Download 62 yr old Female was found to have a right breast

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62 yr old Female was found to have a right breast abnormality on a screening
mammogram. This mammogram was repeated which revealed an abnormality
measuring 1.5 cm suspicious of malignancy in the upper outer quadrant of the
right breast. She underwent a needle localization biopsy of this abnormality
revealing infiltrating ductal carcinoma and DCIS.
PMHx: History of benign disease in left breast.
PSHx: Excision of breast lumps in left breast. Benign.
Meds: Vit E and calcium
Allergies: Amoxocillin
She is a widow.
Attained menarche at 14 yrs of age and menopause at age 55. She is grii, pii.
(No hx of tobacco or alcohol consumption.)
(On Birth Control Pill x 2 yrs. No hx of Estrogen Replacement Therapy.)
Family Hx: No family history of any type of cancer.
Review of Systems: Negative.
PEx: Was within normal limits except for mild echymosis and vague palpable
abnormality at the biopsy site.
Infiltrating ductal carcinoma of right breast along with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
History of fibrocystic disease of left breast.
Recommendation: She was advised lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy
pending further recommendations after sentinel node biopsy and ER, PgR data.
Pathology: Infiltrating ductal carcinoma long with DCIS. T 1 C, N 1 , M x .
Margins of resection clear.
Estrogen Receptor status: 90% positive
Progesterone Receptor: Negative
Her-2Neu: Positive
Final Recommendation: Adjuvant chemotherapy followed by Adjuvant
Radiotherapy and Tamoxifen.
Follow-up: Eight years later, the patient presents with metastases to liver, bones
and brain. Patient and family decided to go into hospice.
Describe the epidemiology of Breast Cancer.
What are the known risk factors for developing breast cancer?
What is BRCA 1 and BRCA 2? What is its clinical significance?
What are the usual presenting signs and symptoms of breast cancer?
What is the differential diagnosis of a breast mass?
What are estrogen and progesterone receptors and their clinical
What are important Prognostic factors in early breast cancer?
What are predictive factors in Breast Cancer?
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