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September 29, 2008
SWBAT: Discuss the early
civilizations of Mesopotamia
• Do now: Read and highlight “A story that
matters: The Cradle of the Human Race”
• Homework: Work on Hammurabi Code
reading, answer questions on both sides
Mesopotamia’s Geography
• Between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
• This area is know as the Fertile Crescent,
• There is little rain there, why is it so fertile?
October 2, 2008
SWBAT: discuss the early empires
of ancient Mesopotamia
• Do now: finish question sheet with your
• Homework: Complete “Sumerian City
Planning” sheet, answer questions 1-3 on
• Short quiz on Mesopotamia
City-States of Mesopotamia
• First creators of Mesopotamian civilizations:
– The Sumerians established a number of independent
cities in southern Mesopotamia in about 3,000 B.C.
• As the cities grew, their power grew, and they
formed city-states
• What are the characteristics of a city-state?
Sumerian Cities
• They were surrounded by walls
• Houses were built out of sun-dried bricks,
small houses for peasants, large houses
for city officials, priests and priestesses
• They invented the arch and the dome built
out of mud bricks
Gods, Goddesses, and Rulers
• The most important building was the one
dedicated to the main God or Goddess
• The temple was built upon a Zigguratwhat is this?
• The priests who supervised the temples
had a lot of power- making the cities a
• What is polytheism?
Economy and Society
• Chiefly farming, trade and industry
eventually became important
• Known for metalwork, wool textiles and
• Imported copper, tin, and timber what does
this show about the Sumerian people?
• Invention of the wheel in 3,000 B.C.- how
did this improve life?
Akkadian city-states
• They spoke Semitic, therefore they are a
Semitic people
• They overran the Sumerian City-States,
and set up the first EMPIRE (2340 B.C.)
• What usually happens to empires? Why?
• It fell by 2100 B.C.
• Babylon eventually became a new empire
in 1792 B.C.- ruled by Hammurabi
– He controlled Sumer and Akkad
Writing and Religion
• Created by the Sumerians, Cuneiformwedge shaped impressions in clay
• Why would Mesopotamians develop and
use writing?
• Wealthy boys who became scribes would
become leaders of their cities, temples,
• Why is writing important to an older
October 3, 2008
SWBAT: take quiz on early
• Do now:
• take out homework
• review for quiz
• Homework: finish reading essentials questions
from class
• “Kingdoms of the Fertile Crescent” sheet and
October 6, 2008
SWBAT: begin the early civilization of
• Do now: take homework out
– Brainstorm anything you know about Egypt,
what comes to mind?
– Homework: “The Code of Hammurabi”,
answer essay question on back of last nights
H.W. sheet
– The well-developed Essay should be on a
separate sheet of paper
What is the climate like in Egypt?
What do people wear?
How do they get around?
Why do you think one of the earliest
civilizations in the world started in Egypt?
• Geography- the Nile River begins in the
heart of Africa and travels north where it
splits, this triangular area is known as the
Nile Delta
• Lower Egypt: where the Nile Delta is
• Upstream to the South is called Upper
• The most important cities are at the tip of
the delta, where the Nile divides
The Nile
• The flooding of the Nile was considered a
• It rose in the summer and reached its
highest point in September and October
and left mud that created a rich soil
• “black land”= fertile land
• “red land”= desert
• Fastest way to travel
October 7, 2008
SWBAT: Discuss physical features
of Egypt
• Do Now: atke a textbook from the shelf
and fill in physical map of Africa
• Homework:
Natural defense
• Egypt was hard to invade because of
natural barriers
• Deserts in the west and east
• The red sea to the east
• Cataracts (rapids) on the southern part of
the Nile
• Mediterranean sea to the North
• How did Egyptians feel?
Egyptian religion
• Religion was just part of life, not separate
at all
• Polytheistic
• The sun god was the source of life, had a
human form (Atum) and Egyptian body
form (Re) with the head of a falcon
• Osiris and Isis were river and land gods
• Osiris brought civilization to Egypt and
was a symbol of resurrection
• Osiris
• Isis
October 8, 2008
SWBAT: finish Egypt
• Do Now: fill in Social Pyramid for Egyptian
Homework: “New Centers of Civilization”
Answer questions 4-6
Social Pyramid
Egyptian History
• Three Periods
– Old Kingdom
– Middle Kingdom
– New Kingdom
• Each of these periods was marked by a
time of stability
• The time in between was chaotic and
known as Intermediate period
October 14, 2008
SWBAT: discuss Egyptian society
Do now: take out homework
Work on finishing “chapter 2, section 2,
• Homework: in at least a well-developed
paragraph answer the following: What
were the social classes of Ancient Egypt
and identify the contributions of each to
Egyptian society
• Test next week
Old Kingdom 2700-2200B.C.
• Was an age of Prosperity
• Powerful rulers reigned over unified states
• Pharaoh initially meant house/ palace,
what does it mean now?
• The King is divine, what does this mean?
• They had absolute power
• A bureaucracy developed (administrative
• Vizier- was responsible to the Pharaoh
• Buildings dedicated to the dead, typically
part of a larger complex
• Large pyramid for the pharaohs burial,
smaller pyramids for his families,
mastabas for officials
• The rooms were stocked with supplies,
like what?
• They believed there was two bodies, the
physical one and the ka, the spiritual one
• Used mummification, a process of drying a
dead body to prevent it from rotting
The Middle Kingdom
2062-1652 B.C.
• 2062- 1652 B.C.- What was this time
period considered?
• Egypt conquered Nubia, which was in the
South, why was Egypt able to expand?
• Now the Pharaoh is a Shepard for society
The New Kingdom 1567-1085 B.C.
• Middle Kingdom was attacked by western
Hyksos, why were they able to do this?
• Egyptians learned how to use bronze from
them, and mastered their military skills
• They eventually were able to drive the
Hyksos out of Egypt, how do you think?
Why is this ironic?
October 15, 2008
SWBAT: begin New Centers of
• Do now: read primary source “An Egyptian
Father’s Advice to his Son”
– Does any part of the Egyptian father’s advice
have value today for sons and or daughters?
– Homework: “New centers of civilization”
packet, answer questions 4-6
– Test on Tuesday
Nomadic People
• Pastoral nomads- domesticated animals
for both food and clothing, they moved
along regular routes to provide a steady
source of nourishment for the animals
• How do you think settled people viewed
these nomads?
• How do you think nomads reacted to
civilized centers during times of draught
and famine?
• Indo-Europeans- were a large group of
Nomadic people that made their way all
across Europe- Hittites came from them
The Phoenicians
• Lived in an area of Palestine along the
• Made their fortune from trading purple dye,
glass, and lumber from the cedar forests
of Lebanon
• They developed an alphabet that had 22
signs that symbolized sounds
• Eventually their alphabet went to the
Greeks and therefore the Romans, which
is what we still use today
• Spoke Semitic
• Beliefs were written in the Hebrew bible,
the Old Testament
• Where did the Israelites migrate from? To
where? Where is Canaan? Why did they
leave Palestine?? Where did they go?
• King Solomon established control over
Palestine where he built a large Temple
• He expanded government and army and
encouraged trade
• Judaism came from Judah
October 16
SWBAT: finish Egypt and begin studying the
Do now: With your 8 o’clock buddy, fill in
chart on front page of last nights
• Homework: read and answer questions on
reading essentials, Assyrians and Persian
• Test Tuesday
Writing and
Writing and
October 20, 2008
SWBAT: understand the
significance of Assyria and Persia
• Do now: take out homework
• Homework: complete study guide and
study for test
The Assyrian Empire
• Used Iron weapons in order to gain control
and establish an empire- it includes parts
of Mesopotamia, the Iranian Plateau,
sections of Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine,
and Egypt
• Eventually lost power and was split in two
• Kings with absolute power organized
governments, relay posts were established
to communicate, they developed a
effective army
• The army was very violent and cruel
Persian Empire
• King Nebuchadnezzar made Babylonia the
leading state in Western Egypt
• Who is Cyrus and what did he do?
• He was very wise, and allowed the Jews
to return to Jerusalem- what does he have
for other cultures?
• What did Darius do to his empire? Why?
• What are some characteristics of