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Download Digestive system outcomes assignment #3
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Biology 12: Digestive System Poster Assignment Mr. Kruger Biology 12 Poster Project Criteria check list: Structures that need to be drawn & function described… o Oral cavity: including mouth, tongue, salivary glands, soft and hard palate & teeth o Pharynx: including epiglottis, glottis (opening to trachea), larynx & trachea o Esophagus: including cardiac sphincter o Stomach: including pyloric sphincter o Small Intestine including duodenum, jejunum & ileum o Large Intestine/colon: including cecum, appendix, Ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon & rectum. o Accessory structures: Liver, gall bladder, common bile duct, pancreas and pancreatic duct Enzymes that need to be described according to source, target area, substrate & product and conditions of optimal function: o Salivary amylase, Pesinogen/pepsin, Panreatic amylase, Lipase, Trypsin, Maltase, Peptidases, and nucleases o **Other secretions that need to described & included in similar manner: Bile, Sodium Bicarbonate & Hydrochloric Acid o Include how combinations of secretions become gastric juice and pancreatic juice. Other processes and specific details that need to be addressed: Swallowing and the initiation/description of peristalsis Functions of the liver Villi of small intestine… a detail of these structures needs to be included. Ensure descriptions are done for the way that the different nutrient monomers enter the circulatory system Hormonal Control Desrcibe the source gland, target organ(s) and action of the following hormones including reason for release and effect on target organs Hormone to include: Gastrin, CCK – Cholecystokinin, Secretin, Insulin & Glucagon Other interesting facts… If you find any interesting facts regarding the digestive system… Include them!!