Download 6-2 (Part 4) Rise and Fall of Julius Caesar

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Gaius Julius Caesar was born to the aristocratic Julii family in 100 BC
Because the family were supporters of Marius, Caesar’s father was ________________ on the
orders of the dictator Sulla during Caesar’s youth.
Thus, even in his young years, he directly experienced the political turmoil that embroiled Rome
at the time
The dangers that he faced in Rome led him to ________________ and join the ____________
Even as a young officer, he quickly established himself as a brilliant and fearless commander
But Caesar was an incredibly ambitious man.
Following the end of his original military service, he returned to Rome and got involved in the
political scene
Using the combination of his superb _____________ abilities, skillful ___________, and ________,
he worked his way up Rome’s political ladder until he was ready to run for the Consulship
To win the consulship, Caesar aligned himself with the two most powerful men in Rome: ______________
and _______________________________
With their support, Caesar was easily elected as ______________ in 60 BC
Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar now made up Rome’s first ‘____________’ (a group of 3 people who rule
But even reaching the pinnacle of Roman political power was not enough for Caesar. He wanted more…
When his consulship ended, Caesar took over the governorship of the province of _________ (modern
day France) and became the commander of all of the ___________________ stationed there.
Over the next 8 years, Caesar ____________________________, and brought all of present day France
under ___________________
His military exploits made him _____________________________ with the common people of Rome.
But, Caesar’s wealth, power, and popularity also made the ________________ fearful of him. They
feared that with money, an army, and the love of the people, he could overthrow them and possibly make
himself _________________.
It was during this time that Crassus, one of the original triumvirate, died.
This left only ______________________ to vie for power over Rome.
The Senate convinced Pompey to _______________________.
Together they voted to strip Caesar of his legions and governorship, charge him with treason, and
order him to return to Rome to stand trial.
Caesar, however, had other ideas.
Rather than surrendering, he __________________________________________________.
Unprepared for war, Pompey and his supporters in the Senate fled from Rome and went to Greece
Caesar and his legions pursued Pompey, until finally the two met in battle at _________________.
At the battle of Pharsalus in 48 BC, Caesar ______________________ Pompey’s army.
Pompey though, managed to escape and fled to ___________.
Unfortunately, he received a less than warm welcome as he was _________ immediately upon his arrival
With the death of Pompey, Caesar was now the ______________________________
The Senate (now filled with Caesar’s supporters) voted to make him ___________ for life in 45 BC
As dictator, he made many reforms in Rome.
He granted representation in the senate to conquered territories
He created jobs for the unemployed through large ______________________________
He gave _____________ to the poor
He created a new _______________________, known as the Julian Calendar.
Many people saw Caesar as a ________________ who brought ________________ to Rome, but others
saw him as a ______________ who wanted to end the republic and make himself ________.
Members of the senate, led by Gaius Cassius and Caesar’s good friend ________________, plotted
to ___________ Caesar.
On March 15th, 44 BC, the conspirators carried out their plan.
When Caesar entered the Senate building that day, Brutus, Cassius, and the other conspirators
Brutus and the others believed that in killing Caesar they were _______________________ from a tyrant.
But as it turned out, they were only hastening the republic’s fall.
How did Julius Caesar rise to become a great general and one of the most powerful men in Rome?
How did Caesar’s rise precipitate his civil war with Gnaius Pompey Magnus? What was the outcome of
this conflict?
How did Caesar become dictator over Rome, and what reforms did he attempt to make during his time in
Why was Julius Caesar assassinated, and by whom?