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Founded by Jean Carper
Vitamin E Saves Lives
Reprinted from USA
WEEKEND Magazine
By Jean Carper
A National Cancer Institute study of
29,000 older male smokers followed for
19 years finds that, contrary to recent
headlines, vitamin E is a lifesaver.
Men with the highest blood levels of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) were 18% less
apt to die from any cause than those
with the lowest blood vitamin E.
Specifically, high blood levels of E cut risk
of dying from prostate cancer 32%, lung
cancer 21%, ischemic (blood clot) stroke
37%, hemorrhagic (bleeding) stroke 35%
and respiratory disease 42%.
The "optimal" dose of vitamin E is
unknown and would vary with individuals,
says Oregon State University expert
Maret Traber. Up to 1,500 IU
of vitamin E a day is considered safe for
Yasoo Health's Vitamin E Factor 400/400 supplies the complete family of natural, unesterified
vitamin E. Also, all of our Multi Nutrient Formulas
contain 400 IU of natural vitamin E.
Think “Veggies” and Stay Smart
If you’re 65 or older,
there are new
reasons to eat
your veggies. A
recent study
found that
older people
who ate
servings of vegetables a day, particularly
dark leafy greens, retained their mental
abilities 40% longer than those who ate
less than one serving of vegetables daily.
In effect, those who ate three or more
servings daily had brains that functioned
like they were five years younger, according to researchers from Rush Medical
Center in Chicago. (Morris, MC et al:
Neurology 2006; 67:1370-6.)
Fight Diabetes with Curcumin
A recent study found that diabetics who
supplemented with curcumin for six
weeks experienced significant improvements in insulin resistance and glucose
Subjects who took curcumin, the
natural pigment that gives the
spice turmeric its yellow color,
had increased activity of an
enzyme that plays a key role
in blunting the blood sugar
rise that follows meals and
produces insulin. However,
these effects were not
observed in non-diabetic
subjects. (K.-I. Seo et
al. Molecular Nutrition
& Food Research.
Published online ahead of
August 2008
By Jean Carper
Leafy greens like spinach, romaine lettuce and kale contain good amounts of
folic acid and vitamin E. Both these nutrients play a role in preserving brain function as we age. One serving is 1 cup of
lightly packed raw greens. For most other
vegetables, 1 serving is 1/2 cup.
The daily recommend amount for folic
acid is 400 mcg; for vitamin E, it's 15 mg
(22.5 IU).
By Staff Writer Carey Rossi
print 8 April 2008, doi:10.1002/mnfr.20
The Anti-Aging Bottom Line: This
isn’t the first study to show that
curcumin has potential health benefits.
In addition to its
beneficial effects on
blood sugar, previous
research has found
that it can help curb
reduce cholesterol
risk and even
fight cancer.
All of our Multi
Nutrient Formulas
contain 20 mg of
curcumin standardized to 95%
curcuminoids along with powerful,
clinical doses of up to 32 other
vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. COMING
SOON: Stop Aging Now’s stand-alone Premium
Grade Curcumin supplement.
Founded by Jean Carper
Call Our Nutrition Experts at 800-627-9721
Dr. Andreas Papas, author of the breakthrough book The Vitamin E Factor, is one of the world’s
foremost experts on vitamin E. He has dedicated his life to researching and writing about the
antioxidant power of vitamin E and formulating cutting-edge vitamin E supplements.
Caring for Your Skin from the Inside Out
It is a commonly held belief that appearances are deceptive, but this is usually
not true in the case of skin and well-being.
The appearance of your skin often mirrors
what is occurring inside your body.
Nutrition plays an important role in skin
health. Like all tissues and organs in the
body, skin receives nourishment via the
bloodstream. You can also nourish your
skin from the outside with creams, lotions
and other products. Your options, however, for external nourishment of the skin
are limited to nutrients which can be easily applied and readily absorbed by the
skin—vitamin E is one of the few that
meets both requirements .
By Andreas Papas, PhD
Stress, ultraviolet light from the sun and
the aging process itself, all generate free
radicals—molecules which can damage
lipids, collagen and proteins. All of this
damage adds up and can cause the skin
to lose elasticity, moisture and firmness.
free radical fighter, it supports the
immune system, can subdue inflammation and reduce the risk of skin cancer. It
is difficult to get sufficient vitamin E from
even a well balanced diet, so taking a
supplement is a good idea.
The body’s system for dealing with free
radical damage involves many different
antioxidants. Some antioxidants are
produced in the body and others come
from the diet. Beta-carotene, selenium
and vitamins C and E are essential
antioxidants that must be obtained from
foods or supplements. Vitamin E plays a
particularly important role in maintaining
skin health. In addition to being a powerful
The Anti-Aging Bottom Line: If you want
beautiful skin, you have to care for it from the
inside out. In addition to eating a well balanced diet filled with fresh fruits, vegetables
and healthy fats, take supplemental antioxidants like natural, unesterified vitamin E.
Yasoo Health's premium line of specialized
vitamin E supplements, anti-aging creams and
therapeutic oils are now available. Distributed
exclusively through Stop Aging Now!
Magnesium Can Keep Your Cells Young
Magnesium deficiency
affects more than half of
the U.S. population and is
associated with increased risk
for many age-related diseases, including
cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers. Yet
the mechanisms underlying the link
between magnesium deficiency and disease have remained largely unknown—that
is until now.
The findings of a recent study point to a
fairly simple explanation. Researchers
found that human cells in a magnesiumdeficient environment literally age faster.
It appears that one of the effects of insufficient magnesium levels on cellular aging
is increased oxidative stress, leading to
accelerated rates of damage to cellular
structures called telomeres. Telomeres
are "caps" on the end of chromosomes
which protect them from destruction and
are thought to control a cell's lifespan.
(Killilea DW, Ames BN. Proc Natl Acad
Sci USA. 2008 Apr 15;105(15):5768-73.)
The Anti-Aging Bottom Line: Make sure
Cinnamon Fights Free Radicals
Cinnamon extract contains powerful
antioxidant substances that can fight free
radical damage, a recent study suggests.
(Peng X, Cheng KW, Ma J et al. J Agric
Food Chem. 2008 Mar 26;56(6):1907-11.)
Japanese researchers studied the inhibitory effects of cinnamon bark on the formation of advanced glycation endproducts
(AGEs)—a class of toxins that are
absorbed by the body through the con-
By Staff Writer Carey Rossi
you are getting enough magnesium to
protect your cells from aging prematurely. Your doctor can perform a test to
determine if you are magnesium-deficient. Taking a magnesium supplement is
good insurance against deficiency. Also
be sure to include plenty of magnesiumrich foods such as leafy greens, beans,
nuts and seeds in your diet.
All of our Multi Nutrient Formulas include 350 mg
of magnesium. COMING SOON: Stop Aging
Now's stand-alone Premium Grade Magnesium
By Staff Writer Carey Rossi
sumption of pasteurized foods and some
animal products and have been linked to
inflammation, diabetes, kidney disease
and Alzheimer’s. The researchers discovered that several compounds found in cinnamon extract have significant inhibitory
effects on the formation of AGEs.
The Anti-Aging Bottom Line: It is
generally difficult to completely avoid
being exposed to toxins like AGEs.
Luckily, science is beginning to understand the role powerful antioxidants like
those found in cinnamon extract play in
minimizing the free radical damage AGEs
can cause.
Our standardized Cinnamon Extract formula is
made from Cinnulin PF™, the highest quality,
most researched and most effective cinnamon
extract on the market.
Founded by Jean Carper
Visit Us Online at
Cure Depression Without Drugs
By Staff Writer Gale Maleskey, MS, RD
New research says antidepressant drugs are no better than sugar pills
for treating mild to moderate depression. If
you’re already on medication for depression, try these natural means to rebalance
your brain chemistry. Then ask your doctor
how to taper off the meds.
Get some exercise most days of the
week. Research shows that exercise of any
kind is as good as psychotherapy or antidepressants for treating depression. Exercise
can increase feel-good brain chemicals and
reduce stress and anxiety.
Take fish oil. The omega-3 fatty acids
found in salmon and sardines can help stabilize your mood. Research has used
1,000-2,000 mg of fish oil a day.
Try melatonin. If you have sleep problems or seasonal affective disorder (SAD),
take 1-3 mg a day of melatonin, a hormone that helps to correct your body’s
internal “clock.”
Take a multi-vitamin Lots of nutrients
are involved in neurotransmitter production. They include most of the Bs, especially folate, B6 and B12.
The Anti-Aging Bottom Line: If you
think you are depressed, it's best to talk
with your doctor. These nutritional supplements may help to prevent depression on their own, and they can also be
used safely with prescription antidepressants.
Greens are Anti-Aging Superfoods
Summer is a great time to eat lots of
nutrient dense greens. Here are five
ways dark leafy greens earn their reputation as anti-aging superfoods:
1. They contain lots of magnesium.
Magnesium deficiency damages cell
DNA and accelerates "mitochondrial
decay" that causes cells to age prematurely, lose energy and become
2. They’re a great source of vitamin
K, a nutrient that helps anchor calcium
inside bones—and one that’s not often
found in supplements. Just 1 cup of
If you want to get the most out of your muscles, make sure you take supplemental
CoQ10. A new study showed that 300 mg
a day of CoQ10 can improve exercise performance and reduce feelings of fatigue.
CoQ10 is essential for energy metabolism. Our bodies make CoQ10, but levels
begin to decline as early as age 20.
By Gale Maleskey, MS, RD
cooked kale contains nearly 1,300% of
your daily requirement of vitamin K.
3. They’re packed with folate, a B vitamin that can reduce your risk for dementia, stroke and heart disease. (The word
“folate” comes from the word “foliage.”)
4. They provide anti-inflammatory
omega-3 fatty acids via alpha linolenic
acid, some of which your body can convert to EPA and DHA, the kind found in
fish oil. A common edible weed,
purslane, is one of the best plant
Exercise Longer with CoQ10
any of our
Multi Nutrient
Formulas with
our extra strength
Omega-T Fish Oil
and High Antioxidant
Green Tea Extract at
a discount as part
of an Anti-Aging
5. They contain antioxidants galore.
Beta-carotene and other carotenoids,
vitamins E and C, lutein and zeaxanthin, all help prevent cancer, cataracts
and premature aging.
The Anti-Aging Bottom Line: Make
sure you are eating at least one large
serving of greens per day. Green
juices and concentrated green powders are also excellent ways to incorporate more greens into your diet.
COMING SOON: An easy way to pack lots
of green superfoods into your diet: Stop
Aging Now's Green Phytofoods Powder!
By Gale Malesky, MS, RD
Exercise can deplete levels of CoQ10,
and, as this study shows, adding it back
can help you go longer without feeling
tired. CoQ10 boosts energy efficiency in
muscle cells’ tiny power plants, called
mitochondria. (Mizuna, K et al. Nutrition
2008 Feb 11 [Epub ahead of print]
The Anti-Aging Bottom Line: Since
exercise is crucial for maintaining muscle
mass and strength as you age, consider
taking a CoQ10 supplement to help you
exercise longer.
Stop Aging Now's CoQ10 is made from the all
natural 100% trans-form variety and is designed
for maximum bioavailability and absorption.
Founded by Jean Carper
Call Our Nutrition Experts at 800-627-9721
Maintain Strength and Balance with Yoga
Falls are the most common trauma that sends
folks over 65 to hospitals,
according to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. In fact, about
33% of older adults will fall during any
given year.
At Temple University, researchers
designed an Iyengar yoga program for
senior women lasting nine weeks.
Iyengar yoga uses props like straps,
blankets, bolsters, chairs and blocks to
ease people into stretches and
strengthening poses at their own pace.
After nine weeks, the women had a
faster stride, increased flexibility in their
legs and were able to balance better on
one leg, which helps to reduce the prob-
ability of falls. They
also learned how to
distribute pressure on
the bottom of their
feet more evenly,
which also aids stability. An added benefit:
Some women who
had back or knee pain
when the study began
were pain-free by the
time the study ended.
Yoga classes can be
too aggressive if
you’re not already
flexible or strong. If
you’re looking for a class, try to find a
teacher who specializes in teaching
By Staff Writer Maggie Spilner
people at your age and fitness level.
The Anti-Aging Bottom
Line: Yoga is an ancient tradition with a lot of modern
relevance for healing and
strengthening the mind,
body and spirit. Yoga is
unique in that its practice
can be individualized to
accommodate the needs of
anyone who seeks to
improve his or her health.
The best thing about yoga is
that it is suitable for any age
and any fitness level, and
there are many different styles that can
match your individual needs.
Prevent Cataracts with Antioxidants
By Staff Writer Maggie Spilner
Two months ago, I noticed an abrupt
change in my vision, a yellowing,
increased halos around lights and blurriness in the corner of one eye. Though
I hadn’t thought about it in years, snapshots of my grandmother, aunt and
father wearing
blockish, dark
flashed to my
Cataracts were
not something
I really worried
about, but had
I been more
aware, perhaps I could have prevented
or delayed them.
My optometrist discovered cataracts
forming in both my eyes, though I notice
problems in only one eye. I suddenly
found myself feeling older and more vulnerable! Research showed me that
there are things I can do to possibly
slow the progression of my cataracts
and put off surgery, so I thought I’d
share my findings with you.
Cataracts are the leading cause of visual
impairment in the U.S. We can all be
grateful for the advances in surgical techniques as well
as lens corrections. (We won’t
be condemned
to coke bottle
surgery has its
risks, and prevention is always
the best course,
if possible.
First line of defense: Quit smoking, wear
sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat in
the sun, control other diseases, like diabetes and eat a healthy diet with lots of
fruits and vegetables.
There’s lots of evidence that certain nutrients can prevent or slow the progression
of cataracts, if taken long-term. They
include antioxidant vitamin C, vitamin E
and two carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. Unfortunately, most people don’t get
enough vitamin E, vitamin C, lutein or
zeaxanthin in their diets to reach the levels associated with benefits.
The Anti-Aging Bottom Line: Vision is
a precious asset, and one that is vulnerable to the effects of aging. It’s never too
early or too late to start taking steps to
protect your eyes. Current research
shows that antioxidant vitamins C and E,
plus lutein and zeaxanthin have protective effects. If you can't get these nutrients on a daily basis from food, you
should highly consider taking dietary
Our Multi Nutrient Formula PLUS with Eye
Support contains potent doses of 20 mg of
lutein and 5 mg of zeaxanthin, more than any
other multi-vitamin on the market.
Founded by Jean Carper
Visit Us Online at
Anti-Aging Quick
Kale Sauté
Leafy greens like kale are packed with
anti-aging nutrients like calcium, magnesium, vitamin K, carotenoids, antioxidants
and healthy fats. This dish is a light sauté
that is designed to preserve both nutrients and color.
Makes about 2 servings.
• Half a bunch of kale (about
4 cups chopped)
• 1 small onion, sliced
• 1 T. olive oil
• 1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
• 1 clove garlic
• Toasted sesame oil
• Almonds or sesame seeds
• Salt to taste
1. Wash the kale and shake dry. Cut off
stems and chop. Keep separate. Cut
leafy part into strips.
2. Slice onion.
3. Add olive oil to sauté pan, add onion,
kale stems and 1 T. water. Cover and
cook until stems soften, 2-3 minutes.
Add rest of kale, garlic and red pepper. Sauté, tossing, until kale is tender, for about 2 minutes.
3. Remove to plates, sprinkle with
sesame oil, almonds, salt to taste,
and serve.
Quick Tip:
A cup of kale provides
over 50% of your daily
allowance of vitamin C
and more calcium than
a glass of milk!
Nutritional Information per Serving
171 calories
5.6 g protein
18 g carbohydrates
10 g fat (1.3 g saturated)
0 mg cholesterol
3.7 g fiber
205 mg sodium
Muscle Building Grilled
Sardines with Balsamic
One serving (four sardines) provides 3-4
grams of omega-3 fatty acids, which can
help preserve strength in aging muscles.
A fish market or upscale grocery store
can order fresh sardines, which taste
very different from canned sardines.
1. Prepare tomatoes by mixing all
ingredients together. Set aside
to marinate.
Makes 2 main course servings
• 1 lb. fresh sardines (about eight fish)
4. Brush fish lightly with olive oil.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
• 2 T. olive oil
5. Place in single layer in grill pan
and cook 3-4 minutes on each side,
or until skin begins to brown.
• 2 T. minced parsley
• Salt and ground black pepper to taste
• Lemon wedges for garnish
• 1 ripe tomato, deseeded and cubed
• 2 scallions, thinly sliced
2. Preheat the grill pan to medium-high.
3. Rinse, gut and clean the fish and
pat dry with paper towels.
6. Remove from pan, sprinkle with
parsley and serve hot, with Balsamic
Tomatoes and lemon wedges.
• 2 T. balsamic vinegar
Nutritional Information per Serving:
350 calories
20 g protein
5 g carbohydrates
13 g fat (6 g saturated)
85 mg cholesterol
1.8 g fiber
240 mg sodium
Founded by Jean Carper
Call Our Nutrition Experts at 800-627-9721
Shield Yourself from Aging
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If You Are Over 50, You Should Consider
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Our Anti-Aging PowerPak contains the three
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Save up to $300
Our premium CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is made from
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is designed for maximum bioavailability and absorption. CoQ10 has numerous health benefits, especially
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Available at 30 mg, 60 mg, 100 mg and 150 mg
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Enhance Your Diet with an Optimized
Blend of Antioxidants
Our Multi Nutrient PLUS Formula with Eye Support
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and zeaxanthin to create this convenient, moneysaving formula.
As low as $46.66 per bottle
Yasoo Health's Antioxidant Factor, which is exclusively distributed by Stop Aging Now, provides a well balanced, wide spectrum of important antioxidants and
nutrients. Designed specifically to enhance the body's
antioxidant system and give you maximum free radical fighting capabilities.
As low as $23.33 each per bottle
Get the Amazing Benefits of Cinnamon
Harness the Power of Natural Vitamin E
Our Cinnamon Extract is formulated with 100%
Cinnulin PF, a patented product which is the only
extract with the recognized active compound in cinnamon and is the most studied extract in the world.
As low as $15.83 per bottle
Yasoo Health's Vitamin E Factor 400/400, which is
exclusively distributed by Stop Aging Now, supplies
the complete vitamin E family including the full spectrum of tocopherols and tocotrienols in the natural
unesterified form found in foods.
As low as $28.99 per bottle
Try Stop Aging Now's All Natural
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As low as $49.99 per bottle
We‘ve combined two potent vitamin E skin care products—Callisto Anti-Aging Crème and Therapeutic Oil—
into a great value bundle for maximum anti-aging and
anti-wrinkle protection for your skin.
Save up to $50
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Stop Aging Now has Nutrition Experts on staff who
can answer any questions you have about nutrition
and dietary supplements. Contact one of our
experts anytime Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm est:
Toll-free 800-627-9721
[email protected]
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