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Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics Section 1
I. What is a volcano?
____________________________-weak spot in the crust where molten material comes to the surface.
___________________________- a molten mixture of rock-forming substances, gases, and water from the
Lava- ______________that reaches _________________ surface.
II. Where are most volcanoes found?
_____________________________________- areas along plate boundaries where there are many volcanoes.
______________________- major volcanic belt formed by the many volcanoes that rim the
Pacific ______________.
III. The Ring of Fire
___of the world’s volcanoes are found in the Ring of Fire. 90% of the world’s EQs happens in the Ring of Fire.
The ______________________________ of the Pacific Plate.
IV. Volcanoes and Diverging Boundaries
Volcanoes form at _________________ridges and ___________ valleys, which are diverging plate boundaries.
V. Volcanoes and Converging Plate Boundaries
These volcanoes form in 2 ways.
Volcanoes can form when two __________________plates collide or when an oceanic plate collides with a
_______________________________ plate.
VI. Island Arc Volcanoes
Form when ___________ oceanic plates collide. The subducting plate melts to create magma. This magma rises
up through the ocean floor to form volcanic ____________________.
VII. Continental Arc Volcanoes
Form when an _________________ plate & a _________________________plate collide. The oceanic plate is
subducted under the cont. plate causing it to melt into magma. The magma rises through the continent to form
VIII.Hot Spot Volcanoes
_______________________________- is an area where material from deep within the mantle rises and then
melts forming magma.
Hot spot can be near plate boundaries or in the middle of a plate.
IX. Hot Spot
A volcano forms above a hot spot when magma erupts through the crust and reaches the surface.
As the plate moves, new _______________________________ will form over the Hot Spot.