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Download PHI 350 Technology and Ethics Research Paper. Subject: Artificial
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PHI 350 Technology and Ethics Research Paper. Subject: Artificial Intelligence Abstract: Are there ethical uses for AI, Do we as humans want to have a machine make ethical decisions? Possibly narrow the topic down to AI use in weapons systems, automobiles, AI robots for home care, bring into the paper ORM list some sinarios where AI is might need to make an ethical decision, then list them by most severe risk to least Attempt to focus on current technology and not theoretical possibilities if possible. Current sources list: TO BE REVIEWED: On the Morality of Artificial Agents, by Luciano Floridi and J.W. Sanders from Minds and Machine 14:349-379, 2004 Machine Ethics: Creatin an Ethical Intelligent Agent, by Michael Anderson and Susan Liegh Anderson from AI magazine Volume 28 Number 4, 2007 The Challenge of Raising Ethical Awareness: a Case-Based Aiding System for Use by Commputing and ICT Students by Don Sherratt, Simon Rogerson and N. Ben Fairweather from Science and Engineering Ethics 11: 299-315, 2005 The Status of Machine Ethics: A Report Form the AAAI Symposium by Michael Anderson and Susan Leigh Anderson from Minds and Machines 17:1-10, 2007 The Ethics of Robot Servitude by Stephen Peterson of Niagara University, Niagara NY from Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence vol. 19 No. 1 March 2007, 43-54 REVIEWED and ACCEPTED: