Download Preparing For Colon Hydrotherapy

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Day of Your Colon Hydrotherapy
 It is best to avoid eating 2 – 3 hours before your session.
 Stop drinking liquids 1 hour before to avoid a full bladder.
 Do not take diuretics such as coffee, tea or soda.
Prior to Your Colon Hydrotherapy
 Drink plenty of water. For each pound of body weight drink one ounce of water.
(I.e. 150 lb person needs 75 oz of water daily.)
 Eat water content foods such as melons and green leafy vegetables.
To optimize your Colon Hydrotherapy results it is best to reduce or avoid the following foods
prior to your session:
 Refined foods are congesting to the digestive tract and slow down transit time.
(sugar, flour products, high preservatives, additives)
 Dairy products especially cow’s milk, cheese and butter.
 Red meat and pork.
 Irritating spices such as cayenne, onions and black pepper.
 Caffeinated & Diuretic drinks like coffee, black tea or soda.
 Salty foods such as smoked meats, potato chips and popcorn.
 Sweets such as sugar, candy and chocolate.
 Fried foods, heated oils and baked goods.
 Very cold or hot foods & drinks because extreme temperatures can impair
digestive secretion.
 Alcohol and other fermented products.
 Always thoroughly chew your food. Digestion begins in the mouth!
It is not necessary to fast before a colonic. However, if you are already familiar to fasting it
can be a good thing to do in unison. Otherwise simply eating lighter meals will do just fine.
 Exercise and movement stimulates intestinal circulation.
 Get plenty of rest and treat yourself gently.
After Your Colon Hydrotherapy
 Balance your electrolytes (minerals & trace elements).
 Start probiotics or acidophilus to increase good flora. Check with your therapist for
 Continue to hydrate by bringing fluids to one gallon per day.
 Reduce diet drinks and sodas.
Reduce stress. Become aware of things that create anxiety & explore ways to minimize them.
Breath work, exercise, meditation, journaling and massage are great ways to alleviate stress.
Take time for yourself.
General Eating Habits
 It is best to eat first thing in the morning to flush toxins from the liver and
gallbladder. This is especially true for women 30-50 or are prone to gallstones.
 Eat small frequent meals or snacks. Meals earlier in the day can be more complex
and larger.
 Keep evening meals light and do not eat 3-4 hours before bed to allow the liver
time to enter its anabolic phase of processing and rebuilding the body. Foods
eaten late can become allergens because digestion is slower and food remains in
the digestive tract longer than normal.
 The best food combinations are protein and vegetables, starches and vegetables or
all three together.
 Always eat fruit and sweets alone or 30 minutes before or after a meal.
***Note: It is common not to eliminate again until the next day and in some cases
2-5 days later. This is because your colon is emptier and it takes longer for matter
to fill the gut. Most guts work on gravity and one meal pushes the next meal
through and it can take a few days to fill up.