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The Solar System
A WebQuest for Fifth Graders
Designed by
Maribel Gali
King Kaumuali’i Elementary
[email protected]
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Resources and Credits |
Primary Mission
You are a junior astronaut. Your mission is to make a model of our
solar system to scale. Research various websites to find the
diameter of each planet and its distance from the sun.
Secondary Missions
Use your model of the solar system to explain and
demonstrate your knowledge of planetary orbits and the orbit
of earth’s moon.
You will also demonstrate how day and night are caused by
the rotation of earth on its axis.
The Task
Primary Mission
Research the internet to find information about our solar system and
complete the Planetary Information worksheet (names, description,
diameter and distance from the sun)
Use your math skills to convert each planet’s diameter and distance
from the sun to scale.
Create a three-dimensional model of the solar system to scale.
Secondary Missions
Research the internet and learn about orbits and how day and night
are created. Use your three dimensional model to demonstrate orbits
and how day and night are created.
The Process
Step 1 – Researching
Complete Planetary Information worksheet
Research internet websites to find the following information:
Name of planets
Order of planets from the sun
Diameter of each planet (use the same unit of measure)
Average distance of each planet from the sun (use the same unit
of measurement)
Websites about the Solar System
Step 2 – Converting Measurements
Work with a partner to determine the best method to reduce the
diameters of each planet and their distances from the sun.
Complete constructed response sheet to explain how you converted
the diameters and distances to scale.
Remember, you need to create a three dimensional model so your
scale must be as small as possible. Indicate your scale (1 inch equals
100,000 miles)
Step 3 – Creating a Model to Scale
Use the information on your Planetary worksheet to create a scale
model of the solar system.
 Planets must be in the appropriate order
 Include each planet’s color and other significant physical
 Distances of planets from the sun must be to scale
 Size of planets must be to scale
You must describe your scale. For example, 1 inch equals 100,000
Step 4 - Orbits
Research the websites to answer the following questions about
 What is an orbit?
 What components (parts) of our solar system (Sun or planets)
move? Describe how they move.
Websites about Orbits
Step 5 – Day and Night
Research the websites to answer the following questions about how
day and night are created:
 What provides the light in our solar system?
 How long is a day on earth? How long is a night on earth?
 How are the sun and earth positioned during day time and night
 How are day and night created?
Video Websites about Earth’s Rotation
You will be evaluated on the following:
Completion of Planetary Information worksheet (researching
diameters and distances using internet sites as your resource)
Completion of Constructed Response sheet (converting diameters
and distances to scale)
Completion of solar system model or diagram
Planets must be in the appropriate order
Include each planet’s color and other significant physical features
Distances of planets from the sun must be to scale
Size of planets must be to scale
Demonstration of orbits (planets and earth’s moon)
Demonstration of how day and night are created
Physical, Earth, and Space Sciences
Standard 8: Physical, Earth, and Space Sciences: EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE: Understand the Earth and
its processes, the solar system, and the universe and its contents
Earth in the Solar System
Benchmark SC.5.8.1
Describe the relationship (size and distance) of Earth
to other components in the solar system
Sample Performance Assessment (SPA)
The student: Creates a model or diagram showing
the sizes of and distance between components of
Earth and the other components of the solar system.
Compare and contrast the
relationship of Earth to
the other components in
the solar system
Describe the relationship
(size and distance) of
Earth to other
components in the solar
Partially Proficient
Identify a few differences
between Earth and other
components in the solar
Provide a few examples
of the relationship (size
and distance) of Earth to
other components in the
solar system
Earth in the Solar System
Benchmark SC.5.8.3
Explain that the planets orbit the sun and that the
moon orbits the Earth
Sample Performance Assessment (SPA)
The student: Explains that the Earth and other
planets orbit the sun and the moon orbits around the
Demonstrate and explain
how the planets orbit the
sun and how the moon
orbits the Earth
Explain that the planets
orbit the sun and that the
moon orbits the Earth
Partially Proficient
Recognize that the
planets orbit the sun and
that the moon orbits the
Recall that planets orbit
the sun or that the moon
orbits the Earth
Earth in the Solar System
Benchmark SC.5.8.4
Demonstrate that day and night are caused by the
rotation of the Earth on its axis
Sample Performance Assessment (SPA)
The student: Demonstrates how day and night are
caused by Earth's rotation on its axis.
Partially Proficient
Use a model to
demonstrate and explain
how the rotation of the
Earth on its axis causes
day and night
Demonstrate the rotation
of the Earth on its axis
and how it causes day
and night
Provide an example that
the Earth rotates on its
axis and causes day and
Recognize that the Earth
rotates on its axis and
causes day and night
© 2005 Hawaii State Department of Education. All rights reserved.
For more information, please contact [email protected]
You have completed your mission and created a model of the solar
system to scale. You worked hard to research information and used
your math skills to make your conversions.
Also, you are now able to explain how the components or our solar
system move and how day and night are created.
Websites about the Solar System
Websites about Orbits
Video Websites about Earth’s Rotation
Image of solar system taken from
Rubrics taken from Hawaii Content and Performance Standards
Last updated June 2006. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page