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Fall Forum 2012 Greco-­Roman Pentathlon Exam Directions Before you begin the exam, please make sure you complete the following: ☐ Neatly print your first and last names in the NAME box on the SCANTRON® form. ☐ Write the full name of your school in the SUBJECT box (N.B. Abbreviated school names like W.H.S. are ambiguous!). ☐ Write the level of Latin or Greek (e.g., Latin 3 or Greek 2)in which you are currently enrolled in the DATE box. Although you may write on this exam, only the answers marked on the SCANTRON® will be scored. Please darken the bubble completely and make clean erasures. Part 1: Greek and Roman Mythology—Select the choice that best completes each item. 1. In her escape from Apollo, _____ turns into a laurel tree. A. Cassandra B. Ariadne C. Daphne D. Polyxena 2. Hercules performs his Twelve Labors for _____ . A. Atlas B. Eurystheus C. Athena D. Meleager 3. The nephew of Daedalus who, observing the skeleton of a fish, invents the saw _____ . A. Cecrops B. Icarus C. Minos D. Perdix 4. The fight between the Centaurs and the Lapiths occurs at the wedding of _____ . A. Peleus & Thetis B. Jason & Medea C. Acastus & Astydamia D. Pirithous & Hippodamia 5. The father of Danaë is _____ . A. Perseus B. Zeus C. Acrisius D. Danaus 6. The tutor of Achilles is _____ . A. Chiron B. Peleus C. Teiresias D. Nessus 7. The swineherd and faithful servant of Odysseus is _____ . A. Eumaeus B. Eurycleia C. Eurylochus D. Telemachus 8. Melampus is imprisoned because he tries to steal the cattle of _____ . A. Apollo B. Hercules C. Phylacus D. Neleus 9. The individual responsible for spreading Demeter’s arts of agriculture is _____ . A. Iasion B. Prometheus C. Celeus D. Triptolemus 10. The bow of the Argo is made from a tree from a grove in _____ . A. Dodona B. Delphi C. Athens D. Nemea 11. The Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Athena is _____ . A. Juno B. Artemis C. Venus D. Minerva 12. The Roman god of doorways and beginnings is _____ . A. Janus B. Quirinus D. Faunus 13. The Roman deity who was not part of the Capitoline Triad is _____ . A. Hercules B. Juppiter C. Minerva D. Juno 14. Dido’s husband is _____ . A. Pygmalion C. Pandion D. Sychaeus 15. The biological mother of Romulus and Remus is _____ . A. Fausta B. Acca Larentia C. Rhea Silvia D. Anna Perenna 16. The father of Aeneas who dies during his journey from Troy is _____ . A. Acestes B. Anchises C. Admetus D. Achaemenides 17. The goddess consort and adviser of Numa Pompilius is _____ . A. Cloelia B. Lucretia C. Egeria D. Tanaquil 18. The fire-­‐breathing giant and son of Vulcan who terrorizes the land near the Aventine Hill is _____ . A. Python B. Cacus C. Ladon D. Geryon 19. The youth who disguises himself as an old woman in order to gain access to the maiden Pomona is _____ . A. Consus B. Vertumnus C. Corythus D. Tarchon 20. The Harpy who tells Aeneas that he will reach Italy is _____ . A. Sibyl B. Phineus C. Peneia B. Läertes C. Mars D. Celaeno Part 2: Greek and Roman History—Select the choice that best completes each item. 21. The span of Greek history that lasts from 500 until 323 BCE is traditionally called the _____ Period. A. Minoan B. Mycenaean C. Classical D. Hellenistic 22. The battle of 490 BCE in which the Athenians defeated Darius and his Persian army took place at _____ . A. Thermopylae B. Marathon C. Plataea D. Messenia 23. The Athenian statesman who replaced Draconian law and laid the foundation for democracy was _____ . A. Xerxes B. Thucydides C. Brasidas D. Solon 24. The thirty-­‐year peace treaty signed in the winter of 446/445 BCE was between Athens and _____ . A. Sparta B. Mycene C. Delos D. Mytilene 25. In 359 BCE _____ became King of Macedonia. A. Miltiades B. Cimon 26. The Stoic philosopher who established a school in Athens in 310 BCE was _____ . A. Aristotle B. Zeno C. Heraclitus D. Parmenides 27. The tyrant murdered by Harmodius and Aristogeiton was _____ . A. Peisander B. Hippias C. Peisistratus D. Hipparchus 28. The Acropolis and other major building projects were begun in Athens in _____ . A. 510 BCE B. 480 BCE C. 449 BCE D. 416 BCE 29. The King’s Peace of 386 BCE was negotiated by the Spartan _____ . A. Aeschines B. Callisthenes C. Antalcidas D. Callicratidas 30. In 330 BCE Alexander burned the Persian palace at _____ . A. Ecbatana B. Babylon D. Susa 31. The period of Roman history that traditionally extends from 509 until 31 BCE is called the _____ . A. Monarchy B. Republic C. Empire D. Tetrarchy 32. Rome fought the three Punic wars against _____ . A. Corinth B. Carthage 33. The emperor under whose rule the Roman Empire extended to its greatest geographical limits was _____ . A. Augustus B. Claudius C. Trajan D. Marcus Aurelius 34. The legendary king of Rome credited with building Rome’s first prison was _____ . A. Romulus B. Numa Pompilius C. Ancus Marcius D. Tarquinius Priscus 35. Julius Caesar defeated the Gallic leader _____ at the Battle of Alesia in 52 BCE. A. Orgetorix B. Ariovistus C. Ambiorix D. Vercingetorix 36. The Roman general who laid siege to Jerusalem in 70 CE and later became Emperor was _____ . A. Nero B. Vespasian C. Titus D. Domitian 37. The Roman Emperor _____ defeated Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 CE. A. Constantine B. Valens C. Valerian D. Aurelian 38. The death of Gaius Gracchus was brought about by a group of hostile senators led by _____ . A. Lucius Opimius B. Scipio Africanus C. Octavius D. Titus Annius 39. The brother-­‐in-­‐law of Caligula who was summoned by Nero to Corinth to commit suicide was _____ . A. Corbulo B. Seneca C. Burrus D. Tigellinus 40. The prefect of the Pretorian Guard whom Nerva dismissed and replaced with Casperius Aelianus was _____ . A. Sejanus B. Titus Petronius C. Afranius D. Macrinus C. Philip II C. Persepolis C. Athens D. Lysander D. Sparta Part 3: Greek and Roman Daily Life—Select the choice that best completes each item. th
41. The Greek soldier of the 5 century BCE who was heavily armed with long spear and large shield was the _____ . A. peltast B. hoplite C. psilos D. phalanyx 42. The Greek cloak that was worn fastened at the right shoulder was the _____ . A. chiton B. chlamys C. petasos D. himation 43. The prize for a victorious athlete of the ancient Olympic games was _____ . A. a painted goblet B. a gold bulla C. an olive wreath D. a silver ingot 44. The ground-­‐floor dining room that was used exclusively by Greek men was the _____ . A. gynaikon B. apodyterion C. andron D. thalmos 45. The _____ was a wine-­‐drinking glass with a broad shallow body raised on a stem on a foot. A. kyathos B. rhyton C. krater D. kylix 46. The _____ was the center of the artistic, athletic, and political life in Greek city-­‐states. A. bouleterion B. agora C. heliaia 47. The rectangular architectural element that fills the space between two triglyphs in a Doric frieze is the _____ . A. metope B. acroterion C. echinus D. entasis 48. In Greek gymnasia the room in which athletes were rubbed down with olive oil was the _____ . A. coryceum B. ephebeum C. loutron D. elaeothesium 49. The Thesmophoria, a festival sacred to Demeter, took place during the Athenian month of _____ . A. Pyanepsion B. Thargelion C. Elaphebolion D. Boedromion 50. The _____ was a long-­‐necked horn consisting of a bronze tube, a bone mouthpiece, and a bronze bell. A. salpinx B. aulos C. sistum D. fistula 51. In the atrium of a Roman house, rainwater was collected in the _____ . A. tablinum B. compluvium C. ala 52. The instrument used in the baths to scrape oil and dirt from the body was called a _____ . A. strigilis B. pugio C. pilum D. hasta 53. The central wall that ran down the center of a Roman circus was the _____ . A. carcer B. finis C. meta D. spina 54. A Roman father’s control of his household rested upon his _____ . A. paterna libertas B. proprium imperium C. patria potestas D. familiaris paternitas 55. The person at a banquet who decided on the proportion of water and wine was the _____ . A. arbiter elegantiae B. magister bibendi C. rex sacrorum D. pater cenalis 56. In the month of _____ , the Ides fell on the fifteenth. A. January B. April 57. The abbreviation M’ stood for the praenomen _____ in Roman inscriptions. A. Mamercus B. Marcus C. Mamilius 58. The relationship between male and female slaves who lived together was described as _____ . A. coniubium B. commercium C. cotubernium D. consortium 59. The concoction mulsum was a drink made of _____ . A. wine and honey B. wine and water 60. The highest ranking magistrates in Roman society sat on a _____ . A. cathedra B. solium C. sella curulis C. August C. water and honey D. stoa D. impluvium D. October D. Manius D. apple juice and water D. sedes magistralis Part 4: Greek and Roman Derivatives—Select the choice lies at the root (or one of the roots) of each underlined derivative. 61. After a remarkable choral performance, the minister delivered a stirring eulogy for the senator. A. good B. final C. inside D. bad 62. The gymnast won three gold medals at the 2012 Summer Olympics. A. school B. woman C. naked 63. The exact cause of pyrogenic granulomas is unknown, but they often occur in children and young adults. A. pure B. fire C. chemical D. under 64. Since the downturn in the economy, there has been a rise in xenophobic violence in Greece. A. danger B. sad C. foreign D. sound 65. Three freshmen and one sophomore have been charged with academic dishonesty. A. wise B. new C. student D. to create 66. Critic’s panned David Mamet’s “The Cryptogram” for its thick and spare language. A. earth B. to hide C. strange D. old 67. The diagnosis that the doctor gave was good news for the patient. A. to see B. to know C. to hear D. to listen 68. Isometric exercise works the muscles and strengthens bone. A. effort B. stress C. equal D. level D. sport 69. Moviegoers prefer lighthearted comedy to tragedy. A. play B. to die 70. The computer program failed to compile because of a syntax error. A. end B. word C. to arrange D. grammar 71. The soldier was noted for his puerile behavior. A. slave B. courage D. to fear 72. Before I introduce additional witnesses, I shall elucidate his position in the trial. A. light B. to fight C. defense D. grief 73. Despite his energetic routine, the circus clown was very corpulent. A. body B. head C. to laugh D. swift 74. Because I was about to leave on vacation, the gift arrived at a felicitous time. A. dull B. cat C. lucky D. strong 75. Because his views were believed to be incendiary, the speaker was asked to leave the dais. A. to offend B. to be silent C. to burn D. to raise 76. Although he had suffered a great loss, his state of dejection was only temporary. A. angry B. to rebel C. joke D. to throw 77. The president’s words expedited my release from prison. A. ease B. harm D. foot 78. In response to the judge’s inquiry, the attorney gave a cogent argument in support of his client A. to force B. to think C. to increase D. to understand 79. Much to the surprise of his peers, the student studies the art of vaticination. A. to sing B. duct, tube C. god D. to impress 80. Having left just before dawn, the couple began a nefarious expedition. A. divine law B. cloud C. to hinder D. to conceal C. sad C. child C. delay D. goat Part 5: Greek and Roman Geography—Select the choice that best identifies the underlined location. 81. According to tradition, Rome was founded in 753 BCE. A. a B. b 82. At the end of the Appian Way, Brundisium was the town from which Roman travellers would sail to Greece. A. d B. e C. h D. o 83. Caesar was reported to have said, “Alea iacta est,” near the Rubicon. A. a B. k C. m 84. Called Kurnos by Herodotus, Corsica was inhabited by Etruscans, Greeks, and Romans until overrun in 430 CE. A. n B. p C. r D. t 85. The battle of Agrigentum was the first pitched battle of the First Punic War. A. d B. e C. f Use this map for items 81-­‐85. C. c D. m D. r D. g 86. Julius Caesar waged many campaigns in Gallia from 58-­‐52 BCE. A. d B. e C. f 87. The Mare Nostrum was a body of water over which the Romans fought for control during the First Punic War. A. w B. x C. y D. z 88. Agricola won an important victory at Mons Graupius in Caledonia in 83 CE. A. a B. b C. c D. f 89. The lex Gabinia of 67 BCE gave Pompey the command to fight the pirates of Cilicia. A. g B. h C. k D. r 90. Claudius annexed Mauretania as a Roman province in 44 CE. A. d B. m C. n D. o 91. During the Marcomannic Wars, Trajan managed military campaigns in Dacia. A. s B. t C. u D. v Use this map for items 86-­‐91. Use this map for items 92-­‐95. D. u 92. Important business took place in the Forum Romanum. A. b B. e C. f D. g 93. In early times, the Roman army trained in the Campus Martius. A. a B. o C. k D. n 94. Remus is said to have seen six vultures from his lookout on the Aventine Hill. A. c B. f C. g D. k 95. The Subura was a seedy area of Rome with narrow, crowded streets and rickety tenant buildings. A. c B. h C. n D. o 96. Sparta was a prominent city-­‐state situated on the banks of the Eurotas river. A. e B. f C. g D. h 97. The Greeks believed that their gods inhabited Mt. Olympus. A. k B. m C. n D. o 98. Unlike the city-­‐states of Greece, the inhabitants of Epirus lived in small villages. A. p B. r C. s D. t 99. The father of Theseus killed himself by jumping into what was later called the Aegean Sea. A. u B. v C. w D. x Use this map for items 96-­‐100. 100. Athens invaded Melos during the Peloponnesian War A. a B. b C. c D. d