Download Starter: Write your own definition for the following key terms

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Starter: Write your own definition for the
following key terms
L2: Microbes and Disease
Learning Objectives:
• Recall that bacteria and viruses are pathogens.
• Explain how pathogens can be infectious and
spread disease.
• Compare how bacteria and viruses cause
• Infectious – can be passed from one person to another
• Disease – an illness caused by infection or failure of health
• Microorganism – a living thing that is too small to be visible to the
human eye
• Pathogen – a microorganism which causes disease
• Bacteria – a type of microorganism
• Virus – an extremely small microorganism, debatable whether they
are alive
• Toxin – a poisonous substance that causes disease
• Symptoms – the physical changes in the body caused by a disease
How does disease spread?