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Review On Multipath Routing Protocols For ZigBee Networks
Raj Philip
Second Year M.Tech Student,
College of Engineering Kidangoor,
Shiney Thankachan
Jismy Babu
Assistant Professor,
College of Engineering Kidangoor
Abstract—Multipath routing is a routing method, which choose
multiple paths to send data from source to destination. WSNs
usually use this Multipath routing to provide reliability and load
balancing. Efficient utilization of available resources can be
possible with multipath routing. The use of multipath routing in
zigBee network is to improve the throughput which is mainly not
enough in zigbee based WSN to satisfy high bandwidth
requirements for high traffic applications like structure health
monitoring systems, human healthcare systems and multimedia
surveillance systems. This paper examines various multi-path
routing protocols for zigBee WSN and showing its benefits.
Keywords— Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee,
Cluster-tree Topology, ZigBee Multipath Routing, Tree Routing.
Wireless sensor network is a network in which numerous
types of sensor nodes are deployed. Wireless sensor network
is possible to extend then it consumes very little power and it
is also software programmable [1]. A WSN (wireless sensor
network) generally consists of base station (or) gateway that
can communicate with a number of wireless sensors via a
radio link. WSN can reduce the cost of installation,
maintenance and eliminates connectors. Wireless sensor
networks are used in many applications such as habitat
monitoring military surveillance, environmental monitoring,
inventory, tracking, smart spaces etc. Wireless sensor
networks are important for monitoring the agricultural field
area, such as paddy crop field area, fruit field area for get real
time data. Gateway is used for to connect separate networks.
With the help of this wireless sensor network we can obtain
real time data such as temperature, pressure, humidity.
Initially WSNs is developed for monitoring applications that
needs only limited bandwidth but nowadays it can be possible
to use application that need high bandwidth like healthcare,
home automation etc.
ZigBee network is a WPAN (Wireless Personal Area
Network). WPAN is a low range wireless network which
covers an area of only a few dozen meters. This type of
network is usually used for connecting peripheral devices like
printers, home appliances pr a personal Assistant to computer
without using hard-wired connection. ZigBee networks have
ZigBee coordinators, routers and end devices. Each device is
in charge of specific roles within the network. ZigBee
supports three kinds of network topologies, they are star, tree,
and mesh networks. Initializing, maintaining, and controlling
the network are the duties of ZigBee coordinator. A star
network has a coordinator with devices straightly connecting
Assistant Professor,
College of Engineering Kidangoor,
to the coordinator. For tree and mesh networks, devices can
communicate with each other in a multi hop fashion.
ZigBee network standard is deal with the ZigBee Alliance
[2] and it is based on the IEEE 802.15.4 physical and MAC
layer standard [2]. ZigBee is a standards-based technology for
remote monitoring, control and sensor network applications.
The standard was formed to address the requirements for a
less cost, standards-based wireless networking solution that
supports low-power consumption, low data-rates, , security,
and reliability. ZigBee technology suffers from its limited
bandwidth (250 kbps at 2.4 GHz) and extending it to meet
WMSN requirements is a true challenge. For increasing data
rate and thus by using this for high data rate applications, it
uses a method called multipath routing.
Multipath routing has a number of advantages. First one is
fault tolerance i.e. by sending information through alternative
path it is possible to avoid communication failure ,if a link
failure occur. Then next is load balancing. That is for avoiding
congestion load may be distributed to different paths. Next is
bandwidth aggregation. That is we can effectively increase
bandwidth by sending data through multiple paths. Next is it
is possible to reduce delay.
This paper focuses on the effort that deals with
multipath routing in ZigBee WSN. Before explaining the
multipath routing, we should need some idea on single path
routing protocol used in zigBee networks. Usually routing
protocols may be of three types. First one is reactive type. In
this case routes are created at the time of routing. Example of
this is AODV (Adhoc On demand Distance Vector) routing
protocols[5][8]. AODV require route discovery and route
maintenance procedure. It uses RREQ and RREP packets for
finding paths. Route discovery procedure, a source node that
wants to communicate with another node will send a route
request packet to its neighbor node. When a neighbor node
receives this RREQ packet it will check if it is the intended
destination or not. If it is not the intended destination then it
will save the address of the node from which receive this
RREQ packet and the address of the node to which it send
the RREQ packet. This is for reverse path. When this RREQ
reach the destination it will send a RREP back to source.
When a source node receives first RREP, a new path will be
discovered. Example of proactive routing protocol is Tree
routing. In this case there should establish a parent- child link
at the MAC association time itself. So there should be a
direct tree path from any node to the sink node.
In ZigBee network there exists multipath routing
protocols that finds multiple path entirely based on a single
type of routing protocol or finds multiple paths based on both
reactive and proactive routing protocols called hybrid
multipath routing protocols. This paper contains explanation
of both types of multipath routing protocols in zigBee. Before
that we should know two concepts. First one is Neighbor
table. A neighbor table is maintained by each device in the
ZigBee, which contain all the neighbor information in the 1hop transmission range. If users limit the size of the neighbor
table, the chosen numbers of neighbor entries are stored in the
table. The neighbor table contains the network’s PAN
identifier; node’s extended address, network address, device
type and relationship. Further information such as beacon
order, depth or permit joining also be included.
quence C1 C2... Cd, that de fines the parent-child path in the
tree from S to the sink. T w o p a t h s a r e said to be node
disjoint paths if and only if there is no common intermediate
nodes between them and source and destination are the only
common nodes. Advantage of this protocol is less routing
overhead and disadvantage is we do not get an optimum path.
Second one is
B. ZigBee Multipath Routing Algorithm
ZMR [3] is a node disjoints hybrid routing protocol. It
uses both techniques that are reactive AODV and proactive
tree routing methods. Here for reducing end-to-end delay its
proactive part will be activated first. For creating the other
paths its reactive part that is AODV routing protocol is
activated. Let explain this protocol functioning with the help
of following figure 1.
When a node joins to an existing network entries in the
neighbor table are formed. When a joining node requests a
NLMENETWORK-DISCOVERY, it will get a response
beacons from previously joined nodes. The newly joined node
stores neighbors’ information from the information within a
beacon packet. When the neighbor node departs from the
network its entry is removed from the table. Nodes can
identify this information by receiving NLME-LEAVE
indication messages. The information on the neighbor table is
updated every time when a device gets a frame from another
neighbor. Second one is Node disjoint property. This means
for avoiding collision we should select multiple paths that
satisfy node disjointness. First multipath routing Protocol for
ZigBee network is
A. ZigBee Multipath Hierarchical Tree Routing
Z-MHTR (ZigBee Multipath Hierarchical Tree Routing)
[6] finds multiple paths entirely based on hierarchical tree
routing. For creating multiple paths it uses three type of
information’s. First one is MAC parent-child relationships
next is neighbor links from neighbor table and last is node
disjoint property. Here we are considering routing from source
to sink only. This is only applied to steady state network,
where there is a parent-child link between each node. In this
each node maintain a neighbor table which is always up-todate. Each table entry contains the following elements first is
neighbor identity next is Relationship type. It may be child,
parent or adjacent.
The first path is always the parent-child path that was
built based on MAC parent-child links. For creating
subsequent path we should know the zigBee Tree path
information. This is for getting node disjoint path. For a given
node S (different from the coordinator) at depth d, the ZigBee
Tree Path information of node S noted ZTP is an integer se-
In this case we want to find multiple paths from S to sink.
First path is always the direct tree path from S to sink that is
created at the time of MAC association. That is the red one.
For creating the subsequent paths its reactive part will be
triggered. For finding the second path that is the green one,
the S node will check its neighbor table. It will select the near
neighbor node from that table that satisfies node disjoint
property. Here near neighbor is node C. Here there may be
two possibilities. That is sometimes it may be sink node itself,
then that times we will get a direct path of one link. Otherwise
it may be an NTR node that means node belongs to branch of
a tree path. In this case C is a NTR node. That means there
exists a direct tree path from C to Sink that is path C-E sink.
For creating additional paths its reactive part will be
triggered. Here third path the blue one is created using this
reactive way. The basic idea of this reactive part is Source
node will send an EXPLORE message. And this EXPLORE
message is forwarded from node to node. Before forwarding
this message, a node will check if it is the destination or not. If
it is not the destination node it will save the next node and
node from which it accept this message in its routing
table ,this is for reverse path creation. If it is the destination
node, it will send a RESPONSE message back to the source
node through already created reverse path. Sometimes an
intermediate node does not have a neighbor node, then that
case it will send an error message back to the source node.
And when a source node receives this error message, it will
trigger another path discovery procedure. Advantage is we get
optimum paths and disadvantage routing overhead.
ZigBee network uses multipath routing techniques to
improve its data rate and thereby using it for high data rate
applications. Multipath routing protocol increases the
effective global throughput of the network that is why zigBee
uses these techniques to increase its data rate. This paper
presents some of the multipath routing protocols used in
zigBee network and there advantages and disadvantages.
Protocol uses mainly AODV and Tree routing for creating
multiple paths. Tree routing alone or both Tree and AODV.
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IEEE (Volume:3 )