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Tentative Contribution Title
Keywords: keyword1; keyword2; keyword3; keyword4; keyword5
Problem Motivation
Describe the problem that your contribution is addressing. Make sure to clearly establish a connection with wireless sensor networks. Highlight the relevance of this problem, including the challenges that remain to be solved. You may include bibliographical references that support your problem description and motivation.
Proposed Computational Intelligence Solution
Provide a high-level description of your proposed Computational Intelligence (CI)
solution. Try to answer questions here such as:
o What other solutions (CI-based or otherwise) are currently known for the above
o How does your proposed solution differentiate itself from the existing ones?
o What are the scientific contributions that this book chapter makes?
o How does this book chapter advance the state-of-the-art in CI for wireless sensor
CI Methodologies
Please specify the constituent CI methodologies in your proposed solution. Select all
that apply.
o Fuzzy sets and systems (e.g., type-2, intuitionistic, fuzzy inference systems)
o Neural networks and other learning systems (e.g., support vector machines, cognitive maps)
o Evolutionary computing (e.g., genetic algorithms, genetic programming)
o Swarm intelligence (e.g., ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization)
o Granular computing (e.g., fuzzy sets, rough sets, near sets, shadowed sets, etc.)
o Artificial immune systems
o Another CI component (specify: ______________________________________)
Relation to Previous Publications
Is the material in the proposed chapter contribution extending any previously published work of the authors?
___ YES ___ NO
If yes, indicate where and when the original version was published:
If yes, indicate what the novel aspects are in the extended version:
1. Broy, M.: Software engineering — from auxiliary to key technologies. In: Broy,
M., Dener, E. (eds.) Software Pioneers, pp. 10-13. Springer, Heidelberg (2002)
2. Dod, J.: Effective substances. In: The Dictionary of Substances and Their Effects.
DIALOG. of subordinate document. Cited 15 Jan 1999
3. Geddes, K.O., Czapor, S.R., Labahn, G.: Algorithms for Computer Algebra.
Kluwer, Boston (1992)
4. Hamburger, C.: Quasimonotonicity, regularity and duality for nonlinear systems of
partial differential equations. Ann. Mat. Pura. Appl. 169, 321–354 (1995)
5. Slifka, M.K., Whitton, J.L.: Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. J. Mol. Med. (2000) doi: 10.1007/s001090000086