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“Darwin’s Dangerous Idea”: Big Picture
1) Why is Darwin still a controversial historical
2) What is Darwin’s theory of natural selection?
3) How & when did Darwin arrive at his theory?
4) Why is Darwin’s work significant beyond the
biological sciences?
Misconceptions about the theory of Natural
1) “Evolution is the same as natural selection.”
2) “Living organisms adapt themselves to the
3) “The strong survive and the weak die.”
4) “Living things are perfected as a result of natural selection.”
5) “Life always go from simple to complex.”
6) “Natural selection produced humans as the pinnacle of life.”
On the Origin of Species (1st ed., 1859)
As many more individuals of each species are born than can
possibly survive; and as, consequently, there is a frequently
recurring struggle for existence, it follows that any being, if it
vary, however slightly, in any manner profitable to itself, under
the complex and sometimes varying conditions of life, will have a
better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally selected.
Myths & Misconceptions about Darwin &
1) Darwin was the first person to come up with
evolutionary or transmutationist ideas.
2) Darwin arrived at his theory simply by observing
nature (i.e., empirical “Baconian” induction).
3) Darwin’s theory came to him a flash of insight
(i.e., “Eureka!” or “light bulb” moment).
4) Darwin argued that humans came from monkeys.
5) Darwinism & Christianity were viewed as
completely incompatible by all or most.
6) The only objections to Darwin’s theory were
religious in nature.