Download introduction and psychophysical methods

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Homework 1
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following questions by typing your answers into this document and saving
it. Limit your responses to all questions to 1 page single or 2 pages double spaced double spaced (about
1000 words maximum). You may add diagrams or graphs to your answers if you so choose, they will not
be counted as part of the page limit.
To submit your answers on blackboard, go to the “Assignments” tab and select this assignment. Please cut
and paste your numbered answers into the submission box. If you have pictures or figures in addition to
text, submit them using the “Add Attachments” button.
Question 1: Describe how the receptive field structure of neurons changes as visual information proceeds
from the retina, through the LGN, and on to visual cortex. Describe how cells coding different stimulus
features are organized into hypercolumns.
Answer 1:
Question 2: What is selective adaptation? How do contrast-sensitivity functions measured before and after
selective adaptation differ? How are they the same?
Answer 2:
Question 3: What is tonotopic organization? What neural structures in the auditory system exhibit
tonotopic organization?
Answer 3:
Question 4: What us the sensory homunculus? Who discovered it and how? What parts of the body are
over- or under-represented in the sensory homunculus?
Answer 4:
Question 5: Compare and contrast olfactory adaptation with cognitive habituation. How are these
phenomena similar? How do they differ?
Answer 5: