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1. What is the colon and why is a healthy colon so important? The colon is the last five feet of the digestive tract or large intestines. It is a hollow tube like organ made up of muscle structure that
moves digestive food and waste along by wavelike motion known as peristalsis. The primary function of the colon is to absorb water, electrolytes and some vitamins, as well as, preparing and storing fecal waste prior to elimination. The colon, along with the skin, kidneys and lungs, is a major
organ of elimination of toxins and waste. If bowel movements are not regular, the waste products
and toxins accumulate and can compromise our health. Good health is as much a function of our
elimination status as the quality of the food we eat. Consider that over 400 million dollars are
spent annually on laxatives in the United States. Every year 140,000 Americans are diagnosed as
having colon-rectal cancer. Of this population, 44% will die as a result of the disease. At least two
million Americans suffer colitis, ileitis, diverticulitis and 100,000 Americans have a colostomy each
year. Periodic cleansing of the colon could prevent stagnation and minimize the exposure to potential cancer causing agents to the colon wall.
2. What is colon hydrotherapy? Colon hydrotherapy is referred to as colon irrigation, colonics, colon
therapy or high enemas. Regardless of the name, they refer to the use of water for internal cleansing of the colon (large intestines), without the use of drugs or chemicals.
3. What exactly does colon hydrotherapy accomplish? Colon hydrotherapy is a process of removing
fecal material from the colon walls and diluting the bacteria and toxic concentrations in the large
intestines (colon). The therapeutic effects are: improved muscle tone, which facilitates peristaltic
action and enhances the absorption of nutrients, while minimizing the absorption of toxic waste
4. How does a person know if they need colon irrigation? Almost anyone can benefit from some
internal cleansing. Everyday our bodies are exposed to toxins and pollutants in the air we breathe,
the water we drink and the food we eat. Our modern lifestyle has taken its toll on our digestive and elimination organs. Refined processed, low fiber food, animal fats, a lack of exercise
and ever increasing levels of stress all contribute to our current gastro-intestinal health crisis.
When normal bi-products and toxins can be eliminated from the body there is no problem. But
when the toxins build up faster that they can be eliminated, or when the elimination systems are
under active, these toxins accumulate and create the necessary preconditions for disease in the
5. What is auto-intoxification? When we do not eliminate our waste, toxins back up in our bodies
and can create auto-intoxification or self-poisoning. This occurs when the colon walls become encrusted with fecal matter that has not been eliminated. This hampers the absorption of vital nutrients. Worse yet, old accumulated matter in the colon provides a breeding ground for unhealthy
bacteria. Blood capillaries lining the colon wall begin to absorb toxins into the blood stream,
which feeds all of our bodily functions and set the stage for serious health problems.
6. What are the common symptoms of intestinal toxicity? Fatigue; constipation; excess weight; stomach bloat; gas; bad breath; coated tongue; body odor; skin problem; lower back pain; depression;
poor memory; weakened immune system and feeling of lethargy. If any of these symptoms sound
familiar, colon hydrotherapy and detoxification would be of great benefit.
7. Will laxatives or enemas accomplish the same results as colon hydrotherapy? Laxatives are considered to be an irritant and stimulant to the body. It simply draws water from the body and produces
a thin watery substance that clears only the most recent digested waste from the colon and leaves
behind the impacted waste on the colon walls. Enemas are fine to clean out the lower part of the
rectum and colon, but miss about four feet of colon.
8. How is colon hydrotherapy different? Colon hydrotherapy is a gentle infusion of water in and out
of the colon, reaching all four to five feet, allowing impacted waste to be removed. With an experienced colon therapist, additional waste can be eliminated by massaging the abdomen gently and
addressing different acupressure points and by instructing the client with breathing techniques.
9. What can I expect from colon hydrotherapy? Colon hydrotherapy is not a cure, but a valuable procedure used to assist the body with the reversal of a wide variety of health conditions, known to
stem from improper diet and elimination habits. Colon hydrotherapy should be considered as a
preventive and health enhancement alternative rather than a treatment for disease.
10. What is constipation? The medical dictionary defines this condition as difficult or infrequent passage of feces . . . or it can refer to the hardness of the stool. Those who agree with the natural approaches believe a state of constipation can also exist when the bowel movement appears normal in
spite of accumulations of body waste along the line of the colon. So what is normal? If you go to
the bathroom once a day or once every two or three days . . . it may be considered normal . . . but it
is not healthy. Consider for instance, that babies eliminate shortly after each meal. Their new digestive systems have not had time to develop problems caused by improper diets, environmental
toxins and stress. If you are eating three meals a day and are eliminating only once, it is prudent to
ask yourself where the other two meals are hiding.
11. What are the therapeutic indication for colon hydrotherapy? Overall health care maintenance; constipation; diarrhea; mild/moderate hemorrhoids; intestinal detoxification; bowel training for para/
quadriplegics; chronic fatigue syndrome; candid iliacus; following pregnancy; preparation for bowel
test; after barium enemas; irritable bowel syndromes; during weight loss/fasting programs; part of
drug rehabilitation program.
12. What are the indications under a physicians guidance or recommendation: Acute fecal impaction;
colitis; parasite infestation; ulcerative colitis; Chron’s disease; hyper/hypothermia; colostomy cleansing; severe hemorrhoids; any acute debilitating medical condition.
13. Are there any absolute contra-indications for colon therapy? Yes. Cancer of the colon or G.I. tract;
diverticulitis, acute abdominal pain, recent history of G.I. bleeding, recent heart attack, recent cardiovascular condition, uncontrolled hypertension, general debilitation, vascular aneurysm and possibly patient with a history of seizures, epilepsy or psychoses.
14. Will colon hydrotherapy effect the bacteria that resides in the colon? Research has determined that
there are more than thirty-six different species of bacteria that resides in the colon. Of these bacteria, more than twenty are formed in the stool of flesh eaters, all of which produce very highly toxic
products. It is a well known fact that good bacteria, the bacteria that is necessary for proper digestion, has difficulty surviving when the colon is encrusted with old putrefied waste. At this time,
there is no published data on the effects of colon irrigation removing the indigenous intestinal microflora. The body is constantly manufacturing healthy bacteria flora.
15. Will the electrolyte balance in my body be changed by receiving colon irrigation? In the 1989
study, “Effects of Colon Hydrotherapy on Serum Electrolytes”, reported in the Journal of Natural Medicine in 1990, no patient experienced any clinically significant symptoms or disturbances.
When the body is properly nourished with good quality organic foods containing sodium, potassium and magnesium, the electrolyte level of the colon is replenished as part of the diet.
16. How often is colon hydrotherapy necessary? After your first colonic your colon hydrotherapist will
be able to advise you based upon what is observed during the procedure, your dietary habit history
and what is your expectations or goals for cleansing and life style change. During the first session
the client may expel considerable amounts of gas and recently digested food and waste, before one
starts dislodging the old encrusted feculent matter. Remember, that colonics are a process of removing impaction of mucus and encrustation which have been built upon the colon wall layer by layer
over many years. Reversing the situation may take a series of colon irrigations. Most clients begin
feeling better and removing large amounts of waste matter after the third treatment. Many colon
therapists recommend a series of 6 to 10 colonics over a period of weeks for the first time client.
Then, depending on the individual, it may be recommended that they have a colonic every 3 to 6
17. How long does it take to receive a colon irrigation: The sessions vary according to the individual
needs and response. But it usually lasts from 45 minutes to an hour. The first visit may be longer
due to an evaluation performed prior to the first treatment.
18. What results can be expected from receiving a colonic irrigation: Some of the positive results people often experience include a profound cleanness and lightness. Others speak of a renewed energy
and mental alertness. Still others enjoy relief of toxic feeling which they were not otherwise able to
eliminate. Occasionally, some people experience an emotional release as they “let go” of old matter
they’ve been holding onto. This sort of release, when it occurs, is almost always followed by a strong
sense of well-being.
19. what about intestinal worms or parasites? Colon therapists regularly report the removal of intestinal parasites from their clients. More people have worms and parasites than you can ever imagine.
With the clear lighted observation tube of the colon machine, it is possible to see an amazing array
of worms of all shapes and sizes come out of people’s colon. These parasites and worms hide behind
heavy impacted putrefaction, feeding, thriving and multiplying on morbific material. If you eat
pork products, shell fish, raw or rare bloody meat,
live on junk food, take antibiotics or suffer from long time constipation, the chances are very good
that your intestinal tract may be loaded with them and you don’t even know it. In the book
“PARASITES AN EPIDEMIC IN DISGUISE” written by Stanley Weinberger, CMT, the following
points are made: *More that 80% of the world’s people are infected with parasites, 60% of Americans are infected. *You can get parasites from eating a rare steak, food handlers shaking hands
with an infected person, playing with your pet, or as a result of sexual activity. *The number one
parasite found in the United States is Giardia lamblia. This parasite has been found in water supplies throughout the USA, including Boston, New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia, etc.
*Parasites thrive on junk food—sugar, fried foods and lots of carbohydrates. * Parasites, such as
hookworms, blood flukes and protozoa, are found in almost all people infected with the AIDS virus. *A common treatment, metronizadole-Flagyl, is now only 5% effective in a single course program. Most patients treated with metronizadole-Flagyl complain of side effects, as well as a return
of symptoms. The reasons given for negative stool specimen examinations is that the parasites live
mostly in the upper portions of the intestine and colon and are well attached in the lining of the
walls. Most naturopathic practitioners believe that drug therapies are ineffective in removing intestinal worms and parasites without the use of colon irrigation.
20. What about “candida albicans” yeast overgrowth: Candida like other yeast infections are systemic
conditions emanating from the colon, and it can affect both men and women. If the colon is not
cleansed and the condition arrested, it can overcome the entire immune system. Symptoms can be:
allergies, fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, colitis, acne, vaginitis, kidney and bladder infection, arthritis, depression, mood swings, hyperactivity, respiratory infections, etc. Drugs only temporarily
suppress the condition then make it worse. The only lasting successful treatment of the condition
is supervised detoxification program, nutritional guidance and colon hydrotherapy.
Body Systems—Their Functions and Biochemical Therapies
A Reference Chart Designed to Provide Greater Insight Into the
Human Body for the Nutritionist and Student of Iridology
Bernard Jensen, D.C., Ph.D.
Skeletal System
Structure: All bones, cartilage, and joints
Function: Support and protection of
body, leverage, mineral storage, production of red blood cells.
Foods: Sesame seed, kale, millet, celery,
barley, okra, almonds, collards, turnip
greens, raw goat’s milk
Drinks: Black mission figs/raw goat’s
milk: black cherry juice: green kale juice:
celery/parsley juice: veal joint broth.
Vitamins: C, D, A, B-complex, B-2, B-6,
B-12, E, F, folic acid, niacin,
pantothenic acid, bioflavonoids.
Minerals: Calcium, fluorine, copper,
magnesium, iron, iodine, sulphur, zinc,
silicon, phosphorus, potassium,
Herbs: Comfrey, kale, boneset, poke
root, chicory, juniper berries, arnica flowers, elder flowers, oat straw, alfalfa, Irish
Muscular System
Structure: All muscular tissue in the
Function: Facilitation of body movement, production of heat, maintenance
of body posture.
Foods: Olives, rye, lima beans, rice bran,
bananas, sprouts, watercress,
complementary proteins (grains,
legumes, etc.), apples.
Drinks: Potato peeling broth: dried
olive tea: nut milk drink with chlorophyll.
Vitamins: B-6, D, E, A, B-complex,
B-12, C, biotin, choline, pantothenic
Minerals: Calcium, potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, chlorine, iron, silicon.
Herbs: Juniper berries, rosemary, tansy,
black willow, horseradish, wild cabbage,
kelp, dulse, watercress, horsetail, black
Respiratory System
Structure: The lungs, trachea, bronchi,
bronchial tubes, and alveoli.
Function: Oxygenation: elimination of
carbon dioxide: regulation of acid-base
balance of the body.
Foods: Garlic, onions, leeks, turnips,
grapes, pineapple, honey (eucalyptus),
green leafy vegetables.
Celery/papaya juice: carrot
juice: watercress/apple juice with one
quarter teaspoon cream of tartar: rose
hips tea: goat milk whey/
Vitamins: A, C, D, B-complex, B-1, B-2,
B-6, B-12, E, F, Inositol, choline, bioflavonoids, folic acid, niacin, pangamic
acid, pantothenic acid.
Minerals: Calcium, iron, silicon, manganese, potassium, copper,
Herbs: Mullein, elderflowers, peppermint, yarrow, lobelia, comfrey, cayenne,
marshmallow, sage, coltsfoot.
Glandular System
Structure: Pineal, pituitary, thyroid and
parathyroids, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries, testes.
Function: Regulation of body activities
through transportation of hormones by
the circulatory system.
Foods: Sea vegetables, kelp, dulse, swiss
chard, turnip greens, egg yolks, wheat
germ, cod roe, lecithin, sesame butter,
seeds and nuts, raw goat milk, RNA/
Drinks: Pineapple juice/egg yolk/wheat
germ/dulse drink: black cherry concentrate/chlorophyll/egg yolk drink.
Vitamins: B-complex, E, C, choline,
Inositol , folic acid, pantothenic acid.
Minerals: Iodine, silicon, phosphorus,
calcium, chlorine, magnesium, sodium,
potassium, sulphur, iron, manganese.
Herbs: Kelp, dulse, ginseng, dong quai,
licorice, Echinacea, golden seal, dandelion.
Digestive System
Structure: Gastro-intestinal tract with
exception of large colon (eliminative),
Salivary glands, liver, gall bladder, and
Function: Mechanical and chemical
(enzymatic) breakdown of foods for cellular use.
Foods: Papaya, liquid chlorophyll, spinach, sun-dried olives, chard, kale, beet
greens, whey, shredded beet, watercress, ,
yogurt and kefir.
Drinks: Parsley juice: papaya juice: chlorophyll: carrot juice: potato peeling
broth: whey drinks.
Vitamins: A, C, B-complex, B-1, B-2, B-6,
B-12, D, E, F, K, folic acid, Inositol, niacin, pantothenic acid.
Minerals: Sodium, chlorine, magnesium,
potassium, iron, sulphur, copper, silicon,
zinc, iodine.
Herbs: Papaya, alfalfa, aloe vera, peppermint, slippery elm, cayenne, burdock,
comfrey, ginger, fennel, anise.
Reproductive System
Structure: Testes, ovaries, sperm, ova,
Function: Reproduction of the organism.
Foods: Sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds,
seed and nut butters, cod roe, lecithin,
egg yolk, raw goat milk.
Drinks: Black cherry concentrate/
chlorophyll/one egg yolk drink: pineapple juice/egg yolk/wheat germ/ dulse
drink: 3/4 cup carrot juice/1/4 cup coconut milk/one tablespoon wheat germ
oil/one teaspoon rice polishings drink.
Vitamins: B-complex, E, A, B-2,B-6, C,
D, F
Minerals: Zinc, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron, sodium, chlorine, potassium, fluorine, silicon
Herbs: Black cohosh, licorice, dong quai,
ginseng, blessed thistle, blue cohosh, uva
ursi, raspberry, squaw vine, chickweed,
saw palmetto, false unicorn.
Structure: Skin, hair, nails, oil and sweat
Function: Regulation of body temperature: elimination of waste: temperature,
pressure and pain reception.
Foods: Raw goat milk, black bass, rye,
avocados, sea vegetables, whey, apples,
cucumbers, millet, rice polishings, rice
bran and concentrate, sprouts.
Drinks: Carrot/celery/lemon juice:
cucumber/endive/pineapple juice.
Vitamins: Pantothenic acid, PABA, D,
A, B-complex, B-2, B-6, B-12, B-1, C, E,
F, k, biotin, choline, folic acid, niacin,
Minerals: Silicon, calcium, fluorine, iron,
phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulphur,
iodine, copper, manganese, zinc, magnesium.
Herbs: Oatstraw, shavegrass, horsetail,
comfrey, aloe vera, burdock.
Lymphatic System
Structure: Spleen, thymus, appendix,
tonsils, lymph nodes, lymph vessels and
Function: Filtration of blood, production of white blood cells, protection
against disease, return of protein to
cardiovascular system.
Foods: Green leafy vegetables, watercress,
celery, okra, apples.
Drinks: Potato peeling broth: celery
juice, blue violet tea, parsley juice: apple
Vitamins: A, C, choline, B-complex, B-1,
B-2, B-6, biotin, pantothenic acid, folic
Minerals: Potassium, chlorine, sodium
Herbs: Blue violet tea (leaves), chaparral,
burdock, Echinacea, blue flag, poke root,
golden seal, cayenne, mullein, black walnut.
Eliminative System
Structure: Large colon
Function: Completion of nutrient
absorption, manufacture of certain vitamins, formation and elimination of feces.
Foods: All squash, flaxseed, green and
yellow vegetables, yogurt & kefir, alfalfa
tablets, acidophilus, bran, clabbered
milk, grapes, whey, psyllium seed, berries,
sprouts, yellow cornmeal.
Drinks: Chlorophyll, coconut milk and
carrot juice: celery, parsley, spinach, carrot juice: flaxseed tea, black cherry juice.
Vitamins: A, F, choline, B-complex, B-1,
B-2, B-6, B-12, C, E, inositol, niacin, folic
acid, pantothenic acid.
Minerals: Magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulphur, calcium, chlorine, iron,
Herbs: Psyllium seed, aloe vera, cayenne,
black walnut, flaxseed, comfrey, cascara
sagrada, senna, barberry, golden seal.
Circulatory System
Structure: Heart, blood vessels, blood
Function: Distribution of oxygen and
nutrients to cells, transportation of CO2
and wastes from cells, acid-base balance,
regulation of body temperature, formation of blood clots.
Foods: Brewer’s yeast, garlic, wheat germ,
liquid chlorophyll, alfalfa sprouts, buckwheat, sun-dried olives, watercress, rice
Drinks: Blackberry/parsley juice: black
fig juice: watercress: parsley/grape juice:
hawthorne berry tea.
Vitamins: B-complex, B-6, niacin, B-12,
C, E, bioflavonoids, choline, folic acid,
inositol, pangamic acid.
Minerals: Calcium, iron, silicon, cobalt,
copper, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus,
potassium, zinc, manganese, nitrogen,
fluorine, sulphur.
Herbs: Hawthorne berries, cayenne,
ginger, garlic, poke root, sassafras,
burdock, chaparral, Echinacea, red
clover, Oatstraw.
Nervous System
Structure: Brain, spinal cord, nerves, and
sensory organs such as the eye and ear.
Function: Regulation of body function
through nerve impulses. Sensory perception and motor response.
Foods: Egg yolks, kale, celery, fish, raw
goat milk, veal joint broth, cod roe, rice
polishings, brewer’s yeast, tryptophan.
Drinks: Celery/carrot/prune juice:
prune juice/rice polishings: raw goat
milk/one teaspoon sesame, sunflower or
almond butter/one teaspoon honey,
sliver of avocado: black cherry juice/egg
Vitamins: B-complex, A, B-1, B-2, B-6, B12, B-13, C, D, E, F, choline, folic acid,
inositol, niacin, pantothenic acid, pangamic acid.
Minerals: Calcium, phosphorus,
manganese, sulphur, zinc, iodine, iron,
magnesium, potassium, fluorine, silicon.
Herbs: Valerian, hops, skullcap, lobelia,
lady’s slipper.
Urinary System
Structure: Kidneys, bladder, ureters,
Function: Elimination of liquid waste,
regulation of chemical composition of
blood, fluid and electrolyte balance and
volume, maintenance of acid-base balance.
Foods: Watermelon (including seeds),
pomegranate, apples, asparagus, liquid
chlorophyll, parsley, green leafy vegetables.
Drinks: Celery/pomegranate juice: black
currant juice/juniper berry tea:
pomegranate juice/goat whey, celery parsley:
asparagus juice: beet juice, grapes.
Vitamins: A, B-complex, B-2, B-6, C, D,
E, choline, pantothenic acid.
Minerals: Calcium, potassium,
manganese, silicon, iron, chlorine, magnesium.
Herbs: Juniper berries, uva ursi, parsley,
golden seal, slippery elm, elderflowers,
ginger, dandelion, marshmallow.
Biochemical therapies do not cover all aspects of wholistic treatment. For mechanical, mental or spiritual disorders, the
appropriate disciplines should be utilized.
Any so-called disease can involve several systems simultaneously.
Vegetable juices are an all-around body system builder.
Any program, consistently followed, requires three months to bring about change.
Consider elimination channels on first visit, then specific problems on following visits.
Single herbs are most efficient in healing crises, fevers, and acute elimination processes.
Universal medicine in the future will use all the constructive principles from the Wholistic Healing Arts.
The following chart illustrates the importance of how health and sickness have
their roots in the colon. It is easy to see how an improper diet affects your colon and, in turn, inflicts pain or discomfort on other parts of the body. The colon outline is that which would appear in the X-ray of a truly healthy colon.
Key to biochemical salts affecting the numbered areas
Calcium Fluoride:
6, 31, 39, 42, 46, 49, 61, 67
Calcium Sulphate:
11, 34, 52
Magnesium Phosphate:
Phosphate of Iron:
43, 65
Potassium Phosphate:
1, 14, 22, 28, 44, 50, 71
8, 9, 25, 59
Sodium Phosphate:
3, 17, 30, 33, 38, 45
Calcium Phosphate:
20, 47, 54, 60, 62, 68
Magnesium Phosphate:
10, 15, 19, 36, 57, 69
The six pictures below of prolapsed, distorted, twisted, sickly looking colons are exact
reproductions of X-ray negatives of the colons of apparently healthy civilized people
whose illusions about their physical condition were exploded when they saw this conclusive evidence.
Phosphate Magnesia:
Potassium Chloride:
2, 7, 24, 26, 37, 40, 63, 64, 66
Potassium Sulphate:
4, 5, 12, 21, 32, 51, 55, 70
Sodium Chloride:
18, 23, 53, 56, 58
Sodium Sulphate:
16, 27, 29, 35, 41, 48