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Unit 2 S.L.O Study Guide
Disclaimer: This Study Guide is all the information you need to study and review for your Unit 2 S.L.O Content and
Vocabulary Test.
Chapter 4 Rise of Sumerian City States
Part I: Vocabulary: Define the following terms
1. Reservoirs-
2. Levee-
3. City-State-
4. Dam-
5. Canal-
6. Irrigation-
7. Sumer-
8. Sumerians-
Part II: Important Concepts
1. What does “Mesopotamia” mean?
2. Which two rivers does Mesopotamia sit between?
3. Why did City-States build walls? (Also what was the dispute about?)
4. What caused the farmers from Northern Mesopotamia, in the Zagros Mountains to leave that area and move to the
Part III: Cause and Effect Flow Chart: Fill in the following chart illustrating the problems and solutions that Sumerians
faced when they moved from the North to Southern Mesopotamia.
Food Shortages in the hill due to a lack of
farmland and an increase in village
Create ways to control the water supply.
Build large irrigation systems consisting
of dams, levees and canals.
Farmers/people began to move closer
together to work as one cleaning out the
silt and keeping the irrigation systems
running smoothly.
Chapter 5 Ancient Sumer
Part I: Vocabulary: Define the following terms
1. Civilization-Stable Food Supply
-System of Government
-Social Structure
-Specialization of Labor
-Highly Developed Culture
2. Scribe-
3. Ziggurat-
4. Chariot-
5. Cuneiform-
6. Pictograph-
Part II: Important Concepts
1. List the 8 sub-fields under the characteristic of a civilization, Highly Developed Culture. Then define each!
W_________________ A_________________ L_________________ L_________________ M_________________ A_________________ R_________________ T_________________ -
2. Look at the 3 images below. Using evidence from picture, FIRST list the Characteristics of a civilization it shows.
Second explain why you think that.
Chapter 6: Exploring Four Empires of Mesopotamia
Part I: Vocabulary: Define the following terms
1. Siege-
2. Tribute-
3. Empire-
4. Aqueduct-
5. Stele-
6. Bas-Relief-
7. Astronomy-
Part II: Important Concepts
1. List the order of the 4 empires of Mesopotamia from First to Last.
2. What is King Hammurabi best known for?
3. What was the Akkadians greatest achievement?
4. What made the Babylonian empire unique for its time?
5. What were the Assyrians best known for?
6. Why did King Nebuchadrezzar build two walls, towers and a moat around his capital?
7. What main problem did all four Mesopotamian empires face?