on the
same prothallus by mitosis. The sperm fertilizes a egg that is attacked
to the prothallus. The fertilized egg grows by mitosis into a horsetail
Horsetail was a herbal remedy that was used in Roman and
Greek medicine. It stopped bleeding, heal wounds and treat kidney
problems. It has silicon which it strengthens the bone. Its also a
treatment for osteoporosis. Horsetail descended from huge tree like
plants 400 million years ago. It’s a non-flowering weed that is found in
the Middle East and North America. The human uses were that along
time ago people used them to polish metal.
Horsetail helps to get rid of the body excess fluid by
increasing urine output. They also help with kidney stones, Urinary
tract infections, Brittle nails, and minor wounds and burns.