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Multilevel Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM Technique
in Series Connected Voltage Inverters
Kumari Gita Arunima Verma , MIEEE Assistant Prof, Department of Electrical Engineering, REC Banda Email:
[email protected]
Assistant Prof, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Institute of Engg. & Technology, Sitapur Road, Lucknow
email: [email protected]
Abstract-Recent advances in semiconductor switches, new multilevel
converter topologies and advanced converter modulation techniques
have contributed to the expansion of voltage source converters (VSCs)
to higher voltage and power ratings for utility-scale and motor drive
applications. Multilevel VSC topologies extend the advantages of the
fully controlled, four-quadrant, two level converters by improving the
quality of the output waveforms and minimizing filtering requirements.
This paper deals with selective harmonic elimination pulse width
modulation (SHE-PWM) for three-phase, two-level and multilevel
converter topologies. Different formulations of SHE-PWM based on
relaxing the symmetry requirements have been investigated. New
solution sets have been calculated by imposing half-wave symmetry or
completely eliminating the symmetry requirements. Moreover,
modulation of the modular multilevel converter (MMC) and its
operation in utility-scale applications has been carried out. Finally, the
paper discusses the back-to-back configuration of MMC topologies. The
converters are operated with sinusoidal PWM, under both the
modulation techniques and the voltage balancing method. Based on
controllers in the synchronous rotating reference frame, the system is
investigated for its operation under steady state and during transients in
the active and reactive power references of the converters.
Keywords: Pulse Width Modulation, Multilevel Voltage Source
Converter, Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM, Harmonic
In an industrialized nation today, an increasingly significant
portion of the generated electrical energy is processed through
power converters for various applications in industrial,
commercial, residential, aerospace and military environments.
The input and output currents and voltages of static power
converters are generally associated with harmful lower-order
harmonics. In 1983 [1] reviewed A recalculated optimized
pulse-width-modulation (PWM) technique which selectively
eliminates several lower-order harmonics in the output voltage
of the inverter has many advantages. [2] discussed a number of
issues involved in designing a voltage-source inverter system
for a large induction motor drive. Using two modulation
techniques-selected harmonic elimination in the upper
frequency range and trapezoidal modulation in the lower
frequency range-control of voltage, current, Li, Dariusz
Czarkowski et. al. [3] discussed the selective
harmonic elimination pulse width modulation (SHE-PWM)
method is systematically applied for the first time to multilevel
series-connected voltage-source PWM inverters. The method is
implemented based on optimization techniques. The optimization
starting point is obtained using a phase-shift harmonic
suppression approach. Another less computationally demanding
harmonic suppression technique, called a mirror surplus
harmonic method, is proposed for double-cell (five-level)
inverters. S. R. Bowes et. al in [ 4 ] proposed a new harmonic
elimination PWM strategy for single-phase VSI and CSI inverters
is presented which closely approximates the exact switching
angles produced offline for the harmonic elimination PWM
(HEPWM) strategy. In 2008, [5] presented several conventional
selected harmonic elimination techniques that form a class of
pulse width modulation techniques (SHEPWM) that are very
effective compared to other PWM schemes in the elimination of
the low-order harmonics. However they suffer from a
complicated computational process especially if the number of
low order harmonics to be eliminated is high. Madhukar waware
and Pramod Agarwal [6] discussed Harmonic currents produced
by non linear loads are injected back into the supply systems. The
objective of this paper is to investigate and successfully
implement the optimal firing strategy for harmonics elimination
in single-phase and three-phase voltage-source Inverters. N o v e l
Optimization technique has been proposed to generate optimal
switching patterns for the single-phase and three-phase inverter
configurations. Next, a control scheme for implementing the
firing strategies has developed. The circuits for the single-phase
inverter configuration (single-phase half-bridge and single-phase
full bridge) and the circuit for three phase inverters are
individually built on the bench and their corresponding firing
strategies are implemented through the control scheme. The
results are obtained with the design values from the optimization
programs to ensure effective harmonics elimination and
high-quality output spectra.
The harmonics present in a dc to ac inverter are very much obvious compared to the
harmonics that can be present in an
ac to dc converter [6]. The passive filters can be easily used in
order to improve the output of an ac to dc converter. nverter.
While, in case of dc to ac inverter, the harmonic reduction
reduction is harder and it also includes the use of active filters.
The The filters used to remove the harmonics from the inverters
are are more complex and consists of large number of inductors
and and capacitors to remove the harmonics of higher order. This
also results into more costly filters to remove harmonics from
from the inverter. Thus, in order to avoid the cost of such such
expensive and complex filters controlling the width or reducing
reducing the number of pulses may result into reduction of
harmoni harmonics. One such technique is explained below
called pulse width width modulation technique [7] In case of
sinusoidal pulse widt dth modulation, as shown in Figure 1, all the
pulses are modulated modulated individually. Each and every
pulse is compared to a reference erence sinusoidal pulse and then
they are modulated accordingl accordingly to produce a
waveform which is equal to the reference erence sinusoidal
Figure1: Representation of Sinusoidal Pulse Width
Width Modulation.
The performance characteristics of an iinverter power
conversion scheme largely depend on the choice of the
particular PWM strategy employed. Presentntly the PWM
schemes can be broadly classified as bellow [[7].
three-phase inverter are presented in this paper. Simulation
results for an 11-level (five-celll) 45-angle three-phase inverter
are also given. A reeduced-order SHEPWM method by mirror
surplus harmon rmonic shaping for five-level inverters is
proposed through the waveform waveform shown in figure 2
Figure 2: Waveform of triple-level SHEPWMM
In this paper the optimal switching strat switching strategies
developed for the three phase inverter was for a fifixed per unit
fundamental voltage and a fixed switching frequ requency. A
switching strategy could be developed such that for a particular
frequency of inverter output, an optimal switching itching pattern
is developed for the per-unit fundamental output voltageltage
which corresponds to that frequency. Hence a large arra ray can
be generated with switching patterns for the frequenc y varying
smoothly from a very small value (say 0.5 Hertz) to o the standard
frequency of operation (say 60 Hertz). Three-phphase inverters
are normally used for high power applications.ons. Figure 3
shows the modeling of the proposed three-pphase double-cell
series-connected PWM inverter.
1) Sinusoidal PWM (SPWM)
2) Space-vector PWM (SVPWM)
3) Non sinusoidal carrier PWM
4) Mixed PWM
5) Selective harmonic elimination PWM (SHEPM (SHEPWM).
In SPWM a triangular signal of certain amplitude and frequency
is compared to a sinusoidal signalsignal in phase with the output
voltage of the inverter. The widths idths of the pulses are varied
by changing the amplitude of the sinusoidal waveform. In this
method, the lower orderr harmonics are c o m p l e t e l y
removed. As the switchingswitching frequency increases, more
harmonics can be eliminated.ted. The limiting factors are the
switching device speed, switching loss and the power ratings
[8]. The SHEPWM-based methods can theoreticacally provide
the highest quality output among all the PWMM methods. A
SHEPWM model of a multilevel series-connonnected VSI has
the highest quality output among all the PWWM methods [3,
9]. A SHEPWM model of a multilevel seeries-connected
voltage-source inverter is developed which cacan be used for an
arbitrary number of levels say 7 level level [10, 11] and
switching angles. Simulation results for a fivee-level 20-angle
Fig. 3 Three-phase differential doubldouble-cell series-connected
PWM inverter model The gating signal of single-phaase inverters
should be
advanced or delayed by 120 with respect to each other to obtain
three-phase balanced (fundundamental) voltages. This
arrangement requires three singlegle phase (double-cell)
transformers, 24 transistors, and 24 diodes. IIf the output of
single-phase inverters is not perfectly balanced in magnitudes and
phases, the three-phasee (double-cell) output voltages are
unbalanced. The pulsespulses are given through a pulse generator
given in figure gure 4. 12 pulses discrete PWM generator in
which the output output pulses are a vector (with values=0 or 1).
Depending onon the selected "Generator Mode", the output
vector contains:: For a 1-arm bridge: Two pulses. Pulse 1 isis for
the upper switch and pulse 2 is for the lower switch. For a 2-arm
bridge: Four pulses. PulsesPulses 1 and 3 are respectively for the
upper switches of the first and second arm. Pulses 2 and 4 are for
the lower switches.s. For a 3-arm bridge: Six pulses. Pulses 1,3
and 5 are respectively for the upper switches of the ffirst, second
and third arm. Pulses 2,4 and 6 are for the lower swwitches. For
double 3-arm bridges: Twelve pulsespulses. The first six pulses
(pulses 1 to 6) must be sent to the fifirst 3-arm bridge and the last
six (pulses 7 to 12) to the second 33-arm bridge.
Fig. 5 Differential Waveform of Output voltage and load current
for upper cell
Fig. 4 Trigger pulse Generator
Figures 5 and 6 show the differential waveeform of output voltage
and current of upper cell and lower cell
three-phase output can be obtaained from a configuration of
twelve transistors and twelve diodes. T wo types of control
signals can be applied tto the transistors:
00 0
180conduction or 120conduction. The 18180conduction has better
utilization of the switches and is the preferred method.
Fig. 6 Differential Waveform of Output voltage and load current
For lower cell
The frequency spectrum for uppupper cell l i n e t o l i n e v o l t a
g e i n voltage inverter with multilevel selective harmonic
elimination PWM methood is shown in figure 7. The calculation
of total harmonic harmonic distortion for voltage waveform using
FFT analysis in MATL MATLAB Simulink model for 2 and 5
cycles are shown in figures n in figures 8-10
Fig. 7 Frequency spectrum for upper cell volll voltage
Fig 10 FFT Analysis of Three Phase Double Inverte Inverter with
R-L Load
Fig 8 FFT Analysis of Single Phase Inverter ase Inverter
with R-L Load for 2 and 5 cycles respectively
Fig 9 FFT Analysis of Three Phase hase Single Inverter
with R-L Load
The FFT results obtained from om figures 8-10 clearly reveal
that as the level of inverter is increased, in which SHEPWM
has been employed, thethe value of % THD has reduced. The
THD through FFTFFT analysis is maximum in case of single
phase inverter both both for 2 and 5 cycles of the voltage
waveforms as sho shown in figure 8, which is further reduced
when the same same analysis in figure 9 is carried out for
three phase sin single level inverter but the value of THD has
drastically reduced in a double level three phase inverter
incorporat ating SHE-PWM technique of harmonic
elimination as can can be observed from figure
10. Further it can be inferred that as the number of cycles of
the waveforms is increased, tthere is reduction in total
harmonic distortion factor which which directly implies that
harmonics are eliminated botboth using SHE PWM
technique and by considering mo more number of cycles. for
example, in case of 2 cycles inin figures 8-10 have more
THD as compared to 5 cycles.
This paper has investigated and successfully implemented
optimal switching strategies for harmonics elimination in single
phase and three phase voltage age-source inverters. Optimal
switching patterns for the voltage-source inverter configurations
were generated throughthrough optimization programs. Then a
simple low cost control schscheme was developed to implement
the switching strategies es. The single phase and the three phase
inverter configurations were individually built on the bench and
selected results werewere verified applying the corresponding
switching patterns to to these circuits, through the control scheme.
The advantages of the proposed method over the SPWM scheme
were established. ished.
The main advantages established are are:
Added flexibility in optimizinoptimizing a particular
objective functions such as to obtain selselective elimination of
harmonics, when compared to tthe SPWM scheme.
Lower inverter switching frequency needed for
eliminating the same number of h same number of harmonics as
the SPWM scheme, when both the schemes chemes were applied
to a three phase inverter.
A significantly better quality of output voltage for the
same number of pulses per half cycle as the SPWM scheme, when
both the schemes chemes were applied to a three phase inverter.
The measured values of THD for the cases ses in figures 8-10
have been provided in Table 1.
Table 1: %THD values for various proposedproposed inverter
12 Pulse Three Phase
Single Inverter with
R-L Load
24 Pulse Three Phase
Double Inverter with
R-L Load
6 Pulse Single Phase
Inverter with R-L
For low frequencies of operation, the the switching patterns could
be adjusted to have more number of pulses per half cycle (to
eliminate the large number of troublesome lower order harmonics
at low frequencies) and progressively less number of pulses for
higher frequencies of operation.operation. Also, since in an
induction motor, high torque is desired desired at the time of
starting and high efficiency while runninrunning, the inverter
switching strategies can be optimized to satsatisfy both
conditions, by having one solution for starting and another for
running. Another industrial application that can be investigated,
based on the work in this dissertation, is the application of optimal
PWM single phase inverters in fixed frequency, variable voltage
(uninterruptible power supplies).
power supplies supplies
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