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G-19: Mutating your protein = 10 pts.
Due: Tues/Weds 5/26-27/15
1) Mutate the coding DNA sequence of your protein (from step 3) in 5 separate ways: silent, missense, neutral,
nonsense, and frameshift. Include (and label) the coding DNA, template DNA, RNA, and Amino acid
sequences that changed. You MUST include the full amino acid sequences from [start] to [stop] even if
there are no changes.
2) Rank the 5 mutations you made to your own protein in order from the least affected to the most affected.
Explain your reasoning! (You are trying to predict how well the protein will function with each of the
Types of mutations
Mutation does not change the amino acid sequence
Mutation changes one amino acid into a different one with different properties (like a
hydrophobic amino acid changing to hydrophilic)
Mutation changes one amino acid into a different amino acid with similar properties
(like a hydrophobic amino acid changing into a different hydrophobic amino acid)
Mutation changes an amino acid into an early STOP
Insertion or deletion of 1 or 2 nucleotides changes all of the amino acids thereafter by
shifting the “reading frame” for the remaining codons. This shift could also create early
or late STOP codons.
Amino acid properties:
(Yellow): Hydrophobic amino acids: [start], M, A, G, I, L, F, W, Y, V
(Green): Positively charged amino acids: R, H, K
(Blue): Hydrophilic amino acids: S, T, N, Q, P
(Purple): Amino acids that make disulfide bonds: C
(Red): Negatively charged amino acids: D, E
If you need help, see Mr. Warren…
- Wednesday
5/13/15 and 5/27/15
After school in the library
(until 4:30pm)
- Thursday 5/14/15 (Detention!)
After school in B216 (until 4:30pm)
(You don’t need to have a
detention in order to come in for
help, but you can serve one while
you’re at it).
- By appointment
- Via message/e-mail