Download Soil The loose mixture of small mineral fragments, organic material

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Name: ______________________________________________________
Highlight the key words in each definition and draw a picture that represents each word.
Parent rock
The loose mixture of small mineral fragments,
organic material, water, and air that can support
the growth of vegetatio
A rock formation that is the source of soil
The layer of rock beneath soil made up of
unweathered rock
Soil texture
The soil quality that is based on the proportions
of soil particles
The dark organic material formed
in soil from the decayed remains
of plants and animals
The removal of substances that can be dissolved
from rock, ore, or layers of soil due to the passing
of water
A method to maintain the fertility of the soil by
protecting the soil from erosion and nutrient loss
is a layer parallel to the soil surface, whose
physical characteristics differ from the layers
above and beneath
Leaves and other organic matter that breaks
down into humus
Horizon A
Horizon B
Horizon C
Horizon R
also known as topsoil. This is the layer where
most plants grow. Leaves and other organic
material fall to the ground becoming litter. This
litter eventually breaks down and becomes
humus. Humus is the decayed organic material
that makes the soil so fertile.
The layer directly below Horizon A and is also
known as subsoil. Subsoil could eventually
become topsoil through the process of leaching.
Leaching is the process where water carries
nutrients from the top soil to the subsoil.
The layer of soil that consists of partly weathered
This layer is also known as bedrock which
consists of rock that has gone through little to no
Name: ______________________________________________________
Highlight the key words in each definition and draw a picture that represents each word.