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Biology 12: Digestive System Poster Assignment
Mr. Kruger
Biology 12 Poster Project
Criteria check list:
Structures that need to be drawn & function described…
o Oral cavity: including mouth, tongue, salivary glands, soft and hard palate
& teeth
o Pharynx: including epiglottis, glottis (opening to trachea), larynx & trachea
o Esophagus: including cardiac sphincter
o Stomach: including pyloric sphincter
o Small Intestine including duodenum, jejunum & ileum
o Large Intestine/colon: including cecum, appendix, Ascending colon,
transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon & rectum.
o Accessory structures: Liver, gall bladder, common bile duct, pancreas and
pancreatic duct
Enzymes that need to be described according to source, target area, substrate & product
and conditions of optimal function:
o Salivary amylase, Pesinogen/pepsin, Panreatic amylase, Lipase, Trypsin,
Maltase, Peptidases, and nucleases
o **Other secretions that need to described & included in similar manner:
Bile, Sodium Bicarbonate & Hydrochloric Acid
o Include how combinations of secretions become gastric juice and pancreatic
Other processes and specific details that need to be addressed:
 Swallowing and the initiation/description of peristalsis
 Functions of the liver
 Villi of small intestine… a detail of these structures needs to be included.
Ensure descriptions are done for the way that the different nutrient monomers
enter the circulatory system
Hormonal Control
 Desrcibe the source gland, target organ(s) and action of the following
hormones including reason for release and effect on target organs
 Hormone to include: Gastrin, CCK – Cholecystokinin, Secretin, Insulin &
Other interesting facts…
 If you find any interesting facts regarding the digestive system… Include them!!