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Anlage Kommunaler Influenzapandemieplan Frankfurt am Main
What are the symptoms of flu?
The genuine flu caused by influenza viruses
occurs mainly as an epidemic and usually
in the cold season of the year. As opposed
to other flu infections (“colds”), it is frequently a serious illness.
1 to 3 days after infection, the illness usually begins with fever, shivering and pains
in the head and limbs. Other symptoms
are throat pains, compulsive dry coughing
and general weakness.
A feeling of discomfort and tiredness can
still last for weeks after these symptoms
Complications of influenza such as inflammation of the lungs, heart weakness and
meningitis can occur in all age groups and
are sometimes even life-threatening.
Population groups particularly at risk include:
Older patients and children
Patients with chronic illnesses such as
respiratory afflictions (e.g. bronchial
asthma), immunological illnesses (e.g.
HIV/AIDS), illnesses of the blood, heart,
kidneys and physiological complaints
(e.g. diabetes).
Patients undergoing an immunitysuppressive therapy (“cortisone”) or
chemo- or radiation therapy.
How is the disease transmitted?
The disease is transmitted by drops, i.e.
sneezing, coughing and speaking, but also
by direct contact such as shaking hands.
An infected person can infect others even
before developing symptoms himself.
As opposed to other infectious diseases,
having had flu once does not protect
against catching it again because the viruses constantly mutate.
How is the disease treated?
In most cases, only the symptoms are
treated by prescribing medicines to lower
fever and ease pain. Medicines are now
available in tablet form as well as inhalation
spray that can ease and shorten the illness
when taken within 48 hours after the symptoms appear.
Antibiotics have no effect because the illness is caused by a virus. They are only
used in cases of secondary bacterial infections.
How can I protect myself against infection?
An effective and compatible vaccine is
available that is adapted every year to the
currently circulating flu viruses and protects
to roughly 90 percent for an entire flu season (approximately 6 months). The effect
begins 10 to 14 days after vaccination. The
vaccination should be undertaken yearly,
preferably in the months September to November.
If flu cases become frequent in the vicinity,
large congregations of people should be
avoided if possible due to the risk of infection.
Anlage Kommunaler Influenzapandemieplan Frankfurt am Main
The vaccination is recommended by the
Permanent Vaccination Commission at the
Robert-Koch-Institute for:
Persons over 60 years of age
Children, young people and adults with
increased health risks due to other underlying ailments (e.g. lung afflictions,
cardio-vascular or kidney complaints,
immune deficiency)
Must the illness be reported?
According to the Infection Protection Act,
the illness itself need not be reported, but
only the direct evidence of influenza viruses
by the laboratory doctor.
Public Health Department
City of Frankfurt am Main
Infectious Diseases Department
Do you still have questions?
Then please call us or visit us in the Internet at
Persons exposed to higher risks, e.g.
medical personnel
Useful telephone numbers
Persons in places with dense public
In Hessen the vaccination is recommended
for all persons over 18 years of age.
Public Health Office (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
Tel: 069 212 33970
Fax: 069 212 45073
Your Public Health Office in
Frankfurt am Main,
Infectious Diseases Department