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2012-2013 Week of__9/2/14________ Student Page
Grade Level __8___Lesson Plan Template____ Content
Infectious Disease_____
Lesson Title:
Infectious Disease 4 days combine day and day 2
AKS/CC Objectives,
Essential Question:
AKS Booklet
identify strategies for preventing, detecting, and controlling noninfectious diseases (GPS) (6HE_D2009-4)
identify methods of preventing sexually transmitted diseases and
whether or not they are effective (GPS)
recognize abstinence from any sexual activity as the only method
to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases
(GPS) (6HE_H2009-16)
Standards of Learning :
What is infectious disease ?
How infection spreads.
The difference between infections. caused by bacteria and infections causes
by virus. What are examples of each type
Who was Alexander Fleming
What are antibiotics and vaccines?
What are our physical barriers to infection? ( immune system)
How does our internal immune system work? ( immune system)
What are STDs, how are they spread and what , if any, is the cure?
Day 1: power point on infectious diseases, Article on Mono power point on
Mono video ‘The Sneeze” “The Flu”
Day 2: worksheet on the immune system poster
Day 3 comparison of three infectious diseases worksheet, book, video on
immune system
Day 4 STD power point
Day 5 Test
Anticipatory Set :
Day 1:Have you ever had an infectious disease?
Day 2: What is the immune system?
Day 3 Do all infectious disease have the same signs and symptoms?
Day 4 What is an STD?
Day 5 test
At end of class SWBAT:
Day 1:Know what an infectious disease is and how they spread.
Know the difference between a bacteria and a virus and how they are
List three bacterial infections and three viral infectious
Who is Alexander Fleming?
Day 2 . Explain what the immune system is , organs involved in the immune
system, and the internal and external parts of the immune system.
Worksheet on comparing diseases – complete immune project
Day 3 STD’ book and power point
Day4: work out of Choosing The Best booklets
Day 5 test
Teacher Input: (Model,
Background Knowledge
Day 1 What is the difference between infectious and noninfectious?
Day 2 What do you know about your immune system?
Day3 – 4 What do you know about STD’
Day5 - Test
Guided Practice: (whole
group, pair and share,
elbow partners, etc)
Day 1:power point
Day 2:book – small group
Day 3 power point
Day 4 text book
Day 5 test
Day 1: definitions collected
Independent Practice:
(when you know you know) Day 2 – 3 immune system project
Day 4 answering questions about STDs
Day5 -test
Review vocabulary words and concepts covered each day.
2012-2013 Week of____9/02/14_____ Student Page
Grade Level _____Lesson Plan Template____ Content______
Lesson Title:
AKS/CC Objectives,
7th grade Infectious Disease 4 days combine day 1 and day 2b
identify strategies for preventing, detecting, and controlling
Essential Question:
AKS Booklet
infectious diseases (GPS) (7HE_D2009-4)
identify strategies for preventing, detecting, and controlling
infectious sexually transmitted diseases (GPS)
recognize abstinence from sexual activity as the only sure method
of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted
diseases (GPS) (7HE_H2009-16)
identify methods of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted
diseases and their degrees of effectiveness or lack
thereof (GPS) (7HE_H2009-17)
Standards of Learning :
What is an infectious disease?
How do diseases spread?
What are bacterial infections?
How do you avoid bacterial infections?
What are antibiotics and who invented them?
What are viral infections?
How do you fight viral infections?
What are STD’s
How do you avoid spreading infectious diseases?
Day 1:Vocabulary, Power point on infectious Disease, Videos – ‘The Sneeze”
and “The Flu”
Day 2:power point, notes, short video on the Immune System
Day3 . paper and book - infectious disease brochure
Day 4 STD’s power point / paper and pens - note
Day 5 test – finish project
Anticipatory Set :
DAY 1 :What is an infectious disease? What is the difference between
bacteria and viruses?
Day2 How do diseases spread?
Day 3 –4 Have you ever had bacterial or viral infections?
Day5 -Test – Finish project
At end of class SWBAT:
Day 1: Become familiar with related vocabulary
Identify the difference between bacterial infection and viral infections
Read article relating to strep throat and viruses
Day 2: Start project - brochure on infectious disease?.
Common ways a disease spreads
Day3:Identify 3 bacterial diseases, strep throat, Sinus infections, Tuberculosis
How to fight bacterial infections – define antibiotics
Identify three viral : common cold, influenza, and mononucleosis
How to fight viral infections
Day 4 identify common STD’ , their symptoms, signs treatments and long
term consequences
Teacher Input: (Model,
Background Knowledge
Day 1: Students personal experiences with various infectious diseases
Day 2: review definitions
Students experiences with bacterial infections
Day 3 students personal experiences with viral infection
Day 4 same
Day 5 test
Guided Practice: (whole
group, pair and share,
elbow partners, etc)
Day 1: recording vocabulary
Day 2: taking notes from a power point – draw immune system – small group
Day 3 working on individual projects ( SIOP)
Day 4 power point and discussion over STD’s
Day 5 test and continue work on project
Day1 Record definitions , power point , videos
Independent Practice:
(when you know you know) Day 2: record notes from power point Day3 work on project
Day4 record notes on STD’s
Day 5 test
Review vocabulary and r concepts taught each day
2012-2013 Week of_09/02/14________ Student Page
Grade Level _6____Lesson Plan Template____
Content__Infectious Disease____
Lesson Title:
Infectious diseases and STD,s combine day 1 and2
AKS/CC Objectives,
Essential Question:
AKS Booklet
 identify methods of preventing sexually transmitted diseases and whether or not
they are effective (GPS)
 recognize abstinence from any sexual activity as the only method to prevent
pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases
(GPS) (6HE_H2009-16)
Standards of Learning :
What are defenses against disease?
What is the immune system?
What are various forms of infectious disease?
How do you protect you self?
What can you do to protect others?
What are STD’s?
What are Aids and how do they effect the Immune System?
What are other common STD’s
?How do you prevent STD’s?
Day 1:Defines related vocabulary
Day 2: take notes from a power point on various infectious diseases :Viruses,
bacteria, protozoa, parasites, fungi , book
Day 3Read article on colds and answer questions relating to article
Video on colds and preventing them
Day4. Book, poster , notes, video
Anticipatory Set :
Day 1: How many of you have had a cold? Why is it infectious?
Day 2: How come we are not sick all the time?
Day 3: What is a protozoa? Book notes
Day 4 what do you know about STD’s and AIDs
Day 5 test
At end of class SWBAT:
Day 1:B familiar with definitions for related terms
Know the difference between infectious and noninfectious
Day 2: Know the body’s first line of defense
Know what is the immune system is and organs related to the immune
Know why the blood plays and important part in the immune system.
Day3 know the causes of infectious diseases.
Identify ways to protect yourself and others
Day 4 Identify what STD’s are their cause symptoms and treatment.
How to prevent STD”S and AIDS
Teacher Input: (Model,
Background Knowledge
Day 1:Explain the related definitions and meaning of related terms
Day 2:Discuss why students have gotten sick and how to avoid getting sick.
Day3: Discuss the various causes of infectious diseases . How many students
are familiar with these.
Day 4 discuss STD,s and their causes
Guided Practice: (whole
group, pair and share,
elbow partners, etc)
Day 1: Identify definitions and define
Day 2:In groups discuss various infectious diseases and how they think they
got them.
Day 3Each group research one type of a infectious disease and present to
the class
Day 4 Answers questions regarding STD’s
Day 1: grading definitions
Independent Practice:
(when you know you know) Day2 ,,4: answers the questions about concepts covered that day
Day 3 presentations
Ask questions at the end of the regarding definitions and concepts covered
At the end of each class